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Clone the bodo platform repository and set required env vars


You need to have cloned and updated. Ensure you are on the main branch. You need to set the PLATFORM_SDK_PATH env var to the path of the sdk2 folder in the bodo-platform repo.

  • export PLATFORM_SDK_PATH=<path_to_sdk2_folder_in_bodo_platform_repo/>

Create virtualenv and install requirements

  • make pip-install


Any package you do not find can be pip installed.

Building docs locally

  • to render docs, use make mkdocs-build.

Serving docs locally

Creating and api docs

WARNING : Only do this if you are modifying API reference.

note This process is a bit hacky and manual at the moment, but will improve with time.

  • To install our small custom markdown api extension: python develop
  • To generate the formatted API files : make gen_api

Editing diagrams:

Diagrams are stored in : You can open them using . Generate an svg, with a transparent background and embed fonts for any diagrams.


mike is used for deployment.

  • To deploy the docs version you are building locally, use make mike-deploy version_name=<your_version_name>.
  • To view the deployed docs locally, use make mike-serve.
  • To push the current update docs to the docs site, use make mike-push version_name=<your_version_name>.
  • To publish new release docs to the docs site, use make mike-push-latest version_name=<your_version_name>.