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Starting September 30, 2024, all Oracle products, including BlueKai, MOAT, and Grapeshot segments, as well as MOAT post bid measurement, will no longer be available on the Beeswax platform. If this impacts you, Beeswax account teams are available to assist in finding alternative options. For questions, please contact your Beeswax account representative.

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Beeswax provides enhanced contextual targeting via IAS’s (Integral Ad Science) Context Control Segments. See here to learn more.

IAB Contextual Segments (Content Categories)

  • Pre-defined website classifications agreed upon by the digital advertising industry at large. 
  • It does not include sentiment or emotion analysis, so layering on with IAS brand safety and suitability for content avoidance is recommended.

IAS Context Control Segments

  • Provides technology and accuracy to analyze the semantics, sentiments, and emotions of a page.
  • Customizable to address topical concerns, vertical-specific concerns, and suitability to avoid content specifically mentioning a given brand alongside negative content.
  • No labels
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