Searching journal content for articles similar to Schoenbaum et al. 10 (2): 129.

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  1. .... Consolidation of fear extinction requires protein synthesisin the medial prefrontal cortex. J. Neurosci. 24 : 5704 -5710. ↵ Schoenbaum, G., Setlow, B., Nugent, S.L., Saddoris, M.P., andGallagher, M. 2003 . Lesions of orbitofrontal cortex andbasolateral amygdala complex disrupt acquisition of odor...
  2. ...species, the orbitofrontal cortex is involved in representing or using the current motivational value of cues to guide behavior. Bilateral lesions of the amygdala (particularly the basolateral complex) cause similar deficits ( Hatfield et al. 1996 ; Malkova et al. 1997 ). Despite the similarity...
  3. ...associated with frontal lobe damage . J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatr. 57 : 1518 – 1524 . ↵ Schoenbaum, G. , Setlow, B. , Nugent, S.L. , Saddoris, M.P. , Gallagher, M. ( 2003 ) Lesions of orbitofrontal cortex and basolateral amygdala complex disrupt acquisition of odor-guided discriminations and reversals...
  4. .... The neuroanatomical areas thought to be involved in modulating learning during this task are the prelimbic cortex (Jinks and McGregor 1997), infralimbic cortex (Heidbreder and Groenewegen 2003), amygdala (Dunn and Everitt 1988), and the hippocampus (Wang and Cai 2008). Associative fear conditioning. In this task...
  5. rats disrupt responding in egocentric space. J. Neurosci. 17 : 8919 –8926. ↵ Bohn, I., Giertler, C., Hauber, W. 2001 . Involvement of the orbital prefrontal cortex in guidance of instrumental behaviour of rats by stimuli predicting reward magnitude. Behav. Pharmacol. 12 : 10 . ↵ Brown, V.J. and Bowman...
  6. ...discriminations. Neuroreport 13: 885–890. doi:10.1097/00001756-200205070-00030 ↵SchoenbaumG, SetlowB, NugentSL, SaddorisMP, GallagherM. 2003. Lesions of orbitofrontal cortex and basolateral amygdala complex disrupt acquisition of odor-guided discriminations and reversals. Learn Mem 10: 129–140. doi:10.1101/lm...
  7. ...are unidirectional and double headed arrows are reciprocal. (lOFC) Lateral Orbitofrontal Cortex, (mOFC) Medial Orbitofrontal Cortex, (ABL) Basolateral Amygdala, (ACC) Anterior Cingulate Cortex, (NA) Nucleus Accumbens, (DLS) Dorsolateral Striatum, (VTA) Ventral Tegmental Area, (DA) Dopamine, (SNc) Substantia Nigra...
  8. ...) and an unconditioned stimulus (US, either reward or punishment) (Kringelbach 2005; Murray et al. 2007). One of the most significant findings regarding reversal learning was the identification of the importance of the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) for reversal acquisition in monkeys (Iversen and Mishkin 1970). Furthermore...
  9. functional connectivity in orbitofrontal cortex and basolateral amygdala during learning and reversal training . J. Neurosci. 20 : 5179 – 5189 . ↵ Schwob, J.E. , Farber, N.B. , Gottlieb, D.I. ( 1986 ) Neurons of the olfactory epithelium in adult rats contain vimentin . J. Neurosci. 6 : 208 – 217...
  10. .... ↵ Sage, J.R. , Knowlton, B.J. ( 2000 ) Effects of US devaluation on win–stay and win–shift radial maze performance in rats . Behav. Neurosci. 114 : 295 – 306 . ↵ Schoenbaum, G. , Setlow, B. , Nugent, S.L. , Saddoris, M.P. , Gallagher, M. ( 2003 ) Lesions of orbitofrontal cortex and basolateral amygdala...
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