요청 재검토 해줄 관리자님이 필요해 찾아왔습니다.
위키백과:사용자 관리 요청/2016년 제26주의 요청을 작성했는데, 미완료된 요청이 있어서 확인 부탁드립니다. & 긴급 차단 요청을 확인해 주십시오. 동일인물로 추정되는 IP 사용자가 토론을 불응하고 있어 요청을 작성했는데 확인해줄 분이 필요한데 죄송하지만 부탁드립니다.-- (토론) 2016년 6월 30일 (목) 20:53 (KST)
요청을 검토해줄 관리자님이 없어 글을 남겨둡니다.
실례하지만 위키백과:문서 관리 요청/2016년 7월 & 위키백과:사용자 관리 요청/2016년 제26주의 요청을 확인 부탁드립니다. 일부 요청의 경우 답변없이 요청이 이행된 것도 있지만 미완료된 요청이 남아있습니다.-- (토론) 2016년 7월 3일 (일) 19:30 (KST)
정의당 문서 보호에 관한 항의
현재 관리자님께서는 중립성을 위반하고 계십니다, 엄연히 문서의 편집분쟁이 일어나는 중이라면 마땅히 편집분쟁의 대상자와 분쟁이 일어나기 이전 버전의 문서로 되돌리기를 실행하여 고정시켜놔야 하는 것으로 알고 있습니다만 관리자님께서는 검증되지도 않은 주장을 하고 있는 사용자의 주장을 담고 있는 문서의 편집본으로 되돌리기를 하셨습니다 이에 이의제기하며 편집분쟁이 일어나기 전의 판본으로 복구해주시기를 부탁드립니다 --Ngscommie93 (토론) 2016년 7월 6일 (수) 23:18 (KST) Ngscommie93 (토론) 2016년 7월 6일 (수) 23:18 (KST)
본 정의당 문서에서 편집분쟁이 일어나기 이전의 편집본은 사용자의 편집본입니다 편집분쟁 당사자와의 토론이 끝나기 이전까지는 이 편집본으로 되돌려주시길 부탁드립니다 Ngscommie93 (토론) 2016년 7월 6일 (수) 23:21 (KST)
정의당 (대한민국) 문서 보호 해제 요청
사토:Ngscommie93에서 Ngscommie93님과 문서 내용에 대하여 합의했습니다. 이에 문서 보호 해제를 요청드립니다. -- (토론) 2016년 7월 7일 (목) 12:39 (KST)
- 편집 분쟁 이전 상태로 되돌리지 않은 것은 제가 까먹은 내용입니다. 안정판으로 돌려 놓겠습니다.
- 보호 해제는 조금더 지켜보고 결정하겠습니다.
--분당선M (토론) 2016년 7월 10일 (일) 14:50 (KST)
그저께 밤 이후에 들어온 요청이 아직 처리되지 않았습니다. 요청을 처리해주시면 감사하겠습니다. --Tcfc2349 (토론) 2016년 7월 9일 (토) 22:07 (KST)
제가 중요한 사항이 있어서 다음과 같은 요청에 호출했습니다. 참고해주시면 감사하겠습니다.
--Tcfc2349 (토론) 2016년 7월 10일 (일) 21:43 (KST)
정의당 문서에 관해서
관리자 -revi가 분당선 님께서 수정한 내용을 다시 되돌렸습니다, 해당 관리자분과 협의하에 다시 수정해주시길 부탁드립니다 Ngscommie93 (토론) 2016년 7월 12일 (화) 22:33 (KST)
어제 이후에 들어온 요청이 아직 처리되지 않았습니다. 요청을 처리해주시면 감사하겠습니다. --Tcfc2349 (토론) 2016년 7월 15일 (금) 08:11 (KST)
삭토 참여 부탁
제가 BJ 악어와 BJ 머독에 대해 삭토를 열었지만 아무도 관심을 주지 않는 실정이네요 허허 ㅜㅜ 이 분야에 관심도 크게 열정도 없으시지만 그래도 규칙에 대한 이해도는 저보다 높으시기 때문에 부탁드립니다 ㅜㅜ--고려 (토론) 2016년 7월 16일 (토) 19:02 (KST)
어제 이후에 들어온 몇몇 요청이 아직 완전히 처리되지 않았습니다. 요청을 처리해주시면 감사하겠습니다. --Tcfc2349 (토론) 2016년 8월 2일 (화) 22:48 (KST)
안녕하세요 분당선M님?
위키백과와 관련 없는 얘기를 꺼내서 죄송하옵고, 다름이 아니오라 지난 7월 9일날 신촌역에서 분당선M님을 뵌것 같아 말씀드려요. 그때 철도 동호인을 님 말고도 같이 다니는분 한명, 그리고 전혀 관련없는 무리 5명, 그리고 기타 성인,청소년들을 엄청 많이 봐었던 것 같은데, 그때는 철덕이라고 손가락질하면서 아는 사람과 같이 뭐라고 했지만 유튜브를 보고서 그중 하나가 분당선m님임을 알고 이렇게 찾아와 사과드리고, 사무관님을 직접 오프라인에서 뵌건걸 영광으로 생각해요. 이상. 이글이 만약 문제가 된다고 생각하신다면 지워도 괜찮고요.- (토론) 2016년 8월 5일 (금) 00:04 (KST)
죄송합니다만 다른 분들이 사용자 관리 요청을 하신 것은 처리하시고 왜 제가 사용자 관리 요청을 하면 답을 안하신지요? 한편으로는 무시를 당하는거 같아 화가 나기도 합니다. 무엇 때문에 그런지 한번 이유를 알고 싶네요.--서군 2016년 8월 18일 (목) 23:34 (KST)
@분당선M:이걸 보시고 꼭 저의 계정명을 변경해 주셨으면 합니다. --ㅈㅓㅇㅎㅕㄴㄱㅠ (토론) 2016년 8월 21일 (일) 22:55 (KST)
사:아드레날린 관련
지난번에 제가 위키백과:사용자 관리 요청/2016년 제33주에 해당 사용자에 대해서 사:Adrenalin의 사칭을 이유로 무기한 차단 요청을 하셔서 이미 사:Twotwo2019님이 하셨다고 했습니다. 하지만 이미 정해진 2주일 차단이 사:Twotwo2019님이 하신 겁니다. 해당 사용자를 검토후 차단 기간을 재조정해주시면 감사하겠습니다. --Tcfc2349 (토론) 2016년 8월 22일 (월) 02:43 (KST)
저는 위키백과를 떠날 건데 제 계정을 글로벌로 차단해 주세요.
아무래도 너무 스트레스 받습니다. 제가 이 사이트에서 더 이상 활동을 하지 않을 건데 제 계정을 잠그고 IP도 영구 차단해 주세요. Line 8 the Pink (토론) 2016년 8월 30일 (화) 09:46 (KST)
- 안녕하세요? 계정 삭제를 위한 영구 차단은 불가능합니다. 백:위키휴가 등을 이용해 보시는 편이 좋을거 같군요.--분당선M (토론) 2016년 9월 7일 (수) 02:32 (KST)
죄송합니다. 토론란에 찾아와서 글을 남기면 안되는데 도움을 청합니다.
위키백과:사용자 관리 요청/2016년 제36주에 요청을 작성했는데, 백:다중 & 백:동원을 이용한 계정이 계속 사용자 관리 요청 조작 및 사용자토론란에 장난을 반복하고 있고, 해당 계정들(지리산 (토론 · 기여[전체 위키 기여 · 삭제된 기여] · 기록[차단 기록 · 편집 필터 기록] · SUL · 차단) & 다를까 (토론 · 기여[전체 위키 기여 · 삭제된 기여] · 기록[차단 기록 · 편집 필터 기록] · SUL · 차단) & 아니나 다를까 (토론 · 기여[전체 위키 기여 · 삭제된 기여] · 기록[차단 기록 · 편집 필터 기록] · SUL · 차단) )은 문서 훼손 계정들입니다.
확인해줄 관리자님이 아무도 없어 몇몇 관리자님 토론란에 글을 남겨둡니다.-- (토론) 2016년 9월 8일 (목) 11:45 (KST)
이번 주에 들어온 요청 중에 아직 처리되지 않은 요청이 있습니다. 해당 요청들을 해결해주시면 감사하겠습니다. --Tcfc2349 (토론) 2016년 9월 9일 (금) 19:22 (KST)
차단 회피에 대해서
위키백과:사용자 관리 요청/2016년 제36주#사용자:Lawerence0104 토론 차단요청
- 특수:기록/Lawerence0104 ………
2016년 9월 11일 (일) 21:16 차단하지마 십새끼들아 (토론 | 기여) 사용자 계정을 Lawerence0104 (토론 | 기여)님이 만들었습니다
위의 참조 링크를 남겼었습니다. 계정생성기록이 있어도 이를 차단회피로 보지않는 것인지, 아니면 차단(22:07)조치 이전에 생성된 계정이라 그런 것인지요? 이후 요청시 참조하기 위하여 문의드립니다. -- 메이 `토론 2016년 9월 12일 (월) 08:32 (KST)
- 아 알려주셔서 감사합니다. 어차피 부적절 계정명으로 이미 차단되 있어 처리할 내용은 없어보입니다만, 참고하겠습니다. -분당선M (토론) 2016년 9월 12일 (월) 08:33 (KST)
- 해당 기록을 차단 회피의 근거로 볼 수 있다는 뜻의 답변으로 생각됩니다. 이후 참조하도록 하겠습니다. :) -- 메이 `토론 2016년 9월 12일 (월) 09:10 (KST)
- 위 내용의 경우에는 해당 사용자가 이미 차단 회피로 차단 당한 상태에서 회피용 계정이기에 다중 계정으로 인정이 되는 것이며, 차단 이전의 경우에는 해당 사용자의 다중 계정으로 간주되어 차단됩니다. 이정도로 해석하는게 좋을거 같네요. 도움 되시면 좋겠습니다. --분당선M (토론) 2016년 9월 13일 (화) 02:06 (KST)
- 해당 기록을 차단 회피의 근거로 볼 수 있다는 뜻의 답변으로 생각됩니다. 이후 참조하도록 하겠습니다. :) -- 메이 `토론 2016년 9월 12일 (월) 09:10 (KST)
Wikidata weekly summary #226
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: Keynote by Lydia Pintscher at DBpedia conference, September 15th, Leipzig.
- Upcoming: Wikidata workshop for beginners, September 16, Paris
- Upcoming: Semantic MediaWiki Conference, September 28-30, Frankfurt
- Upcoming: Andy Mabbett (User:Pigsonthewing) & Liam Wyatt (User:Wittylama) speaking about GLAM-Wiki (including Wikidata) in Warsaw, 19 October. Details tbc.
- Upcoming: Andy Mabbett (User:Pigsonthewing) speaking & running workshop about Wikidata at SFK 16 ("Software Freedom Kosova Conference") in Pristina, 21-23 October.
- Research on WikiProject Knowledge Organization Systems presented at 15th NKOS workshop at TPDL: Classification of Knowledge Organization Systems with Wikidata: Presentation and Paper.
- Being a Volunteer Developer for Wikimedia projects: An Interview with Tpt
- Sunday Query: The 200 Oldest Living French Actresses, query tutorial by Harmonia Amanda
- How to prototype Wikidata entities (in French) by Poulpy
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- We have new graphic material to present Wikidata. Feel free to use these files in your slides/talks/documents :)
- #SundayQuery on Twitter: every Sunday, you can ask for help or advice about SPARQL queries, how to build or fix it, some SPARQL-ninjas will be there to answer you!
- Researcher? You can participate in the WSDM Cup 2017 challenge and improve Wikidata vandalism detection
- How to build a query by Pigsonthewing
- Wikipedia gets Map links and Geoshapes service using Wikidata
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Scottish Charity number, Rock Hall of Fame ID, has grammatical mood, Minnesota legislator ID, UGent Memorialis id, enclosure, event distance, Australian Classification, Runeberg book ID, Runeberg author ID, Crossref funder ID, Findsmiley ID, iNaturalist taxon ID, birthday, molecule conformation, repeals, United States Reports ID, CiNetMag person ID, YouTheater ID, elFilm person ID, elFilm film ID, EDb person ID, EDb film ID, SourehCinema person ID, SourehCinema film ID, OFDb ID
- Query examples:
- New templates: {{Denmark properties}}, {{Greece properties}}. Please add labels in your own languages, and consider making a similar template for your country or region.
- Development
- Lowered relevance threshold for ArticlePlaceholder search results from 3 to 2 sitelinks (T144188)
- Added 'otk' as an available language for monolingual text values (T137809)
- Working on making it possible to paste partial URLs into the site selector (T144310)
- A Grafana board now tracks general usage and error metrics of the Query Service UI
- Made progress on showing editors on all Wikimedia projects which articles on their project use data from a given Wikidata item. We will also show in the page information (action=info) which items a given article uses. Also worked on showing which projects use a given item in the page information. (T103091)
- Added meta information to the html header of item pages (T88475)
- Made progress on making ArticlePlaceholders indexable for search engines (T144590)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
최근 특정 사용자를 사칭한 계정이 출몰하여 이에 관한 요청이 지속적으로 들어와 밀려있습니다. 아직 완료되지 않은 요청들도 처리해주시면 감사하겠습니다. --Tcfc2349 (토론) 2016년 9월 16일 (금) 16:05 (KST)
요청 재검토 해줄 관리자님이 필요해 찾아왔습니다.
위키백과:사용자 관리 요청/2016년 제37주에 있는 차단 요청를 검토해줄 관리자님이 아무도 없어 찾아왔습니다. 사용자와 토론을 시도했지만 계속 토론 불응 및 미대응을 반복하고 허위 편집을 반복하고 있습니다.-- (토론) 2016년 9월 17일 (토) 00:25 (KST)
네이버 파파고 문서 삭제에 대한 이의
- 어제(9월 16일), 네이버 파파고 문서가 광고라는 이유로 삭제되었는데, 좀 더 자세한 사유를 듣고 싶습니다. Papago는 네이버의 공식 4개국어 통역 앱이며, 문서의 내용 자체도 광고와는 거리가 멀다고 느낍니다.----고・솜 2016년 9월 17일 (토) 16:19 (KST)
어제도 사칭 및 차단 회피 계정에 관한 요청이 들어와 대부분 해결되었으나, 아직 완료되지 않은 요청들도 있어서 그 요청에 대해서도 처리해주시면 감사하겠습니다. --Tcfc2349 (토론) 2016년 9월 18일 (일) 00:12 (KST)
빠른 삭제를 할 대상은 아닌듯 싶습니다. 재검토 부탁드려요. -- ChongDae (토론) 2016년 9월 19일 (월) 16:11 (KST)
Wikidata weekly summary #227
- Discussions
- We're starting working on lexicographical data! Please read the proposal and give us your feedback :)
- New request for comments: Merging male and female labels
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Upcoming: State of the map, September 23 - 25, Brussels
- Next Wikidata office hour: Tuesday September 27th, from 18:00 to 19:00 (Berlin time, UTC+2), in #wikimedia-office
- Video of a SPARQL workshop (& materials) organized by Wikimedia Foundation's Discovery and Research teams
- Slides of Lydia's keynote about Wikidata at the DBpedia conference 2016
- Slides of Andreas Thalhammer about Unified PageRank for DBpedia and Wikidata
- #SundayQuery: ask for help on queries every Sunday on Twitter! This week, a tutorial about surnames by Harmonia Amanda, and how to use SPARQL and Python to fix typographical errors by Ash Crow
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The Project Grants program is accepting proposals from September 12 to October 11 to fund new tools, research, offline outreach, online organizing and other experiments that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers.
- The RevisionSlider is now available as a beta feature, try it to have a visual overview of your diffs.
- You can also activate ORES the review tool to watch damaging edits more easily!
- There's an infographic on the quality process in Wikidata you can use and edit.
- You can also use and translate this new datamodel representation.
- How to fix taxon common names with Pywikibot, tutorial by TweetsFactsAndQueries and Tobias1984.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Visual Novel Database ID, territory overlaps, Zaragoza monument ID, Patrimonio Web JCyL ID, uses property, Statoids ID, art director, offers view on, World Bridge Federation ID, Olympic.org ID, Cultural Heritage Armenia ID, Harasire ID, Sporthorse data ID, Allbreedpedigree ID, Webpedigrees ID, Horsetelex ID
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: list of embassies
- Development
- We're working on entity usage on Wikimedia projects, check our different features
- The Wikidata team attended and participated to a lot of conference these past days (WikiCon, ViewSource, DPpedia, SoCraTes, Write the doc) that's why we don't have many tasks to share with you this week :)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
관리자 요청에 답변해주시길 바랍니다.
평소 열심히 활동하시는 모습, 정말 보기 좋습니다. 하지만 질문에 대한 답변을 피하시는 모습은(본인 소관이 아니라 답변하지 않으시는 건지는 모르겠으나) 때로는 긴 내용의 분쟁을 꼼꼼히 검토해야 할 일이 있을 수도 있는 관리자를 자처하신 분의 자세는 아니라고 봅니다. 분당선님 소관인지 아닌지는 단정할 수 없지만 말하고 싶은 바는 일단 분당선님의 소관이라 생각하고 말하겠습니다. 설사 분당선님의 소관이 아니더라도 본인 소관임에도 답변을 피하시는 다른 관리자 분들에게도 해당되는 내용이기 때문이겠지요. 저야 그저 지식 발전에 기여한다는 생각으로 하나의 레퍼런스를 찾는 데 몇 시간을 보낼 수도 있지만 사용자에 대한 부족한 피드백과, 자신의 비합리적 신념을 지탱하려는 도구로 위키피디아를 사용하는 몇몇 사람들 때문에 의욕잃은 사용자들이 회의감을 느끼고 떠나버린다면 그 사람들이 떠나지 않았을 때 기여했을 내용은 결코 적은 양이 아닙니다. 저도 이를 우려하여 일반사용자로서 어느정도 알고 있는 맞춤법 지식으로 사용자 의견 요청에 대한 적절한 피드백을 넣어준 것이고요. 분당선님 소관이 아닐 수도 있지만 이런 논지의 글이 평소 본인이 놓치고 있으셨던 부분이 있지 않았는지를 생각하게 하는 기회가 되었음 좋겠습니다. 생각은 분당선님 소관이니까요:) 호로조 (토론) 2016년 9월 24일 (토) 22:52 (KST)
Wikidata weekly summary #228
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Past: WikiCon 2016
- Past: OASPA conference (slides)
- Past: State of the Map
- Past: National Institute of Health: frontiers in data science lecture series (slides)
- Upcoming: SMWCon
- Upcoming: office hour on IRC
- Blog post about Wikidata and data about Czech trees
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The query examples have been migrated from mediawiki.org to wikidata.org at d:Wikidata:SPARQL examples
- HPI is doing a linked data engineering course online
- TXT Werk is doing automatic entity recognition in text with the help of Wikidata. Previously only German was supported. English is now supported as well.
- Andy has mapped most of the W3C's ontology for vCard to Wikidata properties.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Heritage Lighthouse of Canada ID, Heritage Railway Station of Canada ID, New General Catalogue ID, Vine user ID, data.gouv.fr ID, patient of, Ciné-Ressources person ID, Ciné-Ressources movie ID, UAI code, Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities ID, Northern Ireland charity number, charity number (Isle of Man), JewishGen Locality ID, Federal Heritage Buildings ID, USGS earthquake id, league points system, INA video ID, GS1 Manufacturer code, Last.FM music ID, IMIS person ID, innervates, innervated by, Nobel prize ID, Marburger Professorenkatalog ID, TAXREF ID, VKontakte username, Czech National Bibliography book ID, WSJ topic ID, FANTOIR code, OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID
- Query examples: taxonomy of squirrels (source), good or featured articles about people on Wikipedia but with no picture on Wikidata (source), Nordic Cross flags (source)
- Development
- mnc (for Manchu) will soon be available as a language code for monolingual text values (phabricator:T137808)
- Worked on foreign EntityIds in order to be able to use Wikidata's items and properties on Commons in the future (phabricator:T145516, phabricator:T146030, phabricator:T146274)
- More work on usage tracking UI (phabricator:T145965, phabricator:T143148, phabricator:T145189, phabricator:T144923)
- RFC discussion about Multi-Content-Revisions - another big blocker for structured data on Commons (phabricator:E273)
- Ran a bot to mark dates that need a check of their calendar model (phabricator:T105100)
- Getting unit conversion into the query service soon. We'll start with units for length and then expand based on feedback. (phabricator:T117032)
- Working on extension to automatically link pages between languages on Wiktionary (phabricator:T145412)
- Added the value that is responsible for an error in the error message so it can be found and fixed more easily (phabricator:T144303)
- Working on fix for issue with extremely large or small date values in RDF (phabricator:T146356)
- Expanding references again in diffs (phabricator:T129836)
- Unbroke CopyReferences gadget. More work is needed. (phabricator:T142203)
- Fixed issue with 2 search suggestion boxes showing up instead of 1 (phabricator:T119492)
- Worked on improving the query service documentation (phabricator:T133052)
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
이번 주에도 이런저런 이유로 많은 요청이 들어왔고, 이에 따라 대다수의 요청이 처리되었으나 아직까지도 처리되지 않은 요청들도 있습니다. 아직 완료되지 않은 요청에 대해서도 처리해주시면 감사하겠습니다. --Tcfc2349 (토론) 2016년 9월 28일 (수) 23:45 (KST)
- (추가) 조금 전에 방금 들어온 요청에 한해서 하셨는데, 9월 26일 ~ 9월 27일에 들어온 요청에 대해서도 심판을 내려주시면 감사하겠습니다. --Tcfc2349 (토론) 2016년 9월 28일 (수) 23:53 (KST)
The Signpost: 29 September 2016
- News and notes: Case study of Wikimedia Education Program published; remembrance of departed colleague Ray Saintonge (Eclecticology)
- In the media: This edition's roundup of media coverage
- Featured content: Three weeks in the land of featured content
- Arbitration report: Arbcom looking for new checkusers and oversight appointees while another case opens
- Traffic report: From Gene Wilder to JonBenét: Four weeks of traffic
- Technology report: Category sorting and template parameters
Wikidata weekly summary #229
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Expanding Wikidata’s Parenthood Information by 178%, or How To Mine Relation Cardinalities, by Paramita Mirza, Simon Razniewski and Werner Nutt (Q27038095)
- Extracting Scientists from Wikipedia, by Gustaf Harari Ekenstierna and Victor Shu-Ming Lam (Q27037451)
- Comparison of Wikidata and DBpedia projects as spatial data sources (cs), by Jan Macura (Q27042632)
- Wikidata challenge to take on language obstacles in medical analysis on Warriors Planet
- The Wikidata scholarly profile page on Finn Årup Nielsen's blog
- Wikidata as a digital preservation knowledgebase on Open Preservation Foundation
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- We need you for Wikidata's birthday! Organize an event or tell us your story about Wikidata
- Item Q27000000 was created, about Stakihnúkur, a hill in Iceland
- Log of our last office hour discussion
- The first WikiCite newsletter has been published
- You can help a research project to understand the use of the SPARQL query service
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: OKPD2 code of the good or service, OKP ID of the good or service, OKP Code, OKVED 2 code of the economic activity, OKPD code of the good or service, OKVED 1.1 code of the economic activity, SIC code, Catholic Encyclopedia ID, NBN System Key, trunk prefix, KU Leuven person ID, PhilPapers publication, PhilPapers topic, Library of Congress Cultural Heritage Organizations, PhilPapers profile, PhilPapers author, Mediaarts-DB ID, SCAR Composite Gazetteer, South Dakota legislator ID, Schläfli symbol, Cultural Heritage Kosovo ID, HAS member ID, Corporate Number (Japan), NAICS code, List of lights id, Nationalencyklopedin Online ID, NYT topic ID, KvK company ID, Encyclopædia Universalis Online ID, Auñamendi ID, Dictionary of Swedish National Biography, ClassInd rating, SIRET number, Onisep occupation ID, Indian census area code, ISAN
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Virtual Twins
- Newest external tools: Free Software Directory plugin with a bot
- Newest database reports: list of articles with "uses property" (P3176)
- Development
- Worked more on making it possible to use Wikidata items and properties to make statements about multimedia files on Commons in the future
- Adding a list of items used in an article to the edit page on Wikipedia and co (phabricator:T144921)
- More work on automated language links for Wiktionary (phabricator:T145412)
- Improve the way to count and display the number of items on the main page (phabricator:T144687)
- Solved a bug on the gadget DuplicateReferences (phabricator:T146318)
- Clicking on the desired property while adding a new Statement didn't focus the value input. That has been fixed (phabricator:T144037).
- Made it possible to use the
protocols in URL data types (phabricator:T146692)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help merge items of people with the same name and dates.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
관리 업무를 부탁드립니다.
다른 일에 바쁘시겠지만, 혹시 여유가 있으시다면 밀려있는 관리 업무를 처리해 주시면 감사하겠습니다. 왜인지는 몰라도 활동적인 관리자가 별로 없어서 관리 업무가 밀려있는 경우가 많습니다. 위키백과:사용자 관리 요청에 일부 요청을 작성했는데, 차단회피자와 관련된 요청도 있어 검토 부탁드립니다.
분당선M님께 이런 부탁하면 죄송하지만 괜찮으시다면 분류:삭제 신청 문서 확인 부탁드립니다. 일부 관리자님께도 각각 부탁한적이 있어서 도움을 구합니다.-- (토론) 2016년 10월 4일 (화) 18:12 (KST)
사랑과 열정님 차단 요청
사랑과 열정님은 명백한 슉슉이의 다중계정으로 차단 요청합니다. 그리고 사용자 문서를 삭제해 주세요. 감사합니다. --Jerrykim306 (토론) 2016년 10월 5일 (수) 19:03 (KST)
Wikidata weekly summary #230
- Events/Press/Blogs
- During the British wildlife edit-a-thon 2016, attendees added bird sounds from Europeana Sounds to Wikidata and over 60 Wikipedias
- Past: WikiConference in San Diego, USA
- Upcoming: Wikidata workshop by Wikimedia Nederland, October 20, Utrecht
- Wikidata & Wikipedia edit-athon about Ramon Llull by Amical Wikimedia (ca)
- A Natural Language Query Engine without Machine Learning, on A Young Programmer's blog
- The Wikimedia Foundation will now directly fund basic expenses for Wikidata software development, on WMF blog
- People buried on cemetery and if they have a picture of the grave or not by Magnus Sälgö
- Sunday Query : où meurent les Bretons ? (fr) by Ash_Crow
- Charts and data about Brexit & US Elections, by Hector Perez
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Proposition for upgrading the default copyright license for Wikimedia projects to CC-by-SA 4.0 (does not affect the structured data part of Wikidata, which uses CC0).
- 3 Wikidata-related projects will be funded by WMF grants : Librarybase, Lua module and WikiFactMine
- Query service analysis: What kind of things are people doing with WDQS? and Who are our WDQS users and where are they from?
- chemical compounds in Wikipedia and Wikidata, talk by Sebastian Burgstaller
- PetScan tool past half a million queries since April (source)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: KANTL member ID, Angel List ID, storyboard artist, content deliverer, Actorenregister ID, Zeri image ID, compulsory education (maximum age), compulsory education (minimum age), Fotografen.nl ID, PORT organization URL, Flickr user ID, LocFDD ID, MySpace ID, radix, base, has anatomical branch, anatomical branch of, points awarded, intangible cultural heritage status, LiveJournal ID, Queensland place ID, Cave E-Cadastre ID, Property proposal discussion, optimum viable temperature, maximum viable temperature, minimum viable temperature
- Query examples:
- Newest external tools: new Wikidata game, Alias Candidates (by MagnusManske)
- Newest database reports: List of embassies has now summaries by host country and by country represented
- Development
- The property talk namespace now has subpages enabled (phabricator:T146271)
- More work on automated sitelinks for Wiktionary (phabricator:T987)
- More work on federation for Commons in order to be able to use Wikidata's items and properties there (phabricator:T76007)
- Adding entity usage information in action=edit on Wikipedia and co (phabricator:T144921)
- Working on making it possible to get formatted values back on the client. With this we will for example link the value to a Wikipedia article where possible. (phabricator:T142940)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
The Signpost: 14 October 2016
- News and notes: Fundraising, flora and fauna
- Discussion report: Cultivating leadership: Wikimedia Foundation seeks input
- Technology report: Upcoming tech projects for 2017
- Traffic report: Debates and escapes
- Recent research: A 2011 study resurfaces in a media report
- Featured content: Variety is the spice of life
죄송합니다. 위키백과:사용자 관리 요청/2016년 제41주의 요청을 작성했는데, 확인해줄 관리자님이 아무도 없어 관리자님들께 도움을 구합니다. 지금 실시간으로 반달주의자들이 한꺼번에 나타나서 반달 반복하고 있어 도움을 청합니다.-- (토론) 2016년 10월 15일 (토) 18:11 (KST)
40주 사랑방에 남기신 글은 41주로 옮겨졌습니다.
오늘 40주에 '안녕하세요?' 문단을 새로 추가한 것을 보고 이렇게 찾아뵙습니다. 16일 현재 '2016년 제41주' 항목에서 토론이 이루어지고 있으므로, 작성하신 글은 위키백과:사랑방 (일반)/2016년 제41주#안녕하세요?로 옮겨드렸습니다. 감사합니다. — devict 2016년 10월 16일 (일) 11:39 (KST)
- 날자 개념이 사라졌었네요. 감사합니다.--분당선M (토론) 2016년 10월 16일 (일) 11:40 (KST)
Wikidata weekly summary #231
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Upcoming: Connected Data London meetup with Navino Evans
- Upcoming: Andy Mabbett & Liam Wyatt speaking about GLAM-Wiki (including Wikidata) at Muzeum Cyfrowe in Warsaw, 19 October.
- Upcoming: Andy Mabbett speaking about Wikidata & running a GLAM-Wiki workshop at SFK 16 ("Software Freedom Kosova Conference") in Pristina, 21-23 October.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- World Spider Catalog has been added to Mix'n'match
- Mix’n’match can now limit auto-matches to instances of a specific item and its subclasses
- Sitelinks for the new Livvi-Karelian Wikipedia (olowiki) can be added
- There is now a "userbox" for Wikidatans wishing to mark Wikidata's fourth birthday on their user pages
- myMuseum was created at the hack4heritage hackathon and won a prize
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: DRÚSOP ID, code, encoding, BALaT image ID, DocCheck Flexikon De ID, DocCheck Flexikon En ID, biography at the Landtag of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Cellosaurus ID, World Spider Catalog ID, Squash Info ID, MSC ID, Yahoo! Japan Talent Database ID, Bandcamp artist ID, French National Assembly Lobbyist ID, BanQ author ID, statistical leader, Sandbox-Monolingual text II
- Query examples:
- first Nobel Prize winner who was born after Alfred Nobel’s death (source)
- streets in Paris named after doctors (source)
- international land tripoints (source)
- national flags depicting stars or constellations (source)
- national flags with inscriptions (source)
- people who died the furthest away from where they were born (source)
- closest pairs of capitals (of UN member states, <500km) (source)
- people who received military decorations from two different countries (source)
- volcanoes and earthquakes (source)
- height/width ratios of paintings (source)
- birthplaces of Members of the European Parliament (source)
- birthplaces of US Senators (source)
- New template: d:Template:Poland properties. Please add labels in your own languages, and consider making a similar template for your country or region.
- Development
- Worked further on automatic linking of pages between Wiktionary language editions
- Worked further on making it possible to use Wikidata's items and properties to describe files on Commons
- Reviewed error messages and made them easier to understand
- Added tooltips in some places in the UI to make them more understandable (e.g. ranks, special values)
- Made the loading animation clearer in embedded query results (phabricator:T148042)
- Making it possible to paste the full URL of an image on Commons into image properties (phabricator:T147917)
- Worked on a small birthday present
- Fixed run button not being reenabled after some queries (phabricator:T147114)
- More work on better parser function and Lua functions that return formatted values (phabricator:T142940)
- Undoing the last edit to an item will now show a undo summary, not a restore one (phabricator:T147631) Thanks Matěj!
- Lule Sami and Pite Sami are now supported languages in Wikidata (phabricator:T146707)
- Brainstormed about how to make it easier to write queries without knowing SPARQL
- Fixed a bug with spaces in language codes in queries (phabricator:T147729)
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
편집필터 활성화
구글 검색과는 1%도 관계가 없어요. -- ChongDae (토론) 2016년 10월 18일 (화) 09:58 (KST)
- 구글 검색이 아니라 이상한 내용이 적혀있는 분류를 만들어서 내용을 다시 만들어서 지우는 식으로 기술적인 문제를 해결하려 했는데 안되더군요. 원인을 찾았다면 다행인 거구요--분당선M (토론) 2016년 10월 18일 (화) 09:59 (KST)
Wikidata weekly summary #232
Wikidata celebrates its 4th anniversary on October 29th. Around this date, a lot of events will happen online and offline.
Birthday events
Editors all around the world organize meetups to celebrate the birthday. You can join one of them or create an event in your own town!
- San Francisco (USA), October 26th
- Torino (Italy), October 26th
- Tokyo (Japan), October 28th
- Paris (France), October 29th
- Utrecht (NL), October 29th
- Berlin (Germany), November 4th
- Rennes (France), November 5th
A lot of surprises, stories and presents will be shared between October 29th and November 4th. Check the project chat or the mailing-list every day to see what happens!
You can also participate by posting a story (more info here), a tweet with #WikidataBirthday, let a message or a present on the birthday page.
If you're participating to Wikidata's birthday, you can add this template to your user page.
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Wikidata workshops in Paris : every month, Wikimédia France and editors organize a workshop about Wikidata and related tools. Check out the schedule
- Upcoming: Ladies that FOSS October 29th in Berlin, organized by Lucie and Julia from the Wikidata team
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Development
- Fixed a rounding error in the geo coordinate formatter (see GitHub). Thanks, 0x686578!
- Improvements to technical error messages, e.g. "illegal value" when editing a Commons media statement (phabricator:T141880).
- Continued working on a new parser function to get rich, formatted statements.
- Continued working on making entity usage information visible to users.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
도움이 간절히 필요합니다.
지금 상황이 안좋아 글을 남겨둡니다. 위키백과:사용자 관리 요청/2016년 제43주의 요청을 확인 부탁드립니다. 차단회피자들이 IP로 반달을 반복하고 있습니다.-- (토론) 2016년 10월 30일 (일) 18:37 (KST)
- 더이상 나설 수 없는 상태입니다. 실시간으로 문서 훼손이 반복되고 있어 요청을 작성했습니다. 확인해줄 관리자님이 현재 아무도 없는 상태라 확인해줄 분이 꼭 필요합니다. 죄송하지만 부탁드리겠습니다.-- (토론) 2016년 10월 30일 (일) 20:59 (KST)
Wikidata weekly summary #233
- Wikidata's birthday: presents, stories and events
The birthday week started and already a lot of events happened, presents have been shared, stories have been told! Here's what you may have missed:
- a word from the development team by Lydia
- a new version of the map showing all the Wikidata items with geolocalisation, by Addshore, who explains how he generated it in a blog post
- The 4th birthday logo by Incabell
- A new release of the Wikipedia and Wikidata Tools for Google Spreadsheets add-on has made working with Wikidata a lot easier for Google Sheets users, by Tomayac
- A guide to SPARQL and the Wikidata Query Service, by TweetsFactsAndQueries
- Four new types of charts for the Query Service: line chart, bar chart, scatter chart and area chart (read more and try examples in the documentation) by Jonas
, a new parser function is currently in development with better features that you can try on beta by the Wikidata dev team and volunteers- Search field added in Scholia, a tool to create scholarship profiles, by fnielsen
- 10 cool queries for Wikidata that will blow your mind. Number 7 will shock you, by Jens and Cornelius
- 4 years of Wikidata by Stryn
- A lot of people celebrating and posting pictures on Twitter or on Commons!
The birthday party is not finished yet, every day until November 4th you will discover new presents and stories. Follow the project chat or the mailing-list or #Wikidatabirthday to get the news!
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Wikidata birthday in Kanpur (India), November 3rd
- Wikidata birthday in Berlin (Germany), November 4th
- Wikidata birthday in Rennes (France), November 5th
- OKlab Berlin hacknights, October 31st and November 7th
- Pidapalooza, Reykjavik, November 9-10
- Past: Ladies that FOSS (livetweet report)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: SummitPost ID, lib.reviews ID, Galiciana Author ID, ICAA rating, KINENOTE person ID, NGS pumping station ID, third-party formatter URL, Open Media Database film ID, broadcast by
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Informatics: File Formats
- Newest database reports: Liam Neeson filmography
- Development
- We proposed a meaningful initial order for the statementSort gadget (phabricator:T147062)
- Commons media file properties now support pasting full Wikimedia Commons URLs (phabricator:T147917)
- Added distinct hover tooltips to rank and snak type selectors, as well as some of the "add" buttons (phabricator:T139356)
- Our concept base URI will be exposed as part of the
API (phabricator:T143910). Thanks, user Lokal Profil! - Progress on the
API module to query entity usage information (phabricator:T145880) - Progress on the new parser function for rich, formatted statements (phabricator:T142940)
- Released Wikibase DataModel 6.2.0
- Released ValueView 0.18.0
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
The Signpost: 4 November 2016
- In the media: Washington Post continues in-depth Wikipedia coverage
- Wikicup: Winners announced
- Discussion report: What's on your tech wishlist for the coming year?
- Featured content: Cream of the crop
- Technology report: New guideline for technical collaboration; citation templates now flag open access content
- Arbitration report: Recapping October's activities
- Traffic report: Un-presidential politics
Wikidata weekly summary #234
Thanks to everyone who celebrated the birthday by organizing or attending to an event, letting a message on Wikidata or on the social networks, writing a story or creating a present!
Here's the list of the birthday presents from the community and development team:
- d:Template:User Wikidata birthday 2016 (Pigsonthewing)
- A new version of the map showing all the Wikidata items with geolocalisation (Addshore)
- Wikidata's 4th birthday logo (Incabell)
- A new release of the Wikipedia and Wikidata Tools for Google Spreadsheets add-on has made working with Wikidata a lot easier for Google Sheets users. (Tomayac)
- A guide to SPARQL and the Wikidata Query Service (TweetsFactsAndQueries)
- Four new types of charts for the Query Service: line chart, bar chart, scatter chart and area chart! Read more and try examples in the documentation (Jonas)
, a new parser function is currently in development with better features: try it here! (Thiemo, Wikidata dev team and volunteers)- Search field added in Scholia, a tool to create scholarship profiles (fnielsen)
- Technical documentation about Wikibase for PHP and JS scripts (Ladsgroup and Jonas)
- new feature for the graph view in the Query Service: it can now browse the properties of items. see in the video (Jonas)
- graph builder tool for the query service to create and export graphs (demo video) (Jonas, [[d:user:Smalyshev (WMF)|Smalyshev)
- d:Module:PropertyPath and d:Template:Show Path Items (TomT0m)
- Everything is connected, a knowledge game based on Wikidata and Commons (list of levels) (Denny)
- Discussions
- New request for comments: Editing descriptions from Wikipedia Android app
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Music in Canada at 150 Wikipedia Project, a multifaceted campaign to increase the amount and quality of content about Canadian music in Wikipedia and Wikidata
- 400,000,000th edit was made.
- The average amount of statements per item became higher than five and is still growing.
- Wikidata entities usage on Wikimedia projects
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: DRÚSOP ID, code, encoding, BALaT image ID, DocCheck Flexikon De ID, DocCheck Flexikon En ID, biography at the Landtag of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Cellosaurus ID, World Spider Catalog ID, Squash Info ID, MSC ID, Yahoo! Japan Talent Database ID, Bandcamp artist ID, French National Assembly Lobbyist ID, BanQ author ID, statistical leader, Sandbox-Monolingual text II
- Query examples:
- Continents on Wikidata (All eleven of them) (source)
- Sluices on the river "Vilaine" in Brittany (source)
- Countries with most cities named after saints (source)
- Disney characters who share name with their actors (source)
- 204 items that cite themselves (source)
- Statements with two references where one source cites the other (source)
- Development
- Stable interface policy update
- More work on federation in order to be able to use Wikidata's items and properties to describe media files on Wikimedia Commons in the future (phabricator:T149580)
- Worked on first version of Lexeme entity type (phabricator:T148139)
- Worked more on linking values in Lua and the property parser function instead of just returning the label (phabricator:T142940) You can test it here: https://de.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/Statements
- Improved map layer colors in the query service (phabricator:T148022)
- Improved size of map markers in the query service (phabricator:T148496)
- Upcoming: quantity changes
- Worked more on automated sitelinks for Wiktionary (phabricator:T987) Test system is coming in the next days.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
Wikidata weekly summary #235
This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2016-11-12.
- Discussions
- Current request for comments: Editing descriptions from Wikipedia Android app
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Wikidata and the Chain of Death, by Karl Beecher
- Scaling multilingual name tags with Wikidata OpenStreetMap contributor blog post
- Wikidata and Persistent Identifiers was presented at PIDapalooza November 9th.
- Wikidata in OpenStreetMap
- Wikidata and the Semantic Web of Food
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- A new Wikidata PageRank dataset has been published. The dataset was computed in August 2016 and provides PageRank scores for 10,364,840 Wikidata entities.
- Due to a possible hack, please consider resetting your passwords.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: generation time, hazard on site, ACM Digital Library event ID, ACM Digital Library citation ID, HGVS nomenclature, Supermodels.nl ID, CIViC variant ID, wurvoc.org measure ID, Réserves Naturelles de France ID, World Waterfall Database ID, Ylioppilasmatrikkeli 1853–1899 ID, ID petit-patrimoine.com, opponent during disputation, Vlindernet ID, male form of label, board member, Patrimonio Inmueble de Andalucía ID, BDI ID, ICCF ID, chesstempo ID, 365chess player ID, plan image, muscle action, SummitPost ID, lib.reviews ID, Galiciana Author ID, ICAA rating, KINENOTE person ID, NGS pumping station ID, third-party formatter URL, Open Media Database film ID, broadcast by, musical conductor, Student register of the University of Helsinki 1640–1852 ID, Belgian Senate person ID, Flemish Parliament person ID
- Query examples:
- Map of educational institutes from all over the world (source)
- Current US Supreme Court justices by their date of birth (source)
- Death dates of people with Wikidata items (source)
- French towns that a street in Paris is name after(source)
- Statements with “reason for deprecation” rank that aren’t deprecated(source)
- Query examples:
- Development
- More work on federation (phabricator:T76007)
- Worked on first basic version of Lexeme entity type for Wiktionary support (phabricator:T148139)
- Test system for automated language links for Wiktionary (phabricator:T987)
- Analysed feedback prototype for editing on Wikipedia in order to refine it
- Worked on mapping Commons workflows and needs
- Analysed queries used with Listeria
- More work on making ArticlePlaceholder pages indexeable by search engines (phabricator:T117693)
- More work on enabling translations from existing articles in other languages on ArticlePlaceholder pages (phabricator:T124036)
- Link to local articles in ArticlePlaceholders (phabricator:T113955)
- Fix for bug that prevented editing (phabricator:T150401)
- Experimented with improvements for property suggestions (phabricator:T132839)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
질문이 있습니다
이곳을 보시면 아시겠지만 님께서 2016년 8월에 저를 처음 차단하셨는데 사:메이님께서 저가 백:아님#미래에 어긋나는 문서를 지속적으로 생성한 이유 때문에 요청을 했는데 왜 차단 이유는 문서 훼손 반복으로 나오죠? GALAXYA8 (토론 • 기여 • 기록 • 차단 • 추방) 2016년 11월 20일 (일) 22:35 (KST)
@분당선M: 8월에 저를 처음 백:차단한 이유가 백:문서 훼손 반복이라는데 왜 이렇게 나오는거죠? GALAXYA8 (토론 • 기여 • 기록 • 차단 • 추방) 2016년 11월 23일 (수) 16:15 (KST)
Wikidata weekly summary #236
- Discussions
- New request for comments: How to make new languages enabled on Wikidata
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Parlement & Politiek ID (P1749) has been completed in Mix'n'match. Over 5000 politicians from the Netherlands (and also Belgium) now have a link to this resource
- Two policies about abandoned tools on Tool Labs are currently voted on
- The Community Wishlist Survey is now closed and the vote phase will start on November 28. Here's the category for Wikidata
- Data import hub and Data import guide: feel free to give feedbacks on these documents!
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: musipedia tune ID, Adult Film Database person ID, WHO international non-proprietary names ID, designed to carry, National Library of Greece ID, PermID, HKMDb person ID, RxNorm CUI, Vote Smart ID, legislation.gov.uk ID, significant person, Kvikmyndir person ID, Kvikmyndir film ID, World Surf League ID, Encyclopedia of Surfing ID
- Query examples:
- Occupations of women, with French female-form labels (source, database report)
- Documents with most signatories (source)
- Filming locations of James Bond films (source)
- United States National Historic Landmarks not actually located in the United States (source)
- Items with VIAF, but no P31/279 (source)
- Newest database reports: List of Italian language films without articles in Italian Wikipedia
- Development
- Unit conversion has been rolled out for the first dimension for a short while now.
- Undo diffs now utilize language fallbacks for property and item labels (gerrit:315291). Thanks to Matěj Suchánek!
- Reworked database schema for Cognate (the extension that will do automatic interwiki links for Wiktionary). It is still waiting for security review before it can be deployed.
- Worked more on basic version of Lexeme entity type
- Fixed a bug where the links on action=info where wrong (phabricator:T149598)
- Getting close to finishing the groundwork for Federation so that in the future you'll be able to use Wikidata's items and properties to describe files on Commons.
- Added Innu-aimun as a language for monolingual text values (phabricator:T151129)
- Worked on linking to Wikipedia articles in the statements on an ArticlePlaceholder (phabricator:T113955)
- ArticlePlaceholder got a button to translate articles via the ContentTranslation extension (phabricator:T124036)
- Prepared a bot to fix quantity values after the recent changes to precisions (phabricator:T142087)
- Did user interviews for use cases and workflows on Commons
- Analyzed more Listeria queries in order to figure out steps forward for easier query writing
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help write the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
The Signpost: 26 November 2016
- Special report: Taking stock of the Good Article backlog
- News and notes: Arbitration Committee elections commence
- Traffic report: President-elect Trump
- Featured content: Featured mix
Wikidata weekly summary #237
- Discussions
- Closed request for comments: Semi-automatic Addition of References to Wikidata Statements
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Past: Wikidata introduction by Pigsonthewing at DJUK 2016
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Items without statements is down to 5% for enwiki (source)
- Wikidata:WikiProject Biographical Identifiers
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Auckland Art Gallery artist ID, Observatoire du Patrimoine Religieux ID, Géopatronyme ID, Prabook ID, GECD film ID, GECD person ID, Enciclopedia Treccani, stereoisomer of, Tennishof ID, operating income, PictoRight ID code, Nobel Prize People Nomination ID, negative prognostic predictor, positive prognostic predictor, negative diagnostic predictor, positive diagnostic predictor, negative therapeutic predictor, positive therapeutic predictor, National Recreation Trails Database ID
- Query example : List of sovereign state flags by proportion (source)
- Newest tool: Display the link to Wikiversity in the title of Wikipedia using Wikidata
- Newest database report: Unique films: film items with a link to a single Wikipedia
- Development
- Adding new wikis to interwiki sort order and move sort orders to WMF config. phab:T111023
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
당신을 위한 반스타!
오리지널 반스타 | |
좋은 기여 부탁드립니다 Eq900 (토론) 2016년 12월 1일 (목) 16:51 (KST) |
- 감사합니다.--분당선M (토론) 2016년 12월 2일 (금) 11:57 (KST)
다시 한번 질문합니다
이곳을 보면 아시겠지만 8월 18일에 저의 계정이 처음으로 백:차단을 당했습니다. 사:메이님께서 백:아님#미래에 어긋나는 문서를 지속적으로 생성한 이유때문에 백:사관에 요청하였습니다. 근데 왜 차단 이유가 백:문서 훼손 반복이라고 뜨는거죠? GALAXYA8 (토론 • 기여 • 기록 • 차단 • 추방) 2016년 12월 2일 (금) 22:22 (KST)
점검 면제자에 대해 질문드립니다
위키백과에 들어와보니 점검 면제자 기능(?)을 분당선M님으로부터 부여받았다고 알림이 떴는데 구체적으로 어떤 기능을 하는지 궁금합니다. 설명을 읽긴 읽었는데 잘 이해가 안되서요. 어떤 점검을 면제받는 것인가요? 아니면 제가 무언가를 점검해야 하나요? Nt 2016년 12월 4일 (일) 21:32 (KST)
- 안녕하세요? 사실 별거 아니네요 ㅎㅎ. 관리자 재량으로 부여하는거고, 새 문서 작성 필터링 성격이 강합니다. 문서를 생성하시고 나서 바로 새 문서를 보시면 아시겠지만 '점검한 편집을 숨기기'를 눌러보시면 아시겠지만 본인이 작성한 문서는 나타나지 않게 됩니다. 이는 문서 훼손등을 막기 위해서 신뢰할 수 있는 사용자를 구분해서 더 많은 사용자의 문서를 확인하기 위해 사용되는 거기도 하며, 신뢰할 수 있는 사용자한테 관리자 재량으로 부여하거나, 신청을 통해서 신뢰할 수 있다 하면 부여할 수 있니다. 실질적으로 신청이나 심사가 꼭 필요하다고 생각될만한 그런 중대한 권한은 없습니다. 참고로 이는 다른 위키에서도 (메타, 공용) 이루어 지고 있는 일입니다. 그리고 아예 위키데이터는 이 권한은 자동 인증된 사용자 권한에 통합시켜 버렸죠. 제 설명이 난잡할진 모르겠는데 이해가 되셨길 바랍니다:)--분당선M (토론) 2016년 12월 4일 (일) 21:39 (KST)
- +) 도움 되시라고 관리자가 볼 수 있는 화면을 보여드립니다. 점검이 되지 않은 편집은 노란색으로 표시가 되고, 점검 면제자나 관리자가 작성한 문서들은 이미 신뢰할 수 있기에 점검이 자동으로 되어 하얀색으로 표출되 있는 것을 보실 수 있습니다.--분당선M (토론) 2016년 12월 4일 (일) 21:44 (KST)
- 오오오오 그렇군요! 관리자님들께선 또 다른 화면을 보시는 줄은 처음 알았네요 ㅎㅎ 이해가 되었어요. 감사합니다~ Nt 2016년 12월 5일 (월) 11:10 (KST)
- +) 도움 되시라고 관리자가 볼 수 있는 화면을 보여드립니다. 점검이 되지 않은 편집은 노란색으로 표시가 되고, 점검 면제자나 관리자가 작성한 문서들은 이미 신뢰할 수 있기에 점검이 자동으로 되어 하얀색으로 표출되 있는 것을 보실 수 있습니다.--분당선M (토론) 2016년 12월 4일 (일) 21:44 (KST)
Wikidata weekly summary #238
- Discussions
- Closed request for comments: Editing descriptions from Wikipedia Android app
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Past: Wikidata workshop at Code for Germany with OKLabs, Jens and WikidataFacts. You can read a blog post by Riedelwerk (in German) More documentation to come soon
- How Wikidata could be used for biomedical knowledge (Benjamin Good)
- The Fossasia Opentech Submit in Singapore is looking for speakers. If you're in the area and want to introduce attendees to Wikidata, feel free to send your application!
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Sitelinks for the new Finnish Wikivoyage can be added
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: French Sculpture Census work ID, Japan Sumo Association ID, film poster, GeneDB ID, File Format Wiki page ID, FAO 2007 genetic resource ID, Model Manual ID, Merck Index reaction ID, Bloomberg private company ID, Belgian Enterprise number, GECD Firmen-ID, endianness, sibling
- Query examples:
- Bridges named after women (source)
- Network of brands of some big food/drink companies (source, help improve it)
- Cities located next to most rivers (source)
- Nobel Prize winners on Twitter (source)
- French deputies who died during their mandate (source)
- Streets in the Netherlands named after people
- People burried in the cemetery of La Croix Rousse (Lyon, France) (source)
- Newest WikiProjects: Politicians in France
- Newest database reports: list of films with multiple-language versions (Italian labels)
- Development
- Special:EntityUsage and Special:PagesWithBadges now are using OOjs UI (phab:T152046)
- RFC discussion on ways to allow visitors to choose a language without logging in (phab:T149419 and phab:T114662)
- Investigating performance issues with change dispatching (phab:T151681)
- Continued work on Lexeme prototype (phab:T146662), refining the Lexeme data model (phab:T151582)
- Continued work on federation basics (phab:T149580)
- Some discussion on tracking usage of statements or statement groups on clients (phab:T151717, see mailing list)
- Investigating support for Linked Data Fragments (phab:T136358)
- We're participating in this year's Google Code-In with a couple of Wikidata related tasks
- Research for Wikidata for Commons and Wiktionary continues
- Added olo (Livvinkarjala), mai and tcy to interwiki sorting order. (phab:T151449)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Help with one of the bot requests
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
Wikidata weekly summary #239
It is with great sadness that we share the news of the passing of User:Coyau. He was a very active editor on Wikidata and the other Wikimedia projects. He will be deeply missed by his friends and family but his great work on open culture will stay. Feel free to browse and share his work. Thanks Guillaume for this message.
- Discussions
- New development input: Avoiding breaking gadgets when developing UI
- Closed request for comments: Data quality framework for Wikidata
- Wishlist at What government data is of best interest?
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Past: Open Gov Partnership conference in Paris, where Ash_Crow and other editors presented Wikidata
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Have a look at PAWS, a tool to create Wikidata bots (and a cheat sheet from WikidataFacts)
- Item Q 28 000 000 is about to be created.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: CNC film rating (Romania), Wilderness.net ID, CORDIS Project ID, JTWC tropical cyclone ID, Butterflies and Moths of North America ID, Guide of the French Church person ID, Guide of the French Church structure ID, heart rate, Järviwiki ID, LittleSis organisation ID, Surman ID, Verkhovna Rada MP id, Consolidated code of the electronic catalog of libraries of Belarus, Royal Swedish Academy of Letters member ID, LittleSis people ID, minimum frequency of audible sound
- Query examples:
- Map of people buried in the cemetery of Norra Begravningsplatsen (Stockholm, Sweden)
- Works of Musée Saint-Raymond (Toulouse, France) on Wikidata (source)
- Communes of France named after a river
- People awarded by a Theater World Award in 2016
- Upcoming creative works: films, TV series, video games… (source)
- Number of demonstrations per country (source)
- Newest database reports: Spanish-language films without an article in Spanish Wikipedia
- Development
- Continued work on Lexeme prototype (phab:T146662), we're discussing some details in the data model (phab:T152019)
- Continued work on federation basics (phab:T149580)
- Rework translation/article creation UI (phab:T151858)
- Creating OOUI mockups as preparation for the dev summit
- Finishing touches on the extension for automatic generation of inter-wiktionary links (preparatory work for lexicographic data in Wikidata)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Help with one of the bot requests
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
Wikidata weekly summary #240
- Discussions
- Voting on Make family member properties gender neutral: replacement of mother/father with a new "parent" properties
- Switch Wikidata entities from http to https: T153563
- Events/Press/Blogs
- Blog post about the Wikidata workshop at Code for Germany (de)
- Wikidata people will be at the Chaos Communication Congress (Hamburg, December 27th-30th) on the Open Knowledge Assembly stand
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Basque language Wikipedia develops a most prominent basque and worlwide person born/death in this day for all the day related articles. For example, eu:Abenduaren 19. It also displays interesting red links for people born and dead that day that are not represented in eu:wp.
- WDQ about to be shut down (you can add sub-tasks for remaining uses to T153439)
- SQID now supports PrimarySources
- Project Grants program will fund 12 community-led projects, several of them directly related to Wikidata
- Citoid, a script for editing references that can automatically populate parts of the reference, is now available for testing!
- New parser function has been enabled
- Histropedia added new features to the Wikidata query timeline
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Yle Areena ID, Leopoldina member ID, Protected areas of Canada ID, Saxon Academy of Sciences member ID, Clergy of the Church of England database ID, Catalogus Professorum Lipsiensis ID, FINA Athlete ID, Klosterdatenbank, Saccharomyces Genome Database ID, Nederlands Soortenregister ID, The Vogue List ID, coextensive with
- Query examples:
- Timeline of the Christmas movies (source)
- All Theatre World Award winners, in a timeline with pictures (source)
- Birthplaces of people buried in Norra Begravningsplatsen (source)
- Planets, their moons, and the things they are named after (source)
- Items with no father or no mother (source)
- People born on Christmas day (source)
- Newest external tools: “short author name” resolver tool
- Newest database reports: hospital lists
- Development
- Statements will soon be ordered as specified in MediaWiki:Wikibase-SortedProperties (phab:T150788)
- Getting ready the basic Lexeme prototype (phab:T146662), we're discussing some details in the data model (phab:T152019)
- Continued work on federation basics (phab:T149580)
- We removed the page property
, old entries will not be updated any more (phab:T146792) - Removed a visible jump while an entity page loads (gerrit:325924)
- Fixed a formatting issue in which the geo coordinate formatter may output "60 seconds" (phab:T153429)
- Fixed a bug in Special:NewProperty where it was not possible to provide the property type as part of the URL (phab:327496)
- Working on a major rewrite of Special:EntitiesWithoutLabel/Description, one of many steps to phase numeric entity IDs out (phab:T140891)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Help with one of the bot requests
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
The Signpost: 22 December 2016
- Year in review: Looking back on Wikimedia's 2016
- Special report: German Wikipedia ArbCom implodes amid revelation of member's far-right political role
- Traffic report: Post-election traffic blues
- Featured content: The pre-Christmas edition
- Technology report: Labs improvements impact 2016 Tool Labs survey results
- Recent research: One study and several abstracts
위키백과에서 힘이센 사람 | |
당신은 다른사람이 계정을 비슷한것을 만들어도 욕을 않썻습니다.위키백과에서 힘이 세다고 판단하여 이상을 드립니다. Jbl7770 (토론) 2016년 12월 24일 (토) 14:16 (KST) |
당신을 위한 고양이!
관리자 일에 밤까지 일에 몰두하는 분당선M님 새끼 고양이 보고 힘네세요!!!
Jbl7770 (토론) 2016년 12월 26일 (월) 21:15 (KST)
Wikidata weekly summary #241
- Events/Blogs/Press
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: Belvedere artist ID, Calflora ID, basic unit of settlement code (Czech/Slovak), Google Play Store ID, Quora topic ID, end period, start period
- Query examples:
- List of heads of state by Erdős number (source)
- Airports named after people (source)
- Graves with no grave pictures of people buried in Norra Begravningsplatsen (source)
- Graves with grave pictures of people buried in Norra Begravningsplatsen (source)
- Solidays occurring today (source)
- Streets in Paris named after current countries (source)
- Streets in Paris named after battles (source)
- Wikipedia articles (in any language) of paintings by painter (source)
- Sovereign state flags with no red, white, or blue (source)
- Graph of number of compositions over age at first composition (source)
- Development
- Worked more on the first entity type (Lexeme) for Wiktionary support
- Worked more on federation in order to allow using Wikidata items and properties to describe images on Commons in the future
- Fixed a bug with getLabelWithLang returning the wrong language (phabricator:T152241)
- Fixed an issue where some coordinate values displayed 60 seconds instead of rounding to 1 minute (phabricator:T153429)
- Adjusted language for simple English sitelinks (phabricator:T152915)
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention
Wikidata weekly summary #242
- Discussions
- Open requests for adminship: יונה בנדלאק, Pyb
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata and the celebrity deaths of 2016 on Buzzfeed
- Welsh Wikipedia has some 16,000 lists regularly maintained from Wikidata
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: INSEE arrondissement code, INSEE countries and foreign territories code
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: US Virgin Islands
- Newest external tools: "Descriptioner" - Tool to add descriptions batchwise
- Newest database reports: Popular items without claims, Portuguese-language films without articles in Portuguese
- Development
- When a
property couldn't be resolved, a tracking category will be added (phab:T50799) - Rewrote Special:NewItem and all other Special:New… pages to use OOUI error handling (phab:T150205)
- Getting ready the basic Lexeme prototype (phab:T146662)
- Continued work on federation basics (phab:T149580)
- Release version 1.0.0 of the DataTypes component
- Enjoying the holidays and getting ready for this year's challenges. Hope you do to :)
- When a
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
- Monthly Tasks
- Hack on one of these.
- Help develop the next summary here!
- Contribute to a Showcase item
- Help translate or proofread pages in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals - proposals needing attention