What Companies Use Wrike Project Management Software in 2024?

wrikelogoWrike is a top-quality online project management software that gives you full control and visibility over your tasks. The app combines project management with a real-time workspace for document sharing, discussion, and collaboration. It offers a single central hub for all of your work. The software’s user-friendly navigation helps you access and manage data easily. Wrike project management software offers top-rate security measures to ensure only authorized personnel can access the information stored in your online database. It also provides mobile apps to enable you to easily track project progress from your smartphone anytime, anywhere. But how exactly companies use these features and how they benefit from a reliable project management solution such as Wrike? In this article we’ll try to answer that question.

Our panel of experts reviewed a wide range of project management apps and found out that Wrike offers the best features and functionalities among them. In addition to great features Wrike also offers flexible pricing plans for the needs and budgets of both small and large enterprises.


An award given to products our B2B experts find especially valuable for companies

Try out Wrike with their free trial

Wrike also provides access to a very useful free trial to help you test drive all the key features of the app. The trial period gives you an opportunity to check out the app’s main functionalities and really understand how Wrike can improve your business. You can easily sign up for the Wrike free trial here.

Top Companies that Use Wrike


Wrike project management software is used by numerous companies including top brands such as PayPal, AT&T,, MTV, Capgemini, Ecco, Hootsuite, HTC, Hawaiian Airlines, and Purestorage. For what purposes do corporate customers use Wrike? Let’s take a look at how Wrike has helped various companies boost their productivity and bottom line:

Hootsuite is a social media and brand management company. It has more than 10 million customers in 175 countries around the globe. The company’s marketing ops team uses Wrike to manage high volume of tasks by prioritizing them in the software. The app enables Hootsuite users to manage workloads, @mention team members, duplicate tasks, complete work on time, and report on quarterly productivity.

Procurify is a company that offers purchasing software. Wrike helps them plan sprints which saves 70% of their time. Procurify uses the software to tighten up sprint schedules, meet deadlines, and align initiatives across all units. The company’s chief technology officer says Wrike is a central tool they use to manage the whole process, see what employees are doing, and check if it matches company goals.

SimpleRelevance is a digital marketing agency. Wrike helps its operations team produce client deliverables 30% faster. This is possible as the software helps all employees get on the same page, which improves the turnaround time. SimpleRelevance’s head of operations says Wrike makes it simple to understand what the priority is and what everyone needs to be working on. This helps the employees focus on the main tasks without getting distracted.

iThinkMedia is another digital marketing agency that uses Wrike. They save 15-20% of their time by tracking task efficiency. The company’s SEO and PPC executive says Wrike is unlike other tools that force users into a way of working. Wrike stands out as it allows you to structure work however you want. The app is intuitive and can be learnt easily. It doesn’t require a lot of training to use it beneficially for the team and company.

Nanometrics is a monitoring solutions and equipment company. This company says that Wrike saves their R&D team 30 work hours of meetings weekly. The R&D team members successfully use Wrike features such as unique project views, Google Apps integration, and customizable folders to manage complex projects without needing to devote hours for extra administrative work.

Ben & Florentine is a restaurant franchise. They managed to reduce their inbox traffic by replacing email with Wrike. Now, they don’t have to waste time reading emails. Instead, they can focus on boosting their business and improving customer service.

Sevenly is a clothing company. It consolidates its campaigns in Wrike to give back more efficiently. The software keeps Sevenly organized and on track which enables them to launch their major campaigns on time. The company uses custom templates to save time while planning similar campaigns. This enables them to focus on vital tasks for business growth.

FSMG is a leading advertising agency that saves 50% of their time with Wrike. The software helps to align the initiatives of the account services and creative departments. This helps the advertising agency cut down meeting times by 50%.

Wrike Pricing Plans and Features

Wrike offers 5 flexible pricing plans to suit the varying specifications and needs of businesses and independent professionals. Check out our Wrike review for more info on the pricing.

Free Plan

Ideal for a small team of up to 5 users, plus an unlimited number of collaborators. Features include:

  • Task management
  • Real-time activity stream
  • File sharing
  • Spreadsheet view
  • iOS and Android apps
  • Basic integrations with MSFT Office 365, Google Drive, Box, Dropbox, iCal and OneDrive
  • Cloud storage integrations with OneDrive, Google Drive, Box, Dropbox
  • 2 G storage

Professional Plan: $9.80 per user/month with packages for 5, 10, and 15 users (billed annually)

Ideal plan for teams that need project planning and collaboration. Features include:

  • All features from the Free plan
  • Task & subtask management
  • Dynamic timeline (Gantt chart)
  • Advanced integrations (MS Project, Excel, RSS)
  • Shareable dashboards
  • Unlimited collaborators
  • From 5 G storage space
  • From 15 G video uploads per month

Business Plan: $24.80 per user/month

Ideal plan for robust work management with customization and executive reporting Features include:

  • All Professional plan
  • Custom fields & workflows
  • Shared real-time reports with scheduled notifications
  • Report templates
  • Graphical analytics
  • Resource management
  • Request forms
  • Time tracking
  • User groups & permissions
  • Salesforce integration
  • Branded workspace
  • From 50 G storage space
  • From 15 G video uploads per month

Marketers Plan: $34.60 per user/month

Custom-fit for marketing and creative teams of five to unlimited users. Features include:

  • All Business plan
  • Video proofing
  • Adobe® Creative Cloud® Extension
  • Tailored work space

Enterprise Plan: By quote

A flexible plan that can support from 5 to thousands of users. It is an ideal package for teams that need reporting, customization, and advanced security. Features include:

  • All Business plan features
  • Active Directory integration
  • SAML 2.0 Single Sign-On
  • Two-factor authentication
  • Password policies
  • IT controlled admin permissions
  • User Audit Reports
  • Network access & compliance policies
  • From 100 G storage space
  • From 15 G video uploads per month

Bottom line

Wrike is a versatile project management app that offers a wide range of features that can be successfully used by companies in a variety of industries to boost their productivity and profits. We are sure you can find a suitable pricing package that will suit your needs and budget. You may also want to check out the useful free trial offered by the vendor to test the software’s main features and better understand how it can improve your business. You can easily register for Wrike free trial here.

Key Insights

  • Comprehensive Project Management: Wrike provides a robust platform that combines project management with real-time workspace for document sharing, discussions, and collaboration.
  • User-Friendly Navigation: The software offers an intuitive interface, making it easy for users to access and manage data efficiently.
  • High Security: Wrike ensures top-notch security measures to protect data, allowing only authorized personnel to access sensitive information.
  • Mobile Accessibility: With mobile apps available, users can track project progress from their smartphones anytime, anywhere.
  • Flexible Pricing Plans: Wrike offers a range of pricing plans suitable for both small and large enterprises, with features tailored to different business needs.
  • Free Trial Availability: Wrike provides a free trial period, allowing users to test its key features before making a purchase.
  • Diverse Use Cases: Various top companies, including PayPal, AT&T,, and MTV, use Wrike to enhance productivity and streamline project management.
  • Significant Time Savings: Companies like Procurify, SimpleRelevance, and Nanometrics have reported substantial time savings and improved efficiency using Wrike.
  • Customizable and Scalable: Wrike’s features and pricing plans are customizable and scalable to meet the needs of different teams and business sizes.


  1. What is Wrike and how does it benefit businesses? Wrike is an online project management software that provides a centralized hub for managing tasks, sharing documents, and collaborating in real-time. It benefits businesses by improving task management, enhancing team collaboration, and increasing overall productivity through its user-friendly interface and robust features.
  1. How secure is Wrike for storing sensitive business data? Wrike employs top-rate security measures to ensure that only authorized personnel can access the information stored in the online database. This includes features like data encryption, user permissions, and audit reports to protect sensitive business data.
  1. Can Wrike be accessed on mobile devices? Yes, Wrike offers mobile apps for both iOS and Android platforms, enabling users to track project progress and manage tasks from their smartphones anytime and anywhere.
  1. What companies are currently using Wrike? Many top companies, such as PayPal, AT&T,, MTV, Capgemini, Ecco, Hootsuite, HTC, Hawaiian Airlines, and Purestorage, use Wrike to manage their projects and improve productivity.
  1. How does Wrike help companies save time? Wrike helps companies save time by streamlining project management processes. For instance, Procurify uses Wrike to plan sprints and save 70% of their time, while Nanometrics’ R&D team saves 30 work hours of meetings weekly by using Wrike’s features.
  1. What pricing plans does Wrike offer? Wrike offers five flexible pricing plans: Free Plan, Professional Plan, Business Plan, Marketers Plan, and Enterprise Plan. Each plan includes different features tailored to the specific needs and budgets of businesses and independent professionals.
  1. Is there a free trial available for Wrike? Yes, Wrike provides a free trial period that allows users to test its key features and functionalities before making a purchase decision. This trial helps users understand how Wrike can improve their business processes.
  1. How customizable is Wrike for different business needs? Wrike is highly customizable and scalable, with features and pricing plans that can be tailored to the specific needs of different teams and business sizes. This flexibility makes it suitable for a wide range of industries and project management requirements.
  1. What makes Wrike stand out from other project management tools? Wrike stands out from other project management tools due to its comprehensive feature set, user-friendly interface, high security measures, mobile accessibility, flexible pricing plans, and proven track record of helping top companies improve productivity and efficiency.
Stephanie Seymour

By Stephanie Seymour

Stephanie Seymour is a senior business analyst and one of the crucial members of the FinancesOnline research team. She is a leading expert in the field of business intelligence and data science. She specializes in visual data discovery, cloud-based BI solutions, and big data analytics. She’s fascinated by how companies dealing with big data are increasingly embracing cloud business intelligence. In her software reviews, she always focuses on the aspects that let users share analytics and enhance findings with context.

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