Skjalasöfn |
Ekki hafa áhyggjur, Snævar er upptekinn þessa dagana við daglegt líf sitt og hugsanlegt er að hann svari ekki strax. |
Request for translation. Yanka Kupala and Yakub Kolas
Warm greeting from Belarusian Wikipedia! This year we celebrate 130. birthday of Belarusian great poets en:Yanka Kupala and en:Yakub Kolas Could you help us to translate articles into your unique and honourable language? Thank you in advance! -- 14. janúar 2012 kl. 16:20 (UTC)
Hello I am still using Almabot from time time to manually fix interwiki messes such as the recent massive add of a link to fa:پپسی (Pepsi) and ie:Prostitution to the Mario article in almost every language. Could you please unblock User:Almabot so that I do not have to do those changes manually on in the future? Thanks in advane Nakor 6. janúar 2012 kl. 19:39 (UTC)
- Sure, since your bot is already active on 34 wikipedias.--Snaevar 6. janúar 2012 kl. 20:16 (UTC)
minor issue
Many thanks for your feedback: I'm trying to complete the interwiki coverage for Icelandic roads, but I'm not so familiar with Icelandic language. --Pietro 7. janúar 2012 kl. 14:48 (UTC)
Due to our block policy I have blocked your bot. Please apply for a bot flag on this page. Abronikowski 10. janúar 2012 kl. 20:19 (UTC)
- OK, thanks. Hope you will be granted flag soon... Abronikowski 10. janúar 2012 kl. 21:04 (UTC)
Block of Jotterbot
I see that you have blocked my bot for 150 years for inactivity. Jotterbot is a global bot and it used to run here at some point, but will not be running here as this wiki is not in the global bot list. Please unblock the bot at the earliest, as I do not wish to have my bot blocked anywhere for no reason. A bot being inactive in a wiki should not be a rule to block the bot. May be removing a bot bit or marking the bot as inactive by template would be a better way of doing this.
Thanks in advance --Jyothis 22. janúar 2012 kl. 23:28 (UTC)
- Your bot has been unblocked and unflagged.--Snaevar 22. janúar 2012 kl. 23:31 (UTC)
- Thank you. Any reason why the bots are being blocked like this here? was this a community decision? --Jyothis 22. janúar 2012 kl. 23:42 (UTC)
- heh, my bad, didnt realize that I had this wiki as a bot flagged wiki. removing from my bot's list now. --Jyothis 22. janúar 2012 kl. 23:56 (UTC)
- I have removed the wiki from list and restarted. in case you notice it running, please leave a note in stewards channel or my meta talk page. thanks --Jyothis 23. janúar 2012 kl. 00:29 (UTC)
- Making a note here, since I haven´t answered your questions properly before. This block was done due to this bot policy-rule, "Bots that have been inactive (not made any edits) for one year or more, can be blocked". This rule was implemented by conseus.
- That being said, there are signs that bot operators don´t read the bot-flag rules on is.wikipedia. I am pretty sure that is the case with you also, since it is unlikely that you would ask this question if you would have read the rules in the first place. Thus, you would still think that the rule in question should be changed, but you would have been aware of it. Bot operators should not rely on me telling them how the rules are.
- I do think that you have an valid point here about the rule in question. This rule might be changed in the future so bots get their rights removed instead, depending on whether there is an conseus on is.wikipedia for such an change, or not. However, generally speaking, a rule will not be changed just becouse an bot operator thinks that there shouldn´t be such an rule.--Snaevar (spjall) 28. október 2012 kl. 03:39 (UTC)
- I have removed the wiki from list and restarted. in case you notice it running, please leave a note in stewards channel or my meta talk page. thanks --Jyothis 23. janúar 2012 kl. 00:29 (UTC)
- heh, my bad, didnt realize that I had this wiki as a bot flagged wiki. removing from my bot's list now. --Jyothis 22. janúar 2012 kl. 23:56 (UTC)
- Thank you. Any reason why the bots are being blocked like this here? was this a community decision? --Jyothis 22. janúar 2012 kl. 23:42 (UTC)
Now it's OK. --Emaus 30. janúar 2012 kl. 15:49 (UTC)
Hello Snaevar,
I am SUL-user user:N. There is a local user of this name in I could not find a page for usurp-requests here. Therefore I ask you to rename the local user, so that I can complete my SUL-account. --N tmp (spjall) 1. mars 2012 kl. 16:38 (UTC)
PS: Confirmation link: --N tmp (spjall) 1. mars 2012 kl. 16:39 (UTC)
Done. There really isn´t a page for usurp or user rename requests here. Instead they are placed on either bureaucrat talk pages or on the local Village Pump.--Snaevar 1. mars 2012 kl. 17:40 (UTC)
- Thank you. --N (spjall) 1. mars 2012 kl. 18:23 (UTC)
Sæll Snævar,
Ég hef verið að kaflaskipta síðunni um og fært hana nær stíl alfræðiorðabóka.
Þannig má nú fyrsti kaflinn, um uppeldi hans og nám, teljast frekar "alfræðilegur" þó heimilda sé reyndar ekki getið. Í öðrum kaflanum, um tónlistarferilinn, er stíllinn háfleygari og inniheldur m.a. tónlistargagnrýni og túlkun, sem er kannski í lagi.
Erindi mitt við þig er tvennt:
1. Að sýna fram á að breytingum mínum á síðunni er ekki vel lýst sem "Fjarlægir efni af síðum", heldur er aðallega um að ræða færslu á efni innan síðu. Ég hef ekki stytt efni síðunnar verulega og má hún teljast frekar ítarleg miðað við íslenska tónlistarmenn á almennt. Því vil ég sækja um leyfi til að klára þær fáu viðbótarbreytingar sem ég hafði í huga. Þær snúast reyndar um að bæta við örlitlu efni, en ekki fjarlægja.
2. Það efni sem ég vil bæta við síðuna snýst m.a. um þær heimildir sem efni síðunnar byggir öðru fremur á. Lykilheimildina er að finna í bæklingnum sem fylgdi með plötunni "(Kristilega kærleiksblómin spretta í kringum) Hitt og þetta" frá 2002. Þar er að finna tímamótaritgerð um ævi og störf Megasar eftir Jónatan Garðarsson, en þessa ritgerð má t.d. lesa á vefsíðunni Ritgerð Jónatans er birt heimild sem ætti að vitna í hér og þar. Til að gera tílvísanir ekki of einhæfar ætti einnig að vitna í bókina Sól í Norðurmýri hér og þar. Ef til vill þyrfti líka að stytta og umorða textann í kaflanum "Tónlistarferill", svo hann sé ekki orðréttur úr ritgerð Jónatans, þrátt fyrir að sú vinna fæli í sér að "Fjarlægja efni af síðum". Það verður auðvelt að bæta inn tilvísunum í heimildir í fyrsta kaflann, um uppeldi og nám, en hvað telur þú best að gera við kaflann um tónlistarferilinn?
Árni (arnima hjá hafro punktur is) 1. mars 2012 kl. 17:40 (UTC)
Fyrst ætla ég að útskýra afhverju ég bannaði og afbannaði aðganginn þinn og síðan svara spurningunum þínum.
Í skýringunni sem ég gaf þegar ég afbannaði vistfangið segir "skoðaði breytingar hans betur, þær eru allar breytingar á orðalagi, þrátt fyrir að fjarlæging texta sé í meira lagi." Til þess að skilja ástæðurnar að bak við bannið þarf að skoða það í samhengi við bannið á vistfanginu, sem setti allskonar bull á síður. Í þeim aðstæðum hef ég tvo möguleika, skoða breytingarnar vel og eiga á hættu að notandinn skemmi enn meira eða taka skyndiákvörðun. Þrennt leiddi til þess að þú varst bannaður. Í fyrsta lagi sú ákvörðun mín að taka skyndiákvörðun um breytingar þínar og, í öðru lagi vegna breytinga eins og þessi sem komu frá þér og í þriðja lagi að við þessa skyndiákvörðun skoðaði ég breytingar eins og þessa eina og sér en ekki í samhengi við aðrar breytingar sem þú hefur gert áður. Ef litið er á breytinguna eina og sér má skilja hana þannig að textinn hafi verið fjarlægður sem er óheppilegt. Það var því samspil þess að textinn var fjarlægður og að breytingin kom á sama tíma og skemmdarverk sem olli því að notendanafn þitt var bannað og síðar tekið aftur þegar breytingarnar voru skoðaðar í samhengi við hverja aðra. Bannið er kanski hart, en það væri ágætt að fá skýringar í "breytingarávarpi" þegar breytingar eins og þessar eru gerðar.
1. Greinin Megas var nokkuð ítarleg áður en þú byrjaðir að breyta henni og er það ennþá. Þegar þú færir efni eins og í þessum tveimur breytingum 1 2 þá ef litið er á fyrstu breytinguna eina og sér er hægt að skilja hana þannig að textinn hafi verið fjarlægður. Það er ekki fyrr en seinni breytingin er skoðuð að það kemur í ljós að hann hefur bara verið færður til. Persónulega myndi ég færa efni í einni breytingu, en það er í raun uppundir þér sjálfum komið hvernig þú breytir greinum á Wikipediu. Öllum er frjálst að breyta wikipediu og ég lít svo á að ég hafi ekkert sérstakt leyfi til þess að gefa heimildir fyrir slíku. Ég get þó sagt að ég hef ekkert á móti því að þú gerir það.
2. Greinarnar þurfa í að vera lausar við staðreyndavillur. Sjálfur lít ég svo á að svo framalega að greinin uppfylli það skilyrði (og sé markverð) skipti það ekki öllu máli þótt að hver einasta setning í greininni sé ekki með heimild á bak við sig. Þannig þrátt fyrir að það finnist ekki heimildir fyrir öllu í kaflanum "Tónlistarferill" þá myndi ég samt láta það standa.--Snaevar 7. mars 2012 kl. 18:09
Invitation to events in June and July: bot, script, template, and Gadget makers wanted
I'm sorry, but I only speak English.
Hello! I invite you to the yearly Berlin hackathon, 1-3 June. Registration is now open. If you need financial assistance or help with visa or hotel, then please register by May 1st and mention it in the registration form.
This is the premier event for the MediaWiki and Wikimedia technical community. We'll be hacking, designing, teaching, and socialising, primarily talking about ResourceLoader and Gadgets (extending functionality with JavaScript), the switch to Lua for templates, Wikidata, and Wikimedia Labs.
We want to bring 100-150 people together, including lots of people who have not attended such events before. User scripts, gadgets, API use, Toolserver, Wikimedia Labs, mobile, structured data, templates -- if you are into any of these things, we want you to come!
I also thought you might want to know about other upcoming events where you can learn more about MediaWiki customization and development, how to best use the web API for bots, and various upcoming features and changes. We'd love to have power users, bot maintainers and writers, and template makers at these events so we can all learn from each other and chat about what needs doing.
Check out the the developers' days preceding Wikimania in July in Washington, DC and our other events.
Best wishes! - Sumana Harihareswara, Wikimedia Foundation's Volunteer Development Coordinator. Please reply on my talk page at Sumanah (spjall) 6. apríl 2012 kl. 02:24 (UTC)
Lagfæring á Fimleikafélag Akureyrar - Þakkir.
Þakka þér fyrir að aðstoða mig við að laga síðuna Fimleikafélag Akureyrar. Þetta er mín fyrsta síða og ég er alveg á núlli í wiki. Var bara ekki að ná því vhernig ég fékk töfluna hægramegin til að virka. Enn og aftur takk fyrir!
Takk kærlega, prófa þetta - Kristján Frímann Kristjánsson (spjall) 17. apríl 2012 kl. 22:57 (UTC)
Fínn spilari. Hvað gerir class, style og textstyle og hvernig fyllir maður í það. Hvernig set ég spilarann hægra megin á síðuna eða sem gallery? Og hversu langt má svona brot vera? - Kristján Frímann Kristjánsson (spjall) 17. apríl 2012 kl. 23:27 (UTC) -Kristján Frímann Kristjánsson (spjall) 18. apríl 2012 kl. 16:51 (UTC) Allt í einu hrökk þetta í kubb með mörgum spilurum. Það er ekki það sem ég vil. Ég vil geta ráðið hvar ég set spilarann inn, hvort það er til vinstri eða hægri og hvort hann er einn eða fleiri. Einnig vil ég vita hvað merkingarnar í honum gera. Er hægt að fá einfalda skýringu á því? Takk fyrir - Kristján Frímann Kristjánsson (spjall) 19. apríl 2012 kl. 14:08 (UTC)
Class, Style og textstyle eru möguleikar þar sem hægt er að setja inn HTML kóða til þess að breyta sniðinu. Class breytir töflunni, style breytir útliti kassans og textstyle breytir útliti textans. Reyndar henti ég "class" möguleikanum út, því hann hefur takmarkað notagildi. Ég bætti vð möguleikanum "jöfnun-kassa" sem setur kassann til hægri með orðinu "hægri" og til vinstri með orðinu "vinstri". Tæknilega séð eru engar takmarkanir á því hversu stórt brotið má vera. Spilarinn er einn, það er fyrir eina hljóðskrá. Þær tilraunir sem ég gerði að hafa fleiri spilara misheppnuðust og því hef ég tekið þær til baka. Sniðið er ekki lengur "kassi með nokkrum spilurum", heldur eingöngu einum.--Snaevar (spjall) 19. apríl 2012 kl. 15:29 (UTC)
Takk fyrir upplýsingarnar. En spilarinn er ekki að gera sig. Ég prófaði að setja hann til hægri, þá lenti hann fyrst inni á miðri síðu, svo kom ég honum loks hægra megin. Þá prófaði ég að setja hann til vinstri en nú sat hann fastur hægra megin sama hvað ég reyndi að mjaka honum. - Kristján Frímann Kristjánsson (spjall) 19. apríl 2012 kl. 22:18 (UTC)
Þegar þú prófaðir að setja hann fyrst til hægri, var þá mynd eða upplýsingasnið hægra megin við hann? Ef svo er, þá getur spilarinn ekki farið í gegnum myndina og þá þarf að setja hann á annan stað í textanum þar sem myndin nær ekki til.
Til þess að ég geti lagfært villuna þar sem spilarinn fer ekki til vinstri þarf ég að geta endurgert villuna, en þessi möguleiki virkar rétt í hvert skipti sem ég prófa hann. Set tvo spilara hér fyrir neðan, einn til vinstri og hinn til hægri.
--Snaevar (spjall) 20. apríl 2012 kl. 08:13 (UTC) Takk kærlega fyrir þetta, ég er sáttur. - Kristján Frímann Kristjánsson (spjall) 20. apríl 2012 kl. 08:33 (UTC)
Bot Request
Hi. please check my request in here. Thanks درفش کاویانی (spjall) 27. apríl 2012 kl. 23:48 (UTC)
- Your bot-flag request will be answered on the 3rd of May. Currently I am busy with other things.--Snaevar (spjall) 28. apríl 2012 kl. 09:21 (UTC)
hi. about this edit from you. first im glad to meet you in the my talkpage;). and your request is done:)/Mahdi.hajiha (spjall) 9. maí 2012 kl. 18:27 (UTC)
Thanks. I try to talk to users first. I'm glad that you did follow my instructions.--Snaevar (spjall) 11. maí 2012 kl. 20:08 (UTC)
Article translation request
Hi Snaevar, how are you? Mate, I am trying to find an editor/s who can help by translating User:Russavia/Polandball into Icelandic. I noticed that you have recently expanded the Icelandair article on iswp, so I was wondering if we could make a trade?
If you could translate that article into Icelandic for me, I would be happy to upload some 50 Icelandic aviation photos to Commons from amongst the 200,000 I have permission to upload. I have just uploaded a new photo today of a new Icelandic airline, and I will keep a gallery at User:Russavia of photos uploaded.
Would you be interested in such a "trade"? Do let me know, either by responding here, or on my talk page, or by emailing me. Cheers, Russavia (spjall) 12. júní 2012 kl. 09:50 (UTC)
- I'm fine. We could make such an trade, sure. I'll add that article to my todo list. By the way, the comic "Estonia cannot into Nordic" is really funny.--Snaevar (spjall) 12. júní 2012 kl. 14:13 (UTC)
- Fantastic! Thanks mate. Appreciated. Feel free to edit the article in my userspace if you like, and it can simply be moved into mainspace when done when done. Also, I have already started uploading Icelandic aviation photos to Commons, and you can see them at User:Russavia. I am trying to get as many from Iceland as possible; even including small aircraft. There will be quite a few older Icelandair photos and the like to be uploaded as well. Already in Icelandair you can see some of the photos I uploaded some time ago. I will make a concerted effort in the coming days to get 50-60 photos uploaded, and put as many into articles on iswp as I can. Feel free to contact me with any questions, etc. Cheers, Russavia (spjall) 12. júní 2012 kl. 14:39 (UTC)
- Great. The expansion that I did on the Icelandair article was from the early years of the company (1970-2005), so those old photos fit in just fine.--Snaevar (spjall) 14. júní 2012 kl. 17:13 (UTC)
- Sweet. I will continue to upload photos, with as many vintage Icelandair and Air Atlanta Icelandic, etc pics as possible. And will continue to gallerise (is that a word? lol) on my userpage. I really do hope that they come in handy for article creation and/or expansion on Icelandic WP. And I will also be contacting Icelandic aviation photographers to get their works released under a free licence. I'll let you know of any successes there :)
- Thanks a lot mate for the translation, it looks great. Do you have "DYK" here on Icelandic Wikipedia? :) Cheers, Russavia (spjall) 14. júní 2012 kl. 17:20 (UTC)
Hi Snaevar, just a quick note to let you know that I have now uploaded 50 Icelandic-related aviation photos to Commons, and they are all available in a gallery on my userpage here on Icelandic Wikipedia. Many thanks again, and I hope these photos will come in useful on this project either now, or sometime in the future. Russavia (spjall) 29. júní 2012 kl. 07:53 (UTC)
- Ok, great.--Snaevar (spjall) 3. júlí 2012 kl. 08:37 (UTC)
Polandball barnstar
The Polandball Barnstar | ||
Hello Icelandball, Australiaball be approvings of your translatings of Polandball. With Icelandball help, we provings that whilst Poland can not into space, Polandball can into Wikipedia. As Australiaball promised, he will continue uploadings of Icelandic aviation photographs on Commons, and he being displaying of them on userpage. Many of greetings and exultations. Russavia (spjall) 14. júní 2012 kl. 17:04 (UTC) |
Polandball is here, see this:
Rename account
Hello. I'm sorry if this is not the right place to request it, but I request renaming my following accounts:
- محمد الجداوي → Avocato
- GedawyBot → AvocatoBot
- Confirmation link: [1]
- Reason: Privacy reasons
Please, delete all my userpages and talk pages of these accounts before renaming and I will create them later .Thanks in advance.--M.Gedawy 15. júlí 2012 kl. 11:04 (UTC)
- This is the right place for requesting renames of accounts.... Apparently my fellow sysop, Cessator spotted your request and has already done what you asked for.--Snaevar (spjall) 16. júlí 2012 kl. 13:39 (UTC)
Hello, My bot is blocked in your wiki (User:Dexbot). I had a bot (User:Amirobot) had bot flag here (and still has) but I can't reach this bot anymore (I lost my bot password and e-mail is removed too) so Is it possible to remove my old bot flag and give it to new bot? (I'll do the exact same thing) Thanks Ladsgroup (spjall) 17. júlí 2012 kl. 11:36 (UTC)
- Sure. Thanks for the explanation.--Snaevar (spjall) 23. júlí 2012 kl. 14:22 (UTC)
Er ekki hægt að setja myndir á hausa á Eurovisoingreinar? -Ice-72 (spjall) 11. september 2012 kl. 10:42 (UTC)
Myndir teknar niður af síðum
Sæll, mig langar að spyrjast fyrir hvers vegna þú ert að taka niður myndir af leikurum af þeim síðum sem ég hef gert af þeim. Eru þær ekki í samræmi við reglur Wikipedia og höfundalög.Ath 15.september 2012 kl. 22:46 (UTC)
- Þessar myndir voru fjarlægðar af síðunum og eytt því þær eru ekki í samræmil við reglur Wikipedia, höfundarlög og reglur Wikimedia Foundation sem hýsir wikipedia. Ég ætla að útskýra það nánar hér á eftir.
- Íslensku reglurnar voru settar fram sem tillaga á pottinum í júlí síðastliðnum og eru núna á síðunni Wikipedia:Margmiðlunarefni. Þær byggja á íslenskum og bandarískum höfundalögum. Í þeim er það helst regla 1 og 2 sem á við. Regla 1 segir að "eingöngu megi hlaða inn margmiðlunarskrá hingað inn þegar engin sambærileg skrá finnst á Commons". Regla 2 er mun ítarlegri, en til þess að myndin væri leyfð þyrfti myndin bæði að vera skjáskot úr kvikmynd og vera að hámarki 300 díla (pixla) stór.
- Í þeim tilvikum þar sem sambærilegar myndir voru til á Commons þá setti ég þær inn.
- Í reglum Wikimedia Foundation er helst ein tilvitnun sem skiptir máli. Til þess að skilja hana þarf að útskýra hugtakið EDP. EDP eru reglur wiki verkefnis sem segja til um hvaða myndir má hlaða inn. Reglurnar á Wikipedia:Margmiðlunarefni eru EDP reglur is.wikipedia.
An EDP may not allow material where we can reasonably expect someone to upload a freely licensed file for the same purpose, such as in the case for almost all portraits of living notable individuals.“
--Snaevar (spjall) 16. september 2012 kl. 00:20 (UTC)
>>>Takk fyrir þessar upplýsingar ég var ekki búin að sjá þessar nýju reglur en er búin að skoða málið núna og reyni að samræmast þeim. Hvernig er best að velja myndir á Commons og hvað þarf að hafa í huga þegar verið er að velja þær. Síðan er eitt samt sem ég er ekki viss með - ef ég finn ekki leikarann á Commons má ég nota t.d heimasíðu 'þátta', heimasíðu leikaras sjálfs eða síðu á borð við '' til að finna myndir og nota? Væri það í samræmi við þessar nýju reglur. Ath 16.september 2012 kl. 01:32 (UTC)
- Hvernig er best að velja myndir?
Það er tvennt sem skiptir máli. Í fyrsta lagi að andlit leikarans sjáist greinilega og í öðru lagi að myndin sé aldrei sýnd stærri en hún er. Frekar á að sýna ljósmyndir jafnstórar og þær eru eða minni.
- Má ég nota myndir frá vefsíðum eins og TVGuide, ef ég finn ekki leikarann á Commons?
Myndin þarf þá að vera skjáskot úr kvikmynd eða sjónvarpsþætti. Ég ætla að taka eina af myndunum sem þú hefur hlaðið inn sem dæmi, Mynd:Diazreevesfeelingminnesota.jpg. Á IMDB stendur "Still of Cameron Diaz and Kenau Reeves in Feeling Minnesota". "Still" er ljósmynd sem er tekin við framleiðslu myndarinnar. Þessi mynd er því í lagi.
Þar að auki þarf myndin að vera að hámarki 300 dílar að breidd, þannig að í sumum tilfellum þyrfti að minnka myndina. En, það er alltaf hægt að hlaða inn nýrri útgáfu af myndinni sem væri minni, svo ég hef engar áhyggjur af því.--Snaevar (spjall) 16. september 2012 kl. 13:39 (UTC)
>>>Takk fyrir þetta og nú skil ég betur þessar reglur. Fannst dálítið erfitt að skilja hvaða myndir væru í lagi en tel mig betur stakk búna með reglurnar. Annars mun ég spyrjast fyrir ef eitthvað kemur upp. Ath 16.september 2012 kl. 19:31 (UTC)
Ég hafði sjálfur tekið eina mynd sem þú tókst út af, ljósmynd af Bessastöðum. Af hverju var hún fjarlægð? -Ice-72 (spjall) 17. september 2012 kl. 11:24 (UTC)
- Þessi mynd var fjarlægð því að sambærileg mynd er til á commons. Samkvæmt fyrstu og sjöundu reglu á Wikipedia:Margmiðlunarefni má eyða myndum þar sem þetta á við.--Snaevar (spjall) 18. september 2012 kl. 13:42 (UTC)
Sæll, við erum að gera verkefni í skólanum og vorum að gera síðuna um NRA.. við vorum ekki búnar að klára og þú breyttir tilvísununum, nú er komin önnur tilvísun sem birtist sem tilvísun nr.2 en kemur ekki inn í tilvísunarskránna sjálfa.. Þegar ég fer svo inn í tilvísunarskránna þá er ekkert þar hvernig lögum við þetta?
Þivs (spjall) 19. september 2012 kl. 21:37 (UTC) bestu kveðjur Þivs
- Ef ég skil þig rétt, þá ertu að tala um að tengillinn á komi ekki fram undir fyrirsögninni "Tilvísanir". Til þess að hann birtist þar þarf að velja tengilinn, ýta á tilvísunar hnappinn (og staðfesta með því að ýta á "setja inn").--Snaevar (spjall) 19. september 2012 kl. 22:48 (UTC)
Re: malarzBOT
- I create bot user-page
- I made request on bot flag
Files from Reykjavík Museum of Photography Flickr stream
Hi mate, long time no see, hope you are doing well. I have uploaded to Commons 100 photos from Iceland from the beginning of the 20th century. They can be seen at Commons:Category:Files from Reykjavík Museum of Photography Flickr stream. The files themselves need some cleaning up, particularly in relations to categories. Could you please advise where the best place on is.wp would be to alert the community to the existence of these photos so that interested editors can help to categorise and possibly begin to utilise them here on is.wp. Cheers, Russavia (spjall) 28. desember 2012 kl. 23:27 (UTC)
- Hi. The best place on is.wp for such an alert would be at Wikipedia:Potturinn.--Snaevar (spjall) 29. desember 2012 kl. 02:00 (UTC)
You've blocked my bot for 1 century, 4 decades, 9 years, 364 days, 20 hours, 49 minutes and 12 seconds because of inactivity. What shall I do to get my bot unblocked? --Obersachse (spjall) 20. janúar 2013 kl. 10:35 (UTC)
- I have unblocked your bot and removed the bot-flag. If you want me to re-assign the bot-flag, then you will have to re-apply for it.--Snaevar (spjall) 20. janúar 2013 kl. 12:28 (UTC)
Wikidata is here; please disable any interwiki bots on the English Wikipedia
Wikidata has been deployed to the English Wikipedia. Going forward, Wikidata will manage interwiki links. Further information: m:Wikidata/Deployment Questions and <>.
Important note: Bots that continue to add, remove, or update interwiki links on the English Wikipedia may be blocked from editing after Saturday, February 16, 2013.
If you are running pywikipedia's, please update to pyrev:11073 which will automatically prevent your bot from updating links on this wiki.
If you have any questions, please ask at the bot owners' noticeboard. Thank you for your past work maintaining interwiki links. It has been very appreciated and we're looking forward to an even brighter future with Wikidata. Legoktm (spjall) 14. febrúar 2013 kl. 10:15 (UTC)
- Thanks. Bot updated to revision 11073.--Snaevar (spjall) 14. febrúar 2013 kl. 11:52 (UTC)
Halló, þakka þér fyrir að hjálpa okkur að bæta þessa síðu: Auditorio de Tenerife. Þú getur nú hjálpa mér að bæta þennan, takk: Pedro de Betancur.-- 1. mars 2013 kl. 13:48 (UTC)
re: Makecat-bot @ is.wikipedia
I have stopped it yesterday. Thanks for you message. --Makecat (spjall) 7. mars 2013 kl. 02:02 (UTC)
Re: AvocatoBot @ is.wikipedia
Hello. Do you mean a normal update from PyWikipediaBot Nightlies? I already do that daily.--Avocato (talk) 7. mars 2013 kl. 14:27 (UTC)
- Answered on your talk page.--Snaevar (spjall) 7. mars 2013 kl. 15:11 (UTC)
- Nice, Good luck Snaevar.--Avocato (talk) 7. mars 2013 kl. 15:23 (UTC)
Hi, I have updated my bot, please open it.جواد (spjall) 27. mars 2013 kl. 12:26 (UTC)
- Búið/Done.--Snaevar (spjall) 27. mars 2013 kl. 12:52 (UTC)
Hvaðan koma hnitin?
Þetta er frekar forvitnisspurning frekar en annað; en hvaðan koma sum hnitin sem þú hefur verið að setja inn nýlega? Vinnurðu þau á vélrænan eða handvirkan hátt? -Svavar Kjarrval (spjall) 28. mars 2013 kl. 03:10 (UTC)
- Reyndar var megnið af þessum breytingum leiðréttingar á hnitum frekar en að bæta þeim við. Allar breytingarnar voru gerðar með handvirkum hætti (sumar með aðstoð vasareiknis).
- Aðeins í tveimur breytingum, á Laugardalslaug og Búrfellshyrnu fjarlægði ég hnitið sem var fyrir og bætti öðru nákvæmara hniti við. Hnitið á Laugardalslaug var fengið frá Google Maps og hnitið á Búrfellshyrnu frá grein um sama fjall á ensku wikipediu.
- Leiðréttingarnar voru tvennskonar.
- Á sumum síðunum voru mínótur eða sekóndur ýmist breiddar eða lengdar of margar. Mínótur og sekóndur hnita á jörðinni geta ekki verið stærri en 60. Í þeim breytingum sem sekóndurnar voru fleiri en 60 þá hækkaði ég mínótuna um einn og dró 60 frá sekóndunni. Kanski mætti líkja þessu við klukkuna. Það er vitlaust að segja að klukkan sé 1:72, en rétt að segja að hún sé 2:12. Þetta er ekkert ósvipað því.
- Á öðrum síðum var gildið
gefið, oftast semtype=city
, í staðinn fyrirtype:city
eins og það ætti að vera.
- Þessar leiðréttingar voru síðan gerðar í tengslum við það að ég var að breyta hnitasniðunum (Snið:Hnit og Snið:Coor) svo þær notuðust við Lua skriftu, Module:Hnit. Ef sniðin hefðu ekki notast við Lua skriftuna þá hefði vantað mikinn fjölda af undirsniðum bara svo þau myndi virka eins og þau ættu að gera.--Snaevar (spjall) 28. mars 2013 kl. 12:02 (UTC)
- Veit ekki hvort hnit fengin af Google Maps uppfylli kröfur WikiMedia um löglegheit. En breytingarnar hafa verið nokkuð flottar. Ég hef t.d. verið að tengja landfræðilega staði við Wikipedia á OpenStreetMap og það er örugglega sjálfsagt að byggja hnitin á þeim gögnum. Hef annars verið að spá hvort það sé hægt að ákvarða hnitin á sjálfvirkari hátt en það krefst auðvitað forritunarvinnu sem mun örugglega taka einhvern tíma. Endilega haltu áfram því sem þú ert að gera því það er mjög gott. -Svavar Kjarrval (spjall) 28. mars 2013 kl. 14:57 (UTC)
- Rakst annars á þessa hnitareiknivél sem þú getur notað. -Svavar Kjarrval (spjall) 30. mars 2013 kl. 02:10 (UTC)
- Ég stórefa að GoogleMaps eigi einhvern rétt á þessum hnitum, þar sem hnitið er ekki beinlínis á skrá hjá þeim. Ég er frekar að nota GoogleMaps sem tól til þess að finna hnitið. Þar að auki skiptir kortagrunnurinn ekki máli; ég gæti þessvegna notað kortavef landmælinga íslands og gert það sama.
- Veit ekki hvort hnit fengin af Google Maps uppfylli kröfur WikiMedia um löglegheit. En breytingarnar hafa verið nokkuð flottar. Ég hef t.d. verið að tengja landfræðilega staði við Wikipedia á OpenStreetMap og það er örugglega sjálfsagt að byggja hnitin á þeim gögnum. Hef annars verið að spá hvort það sé hægt að ákvarða hnitin á sjálfvirkari hátt en það krefst auðvitað forritunarvinnu sem mun örugglega taka einhvern tíma. Endilega haltu áfram því sem þú ert að gera því það er mjög gott. -Svavar Kjarrval (spjall) 28. mars 2013 kl. 14:57 (UTC)
- Ef það er til .txt eða XML skrá yfir hnit sem ætti að bæta við þá væri hægt að setja inn hnitin á sjálfvirkan hátt. Það væri hægt með því að setja upp pywikipediabot, bæta þessari skriftu við og síðan keyra hana í commandline.
- Takk fyrir reiknivélina, en ég er viss um að ég þurfi ekki á henni að halda.--Snaevar (spjall) 30. mars 2013 kl. 16:33 (UTC)
About Wikisource
Hi Snaevar, I have seen your proposal about Wikisource and I would like to ask you if you would be interested in presenting a Google Summer of Code application related to Tesseract (it could be either deploy it, or use it as aid to inject the proofread text back into the djvu). Please let me know soon, or if you know anyone that could be interested. Thanks! --Micru 15. apríl 2013 kl. 18:19 (UTC)
Hi, sorry for writing in English. I'm writing to ask you, as a bureaucrat of this wiki, to translate and review the notification that will be sent to all users, also on this wiki, who will be forced to change their user name on May 27 and will probably need your help with renames. You may also want to help with the pages m:Rename practices and m:Global rename policy. Thank you, Nemo 3. maí 2013 kl. 13:33 (UTC)
Skrifa undir þátttakendalista fyrir Wikimedia Ísland
Góðan daginn.
Nú á að halda áfram með stofnun Wikimedia Ísland og vonast er til þess að ljúka ferlinu á þessu ári. Ég hef samband við þig þar sem þú hefur verið virkur notandi á íslensku Wikipediu og hvet þig til þess að skrifa undir. Með undirskriftinni felst engin skuldbinding af þinni hálfu önnur en sú að þú styðjir stofnun Wikimedia Ísland. Viljir þú fundarboð og tilkynningar í tengslum við Wikimedia Ísland inn á notandaspjallið þitt geturðu ritað undir annan lista á sömu síðu.
Undirskriftin gæti verið á þennan hátt:
* Fullt nafn / gælunafn -~~~~
Listinn er á Wikipedia:Wikimedia_Ísland#.C3.9E.C3.A1tttakendur
Með kveðju,
Svavar Kjarrval (spjall) 11. maí 2013 kl. 17:50 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes.
- Recent software changes
- (Not all changes will affect you.)
- The Translate extension and Universal Language Selector were enabled on Wikimedia Commons on May 20. Commons users can now easily change languages, and translate pages with a friendly interface. [2]
- The Notifications feature, active on the English Wikipedia, now supports local blacklists and whitelists. It is possible to hide users (for example certain bots) from all notifications on the wiki. Also, e-mail notifications are now grouped. [3] [4]
- The first stable release of MediaWiki 1.21 for sites outside Wikimedia was published on May 25. [5]
- The tool storing information about languages (CLDR) was updated to the latest version (23.1). [6]
- Due to a software issue, users couldn't enable or disable Gadgets. The issue is now fixed.
- Future software changes
- MediaWiki will stop supporting XHTML 1.0 and HTML versions lower than version 5. HTML5 will now be the default language for pages created by the software. [7] [8]
- The software will check if all uploaded files are secure and match their type. [9]
- The Wikimedia Commons Android app will come out of the beta phase on its next release. [10]
- Account creation by manual log-in will now be recorded in the account creation log (bug 42434). [11]
- Links to file description pages will again be accessible directly from within videos (bug 43747). [12]
- The software behind recent changes patrolling was re-written; the change fixes issues related to patrolling new pages, among other things. [13]
- During a meeting, developers agreed on rules about making big changes to the software. [14]
- There is now a category to list pages with invalid music code. [15]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by Global message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes.
- Recent software changes
- (Not all changes will affect you.)
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf5) was added to non-Wikipedia wikis on May 29. It will be enabled on the English Wikipedia on June 3, and on all other Wikipedias on June 5. [16]
- The Tamil Wikipedia shared a Lua module they created to automate their Main Page. [17]
- There is now a test wiki to test new features in right-to-left languages. [18]
- The Thanks feature was added to the English Wikipedia; users can now thank others for individual edits. [19]
- The new interface for account creation and log-in is now the default on 30 wikis, including the English Wikipedia, Commons, Meta, and Wikidata. The feature will be added to all wikis after June 5. Users can return to the old look by adding ?useNew=0 to the web address. [20]
- Videos are now played in pop-up windows if their size on the page is smaller than 200 pixels (800 pixels on the English Wikipedia). [21]
- Opening your talk page now marks notifications as read, for wikis using the Notifications feature. (bug 47912) [22].
- All autoconfirmed users can now reset transcoding of video files; previously only administrators could do this. [23]
- The Nearby feature allows people who use mobile devices to see Wikipedia articles about objects and places around them. [24]
- Future software changes
- The PostEdit feature is now part of MediaWiki, and will work on all wikis. (bug 48726) [25]
- The Narayam and WebFonts extensions will be replaced by the Universal Language Selector extension. [26]
- MediaWiki will now be updated every week, starting on June 6. Thanks to this, bugs will be fixed and features will be added faster than they are now. [27]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by Global message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes.
- Recent software changes
- (Not all changes will affect you.)
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf6) was added to test wikis and on June 6, and to non-Wikipedia wikis on June 10. It will be enabled on all Wikipedias on June 13. [28]
- An alpha version of the VisualEditor was enabled on all Wikipedias on June 6. Please test it and report problems. [29]
- Several VisualEditor bugs have been fixed; users can now add, edit and remove categories using the editor's "Page settings" menu.
- Wikimedia error messages will no longer link to the #wikipedia [[<tvar|meta-irc-chans>:m:IRC/Channels</>|IRC channel]] on Freenode. [30]
- The logo of 16 Wikipedias was changed to version 2.0 in a fourth group of updates. [31]
- A test instance of Wikidata is now available at [32]
- Users can now patrol the first version of a newly created page if they visit it from Special:NewPages or Special:RecentChanges. [33]
- Translation pages will no longer include edit section links (bug #40713). [34]
- Future software changes
- A report on mobile upload errors was published, and software changes to reduce their number will come soon. [35]
- A request for comments on updating MediaWiki to use RDFa version 1.1 was started on (Gerrit change #67608).
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by Global message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Unsubscribe.
11. júní 2013 kl. 20:09 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Translations are available.
- Recent software changes
- (Not all changes will affect you.)
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22wmf7) was added to test wikis and on June 13. It will be enabled on non–Wikipedia sites on June 17, and on all Wikipedias on June 20. [36]
- The Narayam and WebFonts extensions were successfully replaced by Universal Language Selector on June 11. [37]
- VisualEditor news:
- VisualEditor was temporarily disabled on Wikipedia sites on June 14 due to an issue that inserted a lot of HTML code. The issue is now fixed and VisualEditor works as before.
- Users can now use VisualEditor to add images and other media items from their local wikis and Wikimedia Commons. [38].
- VisualEditor also allows editing references. [39]
- The new Disambiguator extension, which was previously part of MediaWiki itself, was enabled on test wikis. It adds the magic word
to mark disambiguation pages. [40] - The newly enabled Campaigns extension allows Wikimedia Foundation data analysts to track account creations that result from a specific outreach campaign.
- Future software changes
- Universal Language Selector will be added to the Catalan (ca), Cebuano (ceb), Persian (fa), Finnish (fi), Norwegian Bokmål (no), Portuguese (pt), Ukrainian (uk), Vietnamese (vi), Waray-Waray (war) and Chinese (zh) Wikipedias on June 18. [41]
- Starting on June 18, VisualEditor will be randomly enabled by default for half of newly created accounts on the English Wikipedia to test stability, performance and features. [42]
- Two new webfonts (UnifrakturMaguntia and Linux Libertine) will be added to wikis that use Universal Language Selector. [43] [44]
- It will now be possible to hide the sidebar while using the Translate extension to reduce distractions (bug #45836). [45]
- A patrolling link will now be visible for un-patrolled pages, even if users don't visit it from Special:NewPages or Special:RecentChanges (bug #49123). [46]
- A request for comments on enabling a new search engine for MediaWiki was started.
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by Global message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Unsubscribe.
EdwardsBot (spjall) 16. júní 2013 kl. 22:31 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Translations are available.
- Recent software changes
- (Not all changes will affect you.)
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22wmf8) was added to test wikis and on June 20. It will be enabled on non–Wikipedia sites on June 24, and on all Wikipedias on June 27. [47]
- Universal Language Selector was successfully enabled on the Catalan (ca), Cebuano (ceb), Persian (fa), Finnish (fi), Norwegian Bokmål (no), Portuguese (pt), Ukrainian (uk), Vietnamese (vi), Waray-Waray (war) and Chinese (zh) Wikipedias. [48]
- The new interface for account creation and log–in is now the default on all Wikimedia wikis. The old look is no longer available (bug #46333). [49]
- The TimedMediaHandler extension now supports native FLAC files. A discussion to allow this file type is taking place on Commons (bug #49505). [50]
- After a test period, the Disambiguator extension was enabled on the English Wikipedia on June 18. [51]
- VisualEditor news:
- A VisualEditor bug temporarily made all new accounts unusable. The issue is now fixed and account creation works as before (bug #49727).
- A high importance file insertion bug has been fixed, but the feature does not work perfectly yet. [52]
- It is now possible to synchronise local CSS and JavaScript files with the beta cluster. This should make it easier to test software features before they are enabled on live wikis. [53]
- Future software changes
- The default link to a help page on editing, visible below the editing window, will change on almost 600 Wikimedia wikis and will now link to (bug #45977). [54]
- Universal Language Selector will be enabled on wikis without language versions (such as Wikisource and Wikispecies) on June 25. [55]
- The AbuseFilter extension will allow filtering links and HTML code for page creations. [56]
- The related changes special page will now include upload log entries. [57]
- It will soon be possible to choose the language of SVG files that contain translations. [58]
- MediaWiki will now allow converting audio files from one format to another. [59]
- The Wikidata technical team has started a discussion about how Wikidata can support Wiktionary. [60]
- The search feature on Wikimedia sites is planned to be modified to use Solr on all wikis by the end of 2013. [61]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by Global message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Translations are available.
- Recent software changes
- (Not all changes will affect you.)
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf9) was added to test wikis on June 27. It will be enabled on non–Wikipedia sites on July 8, and on all Wikipedias on July 11.
- On Wikisource, the canonical names of the "Index" and "Page" namespaces in the Proofread Page extension are no longer localized (bug #47596). Please check scripts that depend on
. [62] - A JavaScript problem caused the "Breytingaskrá" and "Bæta við umræðu" tabs in the Vector skin to be moved into the drop-down menu on right-to-left wikis. The issue is now fixed and links are visible as before (bug #50196). [63]
- There was a short site outage on June 28.
- The automated Category:Wikipedia:Síður með brotna skráartengla now includes broken file links inserted inside the
<gallery />
tag (bug #50119). [64] - The Nearby feature is now enabled on Commons and shows images in a user's area. [65]
- There is now a special page listing disambiguation pages for wikis that use the Disambiguator extension (bug #44040). [66]
- The old version of the Article feedback tool (version 4) was removed from wikis that still used it. [67]
- VisualEditor news:
- Many bugs that caused text to be removed or damaged have been fixed, including one related to copy-paste (bug #49816).
- VisualEditor now offers a visual interface to edit references.
- In preparation for enabling the VisualEditor on a wider scale, new documentation has been created, including a list of frequently-asked questions and a user guide with many images. Please help with translations.
- Several problems related to overlapping of elements with the VisualEditor toolbar have been fixed (bug #50096, #50159, #50324).
- TemplateData information is now displayed for templates that are added to a page (bug #49778).
- Section edit links now show links to both VisualEditor and the old (source) editor (bug #49666).
- Images are now loaded securely when using HTTPS (bug #43015). [68]
- Future software changes
- VisualEditor will be enabled for all logged-in English Wikipedia users on July 1, and for all users on July 8.
- From July 8, it will be possible to upload WAV and native FLAC files to Commons, and use them directly on wiki pages ([[<tvar|bug-49505>bugzilla:49505</>|bug #49505]]). [69]
- The Universal Language Selector will be added to the English Wikipedia on July 2, and to remaining wikis on July 9. [70]
- Erratum
- Tech news #26 incorrectly reported that audio transcoding was added to TimedMediaHandler; it was actually statistics about audio transcoding that were added. [71]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by Global message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest [[<tvar|technews>m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News</>|tech news]] from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. [[<tvar|more-transl>m:Special:MyLanguage/Tech/News/2013/28</>|Translations]] are available.
Recent software changes (Not all changes will affect you.)
- VisualEditor news:
- VisualEditor deployment has been delayed by a week. It is now planned to enable the editor for logged–in editors on chosen Wikipedias on July 22, and on all Wikipedias on July 29.
- A bug that made it impossible to save VisualEditor edits that triggered a CAPTCHA has been fixed. [72]
- Several bugs that occurred on right–to–left wikis have been fixed last week (bug #49416, bug #49613, bug #50543).
- Uploading files has been restricted on Meta Wiki to administrators and the newly created uploader group. An exemption doctrine policy is being developed (bug #50287). [73]
- Emergency priority CentralNotice banners will always be shown unless users have hidden them, ignoring cookies set for lower priority banners. [74]
Future software changes
- MediaWiki will allow choosing a specific page of a PDF document or a thumbnail of a video file to show up inside the
- It will now be possible to create empty
messages, for instance in order to disable them (bug #50124). [76] - The Nearby feature will soon be enabled on Wikivoyage wikis again. [77]
- The Notifications extension messages will now include a direct link to diffs on wiki as well as in notification e-mails (bug #48183). [78]
- Table of contents will now use the HTML
element instead of<table>
, fixing a nine–year–old bug #658. [79] - First mock–ups of a mobile Wikidata application have been published by Pragun Bhutani as part of his Google Summer of Code project. [80]
- A discussion on minimum documentation practices in MediaWiki code has been started and awaits comments from the community.
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by Global message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Translations are available.
Recent software changes (Not all changes will affect you.)
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf10) was added to test wikis on July 11. It will be enabled on non–Wikipedia sites on July 15, and on all Wikipedias on July 18. [81]
- The Disambiguator extension was enabled on all Wikimedia wikis on July 9 (bug #50174). To use it, add the
code to disambiguation templates (see example). [82] - The Universal Language Selector was added to all remaining wikis on July 9, finishing the process of replacing the Narayam and WebFonts extensions. [83]
- The CommonsDelinker bot is now on-line and operating again, after a password problem was fixed (bug #51016).
- VisualEditor news:
- According to the schedule, VisualEditor will be available to all users on the English Wikipedia on July 15.
- Users should add TemplateData to templates to prepare for VisualEditor. A tutorial is available.
- Parameters marked as "required" in TemplateData are now auto-added when you add a template (bug #50747).
- Warnings are now displayed in VisualEditor when users edit pages that are protected or have edit notices (bug #50415).
- Many other bugs have been fixed in VisualEditor during the past two weeks.
- The Wikimedia technical report for June has been published, with a summary that can be translated.
Future software changes
- A new version of the Single User Login system for global accounts will be enabled on July 17. Users will now automatically go back to the previous page instead of seeing the "Login success" page with logos. [84]
- The software that resizes images on all wikis will change on July 18. Resizing of big images will be faster and more reliable, and the resolution limit for GIF, PNG and TIFF files (currently set at 50 megapixels) will be removed. [85]
- Edit tags (mostly used by AbuseFilter) will now also be on diff pages. They include a link to Special:Tags before the edit summary. Wikis that use links in tag messages should remove them. [86] [87]
- Global edit filters are currently in testing and will be added to wikis later. [88]
- Wikivoyage wikis will start to use Wikidata for interwiki links on July 22. [89]
- A new image gallery design has been proposed by Brian Wolff; comments and feedback are welcome.
- An IRC discussion about Bugzilla is planned for July 16, at 16:00 (UTC) on the IRC channel #wikimedia-office on Freenode (time conversion). [90]
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Recent software changes (Not all changes will affect you.)
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf11) was added to test wikis and on July 18. It will be enabled on non–Wikipedia sites on July 22, and on all Wikipedias on July 25. [91]
- A new version of the Flow Prototype can be tested on Wikimedia Labs. [92]
- VisualEditor news:
- The schedule to add VisualEditor to non-English Wikipedias has been changed: the new editor will be available for logged-in users on the German (de), Spanish (es), French (fr), Hebrew (he), Italian (it), Dutch (nl), Polish (pl), Russian (ru) and Swedish (sv) Wikipedias on July 24, and for all users on those wikis on July 29. [93]
- A warning is now displayed if an edit made with VisualEditor matches an edit filter (bug #50472).
- SpamBlacklist messages are also supported (bug #50826).
- Users can now edit
blocks (bug #47678). - When a user types text at the end of a link, the link now expands to that text. [94]
- Freely-licensed fonts for the Cree, Inuktitut and Urdu languages were added to Universal Language Selector, fixing bug #42421 and bug #46693.
- A Wikidata search plugin for the Firefox web browser was released by Jeroen De Dauw and can be downloaded from the Mozilla add-ons website.
Future software changes
- The change of the Wikimedia image scaling system from ImageMagick to VipsScaler (announced in the previous issue) has been postponed until bug #51370 is fixed. [95]
- Administrators will no longer see an unblock link for autoblocked IP addresses on the contributions page (bug #46457). [96]
- A request for comments on site-wide CSS was started on [97]
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Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes; not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf12) was added to test wikis and on July 25. It will be enabled on non–Wikipedia sites on July 29, and on all Wikipedias on August 1. [98]
- Wikivoyage was offline for around 40 minutes on July 24. [99]
- Pywikipediabot moved their code from SVN to git; bot owners need to update their tools. [100]
- The Notifications and Thanks extensions were added to Meta-Wiki on July 26; other wikis will get them soon. [101]
- It is now possible to add edit summaries on Wikidata using the API; the feature will be added to user interface soon. [102]
- The software that resizes large PNG images on all wikis was changed on July 25. Resizing of PNG files bigger than 35 megapixels should be faster and more reliable now. [103]
- Three new webfonts (Gentium, Old Persian and Shapour) will be added to Universal Language Selector. [104], [105], [106]
- Special:MIMESearch, which gives a list of files by type, will be enabled on all Wikimedia wikis with MediaWiki version 1.22/wmf12 (bug #13438). [107]
- A mailing list to discuss multimedia features was started; users are encouraged to sign up.
- VisualEditor news:
- On July 24, VisualEditor was added for logged-in users on the German (de), Spanish (es), French (fr), Hebrew (he), Italian (it), Polish (pl), Russian (ru) and Swedish (sv) Wikipedias; it will be added for all users on those wikis on July 29. [108]
- A preference to completely disable VisualEditor while it is in beta phase was added on July 24. [109]
- Many bugs were fixed in right-to-left languages. [110] [111] [112] [113] [114] [115]
- It is possible again to scroll down in the template editing window (bug #51739).
- VisualEditor now works with the FlaggedRevisions extension. (bug #49699)
- If the user opens VisualEditor using a section edit link, the title of the section is added to the edit summary (bug #50872).
- Invisible templates now can't be deleted by accident or on purpose (bug #51322).
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Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
- The previous version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf13) was added to test wikis and on August 15. It was enabled on non-Wikipedia sites on August 19, and on all Wikipedias on August 22. [116]
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.22/wmf14) was added to test wikis and on August 22. It will be enabled on non-Wikipedia sites on August 26, and on all Wikipedias on August 29. [117]
- You can now use new styles of galleries. Please give feedback to User:Bawolff. [118]
- You can now visit a random page in a category, for example Special:RandomInCategory/Science. (25931) [119]
- You can now use the
HTML5 tag to say where a word can be cut. (52468) [120] - Gadget authors: you can now use the
hook, so that your scripts are re-run when a page is changed after thedocument-ready
event (for example using Ajax). (30713) [121]
Problems fixed
- There was a bug where file redirects didn't work when a file was renamed; it is now fixed. There is still an issue with purging, but it should be fixed soon. (52200)
- Viðhaldsskýrslur provided by special pages will now all be updated on each wiki every six months. This will for example give you recent information on uncategorized pages, unused templates and most wanted pages (see details).
- There was a bug that caused false positives for anti-blanking edit filters; it is now fixed. (52077) [122]
VisualEditor news
- The "edit" and "edit source" tabs and section edit links can now be changed more easily; for example, some wikis are using "edit source" for wikitext editing, and "edit beta" for VisualEditor. You can ask for the same change in bugzilla.
- You can now edit references that are added inside a
block. (51741) - You can now test on new basic tools to add and edit struck text (with the button for the
tag), lower text ( for<sub>
), upper text ( for<sup>
), underlined text ( for<u>
), computer code ( for<code>
), math text ( for<math>
), Egyptian hieroglyphs ( for<hiero>
), and to say that text is in another language ( forlang="ar" dir="rtl"
). (51609, 51612, 51611, 51590, 51610, 52352) - You can now use VisualEditor with the Opera browser. [123]
- Starting on August 26, you will be able to use data from Wikidata on Wikivoyage sites. [124]
- Starting on August 27, you will also get notifications on the mobile site if you're logged in to a wiki using notifications. [125]
- Starting on August 28, all users with an account will be using HTTPS to access Wikimedia sites. HTTPS brings better security and improves your privacy. Some countries (like China) will not use HTTPS. If HTTPS causes problems for you, tell us on meta. [126]
- Starting on August 29, you will get the code editor interface to edit JavaScript and CSS pages on all wikis. [127]
- The plan to use Solr for search in MediaWiki was changed; instead, Elasticsearch is now planned. [128]
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Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
- Special:Listfiles can now display old versions of files a user has uploaded. A new link was also added (Special:AllMyFiles) that gives a list of all files the current user has ever uploaded (that haven't been deleted).
- There is now an Android application to contribute to from mobile devices. [129]
VisualEditor news
- VisualEditor now has a new toolbar with drop-down menus for advanced tools. [130]
- Many bugs were fixed, some related to copy-and-paste. [131]
- You can now move references, list of references, templates and other elements with the mouse ("drag-and-drop"). [132]
- You are invited to comment on designs for the interface to add references in VisualEditor.
- Developers are looking for ideas of small technical projects that new developers could work on. Please add your ideas. [133]
- Developers are looking for wikis who would accept to try using secure links (HTTPS) for all users. [134]
- You can join an IRC discussion about "Beta features", a tool to try new features, on October 3. [135]
- You can join an IRC discussion about Flow, the new wiki discussion tool, on October 17.
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Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
- You can now choose which language to show for SVG files that contain several languages, using the "lang" option, like
for the German layer of File:Gerrit patchset 25838 test.svg. - Developers are looking for wiki communities to try the new search system. [136]
VisualEditor news
- You can now create and edit references inside media captions. [137]
- You now need to press the "delete" key twice to delete a template, reference or image; the first time, they only become selected, to avoid accidental deletion of infoboxes and similar content. [138]
- When you resize images, you will now still see them, and their size will also be seen in the center. [139] [140]
- The new notifications system ("Echo") will be added to almost all wikis that don't already have it on October 22. It will notify you of changes and events that affect you. [141]
- MediaWiki 1.22wmf22 was added to test wikis on October 17. It will arrive to non-Wikipedia wikis on October 21 and all Wikipedia wikis on October 24 (calendar).
- The interface to reset your password will soon be changed. [142]
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Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
- The "Toolbox" section in the site sidebar is now called "Tools" in English. You can do the same in your language by editing the interface text on Someone else may have already done it. [143]
VisualEditor news
- On wikis with VisualEditor, you can now use it on pages in the Mynd, Hjálp and Flokkur spaces. [144]
- On October 22 (UTC), an error in the site settings caused
sites (like Meta-Wiki and Commons) to redirect
for a few hours. [145]
- MediaWiki 1.23wmf1 was added to test wikis on October 24. It will arrive to non-Wikipedia wikis on October 28 and all Wikipedia wikis on October 31 (calendar).
- In the next days, servers in San Francisco will start providing (cached) content to users located in Oceania. If you are in that area and notice problems, please tell us. [146]
- You will soon be able to test new features easily using the "Beta Features" view. VisualEditor will be in the list on sites where it works and isn't automatically enabled. Another example is a set of changes in the article text style.
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Áramótaskaup 1966: 8. janúar 2013 kl. 12:36 Snaevar (Spjall | framlög) m . . (565 bæti) (-69) . . (fjarlægi setningu, engin heimild finnst.) (Taka aftur þessa breytingu)
Breyting virðist vera gerð frá rúv.
31. október 2013 kl. 23:59 (UTC)
Það ætti ekki að vera erfitt fyrir starfsmann rúv að setja þessar upplýsingar fram annarstaðar og vísa í þær. Það að byggja heimildir ofaná rétthafaskrá ripe stenst ekki þau viðmið sem við förum eftir hérna - sjá Wikipedia:Sannreynanleikareglan.--Snaevar (spjall) 1. nóvember 2013 kl. 00:58 (UTC)
Núna ætti þetta að vera komið. Það tók mig ekki nema 4 ár að finna heimild :-)
(Til gamans má nefna að það er ekki til heilt eintak af skaupinu 1970, bara „safnspóla“ með atriðunum úr því) Atli Axfjörð (spjall) 15. nóvember 2013 kl. 19:21 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
- The style and colors for warning boxes, error messages, and success messages in all skins of MediaWiki has been changed. [147]
VisualEditor news
- You will soon be able to switch from editing in VisualEditor to editing wikitext directly without having to save the page. You can't yet switch from wikitext to VisualEditor but developers hope to make it possible in the future. [148]
- There was a problem on October 31 during the activation of MediaWiki 1.22wmf2 on test wikis. was also broken, and if you had problems logging in, it was probably because of this as well.
- Because of the problem with MediaWiki 1.22wmf2, the calendar has changed. It will be added to and non-Wikipedia sites on November 4, and all Wikipedia sites on November 7.
JavaScript / Gadget developers
- Due to a recent change, gadgets and user scripts that use jQuery UI should explicitly load the appropriate modules, as they may not be loaded by default. [149]
- Developers have started to remove long-deprecated methods. You should check the JavaScript console (in
mode) and look for deprecation warnings and their stack trace. [150]
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Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
- You can now use the "Autonym" font of the Universal Language Selector (ULS) to display the name of languages (for example in navigation templates) in their correct script. To do this, add the CSS class
to the elements that include language names. Note that this font only works for the name of languages, not for any other text. [151]
- There was a problem with Parsoid (the program used by VisualEditor to convert wikitext to annotated HTML) on November 4, between 19:40 and 20:40 (UTC). Encoding issues caused non-ASCII characters (including those with diacritics, like "é") to be broken when converted to wikitext and saved to the page. [152]
- The Beta Features tool is now available on Commons and Meta-Wiki. With it, you can test new features before they're added for everyone. The plan is to add this tool to all wikis on November 21. [153]
- MediaWiki 1.23wmf3 was added to test wikis on November 7. It will arrive to non-Wikipedia wikis on November 12 and all Wikipedia wikis on November 14 (calendar). [154]
- The MassMessage tool will be added to all wikis on November 14. It will make it simpler to send messages across wikis. [155]
- The button of the Search page will soon be changed to be blue and bigger (see the difference). [156]
- You will soon be able to add a page name as parameter for
and similar functions, by writing for example{{REVISIONID:Apple}}
. [157] - In the future, when you hide a CentralNotice banner on a wiki, it will also be hidden on other Wikimedia sites. [158]
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Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- There was a problem caused by too many requests to the database on November 14. [159]
- MediaWiki 1.23wmf4 was added to test wikis on November 14. It will arrive to non-Wikipedia wikis on November 19 and all Wikipedia wikis on November 21 (calendar).
- The new Search tool (CirrusSearch) will be added to
, Wikimania and Wikisource wikis on November 19, and Wiktionary wikis on November 21 (except where it's already available). Once it is added, you can test it by adding&srbackend=CirrusSearch
to the address of the search results page. It will become the main search engine on Wikivoyage wikis on November 21. [160] - The MassMessage tool will be added to all wikis on November 19 instead of November 14. It will make it simpler to send messages across wikis. [161]
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Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
- The Beta Features announced before are now available on all Wikimedia wikis. You can test new features easily by changing your Beta preferences. VisualEditor is one of those features on sites where it works and isn't automatically enabled. There is also a new media viewer and changes in the article text style. [162]
- Tools developers can now create tools that use the OAuth protocol to connect to accounts on Wikimedia sites. As a user, you can use those tools to make edits and other changes with your account without giving the tool your password. [163]
- Wikis that are currently testing CirrusSearch had problems with search results on November 18 from 16:00 to 20:00 UTC.
- There will be no major code changes on the week of November 25 because many developers will be on holiday for Thanksgiving.
- The editing interface of
pages on Wikisource (working with the Proofread Page extension) will soon also work without JavaScript. [164]
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Breyting á stubbasniði-skeyta tvö saman
Ég sá að þú varst að prófa að setja saman stubbasniðið æviágrip og land. Ég prófaði þetta á greininni um Abraham Lincoln en ekki varð til ný mappa með þeim stubbi undir landinu né æviágripinu. Ef ég setti æviágrip á undan gerðist ekkert, en ef ég setti landið á undan varð til flokkurinn Wikipedia:Æviágripsstubbar tengdir Bandaríkjunum, neðst á síðunni en ekki inn í stubbaflokknum, hvorki undir Bandaríkin né æviágrip. Bragi H (spjall) 28. nóvember 2013 kl. 10:11 (UTC)
Sniðið er kóðað þannig að landið þarf að vera tilgreint sem annar undirflokkur til þess að það skeyti saman æviágrip og land.
Ég reikna með að þegar þú hafðir séð flokkinn "Wikipedia:Æviágripsstubbar tengdir Bandaríkjunum" neðst á greininni "Abraham Lincoln" þá hafir þú smellt á flokkinn "Wikipedia:Æviágripsstubbar tengdir Bandaríkjunum" og séð að hann væri hvorki í flokknum "Wikipedia:Stubbar sem tengjast Bandaríkjunum" né "Wikipedia:Æviágripsstubbar". Ef ég hef misskilið það, endilega láttu mig vita. Mitt svar við því er að flokkurinn "Wikipedia:Æviágripsstubbar tengdir Bandaríkjunum" hefur ekki verið búinn til og þar af leiðandi er hann hvorki inn í æviágrips né bandaríkjastubba flokkunum.--Snaevar (spjall) 6. desember 2013 kl. 18:46 (UTC)
- Skil, ég þarf þá að prófa að búa til flokkinn fyrst, hélt kannski að svona sbið myndi búa hann til sjálfkrafa. Ég prófa þetta, takk. Bragi H (spjall) 7. desember 2013 kl. 10:26 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
This newsletter is now posted using MediaWiki message delivery.
New features
- The CommonsMetadata feature was added to all wikis. It creates metadata information about multimedia files (like their license) that can be read automatically by computer programs. It not only works for Commons, but for all wikis, and you can use it for files on your wiki by editing templates used to describe metadata. [165]
- JavaScript code used on Wikimedia sites is now saved locally on your computer to load faster. [166]
- You can now paste formatted content copied from external sources (not just as plain text) into VisualEditor; this includes copy/pasting from other VisualEditor windows. [167]
- You can now open VisualEditor by adding
to the page URL, regardless of your user preferences. [168] - Many bugs have been fixed, and VisualEditor should also look faster, for example when you save a page. [169]
- Due to issues, the new search tool ("CirrusSearch") was recently removed from wikis where it was enabled, then added again. [170]
- MediaWiki 1.23wmf6 was added to test wikis on December 5. It will arrive to non-Wikipedia wikis on December 10 and all Wikipedia wikis on December 12 (calendar).
- The old Etherpad tool (replaced by a new version) will be removed on December 30, 2013. You can still save old pads before that date using the old address: [171]
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Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
New features
- You can now see a legend on Special:RecentChanges and Special:Watchlist that explains the symbols used. [172]
- If your wiki is testing the new search tool ("CirrusSearch"), you can now test it by adding "New search" in your Beta features preferences. [173]
- The toolbar is now simpler; all text styles (bold, italics, underline, subscript, etc.) are in the same menu, and the "More" menu is called "Insert". [174]
- You can now use a basic tool to add special characters to your text. You can add more characters (useful in your language) by editing the MediaWiki interface on
- The tool to add and edit mathematical text is now called "formula". [175]
- There was a problem with the "Búa til bók" tool (Collection); books could only be exported to PDF format. The change has been undone. [176]
- The log-in system for external tools ("OAuth") was broken on wikis that tested the new search tool. It was fixed last week. [177] [178]
- Because of a bug, this newsletter is delivered to users using the new MediaWiki message delivery, and to community pages using the old EdwardsBot. [179]
- MediaWiki 1.23wmf7 was added to test wikis on December 12. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on December 17 and all Wikipedia wikis on December 19 (calendar).
- You will soon be able to select the language of SVG images that have translations using a drop-down menu on the image page. (see example) [180]
- GLAMToolset, a tool to help GLAM groups (like museums) upload many pictures to Commons, will be added to Commons on December 17. [181]
- A Draft namespace will be added to the English Wikipedia to make it easier to create new pages. You will be able to use VisualEditor for drafts if you have enabled it. [182] [183]
- You can read the summary of the technical report for November 2013 to learn more about VisualEditor, Mobile and other features. [184]
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Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf8) was added to test wikis and on December 19. It will be enabled on non-Wikipedia wikis on December 31 and on all Wikipedia wikis on January 2, 2014 (calendar).
- You can now test the new search tool ("CirrusSearch") on all Wikisource, Wiktionary and Wikimedia chapter wikis hosted on Foundation servers. Enable "New search" in your Beta features preferences. [185]
- There was a bug where notifications were not sent when the signature of the user leaving the message linked to a translated namespace. The problem was fixed in the software and will soon be fixed on Wikimedia sites. [186] [187]
- You can now use the log-in system for external tools (OAuth) on all Wikimedia wikis that use the unified login. [188]
- If your wiki adds stars or other icons to interwiki links for featured articles in other languages, you may need to change the JavaScript code. [189]
- You can thank other users for their edits even if your browser does not have JavaScript. [190] [191]
- All edits made through Flow, the new discussion system for MediaWiki, are now visible in user's contributions. You can test it on the Flow talk page on [192] [193]
- You can test a visual tool that shows edits made to an article over time. It only works for English Wikipedia pages for now and is slow on long articles. [194]
- You can test the first version of the new mobile Wikipedia app for Android and iOS. [195]
-, the site where you can translate the MediaWiki software, now has a new main page for users without an account. [196]
Future software changes
- There will be no technical changes this week (December 23 to December 29) due to end-of-year holidays.
- When someone deletes, restores, uploads, or moves a file on Commons, pages on all wikis that use that file will be refreshed. [197] [198]
- New users will soon have their user and talk pages added to their watchlist as soon as they create an account. [199] [200].
- The new search tool (CirrusSearch) will not show the text of versions of a page that have been hidden. [201] [202]
- You will soon be able to see the raw HTML created by some wikitext by using the Special:ExpandTemplates tool. [203] [204]
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Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- You can now see the text of DjVu and PDF files in search results on wikis testing the new search tool (CirrusSearch). [205] [206]
- With the new version of the Wikibase DataModel extension, you can install it outside Wikimedia wikis. [207]
VisualEditor news
- Images are now shown inside VisualEditor as HTML5
elements. Comments are welcome. [208] - You can now test a basic version of VisualEditor on mobile devices; see this article as an example.
- On December 23, Wikimedia Labs was broken for 4 hours due to an NFS problem. [209]
Future software changes
- CirrusSearch will be added as the second search method for Spanish (es), French (fr), Portuguese (pt) and Russian (ru) wikis on December 30. Wikimedia Commons, Wikispecies and Wikinews users will also be able to enable it in their Beta Features options.
- AbuseFilter log entries will be visible in CheckUser tool reports. [210] [211]
- It will soon be possible to search for log entries done by users without an account. [212] [213]
- It will no longer be possible to globally hide users with more than 1,000 edits. [214] [215]
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Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf9) was added to test wikis and on January 2. It will be enabled on non-Wikipedia wikis on January 7 and on all Wikipedia wikis on January 9 (calendar).
- The old note-taking site (Etherpad) was removed on December 30, 2013. You can see most of the documents on the new site. [216]
- On January 2, Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata and all Wikivoyage projects were broken for 2 hours due to language cache update issues.
- On the same day, it was not possible to edit most wikis for about 30 minutes, due to a database replication problem.
Future software changes
- The new search tool (CirrusSearch) will be added as the default search method for Italian Wikipedia, French Wikisource, Wikidata and all Wikivoyage sites, and as a second search method for the German Wikipedia and all Wikibooks sites on January 6. [217]
- Spanish, French, Portuguese and Russian Wikipedia users will also be able to enable CirrusSearch in their Beta Features options. [218]
- Plural form rules for some languages will be changed. Many translations of the user interface for Belarusian, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian and other languages will need to be changed. [219] [220] [221]
- You will see a warning when you try to delete a page linked to from other pages. [222] [223]
- You will be able to hide redirect pages on the list of protected pages. [224] [225]
- You will be able to use keyboard shortcuts in the Translate tool, by pressing Alt+1 and similar key groups. [226] [227]
- E-mails sent by MediaWiki will include the name of the site in their
line. You will be able to change this name on your wiki by editing theMediaWiki:Emailsender
page. [228] [229] - Images viewed in the Beta Features media viewer will load faster. [230] [231]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
You can read a recent blog post about how Tech News is put together, translated and sent to you across wikis each week.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf10) was added to test wikis and on January 9. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on January 14, and all Wikipedia wikis on January 16 (calendar).
- Searching in the
namespace on Wikimedia Commons may be slow due to a search engine issue. [232]
VisualEditor news
- VisualEditor will be added for all users on several Wikipedias on January 13. [233]
- You can now add and remove
in the page metadata menu. [234] [235] [236]
- For a few hours on January 6, it was not possible to edit pages using the Translate tool on Wikimedia Commons and the Wikimania 2013 wiki, due to a settings error. [237] [238]
- For about 20 minutes on January 9, there were problems with CSS and JavaScript due to high server load.
Future software changes
- Wikidata will be added to all Wikisource wikis on January 14. [239]
- The new search tool (CirrusSearch) will be added as the second search method for the English Wikipedia on January 13. On Wikibooks and the German Wikipedia, you will also be able to test it by adding it in your Beta Features options.
- You will soon be able to export page collections into other formats than PDF. [240]
- It will soon be possible to upload groups of photos from Flickr using UploadWizard. [241] [242]
- The Wikimedia Foundation has shared a multimedia vision for 2016. You are invited to comment. [243]
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Myndir á Wikibókum
Ég veit ekki hvort þú fylgist eitthvað með spjalli þínu á Wikibókum svo ég endurtek það sem ég spurði þig um þar. Ég sé að þú ert að skipta út myndum sem einhverra hluta vegna virðast hlaðast inn á wikibækur þótt maður upphaflega sæki þær á commons. Hvernig fer ég að því og eyði þeim þaðan og vísa beint á viðkomandi mynd á commons, þær heita allar sömu nöfnum og ég er ekki að finna út úr því hvernig ég fer að því að vísa beint. Wikibækur virðist bara hlaða þeim hér sjálfkrafa inn þótt maður upphaflega sé að vísa á þær beint frá commons. Bragi H (spjall) 20. janúar 2014 kl. 08:53 (UTC)
- Ég svaraði þessu á notendaspjalli mínu á wikibókum, fyrst að spurningin kom fyrst upp þar.--Snaevar (spjall) 20. janúar 2014 kl. 17:23 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf11) was added to test wikis and on January 16. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on January 28, and all Wikipedia wikis on January 30 (calendar).
- You can now see relatively recent results on special pages like Special:DoubleRedirects, Special:UncategorizedPages or Special:WantedCategories. They were disabled before because they were very slow. The results are now updated once a month. [244]
- As of January 16, you can make and use guided tours on the Asturian, Farsi and Russian Wikipedias. If you want this tool on your wiki, you need to translate it and ask in Bugzilla. [245] [246]
- You can give comments on an idea to have a fixed toolbar at the top of wiki pages. [247]
- You can watch a video to learn how to report problems in Bugzilla. [248]
VisualEditor news
- In the toolbar, the menu to edit the styles (like bold, italic, etc.) now has a down arrow ( ). The order of the Insert menu has also changed a little.
- You can now edit
<gallery />
tags with a very basic tool. [249] - You can now see a help page about keyboard shortcuts in the page menu. [250]
- When you change categories, you will now see them when you save the page. [251]
- When you edit templates, you will now see the parameters in the right order. The ones that you must add have a star (*). [252] [253]
- The page will now be saved faster, thanks to a new way of coding the text that sends 40% less text to the servers. [254]
- Your wiki can ask to test a new tool to edit TemplateData. [255]
- There was a problem with search on the English and German Wikipedias between January 6 and January 14. You could not see new pages and changes in search results. [256]
- There were "pool timeouts" errors on several wikis on January 13; it was caused by a code change that was made to fix another problem. [257]
- On January 17, Bugzilla and Wikimedia Labs were broken for about 20 minutes due to network problems. IRC channels with recent changes ( were broken for about two hours. [258]
Future software changes
- If you have removed JavaScript in your web browser, you will soon be able to see the orange bar saying that you have new messages. If you have changed how the bar looks with a gadget, you may need to change the gadget again. [259] [260]
- You will soon be able to add a given Flickr user to a blacklist so that their files can't be uploaded using UploadWizard on Wikimedia Commons and other wikis. [261]
- You will see a warning when you try to delete a page included in at least one other page. [262]
- You will so longer see disambiguation pages in Special:LonelyPages. [263] [264]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- Pages from Wikimedia sites now load faster in your browser thanks to "module storage", a way for your browser to save data like JavaScript and CSS on your computer to avoid downloading them again. See video. [265]
- The code used to show videos has changed. You should be able to play the video on the page, with the play button on top of the video. If you see the play button on the right of the video, or if clicking on the video leads you to the original file, please file a bug or tell User:Bawolff. [266]
- The
page will be removed because it's too slow. [267] - The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf11) was added to test wikis and on January 16. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on January 28, and all Wikipedia wikis on January 30 (calendar).
- On January 21, Universal Language Selector was turned off on all Wikimedia sites because it makes pages load slowly. If you want to use web fonts, or write in scripts that aren't on your keyboard, you need to add it as an option in your preferences. It will be turned back on when the issues are resolved. [268]
- For about 20 minutes on the same day, there were problems with CSS and JavaScript due to high server load.
Future software changes
- You can give comments about the new version of "Winter", a proposal to have a fixed toolbar at the top of wiki pages. [269]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf12) was added to test wikis and on January 30. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on February 4, and all Wikipedia wikis on February 6 (calendar).
- Global AbuseFilter rules are now active on all small wikis. [270] [271]
- The buttons used in pages like log-in, account creation and search are now using the same colors and styles. [272] [273]
- You can now link to diffs using
and similar links. [274] - There is no longer an option to hide tables of contents on all pages. [275]
- Searching in the
namespace on Wikimedia Commons is now faster, after a bug was fixed on January 29. [276] - All Wikimedia wikis now have high-resolution favicons. [277]
VisualEditor news
- You can now see a list of keyboard shortcuts by pressing Ctrl+/ inside VisualEditor. [278]
Future software changes
- Edits and files hidden with the Oversight tool will be moved to the RevisionDelete system. The Oversight tool will then be removed from Wikimedia wikis. [279] [280] [281]
- For languages where not all sister projects exist, you will be able to link to other language projects using double interwikis (
, etc.). [282] - It will soon be possible to use the GettingStarted tool on other wikis than the English Wikipedia. You can translate it on [283]
- You will soon be able to include the Special:Contributions page into other pages. [284]
- You will be able to see where a file is used inside MultimediaViewer, the new tool for viewing media files. [285] [286]
- It will soon be possible to send MassMessage messages using the API. [287]
- You will soon see audio statistics on the Special:TimedMediaHandler page. [288]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf13) was added to test wikis and on February 6. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on February 11, and all Wikipedia wikis on February 13 (calendar).
- The Vector search box was changed to fix old display and accessibility issues; for example, you can now use full-text search even if you have disabled JavaScript. Please report any problems you see. The option to disable the "simplified search bar" on Vector will also be removed. [289] [290] [291] [292] [293]
- You are now notified when someone adds a link to your user page on wikis where it didn't work before (wikis with dates in the year-month-day order, including Hungarian, Japanese, Korean and some variants of Chinese). [294]
VisualEditor news
- You can now set media items' alt text and position, and directly set their size, in the media tool. [295] [296]
- The gallery tool was improved and several issues were fixed. [297] [298] [299]
- On February 3, all wikis were broken for about an hour due to a traffic balancing issue. [300]
- On February 6, some wikis were broken for about half an hour in total due to a problem with the Math extension.
Future software changes
- Some methods from Scribunto's mw.message library will be removed after February 18. If you use them in your templates or modules, please check to make sure that things will not break. [301] [302]
- You will soon be able to use GettingStarted on 23 new Wikipedias. It helps new users by listing possible tasks and giving help. The new version was also added to the English Wikipedia on February 7th. [303]
- You will soon see results from other wikis when you use the new search tool (CirrusSearch). [304] [305]
- The WikiLove tool was redesigned and should also load faster. [306]
- Edits made with WikiLove or after a GettingStarted suggestion will be tagged. [307] [308]
- It will soon no longer be possible to hide section editing links in your preferences. [309]
- You will soon be able to use the revision deletion feature via the API. [310]
- You will soon be able to choose mobile view on non-mobile devices using a Beta Feature option. [311] [312]
- If you have questions about Universal Language Selector, you can join an IRC meeting on February 12 at 17:00 UTC, in the #wikimedia-office channel on Freenode. [313]
- Developers are preparing for Google Summer of Code 2014. You can propose ideas. [314]
- will be updated this week. You won't be able to access it from 22:00 UTC on February 12 until 01:00 UTC on February 13 at the latest. [315]
- The
tag will be renamed to<lines>
. The old tag will still work. [316]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Tak for at korrigere sproglige fejl
Tak for at korrigere sproglige fejl. Jeg begynder at lære det islandske sprog. Jeg købte en masse bøger i København og planlægger en tur til Reykjavik. Jeg leder efter den person, som en penfriend. Er du interesseret eller kender en anden villig menneske? Med venlig hilsen WikUzytkownik (spjall) 16. febrúar 2014 kl. 10:04 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf14) was added to test wikis and on February 13. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on February 18, and all Wikipedia wikis on February 20 (calendar).
- You can now use the list of active users again. [317] [318]
- The new search tool (CirrusSearch) now gives more importance to content namespaces if you search in several namespaces. [319]
- You can now directly link to files viewed with MultimediaViewer, the new tool for viewing media files. [320]
- You can read the summary of the Wikimedia technical report for January 2014. [321]
- On February 9, Wikimedia Labs was broken for about 2 hours due to an XFS file system problem. [322]
- On February 11, there were problems with VisualEditor for about 20 minutes due to a server logging issue. [323]
- On the same day, for about 20 minutes there were issues with page loading due to database problems.
- There were issues with page loading between 21:00 UTC on February 13 and 11:00 UTC on February 14 for users in Europe. It was due to a cache server problem.
- On February 14, all sites were broken for about 15 minutes for users in Southeast Asia, Oceania and the western part of North America. It was due to problems with cache servers.
VisualEditor news
- The link tool now tells you when you're linking to a disambiguation or redirect page. [324]
- You can now change image display (like thumbnail, frame and frameless) with VisualEditor. [325]
- Wikitext warnings will now hide when you remove wikitext from paragraphs you are editing. [326]
- You will soon be able to create and edit redirect pages with VisualEditor. [327] [328] [329]
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf15) was added to test wikis and on February 20. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on February 25, and all Wikipedia wikis on February 27 (calendar).
- The new search tool (CirrusSearch) was added to the Italian Wikiquote and all Wikiversity projects. Users can now enable it in their Beta options. [330] [331]
- The Universal Language Selector was enabled on all Wikimedia wikis again. You can enable web fonts in your ULS options (see how).
VisualEditor news
- You will soon be able to add and edit
in the page settings menu. [332] [333] [334] - You will soon be able to use the Ctrl+Alt+S or ⌘+Opt+S shortcuts to open the save window in VisualEditor. [335] [336]
- You will soon be able to preview your edit summary when checking your changes in the save window. [337] [338]
Future software changes
- You will soon be able to use the
tag again. [339] - You will soon be able to post messages with the MassMessage tool in all talk namespaces. [340] [341]
- Notifications will soon work in all namespaces. [342][343][344]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf16) was added to test wikis and on February 27. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on March 4, and all Wikipedia wikis on March 6 (calendar).
- When users enable web fonts by default, Universal Language Selector will now log if they don't have fonts to display pages correctly. This information will be used by developers to improve font support in the future. Read more about missing fonts. [345]
- You can now use Guided tours on the Czech and Japanese Wikipedia. If you want this tool on your wiki, you need to translate it and ask in Bugzilla. [346] [347]
- You can now use information from Wikidata in all Wikisource wikis. [348]
- The multimedia team is now posting weekly updates on their mailing list. [349]
VisualEditor news
- You can now change image size to default for your wiki. If you add new images to pages, they will also be default size. [350] [351] [352]
- If you switch from VisualEditor to wikitext editing, your edit will now be tagged. [353]
- Template parameters now have a bigger, auto-sizing input box for easier editing. [354]
- VisualEditor now has Arabic, Finnish and Kölsch icons for text styling. If you want icons for your language, ask in Bugzilla. [355] [356] [357]
Future software changes
- The new tool for viewing media files will soon show a progress bar and a thumbnail while loading full images. [358] [359]
- You will soon be able to make user contributions show only page creations. [360] [361]
- Article Feedback Tool will be removed from the English and French Wikipedias on March 3. It will also no longer be possible to add this tool to any Wikimedia wiki. [362] [363]
- Wikis using the new search tool will come back to the old tool for a few hours starting at 00:00 UTC on March 6. [364]
- For about an hour on February 23, there were problems with page loading due to a MediaWiki bug. [365]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf17) was added to test wikis and on March 6. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on March 11, and all Wikipedia wikis on March 13 (calendar).
- You can now use the new search tool (CirrusSearch) on all Wikiquote projects. You can now enable it in your Beta options. [366] [367]
VisualEditor news
- It is now easier to edit templates. Complex tools are now in the "advanced" mode. [368] [369]
- It is also easier to edit images. You now have more options and they are explained better. [370]
- VisualEditor adds fake blank lines so you can put your cursor there. They are now smaller and animated to be different from actual blank lines. [371]
- We have improved the tool to add special characters. The buttons are now larger. More changes are coming. [372]
- You can now use new keyboard shortcuts to undo the last action, clear formatting, and show the shortcut help window. [373] [374] [375]
Future software changes
- You will soon be able to use a Beta option to show a shorter list of language links. That way, Universal Language Selector will only show languages that are relevant to you. You will still be able to search for other languages. [376]
- CirrusSearch will soon automatically index newly imported pages. [377] [378]
- It will soon be possible to use CSS to style buttons in templates on all Wikimedia wikis, without needing JavaScript. [379]
- An IRC discussion with the Wikimedia Foundation Language Engineering team will take place on March 12 at 17:00 UTC on the channel #wikimedia-office on Freenode (time conversion). [380]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf18) was added to test wikis and on March 13. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on March 18, and all Wikipedia wikis on March 20 (calendar).
- You can now view smaller versions of PNG images bigger than 20 megapixels. [381]
- You can now use the new search tool (CirrusSearch) on all small wikis. You can now enable it in your Beta options. [382] [383]
- You can read a summary of the Wikimedia technical report for February 2014. [384]
VisualEditor news
- Searching for template parameters in now case-insensitive. [385] [386]
- Required template parameters now have an asterisk (*) next to their edit boxes. [387]
- Several template dialogs are now smaller, and their insert buttons have changed wording. [388]
Future software changes
- You will soon see an error message if you try to log-in or register with an invalid or taken username. [389]
- You can now test first version of a tool that includes OpenStreetMap maps inside the UploadWizard. Comments are welcome. [390]
- You will soon be able to use the Hovercards tool as a beta feature. [391]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Ragnar Bjarnason
Hi Snaevar, in relation to Ragnar Bjarnason, it currently has an image in the infobox Mynd:RagnarBjarnasonáHótelSögu.jpg which appears to be non-free? I just uploaded File:Raggi Bjarna, An Icelandic Music Legend.jpg to Commons and this is definitely free. Should the old photo be deleted from is.wp? And replaced in usage perhaps with the free image? Because I'm not sure of the old photo, I thought I would drop you a line and let you decide. Cheers, Russavia (spjall) 17. mars 2014 kl. 08:10 (UTC)
- I have deleted the local image and replaced it on Ragnar Bjarnason with the file you just uploaded. The local image (RagnarBjarnasonáHótelSögu.jpg) is from the 1960's and it has an non-commercial use restriction, making it non-free.--Snaevar (spjall) 17. mars 2014 kl. 20:44 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf19) was added to test wikis and on March 20. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on March 25, and all Wikipedia wikis on March 27 (calendar).
VisualEditor news
- You can now double-click or press the ↲ Enter key on an image or template to change its settings. [393] [394]
- Pages that don't exist will now show as red links in the edit mode. [395]
- You will no longer be able to try to use VisualEditor on pages translated using the Translate extension, and you will see a warning if you try to edit pages marked for translation. [396]
- You will now see a full warning, including the most recent log entry, when you try to edit protected pages with VisualEditor. [397]
Future software changes
- Typography Refresh will be enabled for test wiki and users who use the Vector skin on March 27. For users on non-Wikipedia wikis, it will be enabled on April 1, and for Wikipedia users on April 3. If you don't use Vector as your skin, you will not be affected.
- You will be able to use the Hovercards tool as a beta feature on all wikis from March 26.
- You will soon be able to include the Whatlinkshere special page in other pages. [398] [399]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf20) was added to test wikis and on March 27. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on April 1, and all Wikipedia wikis on April 3 (calendar).
- Typography Refresh was added to test wikis and on March 27. You'll only see it if you use the Vector skin. For users on non-Wikipedia wikis, it will be enabled on April 1, and for Wikipedia users on April 3.
- CirrusSearch, the new search tool, was enabled as a beta feature on over 30 new wikis on March 27. [400] [401]
VisualEditor news
- Blocked users now see the same messages in VisualEditor as in the wikitext editor. [402] [403]
- The search box for re-using a reference in VisualEditor is now cleared after each use. [404]
- New links on sub-pages no longer point to the wrong location in VisualEditor. [405]
- VisualEditor's media dialog no longer breaks when opening some types of images. [406]
Future software changes
- You will not be able to use the Wikitech wiki for a short period around 16:00 UTC on April 1 due to a server change. [407]
- CirrusSearch will become the main search engine for all non-Wikipedia wikis except Commons, Meta and Incubator on April 2.
- You will soon be able to use a new special page listing duplicate files. [408]
- Deleting a version of a file or a version of its description page will soon be shown differently in the logs. [409]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf21) was scheduled to be deployed to test wikis and on April 3, however it was temporarily put on hold due to localization issues. (calendar).
- Typography Refresh was enabled on non-Wikipedia wikis on April 1, and on all Wikipedias on April 3. You'll only see it if you use the Vector skin.
- CirrusSearch was enabled as the primary search method on over 400 non-Wikipedia wikis on April 2. [410]
Future software changes
- A new special page (Special:TrackingCategories) will soon list all the tracking categories on a wiki. [411] [412]
- All Wikiquote projects will start using language links from Wikidata on April 8. [413]
- The Hovercards feature will soon work with right-to-left languages. [414] [415]
- You will soon be able to download files directly from MediaViewer, the new multimedia tool. [416]
- MediaViewer will be enabled for all users on on April 10. Comments are welcome.
- You can help check that users can read CAPTCHAs in your language. [417]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
We are looking for contributors to help write new issues every week. If you would like to help, please contact us.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.23wmf22) was added to test wikis and on April 10. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on April 15, and all Wikipedias on April 17 (calendar).
- MediaViewer was enabled for all users on on April 10. It will be enabled for all users on the Catalan (ca), Hungarian (hu) and Korean (ko) Wikipedias and English Wikivoyage on April 17. Comments are welcome. [418] [419] [420]
- Font issues caused by Typography refresh for Windows users were fixed on April 7. [421] [422]
VisualEditor news
- You will now see only three options when you try to add a template parameter in VisualEditor; you will see other options after a click. [423]
- The size changing controls in VisualEditor media editing dialog were simplified further.
- The wikitext editor tab will now fold into a drop-down menu in the Vector skin if there is not enough space on your screen. [424] [425]
Future software changes
- The font used for body text on Wikimedia wikis will change to your system default sans-serif font. This temporary change will be enabled on all non-Wikipedia wikis on April 15, and on all Wikipedias on April 17. [426] [427]
- Files from Commons seen on another wiki will soon have a tab saying "View on Wikimedia Commons". The create tab will change to "Add local description" (see screenshot). [428]
- You will soon be able to hide Notification and Hovercards pop-ups by pressing the Esc key. [429] [430] [431] [432]
- Shorter lists of language links will soon work in right-to-left languages. Languages that you have used before will be shown in the list. [433]
- You will soon be able to send messages with the MassMessage tool to all pages in a given category. [434] [435]
- The date format user preference will soon be moved to the appearance tab. [436] [437]
- An IRC discussion with the Wikimedia Foundation Multimedia team will take place on April 16 at 18:00 UTC on the channel #wikimedia-office on Freenode (time conversion). [438]
- Wikimedia Foundation servers were updated after a security bug called Heartbleed was discovered last week. You should change your password as an extra precaution. [439]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Tech News updates
- You can now subscribe to an Atom or RSS feed to read Tech News in your news aggregator. The newsletter will now also show on the English Planet Wikimedia every Monday. [440]
- We are looking for contributors to help write a new issue every week. If you would like to help, please contact us.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf1) was added to test wikis and on April 17. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on April 22, and all Wikipedias on April 24 (calendar).
- CirrusSearch was enabled as a beta feature on 27 new wikis on April 18. [441] [442]
- Problems with various fonts in SVG files were fixed last week. Files that use DejaVu Sans Condensed, DejaVu Serif Condensed, DejaVu Sans Light, Kochi Gothic and Kochi Mincho fonts now show correctly. [443] [444] [445] [446]
- The page view statistics site developed by Henrik ( should now work faster. [447]
- You can read a summary of the Wikimedia technical report for March 2014. [448]
VisualEditor news
- If you try to add a category which redirects to another category, VisualEditor will now suggest adding the target category directly. [449] [450]
- VisualEditor tabs will no longer appear on Education Program pages. [451] [452]
- You can now use VisualEditor on Meta-Wiki and the French Wikinews by enabling it in your preferences. [453] [454] [455]
Future software changes
- MediaViewer will be enabled for all users on the Czech (cs), Estonian (et), Finnish (fi), Hebrew (he), Polish (pl), Romanian (ro), Slovak (sk), Thai (th) and Vietnamese (vi) Wikipedias on April 24. Feedback is welcome. [456]
- Edits by anonymous users will now be marked with a new CSS class (
). This way, you can easily make those edits use a different color, font or background. [457] [458] - The user preference to remember login will soon be removed from all wikis. The edit review preferences will be moved to the recent changes tab, and the preference for the WikiLove tool will be moved to the editing tab. [459] [460] [461] [462]
- You will soon be able to give parameters to preloaded templates. [463] [464]
- You will soon be able to use CodeEditor in read-only mode on pages that you cannot edit. [465] [466]
- It is now proposed to replace Bugzilla, Gerrit and other tools by a single tool called Phabricator. You can test Phabricator and add your opinion on [467]
- An IRC discussion about Phabricator will take place on April 22 at 03:30 AM UTC on the channel #wikimedia-office on freenode (time conversion). [468]
- For about 40 minutes on April 17, there were problems with page loading due to high server load.
- There is a problem with the rendering of formulas with MathJax. If you enabled MathJax in your preferences, you might need to turn it off and on again. [469]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf2) was added to test wikis and on April 24. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on April 29, and all Wikipedias on May 1 (calendar).
- You can now use interwiki prefix
to link to pages on Wikimedia Commons. [470]
VisualEditor news
- You will soon be able to set content language and direction with VisualEditor. [471]
- VisualEditor now works on all Wikipedias after broken
pages (and similar) were fixed last week. [472] - VisualEditor dialogs now use an animation of moving lines rather than animated GIF images.
Future software changes
- CirrusSearch will be enabled as a beta feature on 41 new wikis, including Meta-Wiki and the Swedish (sv), Russian (ru), Polish (pl), Japanese (ja) and Chinese (zh) Wikipedias next week. This change means that CirrusSearch will now be enabled on all Wikimedia wikis.
- MediaViewer will be enabled for all users on the French (fr) and Dutch (nl) Wikipedias on May 1. Feedback is welcome. [473]
- The mobile version of Wikimedia wikis will soon include filters to limit the number of uploaded files that are copyright violations. [474]
- CodeEditor will soon have a status bar about errors and warnings. [475] [476]
- You can test a new version of Winter, a proposal to have a fixed toolbar at the top of wiki pages. Comments are welcome. [477]
- For about 30 minutes on April 21, there were problems with image scaling due to a high server load. [478] [479]
- On April 22, it was not possible to use the Collection extension for about 90 minutes due to a server move. [480] [481]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf3) was added to test wikis and on May 1. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on May 6, and all Wikipedias on May 8 (calendar).
- The Compact Personal Bar was added as a beta feature to test wikis and on May 1. It will be added as a beta feature to non-Wikipedia wikis on May 6, and to all Wikipedias on May 8. To test it, you can enable it now in your preferences on [482]
- It is now easier to disable the CodeEditor tool. [483]
VisualEditor news
- External links in VisualEditor are now in the same light blue color as in MediaWiki. [484]
- The template tool now tells you if a parameter is obsolete. [485]
- You can now add "suggested" parameters in TemplateData; VisualEditor will add them like required ones. [486]
- There is a new type for TemplateData parameters:
for file names. [487][488] - Editing formulae in VisualEditor will soon be enabled for all users. [489] [490]
- You will soon be able to try a new beta feature to edit text in another language. [491] [492]
Future software changes
- MediaViewer will be enabled for all users on the Japanese (ja), Portuguese (pt), Spanish (es), Swedish (sv) and Telugu (te) Wikipedias on May 8. Feedback is welcome. [493]
- You can help translate about 100 new language names that have been added to our data source. They are used, for example, as hover text for interwiki links. Send an e-mail to Nemo if you want to help.
- If you click on a redirect page in your watchlist, you will soon access the redirect itself. [494] [495]
- For about 40 minutes around 00:20 UTC on April 29, there were problems with page loading due to high server load.
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf4) was added to test wikis and on May 8. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on May 13, and all Wikipedias on May 15 (calendar).
VisualEditor news
- A new citation system in VisualEditor was enabled on the English Wikipedia. It will soon be enabled on more wikis. [496]
- Templates that were previously broken in VisualEditor should now appear correctly. [497]
Future software changes
- It will soon be possible to move category description pages. Pages in changed categories will still have to be moved independently. [498] [499]
- You will soon be able to clear your watchlist with one click or through the API. [500] [501] [502] [503]
- You will soon be able to link to Flow posts and workflows with
. [504] [505] - The jQuery JavaScript library will soon be updated. Please check that your gadgets and scripts will still work. [506]
- The Vector skin will work faster, as the sidebar will no longer collapse partly after being loaded. [507] [508] [509]
- MediaViewer will be enabled for all users on Wikimedia Commons on May 15. Feedback is welcome.
- An IRC discussion about Phabricator will take place on May 14 at 18:00 UTC on the channel #wikimedia-office on freenode (time conversion). [510]
- Toolserver tools will be stopped on June 30. Please make sure to change gadgets that link to the Toolserver to point to Tool Labs instead. [511]
- There were problems with generating file thumbnails for all wikis between May 3 and May 6 due to a configuration error. [512] [513]
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Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Tech News updates
- Tech News is one year old this week; thank you for being with us!
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf5) was added to test wikis and on May 15. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on May 20, and all Wikipedias on May 22 (calendar).
- The jQuery JavaScript library was updated on May 16. Please check that your gadgets and scripts still work. [514] [515] [516]
- MediaViewer was enabled for all users on the Kannada (kn) and Telugu (te) Wikipedias on May 13. It will be enabled on the German (de), English (en), Italian (it) and Russian (ru) Wikipedias and on all Wikisource wikis on May 22. Feedback is welcome. [517] [518]
- VisualEditor was added as a beta feature to Wikimedia Commons on May 15. You can enable it in your preferences. [519] [520]
- You can read a summary of the Wikimedia technical report for April 2014.
VisualEditor news
- VisualEditor's buttons and icons can now be accessed using keyboard keys. [521] [522]
- VisualEditor's new citation tool now matches templates like
and not just{{Cite web}}
. [523] [524] - VisualEditor's welcome message will no longer be shown to users who have already seen it. [525] [526]
- VisualEditor now shows a clearer message when you cancel an edit. [527]
- The toolbar of the PageTriage extension will no longer be visible inside VisualEditor. [528] [529]
Future software changes
- User ID number will no longer be visible in preferences. [530] [531]
- For several hours on May 16, there were problems with loading gadgets on some wikis due to a server problem. [532]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf6) was added to test wikis and on May 22. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on May 27, and all Wikipedias on May 29 (calendar).
- MediaViewer will be enabled on all Wikisource wikis on May 29, and on the German (de) and English (en) Wikipedias on June 3. Feedback is welcome.
VisualEditor news
- VisualEditor's welcome message and wikitext warning now say that you can switch to source mode editing and keep your edits without saving them. [533] [534] [535] [536]
- A bug that caused files not to appear after saving edits in the
namespace was fixed last week. [537] [538] - VisualEditor tabs will no longer appear in namespaces where VisualEditor is disabled. [539] [540]
- It is now possible to edit inline images with VisualEditor; many minor bugs related to images have also been fixed. [541]
- VisualEditor will no longer convert spaces to underscores inside links to pages in namespaces that include spaces in their names. [542]
Future software changes
- Wikimedia Labs will stop working for about 10 minutes around 18:00 UTC on May 30 due to a server upgrade. [543]
- It will soon no longer be possible to upload different files under the same name at the same time using the UploadWizard tool. [544] [545]
- Links to TIFF, DjVu or PDF files created with the syntax
[[File:Name.ext|thumb|page 15 is my favourite]]
will now show an image caption if there is any text after page number; previously they caused the given page to appear. [546] [547] [548] - You will soon see information about global blocks for IP addresses on their contributions page on your local wiki. [549] [550]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf7) was added to test wikis and on May 29. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on June 3, and to all Wikipedias on June 5 (calendar).
- CirrusSearch was enabled as the primary search method on all Wikipedias with less than 100,000 pages on May 30. [551]
VisualEditor news
- Templates that redirect to other templates now get the TemplateData of their target. [552]
- The toolbar of the PageTriage extension will no longer be visible after you save an edit with VisualEditor. [553] [554]
- VisualEditor now checks if your browser supports SVG files to avoid displaying broken icons. [555]
- There is now a new type for TemplateData parameters:
for dates and times in the ISO 8601 format. [556]
Future software changes
- MediaViewer will be enabled on the German (de) and English (en) Wikipedias on June 3. Feedback is welcome.
- You will soon see a warning if you visit a contributions page for a user that does not exist. [557] [558]
- The search tab will soon be removed from user preferences. You will be able to set your search preferences on Special:Search. [559] [560]
- You will soon see a label next to the little triangle arrow for the Actions menu in the Vector skin (screenshot). [561] [562]
- For about 20 minutes on May 29, all wikis were broken due to a configuration error. [563]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf8) was added to test wikis and on June 5. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on June 10, and to all Wikipedias on June 12 (calendar).
- You can now use guided tours on the Arabic (ar), Bengali (bn) and Norwegian (no) Wikipedias. If you want this tool on your wiki, you need to translate it and ask in Bugzilla. [564] [565]
VisualEditor news
- You should no longer be able to add empty references with VisualEditor. [566] [567]
- The "use an existing reference" button in the reference tool is now shown as disabled, rather than hidden, when the reference has content. [568] [569] [570]
- You will now see category contents again after saving an edit to a category page with VisualEditor. [571] [572]
Future software changes
- MediaViewer will be enabled by default on all wikis on June 12. Feedback is welcome. [573]
- You will be able to use information from Wikidata directly in Wikiquote pages starting on June 10. [574]
- On wikis with the Translate extension enabled, translation administrators will soon be able to use the page migration tool to import existing translations to the new system. [575] [576]
- You will soon see metadata on file description pages for Ogg files (example video, example audio). Some metadata with non-English characters may need to be purged or transcoded to UTF-8 before they show correctly. [577] [578]
- Templates containing
tags will no longer need dummy parameters to prevent caching. [579] [580] [581] - You will no longer be able to use Special:Thanks directly. The page will soon show an error message when you visit it. [582] [583]
- Hovercards will no longer flicker. [584]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- You can subscribe to the wikitech-ambassadors mailing list to get news more quickly and to send feedback or report problems.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf9) was added to test wikis and on June 12. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on June 17, and to all Wikipedias on June 19 (calendar).
- You can now read a summary of the Wikimedia technical report for May 2014.
VisualEditor news
- You can now easily see the target of a link or other information using the context menu. [585]
- When you edit a reference, you can now empty it and click the "use an existing reference" button to switch it to re-use another reference. [586] [587]
- You can now add and edit
in the page settings menu. [588] [589] [590] [591] - The tool to insert special characters is now wider and simpler; the order of mathematical symbols is now correct. [592] [593] [594]
Future software changes
- Media Viewer will be enabled by default on all wikis on June 19. Feedback is welcome. [595]
- You will no longer be able to use navigation popups and Hovercards at the same time. [596]
- You will no longer see image thumbnails on search results pages on Wikibooks and Wikisource wikis. [597] [598]
- It will soon be possible to globally rename global (SUL) users. [599] [600]
- Tablet users will be redirected to the mobile view of Wikimedia wikis starting on June 17. [601]
- The special page that lists most linked-to templates will soon include pages from all namespaces; it will also be renamed to
. [602] - An IRC discussion about Phabricator will take place on June 17 at 17:30 UTC on the channel #wikimedia-office on freenode (time conversion). You can also read a blog post about the upcoming switch to Phabricator.
- You can now comment on the draft 2014-15 goals of the Wikimedia Foundation engineering department. [603]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf10) was added to test wikis and on June 19. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on June 24, and to all Wikipedias on June 26 (calendar).
VisualEditor news
- You can now drag-and-drop selections of content, not just files and templates. [604] [605]
- When dragging an item, you will now see a line that helps you to drop it. [606] [607]
- You can now only move an image to the start of a paragraph, not to the middle of it, so you don't accidentally split it. [608] [609]
- You will now be warned if you add wikitext to file captions and references. [610] [611]
Future software changes
- You will no longer be able to upload files on wikis that do not have any copyright tags. [612] [613]
- CirrusSearch will be enabled as the primary search method on additional 70 new wikis, including Meta-Wiki and Wikimedia Incubator, during the next week. [614]
- CirrusSearch results will soon take into account categories, the first paragraph and the wikitext of a page. You will also be able to use regular expressions to search the wikitext. It will take a few days for the changes to be enabled on all wikis. [615]
- You will soon be able to watch translations for e-mail notifications without receiving an e-mail when they are reviewed by another translator. [616] [617]
- An IRC meeting to organize old high priority MediaWiki bug reports will take place on June 24 at 17:00 UTC on the channel #wikimedia-office on freenode (time conversion). [618]
- On June 19, all wikis were broken for about 15 minutes due to a high server load.
- Between June 13 and June 15 there were problems with the scaling of video files due to a configuration error. [619]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Your bot on English Wikipedia
A proposal to de-authorize a group of idle interwiki bots on the English Wikipedia is currently in process. A bot account of yours has been included in the list. If you are no longer using this bot, no action is neccessary by you. Should you wish to revive your bot in the near future, please remove your bot from the list here: en:Wikipedia:Bot_owners'_noticeboard#Bot_that_are_inactive_for_the_last_2-4_years_and_may_lose_bot_flag. Thank you for your contributions. For the en: Bot Approvals Group, en:user:Xaosflux 28. júní 2014 kl. 12:05 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf11) was added to test wikis and on June 26. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on July 1, and to all Wikipedias on July 3 (calendar).
VisualEditor news
- Context menus in VisualEditor will no longer flicker and disappear when you insert a new reference, formula, image, etc. [620] [621]
- A bug that prevented relocating items due to cache was fixed last week. [622] [623]
- VisualEditor will no longer scroll to the bottom of the page when you try to edit section 0. When you try to add a formula, VisualEditor will no longer scroll to the top of the page. [624] [625] [626] [627]
- Links to category pages or file pages added with VisualEditor will now work correctly. [628] [629]
Future software changes
- You will no longer be able to upload files on wikis that do not have any copyright tags. [630] [631]
- Toolserver tools will be stopped on June 30. Please make sure to change gadgets that link to the Toolserver to point to Tool Labs instead.
- CirrusSearch will be enabled on June 30 as the primary search method on 34 new wikis, including the Czech (cs), Danish (da), Finnish (fi) and Hebrew (he) Wikipedias. [632]
- All Wikimedia wikis will be using a security method called perfect forward secrecy starting on July 1. If you see a problem, please report it. [633] [634]
- Starting on July 1, it will be possible to globally rename global (SUL) users. [635]
- You will soon see block information when you visit the contributions page or try to edit the user page or user talk page of a user who is affected by an IP range block. [636] [637]
- You will soon be able to use
as a magic word to produce the pipe character, for instance for use in tables. [638]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Hi, dearest Snaevar, how are you?
Thanks a lot for your precious help in correcting this page I made, and if you want I can help you to correct IT, PT, or LMO.
See you soon
Rei Momo (spjall) 3. júlí 2014 kl. 16:13 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Tech News updates
- We are looking for contributors to help write a new issue every week. If you would like to help, please contact us.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf12) was added to test wikis and on July 3. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on July 8, and to all Wikipedias on July 10 (calendar).
- CirrusSearch was enabled on July 1 as the primary search method on 36 new wikis, including the Norwegian (no), Portuguese (pt) and Ukrainian (uk) Wikipedias. [639]
- It is now possible to create Atom or RSS feeds for Word of the Day, Word of the Week and similar entries on Wiktionary wikis. [640] [641]
- You can now use a graphical interface to edit TemplateData information on the English (en), French (fr) and Italian (it) Wikipedias. [642] [643]
VisualEditor news
- Saving an edit with VisualEditor will now be much faster. [644] [645]
- You can now add a caption when you add a file to a page with VisualEditor. You can also change the file to a different one and keep the existing caption. [646] [647] [648]
- When you switch to the Edit source tab, you are now asked to keep your changes. You no longer need to find the option in the menus. [649] [650] [651]
- The reference tool that adds empty
tags is now at the bottom of the Cite menu, below references that use templates like{{Cite web}}
. [652] - Context menus will no longer be shown over items that you can edit directly, for example formulæ. [653] [654] [655]
Future software changes
- Starting on July 9, it will be possible to globally rename global (SUL) users. The feature was first scheduled for July 1, but was delayed due to bugs.
- A plan to enable CirrusSearch as the primary search method on the 11 largest Wikimedia wikis has now been prepared. [656]
- If you use references on a page, you will soon always see them at the bottom of the page, even if you forget to add the
<references />
tag (or a template). [657] [658] - Black-and-white XCF images will soon display correctly. [659] [660]
- Description pages of SVG files will soon always show download links for multiple resolutions (example). The links were previously shown only for SVG files in large original resolutions. [661] [662]
- Between July 2-3, there were problems with loading pages on multiple wikis due to a configuration issue. [663] [664]
- For a few hours on July 1, there were problems with uploading new files on Wikimedia Commons due to a configuration error. [665] [666]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Bot flag on frwiki
As a bureaucrat on frwiki, I was checking the activity of the bots, and noticed that yours had been inactive for at least 6 months. Morover, the interwikis are now centralized on Wikidata. It is not reasonable that an unmonitored account keeps a bot flag, as it may be more easily hacked. Do you wish to keep the bot flag? If this is the case, please tell me so (preferably on my talk page on frwiki, otherwise on my talk page on this project). Without any answer from you, the bot flag will be removed in one month.
Thank you for your comprehension, Litlok (spjall) 10. júlí 2014 kl. 15:47 (UTC)
- Thank you for your answer; I've removed the bot flag. Litlok (spjall) 20. júlí 2014 kl. 20:43 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf13) was added to test wikis and on July 10. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on July 15, and to all Wikipedias on July 17 (calendar).
- It is now possible to globally rename global (SUL) users. Please go to the username changes page on Meta if you want to rename your account on all wikis. [667] [668]
- You can now read a summary of the Wikimedia technical report for June 2014.
- You can now read the latest issue of the Wikidata newsletter and translate it into your language.
VisualEditor news
- The tool to add templates and citations will now work for templates that include HTML comments or templates in their titles. [669] [670]
- The button to make images full size should now work correctly. [671] [672] [673]
- References will now be shown in the default font size again. [674]
Future software changes
- CirrusSearch will be enabled as the primary search method on the Dutch (nl) and Japanese (ja) Wikipedias on July 14, and on the Polish (pl) and Russian (ru) Wikipedias on July 16. [675]
- The Special:Version page will soon show the exact version of MediaWiki and all extensions installed on your wiki (example). [676] [677]
- It will soon no longer be possible to order printed books of wiki articles via PediaPress. You will still be able to create PDF files. [678]
- Pages that use
more than once will soon show a warning. You can use{{DISPLAYTITLE:''title''|noerror}}
to hide it. [679] [680] - Pages that have the list of references added automatically will soon be added to a tracking category. Administrators will be able to configure the name of the category on their wikis. [681] [682]
- Administrators will soon be able to easily merge histories of two pages using Special:MergeHistory. [683] [684]
- Administrators will soon see links to delete files on Special:ListFiles. [685]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf14) was added to test wikis and on July 17. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on July 22, and to all Wikipedias on July 24 (calendar).
- CirrusSearch was removed as the primary search method from Wikimedia Commons and the Spanish (es) Wikipedia due to a high server load. The plan to enable it on the Dutch (nl), Japanese (ja), Polish (pl) and Russian (ru) Wikipedias was also postponed to a later date. [686] [687] [688]
- The tool that stores information about languages (CLDR) was updated to its latest version. You can still help translate language names into your own language so they can be used in the sidebar and other places. [689]
- Translation memory for newly translatable pages should now offer more suggestions. [690] [691]
- A tool to convert MediaWiki pages to LaTeX is now available on Tool Labs. [692]
VisualEditor news
- Tablet users visiting the mobile version of Wikimedia wikis will be able to use a special version of VisualEditor starting on July 31. You can test the new tool by choosing the beta version of the mobile view in the Settings menu. Feedback is welcome. [693]
- All windows in VisualEditor have now a new design. Main action buttons will always be located in the top bar and will use simple words rather than icons. [694]
- You can now easily open links inside the link editor, for example to see their target. [695]
- Several bugs related to the positioning of the cursor around some items (like images and references) were fixed last week. [696] [697] [698] [699] [700] [701]
Future software changes
- It will soon be possible to watch individual discussions in the Topic namespace rather than whole pages for talk pages using Flow. [702]
- You can give comments about the new version of Winter, a proposal to have a fixed toolbar at the top of wiki pages. [703]
- An IRC meeting to organize Pywikibot bugs will take place from July 24 to July 27 on the channel #pywikibot on freenode. [704]
- A request for comments on how to improve MediaWiki API was re-started on Your feedback is welcome.
- Mailing lists were broken for about 16 hours between July 14 and July 15 due to a server problem. [705]
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Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf15) was added to test wikis and on July 24. It will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on July 29, and to all Wikipedias on July 31 (calendar).
- You can now download the latest version of the anti-vandalism tool Huggle.
VisualEditor news
- You can now create, edit, and view HTML comments in VisualEditor. [706] [707]
- The cancel button in VisualEditor toolbar has been removed. You can still use the Read tab and the Back button in your browser to cancel your edit. [708]
- If you try to use a template which has no suggested or required parameters in TemplateData, you will now be asked to add the parameters. [709] [710]
- You will no longer be able to edit a page if you can't create it, for example on pages protected against recreation. [711] [712]
Future software changes
- You will soon be able to filter Meta-Wiki's user rights log by wiki and user. [713] [714]
- Wikidata will soon be able to store data about article status, for example "good article" or "featured article". If your wiki has highlighted content, please make sure it is on Wikidata's list. [715]
- It will soon be possible to directly create empty pages, for example in the user namespace. [716] [717]
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Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Tech News updates
- Tech News will be presented at the Wikimania 2014 conference in London! If you will be attending the conference, please join us in Auditorium 2 at 14:30 local time on Sunday, August 10.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf16) was added to test wikis and on July 31. Due to the Wikimania 2014 conference, it will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on August 12, and to all Wikipedias on August 14 (calendar). [718]
- You can now test a new tool to render wiki pages as PDF files. [719] [720] [721]
- You can now download an update to the archive of Wikimedia Commons files (uploaded up to December 31, 2013). If you have free space on your computer, please help preserve the files. [722]
- New users using the mobile Commons site now need to make 75 edits before they can upload a file. [723] [724]
VisualEditor news
- You will no longer see an edit confirmation message after making a null edit with VisualEditor. [725] [726]
- VisualEditor will no longer change underscores to spaces in category sort keys. [727]
- Many bugs that resulted in inserting the pawn and snowman symbols were fixed last week. [728] [729] [730] [731]
- Several bugs related to the use of references were also fixed. [732] [733] [734] [735]
Future software changes
- You will soon have a user option to watch pages where you revert edits. [736] [737]
- All Toolserver data will be deleted in September. If you want to back up your data, contact Toolserver administrators before August 31. [738]
- Pages in the
namespace on wikis using the Translate extension will no longer be indexed by search engines. [739]
- Wikivoyage wikis were broken for about 45 minutes on July 29 due to a configuration problem. [740]
- Some users were not able to log in on test wikis and between July 31 and August 1. The problem is now fixed. [741]
Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by MediaWiki message delivery • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- Due to the Wikimania 2014 conference, there were no MediaWiki changes this week. The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf16) will be added to non-Wikipedia wikis on August 12, and to all Wikipedias on August 14 (calendar). [742]
- Bureaucrats on all Wikivoyage wikis are no longer able to merge two accounts into one. [743]
VisualEditor news
- Tablet users visiting the mobile version of non-Wikipedia wikis will be able to use VisualEditor starting on August 12. The feature will also be enabled on all Wikipedias on August 14. [744]
Future software changes
- Internet Explorer 6 users will soon see a JavaScript-free version of Wikimedia wikis; JavaScript tools and scripts will no longer work on that browser. If you use Internet Explorer 6, make sure to update to a newer browser! [745] [746] [747]
- If you visit a special page that requires you to be logged-in, you will soon be automatically redirected to the log-in page instead of seeing a warning. [748] [749]
- You will now always see recent changes to the source language text when editing a translation with the Translate extension. [750] [751]
- An IRC meeting to discuss VisualEditor will take place on August 14 at 09:00 UTC on the channel #wikimedia-office on freenode (time conversion). [752]
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Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please inform other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf17) is on test wikis and since August 14. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis on August 19, and on all Wikipedias on August 21 (calendar).
- There is a new protection level called superprotection. At the moment, only some Wikimedia Foundation employees have access to it. Administrators can't edit "superprotected" pages. [753] [754] [755]
- You can now create empty pages directly. A message asks you to confirm that you want to create an empty page. [756] [757]
- You can search for Wikimedia tools using a new list of tools. [758]
- You can watch the first videos from Wikimania 2014. Some of them are about technical topics. More videos will come later.
- After August 19, you can use Wikidata for inter language links on Wikinews. [759]
- After August 19, you can use Wikidata for badges like "good" or "featured" articles. Next week, you will be able to show the badges in the article sidebar on Wikipedia, Wikisource and Wikiquote. [760]
- There was an issue with ProofreadPage and WikiEditor on Wikisource wikis. It is now fixed. [761] [762]
Tech news written by tech ambassadors and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
VisualEditor news
- There was a error when you put your cursor directly after a reference list. It is now fixed. [763]
- You can now add colors to links in the editor using gadgets. You can do this to see links to redirects or disambiguation pages. [764]
- If you use Internet Explorer, you will soon be able to use VisualEditor. [765] [766] [767]
Future software changes
- The latest version of MediaWiki (1.24wmf18) is on test wikis and since August 21. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis on August 26, and on all Wikipedias on August 28 (calendar).
- After August 26, you will have a central JavaScript and CSS page. They will be on Meta-Wiki and will work on all wikis. Read more on the help page. [768]
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An important message about renaming users
Dear Snaevar, My aplogies for writing in English. Please translate or have this translated for you if it will help. I am cross-posting this message to many places to make sure everyone who is a Wikimedia Foundation project bureaucrat receives a copy. If you are a bureaucrat on more than one wiki, you will receive this message on each wiki where you are a bureaucrat.
As you may have seen, work to perform the Wikimedia cluster-wide single-user login finalisation (SUL finalisation) is taking place. This may potentially effect your work as a local bureaucrat, so please read this message carefully.
Why is this happening? As currently stated at the global rename policy, a global account is a name linked to a single user across all Wikimedia wikis, with local accounts unified into a global collection. Previously, the only way to rename a unified user was to individually rename every local account. This was an extremely difficult and time-consuming task, both for stewards and for the users who had to initiate discussions with local bureaucrats (who perform local renames to date) on every wiki with available bureaucrats. The process took a very long time, since it's difficult to coordinate crosswiki renames among the projects and bureaucrats involved in individual projects.
The SUL finalisation will be taking place in stages, and one of the first stages will be to turn off Special:RenameUser locally. This needs to be done as soon as possible, on advice and input from Stewards and engineers for the project, so that no more accounts that are unified globally are broken by a local rename to usurp the global account name. Once this is done, the process of global name unification can begin. The date that has been chosen to turn off local renaming and shift over to entirely global renaming is 15 September 2014, or three weeks time from now. In place of local renames is a new tool, hosted on Meta, that allows for global renames on all wikis where the name is not registered will be deployed.
Your help is greatly needed during this process and going forward in the future if, as a bureaucrat, renaming users is something that you do or have an interest in participating in. The Wikimedia Stewards have set up, and are in charge of, a new community usergroup on Meta in order to share knowledge and work together on renaming accounts globally, called Global renamers. Stewards are in the process of creating documentation to help global renamers to get used to and learn more about global accounts and tools and Meta in general as well as the application format. As transparency is a valuable thing in our movement, the Stewards would like to have at least a brief public application period. If you are an experienced renamer as a local bureaucrat, the process of becoming a part of this group could take as little as 24 hours to complete. You, as a bureaucrat, should be able to apply for the global renamer right on Meta by the requests for global permissions page on 1 September, a week from now.
In the meantime please update your local page where users request renames to reflect this move to global renaming, and if there is a rename request and the user has edited more than one wiki with the name, please send them to the request page for a global rename.
Stewards greatly appreciate the trust local communities have in you and want to make this transition as easy as possible so that the two groups can start working together to ensure everyone has a unique login identity across Wikimedia projects. Completing this project will allow for long-desired universal tools like a global watchlist, global notifications and many, many more features to make work easier.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the SUL finalisation, read over the Help:Unified login page on Meta and leave a note on the talk page there, or on the talk page for global renamers. You can also contact me on my talk page on meta if you would like. I'm working as a bridge between Wikimedia Foundation Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Stewards, and you to assure that SUL finalisation goes as smoothly as possible; this is a community-driven process and I encourage you to work with the Stewards for our communities.
Thank you for your time. -- Keegan (WMF) talk 25. ágúst 2014 kl. 18:24 (UTC)
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Hlaða inn skrám, Innsendingarleiðarvísir?
Hello! Sorry for writing in English. As you're an administrator here, please check the message I left on MediaWiki talk:Licenses and the village pump. Thanks, Nemo 18. september 2014 kl. 19:23 (UTC)
Character inserter for VE
Hi, you can find here instructions to customize the local character inserter. Let me know if you need further help. Best, --Elitre (WMF) (spjall) 24. september 2014 kl. 10:21 (UTC)
- VisualEditor’s special character inserter has been re-designed. Because you previously shared your opinions on the old “floating box” version, I would like your feedback on the new, full-width design. Click here to open the Sandbox at As of this morning, this sandbox only shows a small, basic set of special characters. However, the list of characters can be customized at each wiki. Please test it out, and leave your feedback at the VisualEditor/Feedback page on Thank you! Whatamidoing (WMF) (spjall) 5. mars 2015 kl. 19:06 (UTC)
Translation request
Greetings. A while back you helped with translation for single-user login finalization. Could you take some time to review the two messages that will be sent of affected community members soon? The pages are here and here. Thank you for your time, happy editing to you. Keegan (WMF) (talk) 2. febrúar 2015 kl. 23:21 (UTC)
Sæll Snævar.
Ég heiti Viðar og er verkefnastjóri Senu. Mig langar að breyta Wiki síðunni hjá okkur. Ég fiktaði eitthvað í þessu um daginn en sá svo að þú breyttir þessu aftur.
Er einhver séns að fá að breyta þessum upplýsingum aftur eða á ég bara að láta eyða þessu og setja nýja síðu upp?
Það sem mig langar að breyta:
Um: Sena er leiðandi í afþreyingu á Íslandi. Við gefum út tónlist, kvikmyndir, tölvuleiki og bækur. Sena rekur einnig Smárabíó, Háskólabíó og Borgarbíó Akureyri.
About: Sena is a clear leader in entertainment business in Iceland. Doing business in various areas: Films, Music, Video Games, Digital Distribution, Events and Books.
Við erum ekki í eigu 365. Þetta eru gamlar upplýsingar og gamalt lógó. Hér eru linkar á heimasíður okkar. Svo var ég búinn að setja inn nýtt lógó sem þú tókst út. Það væri frábært að fá það aftur inn.
Kv, Viðar Brink
- @Viddibrink: Ég er að gagnrýna ritstílinn á þessum breytingum og hvað sé tilgreint. Staðreyndirnar eru í fínu lagi, en það skiptir máli hvernig þetta er sett upp. Það eru þrjú atriði sem er að breytingunum þínum, í fyrsta lagi óæskileg notkun á persónufornöfnum, í öðru lagi of margar skoðanir (sem reyndar voru teknar út af óinnskráðum notanda) og í þriðja lagi er enskur texti ekki settur hingað inn. Ég ætla að útskýra þessi atriði nánar hér á eftir.
- Wikipedia tekur ekki afstöðu til viðfangsefnisins, heldur lætur lesandann um það. Skoðanir eru bara settar fram í málum þar sem aðili gagnrýnir viðfangsefnið (senu í þessu tilviki) í fjölmiðlum eða hjá öðrum þriðja aðila. Í því tilviki er skoðun gagnrýnandans og Senu sett fram og lesandinn látinn um að taka sína eigin afstöðu.
- Persónufornafnið "Við" er aldrei notað. Í stað þess er nafn þess ("Sena" í þessu tilviki) notað, eða persónufornafnið það.
- Síður eru aldrei settar upp á tveimur tungumálum. Wikipedia skiptist í nokkur vefsvæði, þar sem síðurnar eru eingöngu hafðar á einu tungumáli. Þar af leiðandi á enski textinn heima á, en ekki hérna.--Snaevar (spjall) 22. apríl 2015 kl. 16:33 (UTC)
Hi! I saw that you have helped colleague from Slovenian Wikipedia adapt Module:WeatherBox to their Wikipedia. Well, we (by that I mean Latvian Wikipedia) would like also display only metric values. I copyed to sandbox your code, but it didn't worked, which is working at Slovenian Wikipedia. And yes, I used the correct module version :) I probably just did something else stupid or silly. Could you take a look? --Edgars2007 (spjall) 2. maí 2015 kl. 21:55 (UTC)
- The code from the Slovenian wikipedia does not seem to be the same as the Latvian one. That is one part of the problem, but there is an second part to that as well. The second issue is that Lua does not natively support numbers with other decimals than an period. So, to fix that, in the input (in the function getInput to be precise) the number needs to be converted to an number with an dot, and then back again in the output. At that point the module should work as intended.--Snaevar (spjall) 3. maí 2015 kl. 16:51 (UTC)
- Sorry. Gave you old version of module sandbox :) Now we have the same module and template in both sandboxes. But results aren't the same. BTW, both sandboxes are in category "Pages with script errors"; maybe the fact, that Latvian Wikipedia's {{formatnum}} doesn't work very well, helps? Ok, point -> comma wouldn't be so important, the important part is getting rid of Fahrenheits and inches. --Edgars2007 (spjall) 4. maí 2015 kl. 15:31 (UTC)
Hello Snaevar
Hello Snaevar, can you translate some Georgia-related articles in Icelandic? I mean even couple of words would be a great help and for my part I can help with Georgian Wiki if needed be anytime. So maybe you could help? Jaqeli (spjall) 3. maí 2015 kl. 00:39 (UTC)
- articles? Wow, you seem to overestimate the free time I have.--Snaevar (spjall) 3. maí 2015 kl. 16:58 (UTC)
- Can you tell maybe who can I ask for translations here IsWiki? Jaqeli (spjall) 3. maí 2015 kl. 17:30 (UTC)
Lýðveldið Ísland
Opinberi titill Íslands er Lýðveldið Ísland. Ég gleymdi að bæta inn vísun en eins og má sjá á að stjórnarskráin nefnist: Stjórnarskrá lýðveldisins Íslands. Því er litið svo á að Lýðveldið Ísland sé opinbert heiti landsins en ekki Íslenska lýðveldið.
Bara svona p.s. áður en þú afturkallar það aftur.
Hopper1010 (spjall) 21. júní 2015 kl. 02:06 (UTC)
- Nei. Heimildin sem ég vísaði í breytingu minni er Hvert er formlegt heiti landsins okkkar?. Í fyrstu línu í þeirri heimild stendur orðrétt „Formlegt heiti er Ísland. Það er misskilningur ef menn halda að orðið lýðveldi sé hluti af nafninu.“ Í heimildinni er síðan farið út í afhverju þessi rök þín standast ekki.--Snaevar (spjall) 21. júní 2015 kl. 10:50 (UTC)
Ég sé ekki hvernig "Vísindavefurinn" sé meira áreiðanleg en Árnastofnun og Stjórnarskráin.
Allavega, ég sendi fyrirspurn til Forsætisráðuneytisins.
Hopper1010 (spjall) 22. júní 2015 kl. 20:07 (UTC)
Verndun síða - loka aðgangi gagnvart almenningi
Hæ, Mig langar að vita hvort hægt sé að loka aðgangi almennings að ákveðnum síðum sem ég sinni, þannig að hægt sé að koma í veg fyrir skemmdarverk á síðunum. Hef séð þetta undir Protection log á ensku síðunni en veit ekki alveg hvernig þetta er á þeirri íslensku. Hvernig er þetta síðan sett upp. --Arrowrings(spjall) 27. júní 2015 kl. 18:10 (UTC)
- Já, það er hægt. Protection kallast verndun hérna og protection log kallast verndunarskrá. Á öllum tungumála útgáfum wikipediu þarf stjórnandi að vernda greinina.--Snaevar (spjall) 27. júní 2015 kl. 20:48 (UTC)
- Takk fyrir þetta, annað hvernig er þetta gert og hvar finn ég þetta, get ég gert þetta sjálf eða þarf einhver annar að gera það. --Arrowrings(spjall) 28. júní 2015 kl. 16:03 (UTC)
- Þú þarft að biðja stjórnanda um vernda síðuna fyrir þig, semsagt annaðhvort mig eða einhvern af þessum lista .--Snaevar (spjall) 29. júní 2015 kl. 23:09 (UTC)
- Takk fyrir þetta, annað hvernig er þetta gert og hvar finn ég þetta, get ég gert þetta sjálf eða þarf einhver annar að gera það. --Arrowrings(spjall) 28. júní 2015 kl. 16:03 (UTC)
Thanks a lot for the help in this page! Rei Momo (spjall) 15. október 2015 kl. 09:37 (UTC)
Hello Snaevar, þanks for correcting at above. Regards -- Sweepy (spjall) 26. október 2015 kl. 06:41 (UTC)
Afhverju að fela flokkinn Arnaldur Indriðason
Ég bjó þennan flokk til til þess að halda utan um allar greinarnar um bækur Arnalds. Afhverju að eyða honum? Þá verða greinarnar um bækur hanns „munaðarlausar“ en ég hef verið að reyna að búa til svona flokka þar sem greinar eru til yfir verk tildæmis hljómsveita og plötur þeirra og eins rithöfunda og bækur þeirra. Bragi H (spjall) 27. desember 2015 kl. 12:39 (UTC)
- Ég er ekki að fela flokkinn sem slíkan, heldur eingöngu að fela fyrstu breytingu flokksins. Þetta er aðgerð sem kallast oversight á ensku. Í þessari fyrstu breytingu voru óviðeigandi ummæli sem þú sjálfur fjarlægðir á sínum tíma. Það að fela þessa fyrstu breytingu gerir ekki greinarnar munaðarlausar eða neitt slíkt. Raunar hefur það engin áhrif á neina tengla.--Snaevar (spjall) 27. desember 2015 kl. 20:44 (UTC)
Famous Icelanders
Hi Snaevar,
I am translating some Iceland-related articles into Georgian wiki and could you suggest some "most important Icelanders" type of list? Who are those famous Icelanders that would be great to be translated into a Georgian wiki? Just list some of the most important ones if you can. Thanks. Jaqeli (spjall) 12. janúar 2016 kl. 17:42 (UTC)
- Hi. Nice to see an wikipedian showing interest in Icelanders. Here is a list of 15 Icelanders that I would say that are must-haves. They are all well-known outside of Iceland.
- Jón Páll Sigmarsson - four time winner of Worlds Strongest Man
- Eiður Smári Guðjohnsen - footballer which played for Barcelona and Chelsea.
- Albert Guðmudsson - footballer which played for A.C. Milan, Arsenal and FC Nancy.
- Arnaldur Indriðason - Two time Glass Key award winner (an award for the best Nordic crime novel)
- Halldór Kiljan Laxness - Nobel prize winner in literature
- Magnús Scheving - the creator of the TV show LazyTown, which is shown in over 100 countries.
- Baltasar Kormákur - Hollywood film director
- Gunnar Hansen - Former Hollywood actor
- Magnus Magnusson - Hosted the BBC programme Mastermind for 25 years
- Björk Guðmundsdóttir
- Sigur Rós
- Of Monsters and Men - reached top 10 in Australia, Iceland, Ireland and in an alternative genre chart in the USA whith their song "Little Talks"
- Jóhannes Sveinsson Kjarval - was awarded the Prince Eugen Medal by the king of Sweden
Historic Icelanders:
- Ingólfur Arnarson - the first permanent settler of Iceland
- Snorri Sturluson - 11th century historian and author
--Snaevar (spjall) 12. janúar 2016 kl. 20:43 (UTC)
I've done Kjarval just now. Most of these listed Icelanders are already translated in Georgian wiki. Jaqeli (spjall) 12. janúar 2016 kl. 22:23 (UTC)
- Thanks Jaqeli! I added the ka label to wikidata at Jóhannes Sveinsson Kjarval (Q1364913)
- Can you please translate some labels and descriptions at
- Thanks for whatever help in advance! Greetings from Munich, Germany and best regards Gangleri also aka I18n (spjall) 14. janúar 2016 kl. 00:13 (UTC)
Wikipedia is getting 15 years - WMF projects - translation of Wikidata labels and descriptions
- links here
- lang=is : ?lang=is&props=31,218,219,220,506,1406&q=claim[1800]
Dear Snaevar; There will be a birthday soon: Wikipedia is getting 15 years. I want to let you know that the number of d:Wikidata:Database reports/WMF projects there is also the page Wikipedia versions has increased to more then 409; there are also pages from Wikibook project pages to Wikiversity and Wiktionary project pages in that list. You may be interested in adding Wikidata labels and descriptions in your language. Please follow also the discussion at d:property talk:P218 and comment there. Best regards Gangleri also aka I18n (spjall) 13. janúar 2016 kl. 23:58 (UTC) / I18n (spjall) 15. janúar 2016 kl. 07:49 (UTC)
Mynd dagsins fyrir apríl
Ég kann ekkert á sniðið fyrir mynd dagsins og sé að nýgræðingur hefur hlaðið inn mynd og stofnað síðu fyrir þá mynd, mynd sem hann hefur síðan ekkert merkt neinu höfundarsniði. Gætir þú reddað þessu því ég sé að þú hefur gert það áður. Ég get farið í að þýða texta en ég kann ekkert á sniðið. Bragi H (spjall) 1. apríl 2016 kl. 12:01 (UTC)
Stats will be 50K
Hi. In Muhammed taha/Articles has not links listed 100 articles that has not links with other pages [[other]], after linking Stats will be increased.--Muhammed taha (spjall) 20. ágúst 2016 kl. 03:44 (UTC)
Ófullnægjandi upplýsingar um Sena-logo-hvitt-72p-jpeg.jpg
Sæll. Varðandi logo Senu eða mynd af logoi Senu skilst mér að það þurfi ekki að hafa mynd, að það sé nóg að skrifa nafnið Sena. Ef það er rétt er þá hægt að taka út allar myndir af logoi Senu með einföldum hætti? Takk fyrir - Kristján Frímann Kristjánsson (spjall) 2. október 2016 kl. 12:58 (UTC)
- Já, það er nákvæmlega það sem ég var að hugsa.--Snaevar (spjall) 2. október 2016 kl. 15:35 (UTC)
Liv and Maddie
This article was deleted due to having text copied from the Faroese Wikipedia which was translated from the English article. Could you restore it? I can't find proof that there is an Icelandic version of the show, but should it use the Icelandic name anyway? Last year an IP attempted to create Dove Cameron who stars in the show and it was deleted, like the article itself. Dove Cameron is an actress and singer who plays the titular roles on the show. The show itself is an American sitcom that airs on Disney Channel. The series stars Dove Cameron in a dual role as identical twin sisters with entirely different personalities who are best friends. I wrote more about the plot in this revision. Also, the same IPs edited Gordy with English content. That needs translation too. Kkjj (spjall) 23. janúar 2017 kl. 18:37 (UTC)
- You have given no reason to restore it. Google translate/ copy-paste sites are unappropriate, it is better to start from scratch in the correct language.
The deletor. Berserkur (spjall) 23. janúar 2017 kl. 20:35 (UTC)
- Will you restore it if Akigka or Snaevar fixes it? Snaevar can speak some Faroese, and the Faroese content is also available in the Danish Wikipedia. Should I ask him myself or will he see this? Kkjj (spjall) 24. janúar 2017 kl. 00:29 (UTC)
- I asked Akigka for help on this but would you like to help? Kkjj (spjall) 24. janúar 2017 kl. 00:32 (UTC)
- Bersekur is following protocol here. Admins are allowed to delete pages in a different language than Icelandic, it is one of the items mentioned on the English Wikipedia:Overview. We have an backlog of pages that should be created, and it is at Wikipedia:Beiðnir um greinar. Your article does not get any points for having been created already and as far as I am concerned it is in the lowest group of pages in terms of priority.--Snaevar (spjall) 24. janúar 2017 kl. 01:45 (UTC)
- The original article was written in Icelandic, can I go back to that version? It was in the history. Also last year I uploaded the show's logo along with the original movie poster for Hefðarfrúin og umrenningurinn. I couldn't find a license for either but are there TV show logos or movie posters that do? Would you restore it if I could add a license? I'll restore the version of Liv and Maddie without the untranslated content that is still more developed than the current. Would that be OK? And what's the license for the TV logo and the movie poster? Kkjj (spjall) 24. janúar 2017 kl. 22:32 (UTC)
- On the backlog of pages that should be created, it lists "Menning", but I'm not sure what this means exactly. One of the listings is for My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, but what I don't know is if that show is any more relevant than Liv and Maddie. I tried finding the Icelandic title for the show, but I can't seem to find it. I don't know if the show is dubbed in Icelandic or not, and from what I know Liv and Maddie isn't either. My point is if Liv and Maddie is low priority, then is My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic low priority as well? Although it was never created, but does it need to be or should it be taken off the backlog? I noticed that Titanic (kvikmynd 1997) had the poster with a license. If I add the license then can Mynd:Lady-and-tramp-1955-poster.jpg be restored? Either that or just reuploaded. Which is better to do? Kkjj (spjall)
- OK, I tried to upload it, but it just says Skapa Mynd:Lady-and-tramp-1955-poster.jpg, which means creating File:Lady-and-tramp-1955-poster.jpg. I forgot how to upload. Even worse, on the Titanic poster it lists a different source than the English Wikipedia. The file I uploaded for Lady and the Tramp was from the English Wikipedia. It exists in English as en:File:Lady-and-tramp-1955-poster.jpg. It should be noted that Lady and the Tramp is more notable than My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, since it is actually dubbed in Icelandic. The Icelandic dub was made in 1995. But from what I know Liv and Maddie, Gordy, and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic are not dubbed. I couldn't find them at least. Does that mean that they are low priority? I also changed Gordy back to the original version that was in Icelandic, even though it currently says Gordy is a pig even though he's really a piglet (baby pig). Is there a word for piglet in Icelandic? Kkjj (spjall) 5. desember 2017 kl. 23:30 (UTC)
- On the backlog of pages that should be created, it lists "Menning", but I'm not sure what this means exactly. One of the listings is for My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, but what I don't know is if that show is any more relevant than Liv and Maddie. I tried finding the Icelandic title for the show, but I can't seem to find it. I don't know if the show is dubbed in Icelandic or not, and from what I know Liv and Maddie isn't either. My point is if Liv and Maddie is low priority, then is My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic low priority as well? Although it was never created, but does it need to be or should it be taken off the backlog? I noticed that Titanic (kvikmynd 1997) had the poster with a license. If I add the license then can Mynd:Lady-and-tramp-1955-poster.jpg be restored? Either that or just reuploaded. Which is better to do? Kkjj (spjall)
- The original article was written in Icelandic, can I go back to that version? It was in the history. Also last year I uploaded the show's logo along with the original movie poster for Hefðarfrúin og umrenningurinn. I couldn't find a license for either but are there TV show logos or movie posters that do? Would you restore it if I could add a license? I'll restore the version of Liv and Maddie without the untranslated content that is still more developed than the current. Would that be OK? And what's the license for the TV logo and the movie poster? Kkjj (spjall) 24. janúar 2017 kl. 22:32 (UTC)
Translation request about the article 'United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262'
Hello dear Snaevar, saw your wonderful contribution in Icelandic Wikipedia, especially on the article "Úkraína". According to the subject I would like to ask you translate the small article into Icelandic, and add it to the Icelandic wikipedia. Thank you in advance for your support/contribution and best wishes!
Translation request
Dear Snaevar, please translate the article about Belarusian writer into Icelandic language en:Uladzimir Karatkievich/ de:Uladsimir Karatkewitsch. Thank you in advance. --Rymchonak (spjall) 3. apríl 2017 kl. 09:20 (UTC)
1. deild kvenna í knattspyrnu 1975
Hello Snaevar. I've just partially written the italian page it:1. deild kvenna 1975 adding two islandic book references (a friend of mine bought them from a danish reseller). Now your page need to be updated. I've written a msg to the author (Víðir Sigurðsson) asking for details just because the newspaper Þjóðviljinn in 1975 was reporting a different calendar adding ÍA Akranes in group A. But I havent been able to find any result as I wrote to de:Diskussion:Isländische Fußballmeisterschaft der Frauen 1975 where I detailed the found pages showing up all week-end fixtures. I'm still in doubt ÍA Akranes started that championship, but a strange thing happened: KSI had been waiting the end of last match (july 20) before playing the final match on july 27.--Nipas2 (spjall) 1. ágúst 2017 kl. 14:46 (UTC)
- In Þjóðviljinn on the 19th of June, page 8, there is an short news article under the title "ÍA-stúlkurnar hættu þáttöku", translating as "ÍA girls quit participation". In this news article, KSÍ has been notified that the woman team of ÍA has quit partipitation, along with several other teams in other divisions. It is not explained why ÍA did quit at that point. I will add a note of that to the Icelandic article tomorrow.--Snaevar (spjall) 4. nóvember 2017 kl. 00:11 (UTC)
Umsókn TKSnaevarr um stöðu möppudýrs
Daginn! TKSnaevarr lagði inn umsókn um stöðu möppudýrs fyrir nokkru en enn sem komið er hafa eingöngu tvö atkvæði borist. Ég ætla að láta öll möppudýr vita af þessu til að bæta þátttökuna í svona kosningum. Endilega greiddu atkvæði ef þú telur þig vera í stöðu til þess! Kær kveðja, Maxí (spjall) 18. febrúar 2018 kl. 20:39 (UTC)
Hello Snaevar, you asked to delete 10 bots in Wikiquote (is) (see [769]). Who created them was an former Steward, someone who should know what he was doing. Are they no longer useful today? if they still are, maybe it is better not to delete them. Please write me about this, if any I can eliminate them. Kind regards. DARIO SEVERI (spjall) 4. mars 2018 kl. 04:43 (UTC)
- DARIO SEVERI: Hi. All of those bots are not registered accounts on the icelandic wikiquote. I used to check usernames on other WMF wikis before the Single user unification in 2015, but after that completed there should not be any accounts that are registered on one WMF wiki, but not on another (like the icelandic wikisource). If that is the case, then that is a bug in the MediaWiki software. Anyway, the issue is twofold, firstly that those 10 users are not registered on the icelandic wikiquote and secondly that all those userpages all have html lint errors, which in the case of non-existant accounts would be pointless to fix.--Snaevar (spjall) 4. mars 2018 kl. 11:17 (UTC)
- Thanks Snaevar, I will delete them today. DARIO SEVERI (spjall) 4. mars 2018 kl. 11:25 (UTC)
Sæll, Snævar, og takk fyrir hjálpina með stríðssniðið. Sniðið virkar enn ekki alveg rétt, t.d. birtist myndin ekki í infoboxinu og lóðréttu raðirnar eru ekki jafnar. Gætirðu nokkuð lagað sniðið með hliðsjón af sambærilegum sniðum á öðrum tungumálum, t.d. Skabelon:Infoboks militær konflikt á dönsku eða Modèle:Infobox Conflit militaire? Ég myndi gera þetta sjálfur en ég þekki ekki réttu Wiki-orðin til að láta sniðið virka á íslensku. TKSnaevarr (spjall) 2. maí 2018 kl. 18:32 (UTC)
Help for editing some "knattspyrnu mynd"
Hi Snaevar, I'm Nick (Nipas2) italian user trying to fill up some some "kvenna knattspyrnu" pages left abandoned or never edited, as you can see in my edit logs.
Someone is viewing my work and trying to help, even if not dramatically in troubles, but definitely isnt that much concerned in this matter. But I definitely need to talk with someone editing the teams' symbols as most of the 2nd league teams gets growing up (KSI just added the 2. deild) and some symbols are being shown on your official Federation site, while not these pages.
Please could you help me getting my needs referred to the right operating user / is.wikipedia editor ?. Your reply will be very much appreciated now that some "Lið" need to be completed adding the correct "mynd". Best regards.--Nipas2 (spjall) 25. ágúst 2018 kl. 23:21 (UTC)
- Hi Nipas2, thanks for helping out. Some of the symbols for the teams have not been uploaded yet. Do you want team symbols for the 2nd women leaguage teams all the way to its foundation in 1982 or just the current season ?--Snaevar (spjall) 5. september 2018 kl. 08:05 (UTC)
- Hi Snaevar, the problem can be defined in two different ways:
- check all the missing 2. deild championships on the KSÍ site;
- complete those emerging from completing all pages (the work I'm doing), but definitely it takes more time.
- I'm aware this work to be necessary for the other 2., 3. and 4. karla deildinn and your free time cannot to be compared to mine, just because I can use it till very late (sometimes 2 am before getting in bed). So I have to let you figure out the problem and wait for your response. I dont really know who else could help us. But someone else (mostly unregistered users) could do it (I hope) and this updating work must be ready for their further commintment.
- Please let me know which symbols you're going to make ready to compile the missing {{Lið }} very useful for fastening compiling operations saving much time. Some of the two/three symbols teams are such temporary agreements and I dont know if the Lið(s) could be necessary or not since males championships to be very different from the females due to reducted teams registered in the official activities. Such agreements arent existing in my country so I just have to follow the KSI given names and use them.--Nipas2 (spjall) 16. september 2018 kl. 22:21 (UTC)
- Hi Snaevar, the problem can be defined in two different ways:
- Hi Snaevar, that's it the missing ones are mostly on the 1. deild championships as the best newbies got promoted or added to the upper leagues. This is the missing ones list. Please note that I tried to leave empty holes to add the edited ones' in the Lið (I can easily do that if you can upload the basic mynð), hence I'll be reviewing and update all my edited incomplete pages:
- Multiple crests to be reducted (teams merged for a few years):
- Afturelding/Fram two teams united, a single symbol;
- ÍR/BÍ/Bolungarvík;
- Fjarðabyggð/Leiknir two teams united, a single symbol;
- Fjarðab/Höttur/Leiknir need to be reducted in just one (triple) as per ksi page;
- Thanks so much for the Höttur one.
- My first task had been completed (Pepsideild and 1.deild and Inkasso are online since 2012), 2. deild consisting of just two groups and are very simple to be made up. So most of the recent ones are ok. I dont really know how long these vacations will last and how many 1.deild/2. deild I'll be able to get ready (1982-2011) so that I didn't check for the symbols/crests to be edited and missing.
- I actually don't know if those mynds are used in the 2nd and 3rd karla championship, but once made up could be ready for use.--Nipas2 (spjall) 5. september 2018 kl. 10:42 (UTC)
- As you maybe noticed I didnt use an authomatic translator, just because causing problems all the time in my language too. So most of the texts I've been using are "basics" copied from previous pages. As per the "finals" english word I put in 1.deild 2015 and 2016 I kindly ask you to review my edited pages and correct them.--Nipas2 (spjall) 5. september 2018 kl. 10:53 (UTC)
- I dont really know if my work can be considered all ok, but I'm trying to update the elder ones adding the competition template {{Infobox. To complete this work according to the current championships some mynd must be edited as per the sponsorship the icelandic federation got and had to give name to some (men or womens'). So excepting Pepsi (the latest for top one) all others have to be edited and added in the best possible format (svg, png or jpg). This is the list of some I came across and I didnt find in page containing those already available:
- [[Mynd:Inkasso-deild.jpg|250px]] (or png, else svg) in the karlar then added to some konur like this one on ksi site.--Nipas2 (spjall) 5. september 2018 kl. 11:04 (UTC)
- [[Mynd:Landsbankadeildinn.jpg|250px]] (or png, else svg) like this one on ksi site.--Nipas2 (spjall) 11. september 2018 kl. 16:09 (UTC)
- Soon the Simadeild one will be needed like this one on ksi site.
- I cannot edit them just because I don't know the procedures to be accomplished. The symbols werent in use when those pages had been edited and just linking the new ksi pages can be viewed.--Nipas2 (spjall) 15. september 2018 kl. 22:41 (UTC)
Your help is still necessary
Hi Snaevar,
my work will be completed soon but this to remind you too many crests/symbols are waiting for a completion, and I haven't got enough skills to do it by myself (unless teached/tutored about how to do it). Your valuable work will be very much appreciated and useful for the men's teams too (not just for the females football teams). I just hope to be noticed from your about your availability. My goal (completing your females championships pages) is close to an end, and this work will be copied from other wikipedian pages to let foreign and local readers know.
Some mens pages completion and update had been left undone. And I'm very sorry about it.
It's very strange how our pages are overwelmed and followed by hundreds of contributors and yours are the opposite, giving the real sense how football is followed in your country. None working over your local championships. In a certain way being the one to do it without any pressure and time worries gave me the real sense how works must be done, no pressure no worries but I really miss the native icelandic users to thank me or encouraging me to go on or helping me debugging my foults. My work must be reviewed ad updated.
Thanks in advance. Take your time and take care.--Nipas2 (spjall) 17. febrúar 2019 kl. 10:27 (UTC)
rocky marciano
Halló! Ekki fjarlægja þessar mikilvægu tengla. Þetta eru einstök, nauðsynleg tengsl í tengslum við Rocky Marciano. Þetta er lítill grein og frekari upplýsingar eru nauðsynlegar hér. Mörg önnur tungumál hafa einnig þau. Einnig leyfir wiki reglur ekki að endurvekja neitt án fullrar útskýringar!
- the links you took away are on many wikis. boxrec is encyclopedia of boxing, is top place for boxing stories!--— Þetta óundirritaða innlegg var skrifað af Watertow (spjall | framlög)
- Actually, I am and was fully aware what these links where for. I am that far ahead of you. If you really want to improve the article, then find other links, those two are not going to stick. Keep in mind two things. Firstly that your userpage is not your own property and you are breaking your own rule by reverting without any reason whatsover. At least I give some reasoning behind my reverts, Watertow hypocrite. Secondly I am fully aware of your use of multiple accounts. Undiclosed multiple accounts are dissalowed here. Your Google Translate answer does not change anything.--Snaevar (spjall) 19. apríl 2019 kl. 23:03 (UTC)
- Snaevar, the account is a sock of globally banned editor known as "George Reeves Person". The master account is Projects and they were banned by the Wikimedia Foundation. PlyrStar93 (spjall) 19. apríl 2019 kl. 23:38 (UTC)
- Actually, I am and was fully aware what these links where for. I am that far ahead of you. If you really want to improve the article, then find other links, those two are not going to stick. Keep in mind two things. Firstly that your userpage is not your own property and you are breaking your own rule by reverting without any reason whatsover. At least I give some reasoning behind my reverts, Watertow hypocrite. Secondly I am fully aware of your use of multiple accounts. Undiclosed multiple accounts are dissalowed here. Your Google Translate answer does not change anything.--Snaevar (spjall) 19. apríl 2019 kl. 23:03 (UTC)
I see you have reverted some of my modifications.
What is the purpose of having wrong interwikis (i.e. links to a different wikidata element)?
Best regards,
Vargenau (spjall) 8. júlí 2019 kl. 09:56 (UTC)
- Those interwikis I reinstated are considered interwiki conflicts. In this case it is the iswiki local interwiki links that are wrong. I have re-reverted myself.--Snaevar (spjall) 8. júlí 2019 kl. 17:00 (UTC)
- User:Vargenau: Regarding your bot Escarbot however, there are some erronous removals. I have only gone through roughly half of the wikidata interwiki removals there.
- On Faggilding the correct enwiki article is en:Professional certification, which was removed.
- On Eftirsjá the correct enwiki article is actually en:Regret (which was removed), not Remorse.
- On Berghlaup the bot removed de:Bergsturz, but the icelandic word Berghlaup is actually derived from Bergsturz, and that is also why the german word is mentioned in the article itself. Berghlaup is in fact in the wrong wikidata item.
- On Agnes, the uk-wiki link is valid, although I am aware that it is in an different item at wikidata.--Snaevar (spjall) 8. júlí 2019 kl. 21:22 (UTC)
Thank you for revering your reverts.
I fixed the first 3 issues you mentioned. Please check it is OK.
Best regards,
Vargenau (spjall) 9. júlí 2019 kl. 16:08 (UTC)
Hi and thanks for correcting my foults. But frankly I prefer to see you helping me when needed and offered. And a lot of time had already passed by. I don't know how to correctly upload the teams missing symbols by myself.--Nipas2 (spjall) 17. júlí 2019 kl. 22:50 (UTC)
- I get that you would rather like help, but I only asked what divisions the teams where in. Since I can only see 4 logos missing from the women divisions, I have uploaded them.--Snaevar (spjall) 18. júlí 2019 kl. 17:55 (UTC)
- Ah ok ! You just need them to be numbered. Sorry I misunderstood.
- Top Division (now Pepsi Max-deild)
- Missing Mynd:Pepsi Max-deild.jpg Pepsy Max deild logo (2019);
- Missing Mynd:Landsbankadeildinn.jpg Landsbankadeildinn logo (2003 to 2008);
- Missing Mynd:Símadeildinn.jpg Símadeildinn logo (2001 to 2002);
- Missing Mynd:Landssímadeildinn.jpg Landssímadeildinn logo (2000);
- Missing Stofndeild logo (1997)
- Missing Mizunodeild logo (1995 to 1996)
- Same logos must be added to the males championships.
- As per the teams logos are still to be edited:
- Dalvik season 1994 (available on KSI page);
- Þór/KA/KS season 2001 (3 combined pictures)
- Þróttur/Haukar season 2003 (2 combined pictures);
- Afturelding/Fjölnir season 2009 (2 combined pictures);
- The other crests/pictures (mynd) missing (you can see in the previous talk) are those belonging to the second division, but many of them are related to males team so that in case of editing the missing pages are needed for sure.
- Just hope you understood what I wrote and meant.--Nipas2 (spjall) 18. júlí 2019 kl. 21:05 (UTC)
Hello. Nowhere in that note did I say it was against policy on this project. Rather, I said it was against policy on the English Wikipedia. Unless you have a rule here that discussing other projects is not allowed, I will request you restore my edit to their talk page. Regards, Vermont (spjall) 17. ágúst 2019 kl. 12:27 (UTC)
- User:Vermont: We do not work in that way around here Vermont. From our perspective you come here and start with making threats. That I gave you an English explanation is an polite thing on my part. I am not in any way required to give you any English explanation of anything, only an Icelandic one. But for your information, your behaviour is in breach with our etiquette. Stop being so arrogant.
- What you need to understand is there is an separation between the Wikipedias. What is ok on English wikipedia might not be on others, and that is the case here. There are even Wikipedias out there who will outright ban you for behaviour like this one. Despite that you behave like you are somebody around here, even though this is an different website, with different community, and different trust levels. By the way, you are just digging your own hole by trying to convince me otherwise. I hope you would not try to chase users over to Wikia, with this kind of thing, so don't try that either here.--Snaevar (spjall) 18. ágúst 2019 kl. 11:20 (UTC)
- I apologize you interpreted my message on their talk page as a threat; it was not intended as such and it is not worded that way. I do not believe my note here on your talk page was hostile either, however your response to me definitely is. I am quite aware of the separation between Wikipedias, however I fail to understand how leaving a note on someone's talk page in that manner is against your policies. I'm also confused by your mention of Wikia; I do not contribute there. Pinging Berserkur, one of your active administrators, to request that they review this situation. Regards, Vermont (spjall) 18. ágúst 2019 kl. 16:00 (UTC)
- Well, I for one found your message to be a helpful reminder to that user that canvassing to enwiki probably wouldn't work, see nothing wrong with mentioning that to them on iswiki. Snævar, kannski svolítið harkalega tekið til orða... – Þjarkur (spjall) 19. ágúst 2019 kl. 00:41 (UTC)
- I apologize you interpreted my message on their talk page as a threat; it was not intended as such and it is not worded that way. I do not believe my note here on your talk page was hostile either, however your response to me definitely is. I am quite aware of the separation between Wikipedias, however I fail to understand how leaving a note on someone's talk page in that manner is against your policies. I'm also confused by your mention of Wikia; I do not contribute there. Pinging Berserkur, one of your active administrators, to request that they review this situation. Regards, Vermont (spjall) 18. ágúst 2019 kl. 16:00 (UTC)
Sameining persónusniða
Sæll, Snævar. Ég var að velta fyrir mér hvort þú gætir breytt sniðinu Snið:Stjórnmálamaður þannig að það sé hægt að fella hluta úr öðrum persónusniðum inn í það? Ég er að hugsa um þetta út af t.d. síðunum Julie Payette og George Weah -- þar væri gott að geta fellt gildi úr upplýsingatöflunum Snið:Geimfari og Snið:Knattspyrnumaður neðst í töfluna.
Ég sé á ensku útgáfunum af þessum síðum að þar er hægt að setja inn gildið „module“ til þess að geta síðan notað breytur úr hinum persónusniðunum í sömu upplýsingatöflu. Gætir þú athugað hvort það sé hægt að breyta sniðunum á íslensku svo þetta sé hægt hér? TKSnaevarr (spjall) 5. nóvember 2019 kl. 21:35 (UTC)
- Það var þegar hægt að setja gildið "module" inn og upplýsingatöflu þar inn (alveg eins og gert er á ensku grein George Weah). Ég veit að það er ekki útskýrt nógu vel hvað snið:stjórnmálamaður getur gert.--Snaevar (spjall) 5. nóvember 2019 kl. 22:02 (UTC)
- Hmm, er þetta alveg rétt sett inn? Þetta virkar ekki þegar ég reyni að setja geimfaraupplýsingasniðið inn í hitt sniðið hjá Julie Payette. TKSnaevarr (spjall) 5. nóvember 2019 kl. 22:12 (UTC)
- Málið er að þegar maður setur module inn birtist hitt sniðið sem tafla innan töflunnar frekar en bara breytur í sömu töflunni. Auk þess birtast línur fyrir nafn og fæðingardag aftur í þeirri töflu þótt maður setji ekki inn nein gildi fyrir þær breytur. Ég sé að þú ert að vinna í þessu, takk fyrir að nenna því. TKSnaevarr (spjall) 5. nóvember 2019 kl. 23:24 (UTC)
Merging Community Wishlist proposals
Hello Snaevar, don't know if you saw my comment at Kaldari (spjall) 6. nóvember 2019 kl. 23:49 (UTC)
- I will answer the merge proposal on the main talk page of Community Wishlist Survey 2020. I saw your comment, just needed to think about it.--Snaevar (spjall) 8. nóvember 2019 kl. 15:42 (UTC)
Lag sem heitir "Kaupiði Plötu ársins".
Ég sá að þú gerðir breytingu á grein hjá mér og tókst út lagaheiti og link á lagið. Lagið heitir raunverulegulega "Kaupiði Plötu ársins" og það er nákvæmlega enginn ástæða fyrir því að breyta þessu. Sérðu það? Ókei?
- Þá orðar maður það þannig að það sé "myndband ársins fyrir kaupiði plötu ársins". Feitletrun hér er bara til áherslu, ég er ekki að leggja til að setja feitletrunina í greinina.--Snaevar (spjall) 11. júní 2020 kl. 15:13 (UTC)
"Myndband ársins" er sérnafn og hefur því stóran staf. Lagið heitir "Kaupiði plötu ársins" og er sérnafn líka og hefur því stóran staf. Það er erfitt að skilja tilgang svigans þíns ef öll setningin er inní honum. Til hvers þá að nota sviga? Þetta "fyrir" orð er ekki nauðsynlegt því tvípunktur er nóg í svona upptalningu. Ég er alls ekki að reyna að vera dónalegur en þú þarft kannski að vanda þig aðeins ef þú ætlar að veita ráðgjöf í að orða hluti. --Rokkstokk
Sniðið um tónlistarfólk
Sæll! Ég tók eftir því að eftir síðustu breytingar þínar á sniðinu um Tónlistarfólk birtist breytan fyrir dauðadag viðkomandi ekki lengur á síðunum. Gætirðu lagað þetta við tækifæri? TKSnaevarr (spjall) 12. júní 2020 kl. 00:15 (UTC)
- Sæll, takk fyrir að taka eftir þessu. Búinn að laga þetta núna, bara eitt tákn sem vantaði.--Snaevar (spjall) 18. júní 2020 kl. 19:10 (UTC)
We sent you an e-mail
Hello Snævar,
Really sorry for the inconvenience. This is a gentle note to request that you check your email. We sent you a message titled "The Community Insights survey is coming!". If you have questions, email
You can see my explanation here.
MediaWiki message delivery (spjall) 25. september 2020 kl. 18:52 (UTC)
Sælir. Það virðist sem Notandi:Snaevar/common.js sé að transklúda einhver hreingerningarsnið svo að skjalið birtist alltaf í Flokkur:Wikipedia:Umdeilt hlutleysi og svipuðum flokkum. Held þú getir komið í veg fyrir það með því að bæta við //<nowiki>
efst í common.js skjalið og svo //</nowiki>
neðst. – Þjarkur (spjall) 9. október 2020 kl. 20:58 (UTC)
- Sæll, ég fjarlægði bara þessa sniða ítengingu alveg, var hvort sem er ekki að nota það.--Snaevar (spjall) 10. október 2020 kl. 16:16 (UTC)
Television series template
Hello! Is it possible to add a revised television series template with new parameters and a new interface. It should only be in Icelandic. It is appropriate to have it in the language this page is presented in. Don't have too many fields that isn't necessary. Yours sincerely, Sondre -- 5. mars 2021 kl. 14:37 (UTC)
Hello! Is it possible to allow pictures to come up automatically in the size of 230px. You can do it like the English template with automatic picture formatting. Can you add an image size parameter to the template as well. Yours sincerely, Sondre -- 6. mars 2021 kl. 12:31 (UTC)
Share your feedback on the OCR improvements!
Hello! We (the team responsible for the Community Wishlist Survey) have launched the project for OCR improvements. With this project, we aim to improve the experience of using OCR tools on Wikisource. Please refer to our project page, which provides a full summary of the project and the main problem areas that we have identified.
We would love if you could answer the questions below. Your feedback is incredibly important to us and it will directly impact the choices we make. Thank you in advance, and we look forward to reading your feedback! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (spjall) 9. mars 2021 kl. 03:33 (UTC)
Viðgerð á sniði
Sæll. Ég setti nýlega upp snið til að vísa í heimildir í Twitter-færslum (Snið:Cite tweet). Það virðast vera einhverjar villur í því, sbr. síðan Samia Suluhu. Gætir þú litið á sniðið og lagað það? TKSnaevarr (spjall) 23. mars 2021 kl. 15:06 (UTC)
- Búið að laga, vantaði tvö snið sem voru að reikna hvort dagsetningin væri rétt.--Snaevar (spjall) 23. mars 2021 kl. 15:22 (UTC)
Country data
Hello! Can you do something with the country data template?. So it shows new variants without alternative variants. And with military flags also from naval, army and air force. Is it possible to only have Icelandic language in those fields and not English ones?. Yours sincerely, Sondre -- 31. mars 2021 kl. 09:41 (UTC)
Redirect aliases in the country data template
Hello! Is it possible for you to add alias names in the country data templates. I see that the redirect names are missing. Yours sincerely, Sondre -- 11. apríl 2021 kl. 12:28 (UTC)
- The redirect names are spelling mistakes, so no.--Snaevar (spjall) 12. apríl 2021 kl. 02:01 (UTC)
The television series template
Hello! Is it possible for you to do something with the images field in the television template. When I type in the picture file it should be shown automatically e.g. Beverly Hills 90210. Is it possible to add picture size as well?. Can you do something with the entire template so it is only shown in one language instead of two with only the desired fields. Yours sincerely, Sondre -- 19. apríl 2021 kl. 12:56 (UTC)
Redirect aliases on the country data templates
Hello! Can you correct the spelling mistakes for the redirect aliases on the country data pages?. The spelling mistakes can be easily sorted out. See you what you can do about them. It is a pity that there are spelling mistakes there. Yours sincerely, Sondre -- 1. maí 2021 kl. 14:55 (UTC)
Moving of page
Hello! Can you move the page Template:Country data Franska Polýnesía to Franska Pólýnesia because it matches with the Icelandic page title. Yours sincerely, Sondre -- 8. maí 2021 kl. 10:16 (UTC)
- The article is allready at an title that matches the template.--Snævar (spjall) 8. maí 2021 kl. 11:15 (UTC)
Hello! Can you move the page Template:Country data Vestur-Kongó to Template:Lýðveldið Kongo so it matches with the template title. Yours sincerely, Sondre -- 15. maí 2021 kl. 20:05 (UTC)
Breytingin á stjórnmálasniðinu
Hæ, ég sé að eftir breytingarnar sem þý gerðir á Snið:Stjórnmálamaður stendur núna verðandi við fólk sem er núna í embætti. Það þyrfti að laga það. TKSnaevarr (spjall) 23. júní 2021 kl. 10:07 (UTC)
- Ég sé að núna eru breyturnar fyrir forseta/forsætisráðherra, eftirmann og forvera líka horfnar úr upplýsingatöflunum. TKSnaevarr (spjall) 23. júní 2021 kl. 10:39 (UTC)
o u will love your page motherfuker on wikip ee and on wikipediasucks co u ll never remove, curse u forever
Enn ein breytingin á stjórnmálamannssniðinu
Blessaður. Ég er að reyna að gera enn eina breytinguna á sniðinu fyrir stjórnmálamenn/embættishafa. Eins og er þýðir sniðið ekki gildi fyrir landstjóra, heldur birtist það á ensku sem Governor General (sjá t.d. síðuna um Justin Trudeau). Gætir þú lagað þetta? Ég er búinn að vera að fikta eitthvað í þessu en ég skil ekki hvernig þetta virkar. TKSnaevarr (spjall) 27. júlí 2021 kl. 01:21 (UTC)
Breytingar á upplýsingatöflum
Sæll, það þarf kannski að skoða nýju breytingarnar aðeins. Þær birtast ekki alveg rétt í símaútgáfunni, hluta af textanum og myndunum er ýtt til vinstri frekar en að birtast í miðjunni. TKSnaevarr (spjall) 17. desember 2021 kl. 16:43 (UTC)
- Lagað, færði fyrirsagnir og mynd í miðjuna. Bætti við stílsniði á Module:Infobox/styles.css, Melding:Common.css er ekki notuð í farsímaútgáfunni.--Snævar (spjall) 17. desember 2021 kl. 21:24 (UTC)
- Það eru nokkrar aðrar upplýsingatöflur þar sem texti og myndir eru líka farnar til vinstri, t.d. landasniðin. Það mætti kannski skoða þetta við tækifæri. TKSnaevarr (spjall) 18. desember 2021 kl. 19:38 (UTC)
- Lagaði fyrirsagnir í upplýsingatöflum.--Snævar (spjall) 20. janúar 2022 kl. 10:50 (UTC)
How we will see unregistered users
You get this message because you are an admin on a Wikimedia wiki.
When someone edits a Wikimedia wiki without being logged in today, we show their IP address. As you may already know, we will not be able to do this in the future. This is a decision by the Wikimedia Foundation Legal department, because norms and regulations for privacy online have changed.
Instead of the IP we will show a masked identity. You as an admin will still be able to access the IP. There will also be a new user right for those who need to see the full IPs of unregistered users to fight vandalism, harassment and spam without being admins. Patrollers will also see part of the IP even without this user right. We are also working on better tools to help.
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We have two suggested ways this identity could work. We would appreciate your feedback on which way you think would work best for you and your wiki, now and in the future. You can let us know on the talk page. You can write in your language. The suggestions were posted in October and we will decide after 17 January.
Thank you. /Johan (WMF)
4. janúar 2022 kl. 18:17 (UTC)
Hliðrun í landasniði
Sæll. Eftir breytingarnar þínar um daginn eru fánar og skjaldarmerki í upplýsingatöflum fyrir lönd látin hliðrast til vinstri frekar en að vera í miðjunni. Gætir þú lagað þetta? Ég þori ekki að krukka í þessu. TKSnaevarr (spjall) 20. janúar 2022 kl. 09:20 (UTC)
Movie template
Hello! Can you check regarding the movie template and take away the predecessor and next movie templates. Mainly because they aren't necessary in the long run. Can you make the template the same as the English one. With the requested fields and some optional as well. Yours sincerely, Sondre -- 12. febrúar 2022 kl. 13:01 (UTC)
Country data and showdata templates
Hello! Can you check regarding the country data templates and make them present and correct and also correct the links that they match each other. I think that the template need Icelandic translation with the right wording and that the links are correct. Yours sincerely, Sondre -- 12. febrúar 2022 kl. 13:07 (UTC)
Redirect links on the Country showdata template
Hello! Can you check regarding the Country showdata template so the redirect links are correct and the related links as well?. Yours sincerely, Sondre -- 18. febrúar 2022 kl. 14:45 (UTC)
Álit um færslu
Sæll. Gætir þú gefið þitt álit á mögulegri færslu á síðunni Kíev? TKSnaevarr (spjall) 25. febrúar 2022 kl. 00:08 (UTC)
Breyting á nafni síðu
Geturðu breytt nafninu á síðunni Hertogadæmi Prússlands yfir í Hertogadæmið Prússland? Ég kann það ekki og veit ekki hvort ég má það.
Bestu kveðjur. Íslenski Frjálsi Vefurinn (spjall) 26. mars 2022 kl. 15:11 (UTC)
- Já, síðan hefur verið færð. Þú getur fært síður, það er til leiðbeiningarsíða á Hjálp:Að færa síðu. (Allar hjálparsíðurnar hérna eru með "Hjálp:" forskeyti) Síðast þegar hópurinn á þessu vefsvæði ræddi heiti greina komust við að þessu samkomulagi: Wikipedia:Nafnavenjur greina. Önnur samkomulög er að finna undir Flokkur:Wikipedia:Stefnur.--Snævar (spjall) 30. mars 2022 kl. 01:48 (UTC)
af hverju eyddirðu síðunni minni um ELBO? Ég notaði þýðanda þar sem ég er ekki reiprennandi í íslensku og bætti við einhverju efni frá öðrum Wikipediu vegna þess að ég vissi ekki annað nýtt efni til að bæta við þessa Wikipediu.
vinsamlegast leyfðu mér að endurskapa þessa síðu með sama efni
takk fyrir RHAXHIJA (spjall) 15. apríl 2022 kl. 17:41 (UTC)
Nei, þú mátt ekki endurskapa þessa síðu með sama efni. Þýðendur eru ekki nógu góðir fyrir íslensku og þess vegna var henni eytt. Það er til einfaldari verkefni en að bæta við efni.--Snævar (spjall) 15. apríl 2022 kl. 17:51 (UTC)
Opnar upplýsingatöflur
Sæll. Ég sé að eftir nýlegar breytingar eru margar upplýsingatöflur opnar sem eiga að vera sjálfgefið innfelldar þegar maður kemur inn á síðu. Sést t.d. á öllum síðum sem nota sniðið um enska, skoska og breska einvalda. Gætir þú lagað þetta? Eins og endranær kann ég það ekki. TKSnaevarr (spjall) 23. apríl 2022 kl. 19:46 (UTC)
- Lagað, ágætt að hafa einhvern að fylgjast með þessu.--Snævar (spjall) 25. apríl 2022 kl. 07:58 (UTC)
Varðandi Íslensk þjóðkvæði og sagnadansa
Heill og sæll!
Sagnadansar flokkast undir íslensk þjóðkvæði skv. Íslenskri bókmenntasögu II (1993), bls. 481. Höf. texta: Vésteinn Ólason.
Bestu kveðjur: Þorsteinn Björnsson Thorsteinn1996 (spjall) 24. júní 2022 kl. 00:37 (UTC)
- Já, ég veit. Greinin sagnadansar er undir flokknum sagnadansar, sem er síðan undir íslensk þjóðkvæði. Greinin sagnadansar er ekki bæði undir flokknum sagnadansar og íslensk þjóðkvæði því það felur í sér tvíverknað. Enska wikipedia og Wikimedia Commons (sem eru systurverkefni okkar) eru líka með svona verklag, þetta sést myndrænt á File:Over-categorization.svg.--Snævar (spjall) 24. júní 2022 kl. 04:44 (UTC)
- Aa ég skil. Ekkert mál, takk fyrir að láta mig vita af þessu. Þú mátt taka til baka þessa breytingu sem ég gerði. Hafðu þína hentisemi!
- BK
- ÞB Thorsteinn1996 (spjall) 24. júní 2022 kl. 19:09 (UTC)
Hæ, af hverju tókstu aftur breytinguna mina? Nú fer hlekkurinn hjá 'Hjörtur' til dýrsins, ekki til mannanafnsins. Samanber hlekkinn hjá 'Björn'. —Caoimhin ceallach (spjall) 14. júlí 2022 kl. 23:32 (UTC)
Dark mode
Væri nokkuð hægt að bæta dark mode smáforriti við Melding:Gadgets-definition? Hér er kóðinn:
Maxí (spjall) 8. september 2022 kl. 19:51 (UTC)
- Já, bætti því við rétt í þessu. Virkar fínt.--Snævar (spjall) 11. september 2022 kl. 23:17 (UTC)
Getur þú nokkuð séð af hverju unbulleted/plainlist renderast sem bulleted í mobile view, og einnig líka af hverju hlist hlist-separated (t.d. {{flatlist}}) splittast ekki þegar línan er orðin of löng (eins og í infoboxi)? Fyxi (spjall) 18. september 2022 kl. 16:01 (UTC)
- Það er út af því að Melding:Common.css (þar sem stíllinn er) er ekki notaður á mobile, raunar er það eina þemað sem notar common.css ekki. Tengdi Snið:Flatlist við Snið:Hlist/styles.css, sem lagar vandamálið þar. Tengdi líka Snið:Plainlist við Snið:Plainlist/styles.css, sem lagar það. Ég veit að það eru önnur snið sem nota einnig hlist og plainlist. Hlist-seperated virðist vera úrelt, enska wikipedia virðist hafa hætt að nota það.--Snævar (spjall) 18. september 2022 kl. 17:27 (UTC)
Gætirðu bætt við eftirfarandi stubbasniðum (sem undirsnið af líffræðistubb): liðdýr og plöntur. Svarði2 (spjall) 26. september 2022 kl. 23:56 (UTC)
Eyddar greinar
Máttu ekki Lemona og hornkúfa ekki vera inni? Fljótt á litið virðist þetta einmitt vera efni í alfræðiriti sem wikipedia er: það er verið að fjalla um allt og að það þarf ekki að hafa áhyggjur af plássi. Svarði2 (spjall) 3. nóvember 2022 kl. 19:43 (UTC)
- Ég tel að báðar ákvarðirnar séu í samræmi við þær hreingerningar umræður sem hafa verið í gangi á Pottinum nýlega. Minna en 100 íbúar í Lemónu er mjög neðarega á markverða skalanum. Hornkúfa sagði að hún væri hluti af Dúðaætt, sem er flokkur dúdúfuglsins. Sú grein er augljóst bull. Stundum er betra að skrifa grein upp á nýtt og það á klárlega við Hornkúfu. Eyðing þýðir ekkert endilega að það megi ekki skrifa um það, þvert á móti eru flestar eyðingarnar vegna þess þær eru lélega skrifaðar.--Snævar (spjall) 3. nóvember 2022 kl. 19:56 (UTC)
Breytingarnar á CSS
Ég sé að eftir breytingarnar sem þú varst að gera á CSS-stílunum hliðrast upplýsingataflan fyrir stríð ekki lengur til hægri við textann. Gætir þú lagað þetta? TKSnaevarr (spjall) 6. nóvember 2022 kl. 21:29 (UTC)
Síður með aðgreiningu en engin aðalsíða til
Hæ. Kannt þú að gera leit að síðum eins og Leitin (eldstöð) sem er með aðgreiningu en Leitin er ekki til. Gæti verið áhugavert hvort hægt sé að fjarlægja sumar af þessum aðgreiningum í titlunum. Steinninn 7. desember 2022 kl. 02:52 (UTC)
- Já, leitaði að síðum með aðgreiningu sem samanstendur af sviga og leitaði svo að því hvort titilinn án svigans (og textans innan hans) væri til. 761 síður: quarry:query/68347. Lítur út eins og bottaverkefni fyrir mér.--Snævar (spjall) 7. desember 2022 kl. 03:35 (UTC)
- Lagaði listann, einangraði við aðalnafnrýmið. Sýnist það þurfa að spá meira í þessu. Það eru til hópar eins og hópur 1: Glacier-þjóðgarðurinn_(Bandaríkin) og Glacier-þjóðgarðurinn_(Kanada), hópur 2: Bændaflokkurinn_(fyrri) og Bændaflokkurinn_(síðari). Það er líka til stærri pæling um þetta. Ég hallast að því að það sé betra halda aðgreiningunni, því þó svo að það henti betur akkúrat núna að sleppa henni, þá eru mótrökin svo að með framtíðarsýn í huga, þá sé betra að halda henni. Aðalrökin eru að það þurfi ekki að aðgreina tengla á milli núverandi greinar og greinarinnar sem vantar í framtíðinni (t.d. kvikmyndagrein sem er til, og grein um bókina sem kvikmyndin byggir á sem á eftir að búa til). Sjá Smáfólkið (kvikmynd) sem ég setti á aðgreiningu, vitandi að það sé til myndasaga sem myndin byggir á. Í október sama árs var búin til grein um þessa myndasögu á Smáfólkið. Það besta úr báðum sjónarhornum væri að hafa tilvísun á aðgreininguna. En að sama skapi, ég ætla ekki að fara að taka breytingar aftur sem fjarlægja aðgreininguna.--Snævar (spjall) 7. desember 2022 kl. 11:20 (UTC)
Hvernig kalla ég á gögn úr Easter module-inu úr öðru module-i? Sem dæmi var að reyna þetta en fæ villu:
local mEaster = require("Module:Easter")
mEaster.Calculate({"2022", dagur="Bolludagur", form="j. F"})
Fyxi (spjall) 12. desember 2022 kl. 18:22 (UTC)
local p = {} local mEaster = require("Module:Easter") function p.main() return mEaster.Calculate({ args = { mw.getContentLanguage():formatDate( "Y" ), dagur = "Bolludagur", form = "j. F" } }) end return p
- Nánast allar Modules nota ritunina
local p = {} function p.nafn_adgerdar() end return p
. Hefur með uppsetninguna á Modules að gera í hugbúnaðinum. Getur notað hvaða bókstaf eða orð sem er í staðinn fyrir p og nafn_adgerdar, myndir lenda í vandræðum með íslenska stafi hinsvegar. - {} er tafla
- local geymir innihald. Gerir það að verkum að það sé hægt að skilgreina hluti, í staðinn fyrir að endurtaka þá eins og í wikikóða
- kóði er settur innan function
- args eru gildi, stytting fyrir arguments
- mw.getContentLanguage():formatDate er það sama og {{#time}}
- return skilar útkomunni sem kemur á eftir.--Snævar (spjall) 12. desember 2022 kl. 19:41 (UTC)
- Takk þetta hjálpaði. Prufaði að búa til module en hef aldrei kóðað í lua, þannig þetta er líklega ekki ideal leiðin að þessu. Það virkar að finna daginn í dag, en var ekki að ná að láta input virka 100%. Fyxi (spjall) 13. desember 2022 kl. 15:33 (UTC)
Upplýsingasnið fyrir loftför
Sælir, ég hef 0 þekkingu á forritun en er eitthvað að prufa að gera upplýsingasnið fyrir loftför. ég "stal" frá snið:bifreið og gerði þetta Snið:Loftfar/testcases. Helduru að þú getir kíkt á þetta eða bent mér á síðu/myndband/eitthvað sem sýnir hvernig eigi að gera snið :) Sýni skilning ef þetta er bras eða ef þú hefur ekki tíma. Kær kveðja. Örverpi (spjall) 27. febrúar 2023 kl. 23:10 (UTC)
- Það sem er villan þarna er að hafa textann innan þriggja slaufusvigana ({{{}}}) í hverri línu eins. Hástafirnir skipta máli, {{{Fyrsta flug|}}} þarf að vera eins og {{{fyrsta flug}}}, pípumerkið (|) hinsvegar má vera þarna. Það er líka þarna {{{gerð|}}} og {{{aka}}} í sömu línu sem virkar ekki heldur, þarf að vera eins.
- Ef þú ert að velta fyrir þér hvað kóðinn sé að gera, þá er #if sama og ef, og pípumerki er "þá" (stundum getur það verið "eða"). Þannig línurnar þýða á mannamáli: ef gildið "fyrsta flug" er til, gefðu það upp innan töfludálksins. Snævar (spjall) 28. febrúar 2023 kl. 12:56 (UTC)
Þýðingar í textasniðum
Sæll. Það eru aftur komin nokkur ensk orð (eins og Main menu, General og Actions) sem birtast í textanum í hliðartöflunum. Er séns á að þú gætir lagað þetta? TKSnaevarr (spjall) 5. mars 2023 kl. 17:11 (UTC)
- Ákvað að bíða með að svara því þetta er óljóst. Með hliðartöflu, áttu við hægra megin í grein eða svæðið vinstra megin utan greinar? Gæti átt við að hluta Snið:Infobox organization, Snið:Infobox political party og Snið:Stjórnmálamaður. Gæti líka verið í grunnhugbúnaðinum, 30+ möguleikar þar. Snævar (spjall) 23. júní 2023 kl. 10:06 (UTC)
Hjálp með QuickStatement á Wikidata
Sæll. Er að reyna að setja inn fullt af LMI ID inná Wikidata með QuickStatement.
Þetta er kóðinn sem ég bjó til:
En hann virkar ekki. Getur þú eitthvað hjálpað mér? Steinninn 22. júní 2023 kl. 20:28 (UTC)
- Satt að segja nota ég wikidata tól mjög lítið. Notaðu S854 í stað S143. S854 er fyrir vefslóðir, S143 þegar þú ert að nota upplýsingar frá wikipediu. Ég held, eftir að hafa lesið leiðbeiningarnar að properties (eiginleikar) eiga að vera með hinum gögnunum, þ.e.
qid :Q16419485,P11398,"33cea500-d505-e5bd-ef40-9d74b87ffb70",S854,""
- Gætir notað wikidata-test til að prófa þig áfram, það er á Þar myndi ég breyta kóðanum í þetta, þar sem það eru ekki sömu síðurnar þar:
qid :Q136925,P55,'33cea500-d505-e5bd-ef40-9d74b87ffb70',S67382,''
- Reyndi að gera eitthvað sjálfur, en komst ekkert áleiðis. Efast að ég geti lagt meira til málana. Snævar (spjall) 22. júní 2023 kl. 21:54 (UTC)
- Takk. Fann útúr þessu með því að spurja ChatGPT. Hann sagði mér að skrifa Q16419485|P11398|"33cea500-d505-e5bd-ef40-9d74b87ffb70" og það virðist virka. --Steinninn 23. júní 2023 kl. 05:20 (UTC)
Hello, this arlicle is a hoax, created by puppet of globally locked vandal, see and . Хоббит (spjall) 17. ágúst 2023 kl. 11:03 (UTC)
- Oh, Gabb, from your first message, means a prank, like one that would be done on en:first of April. Feel free to point out things in English on the Icelandic Wikipedia, most Icelanders understand it. Also post longer messages than one word, I can not read your mind. We are more like Simple English Wikipedia when it comes to LTAs, so past violations on other projects matter less. I can see that the article has three search results on google using the latin name, so, deleted.--Snævar (spjall) 18. ágúst 2023 kl. 17:09 (UTC)
- That's extremely sad for me to keep edit warring with this user (in other Wikis). Although I did not create the article, I will explain you, he hates the personality of Raisa Vasilyeva and therefore keeps spreading this defamation about her on Internet. He knows that I am her close relative and maybe that's the reason of his behaviour. and don't mean anything to him, he keeps shouting that my aunt doesn't exist and I don't see any prospect of Wikipedia solving the problem of this defamation. I won't try to restore the article (maybe when there'll be more sources I will, but I don't speak Icelandic, so probably that will be up to the others), but what I will do is address Russian police and file charges against him. No threat to him, just informing, because calling a real person "a hoax" is not only insulting but also severely punished under Russian law as a defamation. Sad to say, but that's life, sometimes law enforcement is the only way to tackle libel and insults. --Ortenso (spjall) 18. ágúst 2023 kl. 22:00 (UTC)
- Don't know what the reason behind his defamation, but some people deny that Donald Trump exists. Others claim that Winston Churchill never existed and was a hoax as well, so this user by the nature of his bizarre claims and harassment online is definitely related to them. By the way, I showed Raisa Vasilyeva's remote aunt, also famous Soviet singer and actress Vera Vasilyeva, Хоббит's claims online and Vera died after one week from stress. Don't know for sure if death was directly caused by the user's defamation of her and my common relative, but... judgement up to the crowds. --Ortenso (spjall) 19. ágúst 2023 kl. 00:05 (UTC)
- I did not say, that your aunt not exists, I just say that she is not a famous singer. Хоббит (spjall) 19. ágúst 2023 kl. 07:05 (UTC)
- Also, Vasíljeva is a very common surname in Russia. Хоббит (spjall) 19. ágúst 2023 kl. 07:50 (UTC)
- No, as far as to this day, you are questioning her existence as a human being. This is not the problem of questioning merit and talent, questioning merit, talent and etc. of an artist is absolutely normal and I also never treated some singers as famous, for example, Iosif Kobzon. Even although he technically was. The problem is your explicitly, bizarrely libelous narrative, and it is more than disrespectful to a singer who was once the favourite artist of Soviet radio chairman. (Honestly, I already have one presumption why are you doing this, it is related to big business, but I won't tell anything else publicly) I have already done everything I can, I promised that I won't edit Russian Wikipedia in order to prevent conflicts of interest with you, but now you started entering other wikipedias you have never edited before and slandering Vasiljeva there. I am asking once more, stop this. I will never return to Russian and English wikipedias (to prevent those same conflicts of interest) as long as you stop this kind of slander and libel. You live your life, maybe have your family, kids, so I wish you and them only the best and know that you really don't need a criminal case regarding defamation. Ortenso (spjall) 19. ágúst 2023 kl. 20:55 (UTC)
- Very funny, that you mensioned that link ( One russian blogger found fake about Vasíljeva and Tchiani (same as in Russian Wikipedia, but he did not understand, that it is fake; and one small and not reliable website ( reprinted his post. Хоббит (spjall) 20. ágúst 2023 kl. 03:15 (UTC)
- No, as far as to this day, you are questioning her existence as a human being. This is not the problem of questioning merit and talent, questioning merit, talent and etc. of an artist is absolutely normal and I also never treated some singers as famous, for example, Iosif Kobzon. Even although he technically was. The problem is your explicitly, bizarrely libelous narrative, and it is more than disrespectful to a singer who was once the favourite artist of Soviet radio chairman. (Honestly, I already have one presumption why are you doing this, it is related to big business, but I won't tell anything else publicly) I have already done everything I can, I promised that I won't edit Russian Wikipedia in order to prevent conflicts of interest with you, but now you started entering other wikipedias you have never edited before and slandering Vasiljeva there. I am asking once more, stop this. I will never return to Russian and English wikipedias (to prevent those same conflicts of interest) as long as you stop this kind of slander and libel. You live your life, maybe have your family, kids, so I wish you and them only the best and know that you really don't need a criminal case regarding defamation. Ortenso (spjall) 19. ágúst 2023 kl. 20:55 (UTC)
- Also, Vasíljeva is a very common surname in Russia. Хоббит (spjall) 19. ágúst 2023 kl. 07:50 (UTC)
- I did not say, that your aunt not exists, I just say that she is not a famous singer. Хоббит (spjall) 19. ágúst 2023 kl. 07:05 (UTC)
- Don't know what the reason behind his defamation, but some people deny that Donald Trump exists. Others claim that Winston Churchill never existed and was a hoax as well, so this user by the nature of his bizarre claims and harassment online is definitely related to them. By the way, I showed Raisa Vasilyeva's remote aunt, also famous Soviet singer and actress Vera Vasilyeva, Хоббит's claims online and Vera died after one week from stress. Don't know for sure if death was directly caused by the user's defamation of her and my common relative, but... judgement up to the crowds. --Ortenso (spjall) 19. ágúst 2023 kl. 00:05 (UTC)
- That's extremely sad for me to keep edit warring with this user (in other Wikis). Although I did not create the article, I will explain you, he hates the personality of Raisa Vasilyeva and therefore keeps spreading this defamation about her on Internet. He knows that I am her close relative and maybe that's the reason of his behaviour. and don't mean anything to him, he keeps shouting that my aunt doesn't exist and I don't see any prospect of Wikipedia solving the problem of this defamation. I won't try to restore the article (maybe when there'll be more sources I will, but I don't speak Icelandic, so probably that will be up to the others), but what I will do is address Russian police and file charges against him. No threat to him, just informing, because calling a real person "a hoax" is not only insulting but also severely punished under Russian law as a defamation. Sad to say, but that's life, sometimes law enforcement is the only way to tackle libel and insults. --Ortenso (spjall) 18. ágúst 2023 kl. 22:00 (UTC)
- Hi Snævar, I'm sorry you've been pulled into this. I don't know what your local sockpuppetry policies are, but I leave this link for your information. I would never trust a single word this compulsive hoaxer says, nor would I even trust any sources they provide. Zzuuzz (spjall) 20. ágúst 2023 kl. 04:05 (UTC)
- Move this discussion between Ortenso and Хоббит elsewhere, like on your respective talk pages. As for this project, by saying that we have similar sockpuppetry policy to Simple English Wikipedia, I mean that the edit from the user that created the article, which this section is named after, is too old and will not be blocked because of it. As for sockpuppets of him, we do not pre-emptively block sockpuppets. But, make no mistake, if the falter, even if it is only for one edit, we will act on them. As far as this project is conserned, this case is done.--Snævar (spjall) 20. ágúst 2023 kl. 10:34 (UTC)
- OK, that's one reason I don't go around helping to clean up the trash on other wikis. Have a great day. Zzuuzz (spjall) 20. ágúst 2023 kl. 11:34 (UTC)
- The user who created the article is globally blocked, but definitely not for edits on this Wikipedia and not for creation of this article. My point to Mr Snævar is other, Хоббит simply attacks me and my aunt in any way possible and therefore goes around internet and attacks her by calling her either "not a singer" or "a hoax" or simply "a trash", even in languages that he does not speak. Meanwhile,, which is one of the biggest Russian federal news' medias, now becomes to him "small and not reliable website", and Russian politician en:Sergei Markov becomes "a blogger". Today, I have no option other than filing report to the FSB and launching a criminal case against him for defamation, because his claims are systematic and cause harm, he doesn't acknowledge the truth and attacks every reliable source online which contradicts him. Sorry, and have a good day. --Ortenso (spjall) 20. ágúst 2023 kl. 11:50 (UTC)
- Update for @Хоббит: I have now reconsidered my wish to report you to the FSB because I don't want to put your life in trouble and hardship. I won't do that, as of today. I just propose you a deal: I don't make any, neither goodwill nor badwill edits on Russian Wikipedia to avoid editing conflicts and conflicts of interest, I also do not create sockpuppet accounts that would make such edits, and in exchange you do not libel me and my relatives online in any shape or form, and do not threaten me or them. Hope you read this message. Thanks for attention, and apologies for placing this message on unrelated user's talk page. If you have any questions, please send any further communication to my email Ortenso (spjall) 21. ágúst 2023 kl. 14:37 (UTC)
- The user who created the article is globally blocked, but definitely not for edits on this Wikipedia and not for creation of this article. My point to Mr Snævar is other, Хоббит simply attacks me and my aunt in any way possible and therefore goes around internet and attacks her by calling her either "not a singer" or "a hoax" or simply "a trash", even in languages that he does not speak. Meanwhile,, which is one of the biggest Russian federal news' medias, now becomes to him "small and not reliable website", and Russian politician en:Sergei Markov becomes "a blogger". Today, I have no option other than filing report to the FSB and launching a criminal case against him for defamation, because his claims are systematic and cause harm, he doesn't acknowledge the truth and attacks every reliable source online which contradicts him. Sorry, and have a good day. --Ortenso (spjall) 20. ágúst 2023 kl. 11:50 (UTC)
- OK, that's one reason I don't go around helping to clean up the trash on other wikis. Have a great day. Zzuuzz (spjall) 20. ágúst 2023 kl. 11:34 (UTC)
- Move this discussion between Ortenso and Хоббит elsewhere, like on your respective talk pages. As for this project, by saying that we have similar sockpuppetry policy to Simple English Wikipedia, I mean that the edit from the user that created the article, which this section is named after, is too old and will not be blocked because of it. As for sockpuppets of him, we do not pre-emptively block sockpuppets. But, make no mistake, if the falter, even if it is only for one edit, we will act on them. As far as this project is conserned, this case is done.--Snævar (spjall) 20. ágúst 2023 kl. 10:34 (UTC)
Heimildavillur og flokkar
Er hægt að gera eitthvað í öllum þessum villuathugunum í tilvísanasniðum og sjálfvirku tungumálaflokkunum sem eru búin að birtast á mörgum síðum? Þetta er frekar ljótt. TKSnaevarr (spjall) 5. október 2023 kl. 15:58 (UTC)
- Það eru hundruðir af þessum villum sem ég get lagað, til dæmis allur "ósýnilegir stafir" flokkurinn eins og hann leggur sig.
- Eftir mundi standa samt yfir hundrað villur. Flestar af þeim villum sem myndi standa eftir eru vegna þess að fólk hefur tekið heimildir frá öðrum wikipedium en ensku wikipediu, sem eru með sín egin snið, fært þau yfir í ensku cite sniðin, en gert það vitlaust með því að færa bara helminginn af gildunum yfir.
- Persónulega vill ég fá þau snið aftur í sín upphaflegu snið, flytja þau öllsömul inn og gera fólki kleyft að laga villuna. Það er engin leið að ég geti lagað það allt sjálfur. Það að skilja eftir þessa ókláruðu færslu á sniðum er alveg jafn ljótt fyrir mér eins og vera með villuna, þannig ég efast um að ég muni fela villuna, þó það sé hægt.
- Það að laga þetta gerir líka að verkum að tungumál sem eru tilgreind á öðru máli (t.d. "englisch") verður þýtt sjálfkrafa á íslensku (t.d. "enska"). Snævar (spjall) 5. október 2023 kl. 16:36 (UTC)
- Er samt hægt að hafa þessa tungumálaflokka ósýnilega? Þeir virðast birtast þótt það sé engin villa í heimildasniðunum (sjá t.d. nýlega síðu mína um Jon Fosse). TKSnaevarr (spjall) 5. október 2023 kl. 23:46 (UTC)
- Satt að segja ég ætla bara að eyða tungumálaflokkunum, þeir gegna engu hlutverki. Það fóru 600 villumeldingar af síðum í gær. Snævar (spjall) 6. október 2023 kl. 11:12 (UTC)
Eyða breytingaskrá
Hæ, gæti ég beðið þig um að eyða eða fela breytingaskrá á minni notendasíðu?
Um er að ræða allar breytingar gerðar árið 2010. Þetta er mjög gamalt og inniheldur persónulegar upplýsingar sem ég væri alveg til í að ekki allir gætu séð.
Með von um jákvæð svör. Cinquantecinq (spjall) 20. október 2023 kl. 22:04 (UTC)
- Ég ákvað einfandlega að eyða síðunni. Já, við getum eytt einstökum breytingum, en það hefði ekki verið neitt eftir. Snævar (spjall) 20. október 2023 kl. 22:16 (UTC)
- Fullkomið. Takk fyrir :) Cinquantecinq (spjall) 20. október 2023 kl. 23:16 (UTC)
Sæll. Gætir þú tekið afstöðu um færslutillöguna mína á síðunni um Benjamin Netanyahu? TKSnaevarr (spjall) 30. október 2023 kl. 21:26 (UTC)
See en:Peter Nguyen Van Hung and sv:Peter Nguyen Van Hung, OK? --2001:B400:E4F0:1B80:CC0A:B544:C4B:55CF 27. janúar 2024 kl. 05:54 (UTC)
Gætirðu vinsamlegast þýtt enska og sænsku efnið yfir á íslensku? --2402:7500:4E8:E2E6:4DED:29A4:90F4:3BB3 2. febrúar 2024 kl. 18:30 (UTC)
Snið Lið Draupnir
Hello Snævar.
It's a long time I'm not contacting you for being helped about the icelandic women's football.
Since I'm using my free time during my after lunch rest, I'm trying to go on filling up those 1.deild kvenna í knattspyrnu pages got I started editing some years ago.
I know I'm trying to add the most (sometimes too much), and some details aren't being made available for the men's pages, but as I'm still committed into the women's football I just want yours to be completed the best way I can.
Actually I'm trying to complete the 1. deild kvenna í knattspyrnu 2010 season and some elder are still waiting for an intervention I know it will just me to do it.
In the 2010 season there's a small team the KSÍ didn't mention the colours and the crest size. In this Ársskýrslur ÍBA 2012-2013 (Draupnis is in 80 to 83 pages) it's told the team got started fielding their women's team before this season and in 2012 they show up their crest.
Could you please edit the "mynd" copying their crest so that we can put it in the "Snið Lið Draupnir" I edited on 30 January ?. I thank you in advance and best regards from Nick (Nicholas), Monza, Milan Area, Italy.--Nipas2 (spjall) 1. febrúar 2024 kl. 12:55 (UTC)
- Already edited the template and added the image prior to your post. Snævar (spjall) 1. febrúar 2024 kl. 14:11 (UTC)
Snið Lið FHL
Hello Snævar. I didn't notice that in 2016 the merging of Fjarðab/Höttur/Leiknir women's team gave this new colors and crest]. The women's team can be seen on facebook wearing a black dress with white writs.
The new lid must be created to change what I mistook in every season starting by 2016 kvenna 1. deild copying the KSI crest. Thanks in advance for your help. Nick.--Nipas2 (spjall) 9. febrúar 2024 kl. 10:47 (UTC)
Snið Lið Stokkseyri
Old symbols still to be edited: UMF Stokkseyri. Thanks in advance.--Nipas2 (spjall) 23. febrúar 2024 kl. 11:53 (UTC)
Snið Lið Dalvík
To be edited: UMFS Dalvík. Thanks--Nipas2 (spjall) 23. febrúar 2024 kl. 12:07 (UTC)
Byggðartaflan fyrir Guayaquil
Blessaður. Ég bjó nýverið til grein fyrir borgina Guayaquil og setti inn upplýsingatöflu með korti og teiknibólu fyrir staðsetninguna. Teiknibólan birtist ekki og ég veit ekki hvernig maður lætur hana sjást. Gætir þú græjað þetta fyrir mig? Þá veit ég hvernig það er gert næst. Kkv. TKSnaevarr (spjall) 7. apríl 2024 kl. 13:47 (UTC)
- Í "teiknibóla_kort" þurfti að tilgreina landið. Skrifta sem inniheldur landagögnin vantaði á "Module:Location map/data/Ekvador", sem voru fengin frá en:Module:Location map/data/Ecuador. Á Module síðunni þýddi ég "name = 'Ecuador'" yfir í "name = 'Ekvador'". Snævar (spjall) 7. apríl 2024 kl. 14:00 (UTC)
- Kærar þakkir! TKSnaevarr (spjall) 7. apríl 2024 kl. 14:17 (UTC)
Flokkun spjallsíðna
Sæll. Nú nýverið eru spjallsíður sem eru stofnaðar sjálfkrafa flokkaðar sem óatriðaskráðar síður ef þær eru ekki settar í flokka. Eru einhverjar reglur eða viðmið um það hvernig er best að flokka spjallsíður fyrir greinar? TKSnaevarr (spjall) 15. apríl 2024 kl. 12:59 (UTC)
- Ég held ekki að spjallsíður þurfi að vera flokkaðar. Flokkur:Óatriðaskráðar síður varð til því að nafni flokksins í hugbúnaðinum breyttist. Flokkurinn er bara til að merkja að vefþjónninn biður leitarvélar um að skrá ekki síðuna, annað ekki. Snævar (spjall) 15. apríl 2024 kl. 13:12 (UTC)
Er umræðunni lokið? Eða heldurðu að þessi færsla sé ekki mjög mikilvæg fyrir Íslendinga? --Chunghwa1010 (spjall) 20. apríl 2024 kl. 07:25 (UTC)
- It will be decided in one weeks time. As projects get smaller the time from marking an article to taking action moves from 1 week to 2. No need to rush this. Snævar (spjall) 20. apríl 2024 kl. 07:32 (UTC)
Gætum við dokað aðeins við og haft umræðu um þessa undirflokka fyrir konur? Við ræddum eitthvað um þetta fyrir nokkrum árum og þá voru skiptar skoðanir á því hvort þeirra væri þörf. Persónulega finnst mér í lagi að hafa slíka flokka þar sem eru t.d. sögulegar eða félagsfræðilegar ástæður fyrir því að vilja kanna kynjahlutföll í einhverjum greinum (t.d. með Alþingismenn) en ég sé ekki ástæðuna fyrir því að vera að smætta hvern einasta atvinnugreinaflokk niður í karla- og kvennaflokka, sérstaklega ef það eru ekki margar greinar í flokknum til að byrja með. TKSnaevarr (spjall) 20. apríl 2024 kl. 13:31 (UTC)
- Ég get fært minnstu flokkana yfir í almenna flokkinn, sem inniheldur núna bara karlana. En ég vill að hreingerningar meldingin á Flokkur:Íslenskar konur endurspegli það sem þú ert að skrifa. Núna segir tilkynningin að "eyða öllum einstaklingum". Snævar (spjall) 20. apríl 2024 kl. 13:49 (UTC)
- Það eru nokkrar síður eftir sem eru yfirflokkaðar, þ.e. bæði í Flokkur:Íslenskar konur og í kvennaflokki. Listi yfir þá flokka er hér, með fjölda þeirra greina sem eru í báðum flokkunum. Ég reikna með að þessi yfirflokkun megi fara? Það er að síður sem eru í báðum þessum flokkum megi fara úr flokkur:íslenskar konur? Snævar (spjall) 20. apríl 2024 kl. 14:30 (UTC)
Sæll ertu með email?
Email Andri2501 (spjall) 8. maí 2024 kl. 17:48 (UTC)
- Nei. Skrifaðu það sem þú ætlaðir að segja hingað inn, nema það sé eitthvað skrítið, þá hef ég ekki áhuga. Yfirleitt er bara þörf á tölvupósti ef þú hefur óvart sett inn persónuupplýsingar. Snævar (spjall) 8. maí 2024 kl. 18:17 (UTC)
- Er þá ekki hægt að senda email? Andri2501 (spjall) 8. maí 2024 kl. 19:36 (UTC)
Væri fínt að heyra í þer með þetta í emaili Andri2501 (spjall) 8. maí 2024 kl. 18:27 (UTC)