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Une page de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
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<nowiki> */

mw.loader.using(["oojs-ui.styles.icons-editing-advanced"],() => {
	let max_input_items = 1000;
	let query_too_much_incoming_uses = `
  FILTER(?count != ${max_input_items} )
    SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE {
        SELECT * WHERE {
          ?item ?p wd:Q362.
          _:b50 wikibase:directClaim ?p;
            wikibase:propertyType wikibase:WikibaseItem.
        LIMIT ${max_input_items}

	let lang = mw.config.get("wgContentLanguage");
	function makeSPARQLQuery( endpointUrl, sparqlQuery, doneCallback ) {
		var settings = {
			headers: { 
				Accept: 'application/sparql-results+json'
			data: { query: sparqlQuery.replace("[AUTO_LANGUAGE]",lang) }
		return $.ajax( endpointUrl, settings ).then( doneCallback );
	var endpointUrl = '';

	function make_iwextra_button(content){
		var popupButton = new OO.ui.PopupButtonWidget( { 
			$overlay: true,
			label: 'IW en +', 
			// icon: 'menu',
			indicator: 'down',
			popup: {
				$content: content,
				padded: true,
				align: 'forwards'
		} );
		return popupButton ;
// Append the button to the DOM.
	function init_extralinks() {
		"use strict";
		function init(){
			let qid = mw.config.get( 'wgWikibaseItemId' );
			if (!(qid))
			// the gadget depends on a template defined on frwiki, 
			// so getting an API depending of the wiki the script is run on.
			let frw_api = new mw.Api(); 
			let server = mw.config.get("wgServer");
			if ( server != "//" ){
				frw_api = new mw.ForeignApi( '' );
			function handle_sparql_interwikis_results(resultats_req){

				let extraiw_tuple = resultats_req.results.bindings;
				if( extraiw_tuple.length == 0 ) {
					return ; // like the interwiki button is not shown by mediawiki 
					         // if there is no interwiki just show nothing
				let content = $("<ul/>");
				for (let idx in extraiw_tuple){
					let binding = extraiw_tuple[idx];
					let linkLabel = binding["élémentLienDeLangueLabel"].value;
					let nb = binding.nbArticles.value;
					let rel = binding.relationLabel.value;
					let link = binding["élémentLienDeLangue"].value + "#sitelinks-wikipedia";
								$("<a />",{text:linkLabel, href:link}),
								` (${nb}) — ${rel}`
				let button = make_iwextra_button(content);
				/////////////// Ajouts à l’interface ///////////////////
				// ajout à l’interface. Première ligne marche pour vector nouvelle génération, seconde pour vector 2010
				let vector2022 = $("#p-lang-btn");
				if (vector2022.length == 1){
					return ;
				let vector2010 = $("#p-lang");
				if (vector2010.length == 1) {
				// pour minerva neue, détection par la présence d’un élément d’id "p-tb"
				// ajout d’un item dans le menu « plus »
				let minerva_neue = $("#p-tb");
				if (minerva_neue.length == 1){
			// Query parameter to compute the query that will search the interwikis
			// by expanding the "Interwiki connexes" Mediawiki template on frwiki
			var params = {
	    		action: "expandtemplates",
	    		text: "{{Interwiki connexes/query|"+ qid +"|wikiurl=" + server + "}}",
	    		prop: "wikitext",
	    		format: "json"
			// launching the data loading
				(enough) => {
					if (!enough.boolean){
						// if there is too much link of the form « iw -> p -> article_item », we parameter the query not to include them 
						params.text = "{{Interwiki connexes/query|"+ qid +"|forward_only|wikiurl=" + server + "}}";
					// expanding the query template and launching the extra iw links retrieving
					frw_api.get( params ).done( function ( data ) {
						makeSPARQLQuery(endpointUrl, data.expandtemplates.wikitext,
							handle_sparql_interwikis_results // loading the extra iw in the interface.

/* </nowiki> */