Thread - Roskin and Golub pictures

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Roskin and Golub pictures ⟨User:Aldona [#13786]

Aldona, thank you for your wonderful work on the composers I added. Your addition of photos of Golub and Roskin was far above and beyond the call of duty!!

If I ever get to Melbourne, I will be sure to look you up to play some chamber music (I am violin and viola).

Yoel Epstein (Ravpapa)

Posted at 17:31, 25 April 2016 by Ravpapa

Thank you for your kind message! I always like to add photos to composer pages whenever I can find them - it makes the composer "come to life" more if we can see what he/she looked like.

Now that I have reduced my work schedule I have more time to play music (although I suspect your skill level far surpasses mine!)

Keep up the good work adding little-known but fascinating composers to IMSLP.


Posted at 20:44, 25 April 2016 by Aldona
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