
Where does this data come from?

This platform uses data from the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources (LDNR) to map oil and gas infrastructure in Louisiana by company. The data used was last updated by LDNR on 4 Feb 2021; as of April 2021, this data is no longer publicly available for bulk download. It can be downloaded in small batches via LDNR's data portal:

LDNR Permit Tracker


SONRIS (Strategic Online Natural Resources Information System) GIS Portal


How is this platform designed to be used?

The platform is designed to enable a search-by-company function not offered by the SONRIS Interactive Maps. SONRIS only allows oil/gas well visibility at a scale of 1:200,000 or less. Lines are only visible at a scale of 1:500,000 or less. These scales inhibit the ability of the user to visualize the extent of extractive activity.

Any use of this information should take into consideration the following disclaimers:

  • Corporate succession is tracked for Carbon Majors to the best of the researchers' ability.

  • Succession does not account for the divestiture (sale) of specific assets, only the merger and acquisition of whole companies to the best of the researchers' ability.

  • If you notice an error, please contact us! Our aim is for this platform to be as accurate and comprehensive as possible. We look forward to your feedback.

  • Given that this data is sourced from LDNR, their disclaimer also applies:

    "The information on this site has been carefully prepared from the best available sources of data. It is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered authoraitative for navigational, engineering, other site-specific uses, or any other uses. The Louisiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR) does not warrant or guarantee its accuracy, nor does DNR assume any responsibility of liability for any reliance thereon." (last accessed 4 Feb 2021)

Organizational Partners

Special thanks to our partners and sponsors:

Healthy Gulf
RISE St. James
The Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
The Louisiana Bucket Brigade
The New Orleans Center for the Gulf South
Goldsmiths, University of London
Centre for Research Architecture
Forensic Architecture
Open Society Foundations