

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
生誕 1902年2月13日
死没 (1978-12-18) 1978年12月18日(76歳没)
国籍 アメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国
出身校 シカゴ大学
時代 20世紀
学派 シカゴ学派
研究分野 政策科学
研究機関 イェール大学
学位 Ph.D.
学会 アメリカ国際法学会アメリカ政治学会

ハロルド・ドワイト・ラスウェルHarold Dwight Lasswell1902年2月13日 - 1978年12月18日)は、アメリカ合衆国政治学者20世紀の中葉におけるシカゴ学派の重鎮で、行動論主義の創始者。政治コミュニケーションの研究で知られる。主にイェール大学で教鞭を執った。ハロルド・ラズウェルとも表記される。


  • 無政治的無関心 ……仕事や娯楽を優先しており、政治には関心を抱いていない状態。狭義の政治的無関心。
  • 反政治的無関心 ……宗教的な理由などにより、積極的に政治との関わりを避けようとする状態。
  • 脱政治的無関心 ……かつては積極的に政治に参加していたが、挫折や幻滅を味わったことで政治から離脱している状態。
  • 環境の監視 ……報道によって営まれる。
  • 諸々の事象の関連付け ……評論と解説によって営まれる。
  • 社会的遺産の世代的伝達



  • Propaganda Technique in the World War, (P. Smith, 1927).
小松孝彰訳『宣傳技術と毆洲大戰』(高山書院, 1940年)
久保田きぬ子訳『政治――動態分析』(岩波書店, 1959年)
  • World Politics Faces Economics: with Special Reference to the Future Relations of the United States and Russia, (McGraw-Hill, , 3rd ed., 1945).
  • The Analysis of Political Behaviour: An Empirical Approach, (Routledge, 1947).
加藤正泰訳『人間と政治』(岩崎書店, 1955年)
  • Power and Personality, (W.W. Norton, 1948).
永井陽之助訳『権力と人間』(東京創元社, 1954年)
  • A Study of Power, (Free Press, 1950).
  • National Security and Individual Freedom, (McGraw-Hill, 1950).
  • The Political Writings of Harold D. Lasswell, (Free Press, 1951).
  • The World Revolution of Our Time: A Framework for Basic Policy Research, (Stanford University Press, 1951).
  • The Decision Process: Seven Categories of Functional Analysis, (University of Maryland, 1956).
  • The Future of Political Science, (Greenwood Press, 1963).
  • A Pre-View of Policy Sciences, (American Elsevier, 1971).
  • On Political Sociology, (University of Chicago Press, 1977).
  • The Signature of Power: Buildings, Communication, and Policy, (Transaction Books, 1979).
  • Essays on the Garrison State, edited and with an introduction by Jay Stanley, (Transaction Publishers, 1997).


  • Labor Attitudes and Problems, with Willard E. Atkins, (Prentice-Hall, 1924).
  • National Libraries and Foreign Scholarship: Notes on Recent Selections in Social Science, with Douglas Waples, (University of Chicago Press, 1936).
  • World Revolutionary Propaganda: A Chicago Study, with Dorothy Blumenstock, (Alfred A. Knopf, 1939).
  • Propaganda, Communication, and Public Opinion: A Comprehensive Reference Guide, with Bruce Lannes Smith and Ralph D. Casey, (Princeton University Press, 1947).
  • Language of Politics: Studies in Quantitative Semantics, with Nathan Leites and associates, (G.W. Stewart, 1949).
  • Power and Society: A Framework for Political Inquiry, with Abraham Kaplan, (Yale University Press, 1950).
  • The Comparative Study of Symbols: An Introduction, with Daniel Lerner and Ithiel de Sola Pool, (Stanford University Press, 1952).
  • The Comparative Study of Elites: An Introduction and Bibliography, with Daniel Lerner and C. Easton Rothwell, (Stanford University Press, 1952).
  • In Defense of Public Order: the Emerging Field of Sanction Law, with Richard Arens, (Greenwood Press, 1961).
  • Power, Corruption, and Rectitude, with Arnold A. Rogow, (Greenwood Press, 1963).
  • Law and Public Order in Space, with Myres S. McDougal and Ivan A. Vlasic, (Yale University Press, 1963).
  • The Sharing of Power in a Psychiatric Hospital, with Robert Rubenstein, (Yale University Press, 1966).
  • The Interpretation of Agreements and World Public Order: Principles of Content and Procedure, with Myres S. McDougal and James C. Miller, (Yale University Press, 1967).
  • Formosa, China, and the United Nations: Formosa in the World Community, with Lung-chu Chen, (St. Martin's Press, 1967).
  • Political Communication: the Public Language of Political Elites in India and the United States, with Satish K. Arora, (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969).
  • Human Rights and World Public Order: the Basic Policies of an International Law of Human Dignity, with Myres S. McDougal and Lung-chu Chen, (Yale University Press, 1980).
  • Jurisprudence for a Free Society: Studies in Law, Science and Policy, with Myres S. McDougal, (New Haven Press. , 1992).


  • Propaganda and Promotional Activities: An Annotated Bibliography, co-edited with Ralph D. Casey and Bruce Lannes Smith, (University of Minnesota Press, 1935).
  • The Policy Sciences: Recent Developments in Scope and Method, co-edited with Daniel Lerner, (Stanford University Press, 1951).
  • The Ethic of Power: the Interplay of Religion, Philosophy, and Politics, co-edited with Harlan Cleveland, (Harper, 1962).
  • Ethics and Bigness: Scientific, Academic, Religious, Political, and Military, co-edited with Harlan Cleveland, (Harper, 1962).
  • World Revolutionary Elites: Studies in Coercive Ideological Movements, co-edited with Daniel Lerner, (Greenwood Press, 1965).
  • The Search for World Order: Studies by Students and Colleagues of Quincy Wright, co-edited with Albert Lepawsky and Edward H. Buehrig, (Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1971).
  • Values and Development: Appraising Asian Experience, co-edited with Daniel Lerner and John D. Montgomery, (MIT Press, 1976).
  • Patterns of Policy: Comparative and Longitudinal Studies of Population Events, co-edited with John D. Montgomery and Joel S. Migdal, (Transaction Books, 1979).
  • The Symbolic Instrument in Early Times, co-edited with Daniel Lerner and Hans Speier, (University Press of Hawaii, 1979).
  • Emergence of Public Opinion in the West, co-edited with Daniel Lerner and Hans Speier, (University Press of Hawaii, 1980).
  • A Pluralizing World in Formation, co-edited with Daniel Lerner and Hans Speier, (University Press of Hawaii, 1980).
