- (motion upwards) (to top) adsupre, (higher) adsupere; admonte
- (in revolt) revoltanta; sedicianta;
- (on one’s legs) stacanta;
- (well again) risanigita;
- (prices) augmentinta, augmentita; plu-alta;
- up higher: supere;
- to speak up: parolar laute o plu klare;
- hold the head up: tenar la kapo;
- up to: (as far as, until) til;
- (capable of) kapabla por;
- up to here: til hike;
- up and down: supre ad infre;
- (forward and back) adavane e retro;
- lift up: levar (cf. elevar);
- to go up: acensar;
- up and doing: risanigita; laboranta, okupata;
- hard up: povra, indijanta pekunio;
- up in arms: armizita, mobilizita; (fig.) iracoza; kombatanta;
- it is all up: esas la fino; existas nula espero; omno esas perdita;
- to have someone up: sumnar ulu avan tribunalo;
- sum up - rezumar.
- well up in: experta pri; erudita pri, habila pri;
- up there: (top) ibe supre; (higher) ibe supere; up! levez su!
- up to date: til nuna dato o tempo; ca-diala;
- (modern) moderna;
- (fashionable) segun moda; mondumala;
- to get up: (from bed) levar su;
- his blood was up: ilua sango ebuliis, il iracegeskis;
- not up to the mark: ne standanta tote bone; netote bona o fitanta; netote perfekta;
- what is up? quo eventas? quo esas? quo esas mala?
- up river, up stream: admonte;
- up hill and down dale: tra monti e vali;
- the ups and downs: l'[altajo|altaji]] e basaji;
- (of life) la chanji di fortuno.