20:04 UTC
Hey Nicolai. Eg fekk eina umbøn um at broyta brúkaranavnið hjá einum brúkara, men tað eru jú bara tú og Quackor ið kunnu tað, tí bert tit báðir eru embætismenn, og bara tit kunnu gera nakran annan til embætismann. Eg hugsaði, at gott kundi hugsa mær at verði embætismaður. Hvussu søki eg um tað? Er tað nokk bara at spyrja teg um tað her á tíni kjaksíðu? Vh. EileenSanda (talk) 9. feb 2014 kl. 01:12 (UTC)
- Hei! Du må søke på følgende side om å få byråkrat-rettigheter, så skal jeg støtte deg:-) Niceley 16. feb 2014 kl. 22:10 (UTC)
- Hey, ok tað skal eg gera, takk fyri :) Brúkarin ið ynskir at broyta sítt brúkaranavn eitur í løtuni Brúkari:Ikkefast, hann hevur verið sera virkin í seinastuni. Hann er ikki føroyingur men ger sær góðan ómak, tá hann skrivar føroyskt. Vh. EileenSanda (talk) 17. feb 2014 kl. 08:09 (UTC)
- Hey! When it comes to me, I would still like to change my username. I just created it in 2007 and don't want to use it anymore. But it is nothing urgent, if it is some problem! --Ikkefast (talk) 18. feb 2014 kl. 12:48 (UTC)
- It is no problem, just tell Nicely what username you would like in stead and he will change it :) EileenSanda (talk) 18. feb 2014 kl. 14:45 (UTC)
- Not a problem at all, Ikkefast. What would you like to change your username to? --iceley 18. feb 2014 kl. 21:39 (UTC)
- I would like the username: Ursusmaritimus --Ikkefast (talk) 23. feb 2014 kl. 00:26 (UTC)
- Thanks! --Ikkefast (talk) 23. feb 2014 kl. 17:47 (UTC) (and changed my signature now --Ursusmaritimus (talk) 23. feb 2014 kl. 17:49 (UTC) )
Autopatruljerede brugere / Autopatrolled users
Hevur tú atgongd til at geva brúkarum "autoptrolled" status? Eg meini at tað er nakað man kann geva brúkarum, sum gera góðar rættingar og eru sera virkin, tað kemur jú eitt reytt útrópstekin at standa við greinar og bólkar, ið tey upprættað, men um tey gera álítandi rættingar, so er ikki neyðugt við hasum reyða útrópstekninum, og har vit ið eru administratorar kunnu fara inn á síðuna og trýsta á "Merk hesa síðu sum eftirhugda", og so fer tað reyða tekni vekk. Vit hava sum er ongan brúkara sum er autopatruljeraður (veit ikki hvussu tað eitur á føroyskum). EileenSanda (talk) 9. feb 2014 kl. 01:22 (UTC)
- Jeg har ikke mulighet til å gi brukere autopatrolled-status. Niceley 16. feb 2014 kl. 22:10 (UTC)
Um brúkaran Sweeper, Sweepit, Sweepy, Werddemer, VerdunamMoa
Hey Niceley. Hvat heldur tú um henda brúkaran: Brúkari:Sweeper, Brúkari:Werddemer, Brúkari:Sweepy, Brúkarakjak:Sweepit, Brúkari:VerdunamMoa. Eg bleiv ávarað um brúkaran Werddemer hin 3. mai 2014 av brúkaranum Bonga. Hvat helldur tú er best at gera? Tað skal líkas viðmerkjast, at ongin av hesum brúkaranøvnum er blivið sperrað á føroysku Wikipediu, so eg skilji heldur iki, hví viðkomandi blívur við at upprætta nýggj brúkaranøvn her. Vinarliga EileenSanda (talk) 25. jun 2014 kl. 06:25 (UTC)
- @EileenSanda: I told you on my User-Site (because youj wrote there) why I had some Usernames...-- Sweeper (talk) 25. jun 2014 kl. 06:39 (UTC)
- yes you did, but I didn't understand it and I still don't. We have not blocked any of your usernames, so I don't understand why you keep changing your usernames here on the Faroese Wikipedia. I still think that you make some useful edits, but also quite many useless or wrong edits. Regards EileenSanda (talk) 25. jun 2014 kl. 06:56 (UTC)
- You showed me one. No person is without mistakes. You remember your wrong edit at the town, it was redirected to Keypmannahavn? Why don't you write about my correction at p.e. Västerbottens län? There was since 14. jan.2014 in the last line "Stockholms län" hevur umleið....instead of Västerbottens län. So you see, there are not "so many wrong edits" you wrote. Regards -- Sweeper (talk) 25. jun 2014 kl. 07:15 (UTC)
- I agree with Eileen; why do you need all those users?? Like Eileen points out several times, you have indeed made some good edits, but also some wrong… I don't know what I think we should do; would Sweeper be OK with us deleting your other users here? Please stick to one username as there is no need for more than one. iceley 25. jun 2014 kl. 16:13 (UTC)
- The creation of several users without legitimate reason is not permitted on any Wikipedia; please see iceley 25. jun 2014 kl. 16:34 (UTC)
- Hello Niceley, I wrote to EileenSanda this: Question[rætta wikitekst]ello EileenSanda, please tell me, why I have in spite of registration, again an IP-Number. What must I do, to reobtain my last User-Name? Regards -- 25. jun 2014 kl. 20:25 (UTC)::Can you help/inform me, what I shall do? Regards -- 25. jun 2014 kl. 20:56 (UTC)
- The creation of several users without legitimate reason is not permitted on any Wikipedia; please see iceley 25. jun 2014 kl. 16:34 (UTC)
- I agree with Eileen; why do you need all those users?? Like Eileen points out several times, you have indeed made some good edits, but also some wrong… I don't know what I think we should do; would Sweeper be OK with us deleting your other users here? Please stick to one username as there is no need for more than one. iceley 25. jun 2014 kl. 16:13 (UTC)
- You showed me one. No person is without mistakes. You remember your wrong edit at the town, it was redirected to Keypmannahavn? Why don't you write about my correction at p.e. Västerbottens län? There was since 14. jan.2014 in the last line "Stockholms län" hevur umleið....instead of Västerbottens län. So you see, there are not "so many wrong edits" you wrote. Regards -- Sweeper (talk) 25. jun 2014 kl. 07:15 (UTC)
- Da du in deutsch bestens unterwegs bist, stelle ich die Frage an dich (und an EileenSanda.
- yes you did, but I didn't understand it and I still don't. We have not blocked any of your usernames, so I don't understand why you keep changing your usernames here on the Faroese Wikipedia. I still think that you make some useful edits, but also quite many useless or wrong edits. Regards EileenSanda (talk) 25. jun 2014 kl. 06:56 (UTC)
Wenn ich euch nerve und s o v i e l e Fehler mache, teilt mir das doch bitte beide offiziell mit, dass meine Mitarbeit in eurer WP nicht erwünscht ist. Ich habe keine Probleme damit. Ihr seid so gut aufgestellt, habt jede Menge Editoren und Admins, die das nach meinem Anschein (ihr redet immer von vielen Fehlern, Nachweise leider vergebens) viel besser können. Also, einfach deutlich definieren und mir ein Stop mitteilen und meine Arbeit bei euch hat sich erledigt. Ich höre gerne und grüße (leider wieder die IP-Nr.) -- 25. jun 2014 kl. 21:07 (UTC)
- Hello again. Does it not work for you to log in again with your username? Do you forget your password? Your ip address changes if you change location. EileenSanda (talk) 25. jun 2014 kl. 23:49 (UTC)
- Hello too. When I logged in in moment comes this message Feilur við skapan av konto
Brúkaranavnið sum tú valdi er longu í nýtslu. Vinarliga vel eitt annað navn. And now? Regards -- Sweeper (talk) 26. jun 2014 kl. 06:45 (UTC)
- Sweeper, that means: "The username you chose is already in use. Please select another name". But the username is taken by YOU. You are not supposed to create a new username everytime you get logged out from Wikipedia. You can be logged out for a number of reasons, it happens also for me, and I think that at least after 30 days everyone gets logged out and must log in again. And then one logs in again with the same username and password as last time. I can't believe that you don't know this, you have been a Wikipedia user for long time. Click the "Log in" (or "Rita inn" if it is written in Faroese) and fill in your username and password, which only you knows, and not a new username but the same. I have had the same username now since 2009, it would be very confusing if I and everyone else should create a new username everytime we get logged out from Wikipedia. EileenSanda (talk) 27. jun 2014 kl. 06:49 (UTC)
- Hello EileenSanda, you can be sure, I'm not so good as you think, in WP-rules. I'm a worker and I'm glad to edit most happiness in all WPs, I'm editing. When you don't believe it, you can tell in de-WP p.e. the Admins Horst Gräbner, Mikered, Holmium. Be so kind to ask them. Thanks and regards -- Sweeper (talk) 27. jun 2014 kl. 21:42 (UTC)