Software Assurance Engineer at JPL and avid Python developer. I'm also an author for Real Python and a teacher at Pasadena City College.
Jet Propulsion Lab
- @mertzjames
Ines Montani
Digital native and software developer working on AI, Machine Learning & NLP. Founder @explosion, developing spaCy & Prodigy.
(Portrait: Sarah Andersen)
Founder @explosion Berlin, Germany
Brandon Rhodes
I’m a Python programmer and conference speaker best known for the open source astronomy libraries that I maintain as a hobbyist. Also: the logging_tree library.
Goshen, Indiana
Cory Benfield
Professional open source developer with a long background in building networking tools. Creator of @python-hyper, core developer of Swift NIO. Everywhere.
Apple London, England
Cameron Davidson-Pilon
CEO of Pioreactor. Former Director of Data Science @Shopify.
Author of Bayesian Methods for Hackers and DataOrigami.
@Pioreactor Waterloo, Canada
Allen Downey
Professor Emeritus at Olin College, author of Think Python, Think Bayes, Think Stats, and other books. Blog author of Probably Overthinking It.
Olin College of Engineering Needham, MA, USA
Gael Varoquaux
Research director at Inria. Computer science, data science, health. Scipy & pydata coder; (co)funder of scikit-learn, joblib, probabl.
Wes McKinney
Principal Architect at Creator of Python pandas and Ibis. Co-creator Apache Arrow. @apache Member and Apache Parquet PMC
@posit-pbc Nashville, TN
Andreas Mueller
Scikit-learn core-developer, Principal Research SDE @microsoft
Microsoft Los Gatos
Randy Olson
Full stack data scientist. AI and machine learning researcher. Data visualization aficionado. Consultant. Community leader for /r/DataIsBeautiful. He/him.
Vancouver, WA