Brengos ya iku rambut kang thukul ing antarané lambe ndhuwur lan irung. Lumrahé, panyebutan brengos dibédakaké karo jénggot. Brengos mung ana ing wong lanang kang wis diwasa lan dadi salah siji ciri kelamin sekunder amarga brengos thukul nalikane bocah lanang wis puber. Ing wong wadon, uga ana kang duwé brengos sanajan mung tipis lan ora ngetarani.
"Chevron" moustache style
"Dali" moustache style
"English" moustache style
"Freestyle" moustache style
"Fu-manchu" moustache style
"Handlebar" moustache style
"Horseshoe" moustache style
"Imperial" moustache style
"Mexican" moustache style
"Natural" moustache style
"Pencil" moustache style
"Toothbrush" moustache style
[besut | besut sumber]Brengos
Satirist Michael "Atters" Attree sporting his Handlebar Club tie.
Surrealist Salvador Dalí with the flamboyant moustache he popularized.
John Waters' pencil moustache.
Emiliano Zapata sporting a wide "Mexican" moustache.
Frank Zappa in concert.