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(24 révisi langsung déning 11 naraguna ora dituduhaké)
Larik 1: Larik 1:
'''Hak asasi manungsa''' utawa kerep dicekak dadi '''HAM''' kuwi [[hak]]-hak sing wis didarbèni [[manungsa]] wiwit lair lan minangka pawèwèh saka [[Pangèran]]. Dhasar-dhasar HAM kapacak jroning dhéklarasi kamardikan [[Amérika Sarékat]] (''[[Declaration of Independence of USA]]'') lan kapacak ing [[UUD'45|UUD 1945]] Republik Indonésia, yakuwi ing [[Tèks UUD 1945#BAB X - WARGA NEGARA|pasal 27 ayat 1]], [[Teks UUD 1945#BAB X - WARGA NEGARA|pasal 28]], [[Teks UUD 1945#BAB XI - AGAMA|pasal 29 ayat 2]], [[Teks UUD 1945#BAB XII - PERTAHANAN NEGARA|pasal 30 ayat 1]], lan [[Teks UUD 1945#BAB XIII - PENDIDIKAN|pasal 31 ayat 1]]<br /><br />
'''Hak manungsa''' utawa '''asasi manungsa''' (dicekak '''HAM''') iku hak-hak sing wis didarbèni [[manungsa]] wiwit lair lan minangka pawèwèh saka [[Pangèran]]. Dhasar-dhasar HAM kapacak sajeroning dhéklarasi kamardikan [[Amérika Sarékat]] (''[[Declaration of Independence of USA]]'') lan kapacak ing [[UUD'45|UUD 1945]] Républik Indonésia, ya iku ing [[Tèks UUD 1945#BAB X-WARGA NEGARA|pasal 27 ayat 1]], [[Teks UUD 1945#BAB X-WARGA NEGARA|pasal 28]], [[Teks UUD 1945#BAB XI-AGAMA|pasal 29 ayat 2]], [[Teks UUD 1945#BAB XII-PERTAHANAN NEGARA|pasal 30 ayat 1]], lan [[Teks UUD 1945#BAB XIII-PENDIDIKAN|pasal 31 ayat 1]]

Conto hak asasi manungsa (HAM):
Conto hak asasi manungsa (HAM):
Larik 6: Larik 6:
* Hak kanggo urip bebarengan kaya wong liya.
* Hak kanggo urip bebarengan kaya wong liya.
* Hak kanggo nampa ''perlakuan'' sing padha.
* Hak kanggo nampa ''perlakuan'' sing padha.
* Hak kanggo ngéntukaké pegawéyan.
* Hak kanggo ngéntukaké pagawéan.

== Pranala jaba ==
== Pranala njaba ==
=== Informasi ===
=== Informasi ===
* {{en}} [ IHRC] [ The Islamic Human Rights Commission] is an independent, not-for-profit, campaign, research and advocacy organization based in London , UK
* [ IHRC] [ The Islamic Human Rights Commission] is an independent, not-for-profit, campaign, research and advocacy organization based in London, UK
* {{en}} [ Country reports on human rights] from the U.S. Department of State
* [ Country reports on human rights] from the U.S. Department of State
* {{en}} [ Human Rights Blog] Blog maintained by a senior journalist.
* [ Human Rights Blog]{{Pranala mati|date=October 2023 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }} Blog maintained by a senior journalist.
* {{en}} [] – Volunteer reporting on the United Nations Commission on Human Rights
* [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2006-04-04 }} – Volunteer reporting on the United Nations Commission on Human Rights
* {{en}} [ human rights history]
* [ human rights history] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2008-05-09 }}
* {{en}} [ Déclaration des droits de l'Homme et du citoyen]
* [ Déclaration des droits de l'Homme et du citoyen] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-03-21 }}
* {{en}} [ Better World Links on Human Rights]
* [ Better World Links on Human Rights]
* {{en}} [ University of Leicester, UK, list of sources and links.]
* [ University of Leicester, UK, list of sources and links.] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2006-05-03 }}
* {{en}} [ Introduction to Human Rights & Humanitarian Law]
* [ Introduction to Human Rights & Humanitarian Law]
* {{en}} [ Human Rights in Russia]
* [ Human Rights in Russia]{{Pranala mati|date=October 2023 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}
* {{en}} [ Photojournalist's approach to human rights in Sudan]
* [ Photojournalist's approach to human rights in Sudan] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2022-03-31 }}
* {{en}} [ A Muslim approach to human rights] from
* [ A Muslim approach to human rights] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2014-02-12 }} from
* {{en}} [ Mission and Justice] – Human Rights, Justice and Peace news from the Asia Pacific region.
* [ Mission and Justice] – Human Rights, Justice and Peace news from the Asia Pacific region.
* {{en}} [ Sri Lanka – Human Rights of the Tamil People]
* [ Sri Lanka – Human Rights of the Tamil People]
* {{en}} [ Children's Rights Alliance]
* [ Children's Rights Alliance] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2008-01-27 }}
* {{en}} [ French human rights]
* [ French human rights]
* {{en}} [ Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry]
* [ Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry]
* {{en}} [ Inquiry Into Basic Rights: Advancing Rights in the Theories of Lomasky, Shue and Gewirth] - foundations and derivations of basic rights; justifications for going beyond basic rights
* [ Inquiry Into Basic Rights: Advancing Rights in the Theories of Lomasky, Shue and Gewirth] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2008-02-27 }}-foundations and derivations of basic rights; justifications for going beyond basic rights

=== Organisasi hak asasi manungsa ===
=== Organisasi hak asasi manungsa ===
Larik 38: Larik 38:
* [ Global Rights: Partners for Justice]
* [ Global Rights: Partners for Justice]
* [ International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights]
* [ International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights]
* [ Forum 18 News Service] pelayanan berita kebebasan beragama
* [ Forum 18 News Service] pelayanan berita kebebasan beragama
* [ Citizens Commission on Human Rights] - didirikan oleh Gereja [[Scientology]] yang kontroversial
* [ Citizens Commission on Human Rights]-didirikan olèh Gréja [[Scientology]] yang kontroversial
* [ Memorial]
* [ Memorial] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2015-12-10 }}
* [ The Carter Center]
* [ The Carter Center]
* [ Human Rights Watch]
* [ Human Rights Watch]
Larik 51: Larik 51:
* [ Yayasan Montagnard]
* [ Yayasan Montagnard]
* [ Olympic Watch: Hak Asasi Manusia di Tiongkok dan Beijing 2008]
* [ Olympic Watch: Hak Asasi Manusia di Tiongkok dan Beijing 2008]
* [ APRODEH] (Peru)
* [ APRODEH] (Péru)
* [] (Indonesia)
* [] (Indonésia)

[[Kategori:Hak manungsa]]

[[Kategori:Hubungan internasional]]
[[Kategori:Hubungan internasional]]

[[an:Dreitos humans]]
[[ar:حقوق الإنسان]]
[[arc:ܙܕܩܐ ܕܒܪܢܫܐ]]
[[arz:حقوق انسان]]
[[ast:Derechos humanos]]
[[az:İnsan hüquqları]]
[[bat-smg:Žmuogaus teisės]]
[[be:Правы чалавека]]
[[be-x-old:Правы чалавека]]
[[bg:Права на човека]]
[[br:Gwirioù Mab-Den]]
[[bs:Ljudska prava]]
[[ca:Drets Humans]]
[[cs:Základní lidská práva]]
[[cy:Hawliau dynol]]
[[el:Ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα]]
[[en:Human rights]]
[[eo:Homaj rajtoj]]
[[es:Derechos humanos]]
[[eu:Giza eskubideak]]
[[ext:Derechus Umanus]]
[[fa:حقوق بشر]]
[[fr:Droits de l'homme]]
[[gl:Dereitos humanos]]
[[ha:Hakkokin Yan-adam]]
[[he:זכויות האדם]]
[[hif:Insaan ke adhikaar]]
[[hr:Ljudska prava]]
[[hu:Emberi jogok]]
[[hy:Մարդու իրավունքներ]]
[[ia:Derectos human]]
[[id:Hak asasi manusia]]
[[io:Homala yuri]]
[[it:Diritti umani]]
[[jbo:remna selcru]]
[[ka:ადამიანის უფლებები]]
[[kk:Адам құқықтары]]
[[krc:Адамны эркинликлери]]
[[ku:Mafên mirovan]]
[[la:Iura humana]]
[[lt:Žmogaus teisės]]
[[mk:Човекови права]]
[[mr:मानवी हक्क]]
[[mrj:Эдемӹн прававлӓжӹ]]
[[ms:Hak asasi manusia]]
[[new:मनु अधिकार]]
[[nl:Rechten van de mens]]
[[oc:Dreches de l'Òme]]
[[pl:Prawa człowieka]]
[[pnb:انسانی حق]]
[[ps:وګړنيز حقوق]]
[[pt:Direitos humanos]]
[[qu:Runa hayñi]]
[[ro:Drepturile omului]]
[[ru:Права и свободы человека и гражданина]]
[[rue:Людьскы права]]
[[scn:Dritti umani]]
[[sco:Human richts]]
[[sh:Ljudska prava]]
[[simple:Human rights]]
[[sk:Ľudské práva]]
[[sl:Človekove pravice]]
[[sq:Të Drejtat e Njeriut]]
[[sr:Људска права]]
[[sv:Mänskliga rättigheter]]
[[sw:Haki za binadamu]]
[[ta:மனித உரிமைகள்]]
[[te:మానవ హక్కులు]]
[[tg:Ҳуқуқҳои инсон]]
[[tl:Karapatang pantao]]
[[tr:İnsan hakları]]
[[uk:Права людини]]
[[ur:انسانی حقوق]]
[[vi:Nhân quyền]]
[[wa:Abondroets des djins]]
[[war:Katungod pantawo]]
[[yi:מענטשן רעכט]]
[[yo:Àwọn ẹ̀tọ́ ọmọnìyàn]]

Révisi wekasan kala 22 April 2024 00.46

Hak manungsa utawa asasi manungsa (dicekak HAM) iku hak-hak sing wis didarbèni manungsa wiwit lair lan minangka pawèwèh saka Pangèran. Dhasar-dhasar HAM kapacak sajeroning dhéklarasi kamardikan Amérika Sarékat (Declaration of Independence of USA) lan kapacak ing UUD 1945 Républik Indonésia, ya iku ing pasal 27 ayat 1, pasal 28, pasal 29 ayat 2, pasal 30 ayat 1, lan pasal 31 ayat 1

Conto hak asasi manungsa (HAM):

  • Hak kanggo urip.
  • Hak kanggo nampa pendidikan.
  • Hak kanggo urip bebarengan kaya wong liya.
  • Hak kanggo nampa perlakuan sing padha.
  • Hak kanggo ngéntukaké pagawéan.

Pranala njaba

[besut | besut sumber]


[besut | besut sumber]

Organisasi hak asasi manungsa

[besut | besut sumber]