Ingmar Bergman's films relentlessly pick at the scabs of faith, love, family, health and time, fastidiously locating the crises lurking…
Directors’ League
I've come up with a different scoring approach to most. My rules are:
1. I need to have seen at…
Best Films of the 1980’s
An evolving list of ★★★★ / ★★★★★ films released during the 1980’s. The following are my awards (as they currently stand):
Favourite Films
My favourite films of all time, roughly ranked and forever being fiddled with. Only ★★★★★ and ★★★★½ films.
Best Films of the 1970’s
An evolving list of ★★★★ / ★★★★★ films released during the 1970’s. The following are my awards (as they currently stand):
Hutch d’Or…
Best Music (Scores and Soundtracks)
Please open notes for details.
If there’s one non-human thing I love more than film, it’s music. This list is…