About us
Fortepan is a copyright-free and community-based photo archive with over 100,000 photographs available for anyone to browse and download in high-resolution, free of charge.
The images are free to share with the appropriate credit given as FORTEPAN / NAME OF DONOR. Please do provide the full credit at all times as it is a tribute to the selfless contribution of the donor.
This website was launched in 2010 by Ákos Szepessy and Miklós Tamási and it initially contained photographs found randomly in the streets of Budapest. The archive has expanded since then through donations from families, amateur and professional photographers, along with public collections. The images on the website are selected by editors. The descriptions attached to the images are compiled and edited by volunteers, utilizing information contributed at the Fortepan Forum. We gladly offer to process your photographs and negatives as well, you can contact us at [email protected].
Fortepan’s collaborators are: Ildikó Bozóky, Richárd Gazdik, Péter Juhász, Károly Négyesi, Pál Négyesi, Tamás Németh, Zsolt Pálinkás, Gábor Péter, Dávid Sándor, Gyula Simon, Miklós Tamási, András Török, János Varga, János F. Varga, István Virágvölgyi, László Gál
Fortepan's work is supported by Arcanum, Blinken OSA Archivum, Archive of Modern Conflict (Toronto) and Forum Hungaricum Nonprofit Kft. Administrative management is provided by Summa Artium Nonprofit Kft.
The launch of Fortepan was facilitated by the financial support of Kortörténeti Alapítvány, Budapest.