App Store Connect - App Store (Independent Publisher) (Preview)

App store connect connector allows you to automate tasks and workflows for your app store submissions and updates. You can use it to create, edit, and manage metadata, screenshots, in-app purchases, and more. With this tool, you can save time and avoid errors by streamlining your app store processes.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name Farhan Latif
Email [email protected]
Connector Metadata
Publisher Farhan Latif
Privacy policy
Categories Business Management

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


List Apps

Find and list apps in App Store Connect

Read App Information

Get information about a specific app

List Apps

Find and list apps in App Store Connect


Name Key Required Type Description
fields[apps] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the app resource that you want to include in the response, such as the app name, bundle ID, primary locale, and SKU

Beta License Agreements
fields[betaLicenseAgreements] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the beta license agreement resource that you want to include in the response, such as the agreement text and the app ID

Pre Release Versions
fields[preReleaseVersions] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the pre-release version resource that you want to include in the response, such as the version number, platform, and app ID

Beta App Review Details
fields[betaAppReviewDetails] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the beta app review detail resource that you want to include in the response, such as the contact information, demo account, and notes for the beta app review

Beta App Localizations
fields[betaAppLocalizations] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the beta app localization resource that you want to include in the response, such as the locale, app description, and feedback email

fields[builds] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the build resource that you want to include in the response, such as the version, processing state, expiration date, and icon asset

Beta Groups
fields[betaGroups] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the beta group resource that you want to include in the response, such as the name, public link, and testers count

End User License Agreements
fields[endUserLicenseAgreements] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the end user license agreement resource that you want to include in the response, such as the agreement text and the territory code

App Store Versions
fields[appStoreVersions] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the app store version resource that you want to include in the response, such as the version string, platform, release type, and status

App Infos
fields[appInfos] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the app info resource that you want to include in the response, such as the app name, subtitle, privacy policy URL, and primary category

Performance Power Metrics
fields[perfPowerMetrics] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the perf power metric resource that you want to include in the response, such as the device type, metric type, average value, and measurement date

In-App Purchases
fields[inAppPurchases] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the in-app purchase resource that you want to include in the response, such as the reference name, product type, state, and pricing

CI Products
fields[ciProducts] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the ci product resource that you want to include in the response, such as the name, bundle ID, platform, and app ID

App Clips
fields[appClips] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the app clip resource that you want to include in the response, such as the app clip ID, app ID, and app clip features

Review Submissions
fields[reviewSubmissions] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the review submission resource that you want to include in the response, such as the app store version ID, state, and submitter

App Custom Product Pages
fields[appCustomProductPages] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the app custom product page resource that you want to include in the response, such as the name, URL, and app store version ID

App Events
fields[appEvents] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the app event resource that you want to include in the response, such as the name, type, state, and end date

App Price Points
fields[appPricePoints] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the app price point resource that you want to include in the response, such as the price tier, currency, and territory

Customer Reviews
fields[customerReviews] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the customer review resource that you want to include in the response, such as the rating, title, body, and nickname

Subscription Grace Periods
fields[subscriptionGracePeriods] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the subscription grace period resource that you want to include in the response, such as the duration, state, and app ID

Promoted Purchases
fields[promotedPurchases] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the promoted purchase resource that you want to include in the response, such as the product ID, display name, and app ID

Subscription Groups
fields[subscriptionGroups] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the subscription group resource that you want to include in the response, such as the name, reference name, and app ID

App Price Schedules
fields[appPriceSchedules] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the app price schedule resource that you want to include in the response, such as the start date, end date, and price tier

App Store Version Experiments
fields[appStoreVersionExperiments] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the app store version experiment resource that you want to include in the response, such as the name, state, and app store version ID

App Encryption Declarations
fields[appEncryptionDeclarations] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the app encryption declaration resource that you want to include in the response, such as the app ID, platform, state, and uses encryption

Game Center Details
fields[gameCenterDetails] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the game center detail resource that you want to include in the response, such as the app ID, platform, and game center enabled version

include string

Additional attribution you want to include

Bundle ID Filter
filter[bundleId] string

Filter apps by their bundle identifier, which is a unique string that identifies an app

ID Filter
filter[id] string

Filter apps by their App Store Connect ID, which is a unique identifier assigned by Apple

Name Filter
filter[name] string

Filter apps by their name, which is the title of the app displayed on the App Store and on devices

SKU Filter
filter[sku] string

Filter apps by their SKU, which is a unique ID for your app that is not visible on the App Store

App Store Versions Filter
filter[appStoreVersions] string

Filter apps by their app store versions, which are the versions of the app that have been submitted for review or released on the App Store

App Store Versions Platform Filter
filter[appStoreVersions.platform] string

Filter app store versions by their platform, which is the operating system that the app runs on, such as iOS, macOS, tvOS, or watchOS

App Store Versions App Store State Filter
filter[appStoreVersions.appStoreState] string

Filter app store versions by their app store state, which is the status of the app on the App Store, such as Ready for Sale, Rejected, or In Review

sort string

Sort the results by the specified attribute or relationship in ascending or descending order

Limit Pre Release Versions
limit[preReleaseVersions] integer

Limit the number of pre-release versions returned for each app, which are the versions of the app that are in development or testing and have not been submitted for review

Limit Builds
limit[builds] integer

Limit the number of builds returned for each app or pre-release version, which are the compiled executables of the app that are uploaded to App Store Connect

Limit Beta Groups
limit[betaGroups] integer

Limit the number of beta groups returned for each app, which are the groups of testers that can access and provide feedback on pre-release versions of the app

Limit Beta App Localizations
limit[betaAppLocalizations] integer

Limit the number of beta app localizations returned for each app, which are the translations of the app’s metadata, such as name and description, for different languages and regions

Limit Available Territories
limit[availableTerritories] integer

Limit the number of available territories returned for each app, which are the countries or regions where the app is available for download on the App Store

Limit App Store Versions
limit[appStoreVersions] integer

Limit the number of app store versions returned for each app, which are the versions of the app that have been submitted for review or released on the App Store

Limit App Infos
limit[appInfos] integer

Limit the number of app infos returned for each app, which are the general information and settings of the app, such as name, category, and age rating

Limit App Clips
limit[appClips] integer

Limit the number of app clips returned for each app, which are the small parts of the app that can be quickly accessed without downloading the full app

Limit App Custom Product Pages
limit[appCustomProductPages] integer

Limit the number of app custom product pages returned for each app, which are the alternative versions of the app’s product page on the App Store that can be customized for different audiences or marketing campaigns

Limit App Events
limit[appEvents] integer

Limit the number of app events returned for each app, which are the actions or occurrences that happen within the app, such as purchases or sign-ups, that can be tracked and measured

Limit Review Submissions
limit[reviewSubmissions] integer

Limit the number of review submissions returned for each app store version, which are the requests to submit the app store version for review by Apple

Limit In-App Purchases V2
limit[inAppPurchasesV2] integer

Limit the number of in-app purchases returned for each app, which are the additional content or features that users can buy within the app, such as subscriptions, coins, or levels

Promoted Purchases
limit[promotedPurchases] integer

Limit the number of promoted purchases returned for each app, which are the in-app purchases that can be featured on the App Store and purchased by users without opening the app

Subscription Groups
limit[subscriptionGroups] integer

Limit the number of subscription groups returned for each app, which are the groups of in-app purchases that offer subscriptions to the same or related content or services

App Store Version Experiments V2
limit[appStoreVersionExperimentsV2] integer

Limit the number of app store version experiments returned for each app, which are the tests that compare the performance of different variations of the app’s product page on the App Store, such as screenshots, app previews, or descriptions

App Encryption Declarations
limit[appEncryptionDeclarations] integer

Limit the number of app encryption declarations returned for each app, which are the statements that indicate whether the app uses encryption and how it complies with export regulations

JWT Token | Put JWTs Value Only
Service-Token True string

JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) signed with your private key to authorize API requests


Name Path Type Description
data array of object


data.type string

The type of the resource object

Id string

A unique identifier for the resource object. This is specific to the app and is used by the system for tracking

Name string

The name of the app as it will appear on the App Store

Bundle Id
data.attributes.bundleId string

A unique identifier for the app that matches the one in your code. This can’t be changed after you submit your first build

data.attributes.sku string

A unique ID for your app that is not visible on the App Store. You can use letters, numbers, hyphens, periods, and underscores. This can’t be edited after the app is created

Primary Locale
data.attributes.primaryLocale string

The main language for your app and its metadata. This can't be changed after the app is available on the App Store

Is Or Ever Was Made For Kids
data.attributes.isOrEverWasMadeForKids boolean

A boolean value that indicates whether your app is made for kids or not. This affects how your app is reviewed and displayed on the App Store

Subscription Status Url
data.attributes.subscriptionStatusUrl string

A URL that returns the subscription status of a user. This is required if your app offers auto-renewable subscriptions

Subscription Status Url Version
data.attributes.subscriptionStatusUrlVersion string

The version of the subscription status URL. This is required if your app offers auto-renewable subscriptions

Subscription Status Url For Sandbox
data.attributes.subscriptionStatusUrlForSandbox string

A URL that returns the subscription status of a user in the sandbox environment. This is required if your app offers auto-renewable subscriptions

Subscription Status Url Version For Sandbox
data.attributes.subscriptionStatusUrlVersionForSandbox string

The version of the subscription status URL for the sandbox environment. This is required if your app offers auto-renewable subscriptions

Available In New Territories
data.attributes.availableInNewTerritories boolean

A boolean value that indicates whether your app is available in new territories that Apple may add in the future. This can be changed at any time

Content Rights Declaration
data.attributes.contentRightsDeclaration string

A value that indicates whether your app uses any third-party content that requires licensing or clearance. This can be one of the following: DOES_NOT_USE_THIRD_PARTY_CONTENT, USES_THIRD_PARTY_CONTENT, or NOT_YET_FINALIZED. This can be changed at any time

Ci-Product Link Self
data.relationships.ciProduct.links.self string

A link that returns the relationship itself. In this case, it returns the relationship between the app and the 'ciProduct'

Ci-Product Link Related
data.relationships.ciProduct.links.related string

A link that returns the related resource object. In this case, it returns the 'ciProduct' related to the app

Beta Testers Links Self
data.relationships.betaTesters.links.self string

A link that returns the relationship between the app and its beta testers

Beta Groups Links Self
data.relationships.betaGroups.links.self string

A link that returns the relationship between the app and its beta groups

Beta Groups Links Related
data.relationships.betaGroups.links.related string

A link that returns the beta groups related to the app

Links Self
links.self string

A link that returns the current collection of apps

Links Next string

A link that returns the next page of the collection of apps

Paging Total integer

The total number of resource objects in the collection

Paging Limit
meta.paging.limit integer

The maximum number of resource objects returned on a single page of the collection

Read App Information

Get information about a specific app


Name Key Required Type Description
fields[apps] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the app resource that you want to include in the response, such as the app name, bundle ID, primary locale, and SKU

Beta License Agreements
fields[betaLicenseAgreements] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the beta license agreement resource that you want to include in the response, such as the agreement text and the app ID

Pre Release Versions
fields[preReleaseVersions] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the pre-release version resource that you want to include in the response, such as the version number, platform, and app ID

Beta App Review Details
fields[betaAppReviewDetails] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the beta app review detail resource that you want to include in the response, such as the contact information, demo account, and notes for the beta app review

Beta App Localizations
fields[betaAppLocalizations] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the beta app localization resource that you want to include in the response, such as the locale, app description, and feedback email

fields[builds] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the build resource that you want to include in the response, such as the version, processing state, expiration date, and icon asset

Beta Groups
fields[betaGroups] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the beta group resource that you want to include in the response, such as the name, public link, and testers count

End User License Agreements
fields[endUserLicenseAgreements] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the end user license agreement resource that you want to include in the response, such as the agreement text and the territory code

App Store Versions
fields[appStoreVersions] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the app store version resource that you want to include in the response, such as the version string, platform, release type, and status

App Infos
fields[appInfos] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the app info resource that you want to include in the response, such as the app name, subtitle, privacy policy URL, and primary category

Performance Power Metrics
fields[perfPowerMetrics] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the perf power metric resource that you want to include in the response, such as the device type, metric type, average value, and measurement date

In-App Purchases
fields[inAppPurchases] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the in-app purchase resource that you want to include in the response, such as the reference name, product type, state, and pricing

CI Products
fields[ciProducts] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the ci product resource that you want to include in the response, such as the name, bundle ID, platform, and app ID

App Clips
fields[appClips] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the app clip resource that you want to include in the response, such as the app clip ID, app ID, and app clip features

Review Submissions
fields[reviewSubmissions] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the review submission resource that you want to include in the response, such as the app store version ID, state, and submitter

App Custom Product Pages
fields[appCustomProductPages] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the app custom product page resource that you want to include in the response, such as the name, URL, and app store version ID

App Events
fields[appEvents] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the app event resource that you want to include in the response, such as the name, type, state, and end date

App Price Points
fields[appPricePoints] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the app price point resource that you want to include in the response, such as the price tier, currency, and territory

Customer Reviews
fields[customerReviews] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the customer review resource that you want to include in the response, such as the rating, title, body, and nickname

Subscription Grace Periods
fields[subscriptionGracePeriods] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the subscription grace period resource that you want to include in the response, such as the duration, state, and app ID

Promoted Purchases
fields[promotedPurchases] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the promoted purchase resource that you want to include in the response, such as the product ID, display name, and app ID

Subscription Groups
fields[subscriptionGroups] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the subscription group resource that you want to include in the response, such as the name, reference name, and app ID

App Price Schedules
fields[appPriceSchedules] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the app price schedule resource that you want to include in the response, such as the start date, end date, and price tier

App Store Version Experiments
fields[appStoreVersionExperiments] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the app store version experiment resource that you want to include in the response, such as the name, state, and app store version ID

App Encryption Declarations
fields[appEncryptionDeclarations] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the app encryption declaration resource that you want to include in the response, such as the app ID, platform, state, and uses encryption

Game Center Details
fields[gameCenterDetails] string

This parameter specifies the attributes of the game center detail resource that you want to include in the response, such as the app ID, platform, and game center enabled version

include string

Additional attribution you want to include

Limit Pre Release Versions
limit[preReleaseVersions] integer

Limit the number of pre-release versions returned for each app, which are the versions of the app that are in development or testing and have not been submitted for review

Limit Builds
limit[builds] integer

Limit the number of builds returned for each app or pre-release version, which are the compiled executables of the app that are uploaded to App Store Connect

Limit Beta Groups
limit[betaGroups] integer

Limit the number of beta groups returned for each app, which are the groups of testers that can access and provide feedback on pre-release versions of the app

Limit Beta App Localizations
limit[betaAppLocalizations] integer

Limit the number of beta app localizations returned for each app, which are the translations of the app’s metadata, such as name and description, for different languages and regions

Limit Available Territories
limit[availableTerritories] integer

Limit the number of available territories returned for each app, which are the countries or regions where the app is available for download on the App Store

Limit App Store Versions
limit[appStoreVersions] integer

Limit the number of app store versions returned for each app, which are the versions of the app that have been submitted for review or released on the App Store

Limit App Infos
limit[appInfos] integer

Limit the number of app infos returned for each app, which are the general information and settings of the app, such as name, category, and age rating

Limit App Clips
limit[appClips] integer

Limit the number of app clips returned for each app, which are the small parts of the app that can be quickly accessed without downloading the full app

Limit App Custom Product Pages
limit[appCustomProductPages] integer

Limit the number of app custom product pages returned for each app, which are the alternative versions of the app’s product page on the App Store that can be customized for different audiences or marketing campaigns

Limit App Events
limit[appEvents] integer

Limit the number of app events returned for each app, which are the actions or occurrences that happen within the app, such as purchases or sign-ups, that can be tracked and measured

Limit Review Submissions
limit[reviewSubmissions] integer

Limit the number of review submissions returned for each app store version, which are the requests to submit the app store version for review by Apple

Limit In-App Purchases V2
limit[inAppPurchasesV2] integer

Limit the number of in-app purchases returned for each app, which are the additional content or features that users can buy within the app, such as subscriptions, coins, or levels

Promoted Purchases
limit[promotedPurchases] integer

Limit the number of promoted purchases returned for each app, which are the in-app purchases that can be featured on the App Store and purchased by users without opening the app

Subscription Groups
limit[subscriptionGroups] integer

Limit the number of subscription groups returned for each app, which are the groups of in-app purchases that offer subscriptions to the same or related content or services

App Store Version Experiments V2
limit[appStoreVersionExperimentsV2] integer

Limit the number of app store version experiments returned for each app, which are the tests that compare the performance of different variations of the app’s product page on the App Store, such as screenshots, app previews, or descriptions

App Encryption Declarations
limit[appEncryptionDeclarations] integer

Limit the number of app encryption declarations returned for each app, which are the statements that indicate whether the app uses encryption and how it complies with export regulations

id True string

Your Application ID

JWT Token | Put JWTs Value Only
Service-Token True string

JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) signed with your private key to authorize API requests


Name Path Type Description
data.type string

The type of the resource object

Id string

A unique identifier for the resource object. This is specific to the app and is used by the system for tracking

Name string

The name of the app as it will appear on the App Store

Bundle Id
data.attributes.bundleId string

A unique identifier for the app that matches the one in your code. This can’t be changed after you submit your first build

data.attributes.sku string

A unique ID for your app that is not visible on the App Store. You can use letters, numbers, hyphens, periods, and underscores. This can’t be edited after the app is created

Primary Locale
data.attributes.primaryLocale string

The main language for your app and its metadata. This can't be changed after the app is available on the App Store

Is Or Ever Was Made For Kids
data.attributes.isOrEverWasMadeForKids boolean

A boolean value that indicates whether your app is made for kids or not. This affects how your app is reviewed and displayed on the App Store

Subscription Status Url
data.attributes.subscriptionStatusUrl string

A URL that returns the subscription status of a user. This is required if your app offers auto-renewable subscriptions

Subscription Status Url Version
data.attributes.subscriptionStatusUrlVersion string

The version of the subscription status URL. This is required if your app offers auto-renewable subscriptions

Subscription Status Url For Sandbox
data.attributes.subscriptionStatusUrlForSandbox string

A URL that returns the subscription status of a user in the sandbox environment. This is required if your app offers auto-renewable subscriptions

Subscription Status Url Version For Sandbox
data.attributes.subscriptionStatusUrlVersionForSandbox string

The version of the subscription status URL for the sandbox environment. This is required if your app offers auto-renewable subscriptions

Available In New Territories
data.attributes.availableInNewTerritories boolean

A boolean value that indicates whether your app is available in new territories that Apple may add in the future. This can be changed at any time

Content Rights Declaration
data.attributes.contentRightsDeclaration string

A value that indicates whether your app uses any third-party content that requires licensing or clearance. This can be one of the following: DOES_NOT_USE_THIRD_PARTY_CONTENT, USES_THIRD_PARTY_CONTENT, or NOT_YET_FINALIZED. This can be changed at any time

Ci-Product Link Self
data.relationships.ciProduct.links.self string

A link that returns the relationship itself. In this case, it returns the relationship between the app and the 'ciProduct'

Ci-Product Link Related
data.relationships.ciProduct.links.related string

A link that returns the related resource object. In this case, it returns the 'ciProduct' related to the app

Customer Reviews Link Self
data.relationships.customerReviews.links.self string

A link that returns the relationship itself. In this case, it returns the relationship between the app and the 'customerReviews'

Customer Reviews Link Related
data.relationships.customerReviews.links.related string

A link that returns the related resource object. In this case, it returns the 'customerReviews' related to the app