15 Best Data Mining Software Systems in 2024

What is the best data mining software system?
The best data mining software system is Zoho Analytics. Aside from enabling businesses to mine data from offline or online apps, cloud storage services, and databases, its powerful AI-powered engine lets them manipulate data for the best insights and trends to inform their business decisons for maximum growth.

Ever since the term “data mining” first appeared in the IT community, it was heralded as a game-changer with potential universal applications. It is perhaps no coincidence that as the retail and financial organizations were the first two sectors that leveraged the technology, we are now seeing these two industries reaping massive benefits as a result.

Fast forward to 2020 and the coronavirus pandemic gave data mining software a serious litmus test of its capabilities. Indeed, we are daily witnesses to how data mining served as the foundation for global experts to guide public health response, with COVID-19 tracking tools providing the key insights into the spread and impact of the virus in many countries.

Data mining applications have made impressive figures from helping companies discover common patterns and correlations in large data volumes, transforming those into avenues for growth. If you are just mulling investing your money in data mining software, this article will help you narrow the list down to a few quality products. Read ahead to see which ones we’ve listed as the market’s best data mining software you should consider for your organization.

best data mining software

As with the general trend of application deployment, data mining software is heading to the cloud. In particular, among big data and analytics leaders, 61% confirm that they are now fully operating in the cloud. That compares well with 73% of all organizations indicating nearly all their apps will be SaaS by 2021 and 93% of CIOs adopting or planning to adopt cloud SaaS.

But what of the 39% of organizations that have not yet deployed their big data platforms to the cloud? As the following chart shows, 48% are already planning to deploy a cloud data platform in the future. Notably, 16% said that they plan to stay off the cloud while 36% are still evaluating their options.

Source: AtScale 2020

If your business is among those still evaluating your options, then this article is just for you. Below are the 15 best data mining software platforms that can help you find, prepare, and analyze data to help you make the best decisions possible for your organization.  

1. Zoho Analytics

Zoho Analytics dashboard

Zoho Analytics empowers you to tap into its business intelligence capabilities by yourself. This way, any member of your organization can access data analytics and reports without requiring assistance from your IT department. The drag-and-drop functionality of the solution is also a big help, as this ensures that you can manipulate the data and the visualizations as you need.

Zoho Analytics also has a smart assistant called Zia. It can walk you through the platform and provide you with help via KPI widgets and reports whenever you ask questions. What’s more, it can embed analytics and make sure it is done according to your branding. You can do all these and more on the go as well with native Android and iOS apps.

Zoho Analytics

An award given to products our B2B experts find especially valuable for companies

Try out Zoho Analytics with their free trial

2. BigID

BigID dashboard

BigID is a data intelligence system built for large enterprises that want to gain insight into their company data. The platform comes equipped with suites for data discovery, governance, privacy, and security which streamline the entire process of data management. It also comes with a compliance management tool that provides over 70,000 data retention policies which make it easy to ensure that all your processes are up-to-date with the latest industry regulations.

How can BigID benefit your business? The system leverages machine learning and natural language processing to help users quickly consolidate their data from multiple sources, catalog the data,  and tag the data. This way, organizing and analyzing them is as simple as can be. Moreover, this makes it easier to gain actionable insights that can lead to better business decision-making. These aside, the platform is available in the cloud or on-premise so you can deploy it however you prefer.

3. Sisense

Sisense dashboard
Sisense allows companies of any size and industry to mash up data sets from various sources and build a repository of rich reports that are shared across departments. It is designed for non-technical users with drag-and-drop ease and widget simplicity. On top of that, this business intelligence software boasts a proprietary in-chip technology that powers its engine. It’s built on a 64-bit computer using multi-core CPUs for optimal parallelization capabilities.

That mighty processing power is precisely why Sisense can produce highly visual reports culled from myriad prepared sources rapidly. Users can present reports in different ways by selecting from a plate of visualization widgets to create pie charts, bar graphs, line charts, tabular formats, whatever best suits the purpose. From bird’s eye-view, reports can be clicked to drill down to details for accuracy and a more comprehensive data outlook.

If you want to investigate the features closely you can easily do so when you sign up for Sisense free trial.



Try out Sisense with their free trial

4. Wyn Enterprise

Wyn Enterprise dashboard

Wyn Enterprise, as its name suggest, is an enterprise-grade business intelligence software solution. It helps with the quick understanding of data because of its data visualizer, which you can access from an easy-to-use dashboard. But before that, it provides you with a data governance tool, which enables you to have more control over the availability of your data. Thus, you can better discover new relationships between data and uncover more opportunities for growth.

That is not all–Wyn Enterprise has other integrated features that allow you to do more with your data. There are tools for data federation, data modeling, and multi-tenancy. And if you require ad-hoc reports, the platform can provide those, too. On top of it all, it can distribute reports automatically as well as produce print-outs that have all the details.

An appealing test drive of all software features is available to you.

Wyn Enterprise

Wyn Enterprise

Try out Wyn Enterprise with their free trial

5. Qualtrics Research Core

Qualtrics Research Core dashboard

Qualtrics Research Core is an AI-powered data mining and business intelligence software solution. It can analyze survey data for actionable insights and predict market trends to give business users an edge over their competition. Apart from that, the foundation of the platform has machine learning and artificial intelligence. Together, these work to make in-depth research possible and much simpler.

Qualtrics Research Core offers flexible and custom implementation as well. Because of this, you can rest assured that the platform’s modules are most suitable for your research needs. You can also count on using the solution without problems, as it is designed to be user-friendly in every way. There is more to the platform than these things and you can learn more about them in our analysis of the pros and cons of Qualtrics Research Core.

6. CXAIR Platform

CXAIR Platform dashboard

CXAIR Platform is a favorite tool of retail, finance, and healthcare institutions that need to work with a sizeable amount of data. That is because despite the volume of information they need to process, they can still access insights quickly. This is possible because the software can connect with various repositories to process unstructured, semi-structured, and structured data.

Thereon, you can utilize CXAIR Platform to produce answers to your questions in different forms. You can choose between reports, dashboards, and pre-made analyses. Other users can access employ the solution, too, to aid them in their work. Before you allow that, you can make sure that security is tight through user roles settings. Then, they can use the data you make available for their own work.

The vendor has an appealing free trial where you can tinker with the features at no cost. 

7. Looker

Looker dashboard

Looker is a data discovery application that provides access to real-time data and insights to businesses of all sizes from a web-based interface. With it, you can generate reports that you can share with colleagues easily. Because of this, you can keep related parties in the loop without much difficulty.

Looker also has a bit of flexibility–it can be used both by users with SQL knowledge and those who have not. For the former, the platform has the tools required for creating custom analytic modules. It also ensures that visualizations are within your reach even with just a single line of code. Meanwhile, those who are not familiar with SQL can still make the most of Looker. That is possible because the solution has a rich resource library from which you can learn about its functionalities.

You can use all the features for free for a period of time to see if the software matches your needs. 

8. Reveal

Reveal dashboard

Reveal is a powerful Business Intelligence (BI) and data analytics software built primarily for software vendors, SMBs, and large enterprises. The solution enables users to analyze data analytics and create a visualization to drive faster and better evidence-based decision-making.

Moreover, with Reveal embedded analytics software, businesses can add data analytics and visualization capabilities to their existing apps. This way, it enables the app’s end-users to analyze data and create, view, modify, and share dashboards directly from within their applications. The vendor offers a comprehensive free trial to get you up to speed with the features.

Reveal also exhibits robust data mining capabilities. First, it enables users to connect to both cloud-based and on-premise back-end and leverage in-memory data source technology to pull data from multiple sources right into the dashboard. Moreover, the platform’s innovative connectors enable users to pull millions of records from Google Big Query, Azure Synapse, Azure SQL, and AWS into the platform.

9. Oracle Data Mining

Oracle Data Mining dashboard

Oracle Data Mining is a representative of the company’s Advanced Analytics Database and a market leader companies use to maximize the potential of their data and to make accurate predictions. The system works with a powerful data algorithm to help you target the best customers and to identify both anomalies and cross-selling opportunities. This is somewhat similar to using social listening tools to know what your audience thinks of your business. The user can also apply a different predictive model as needed and customize customer profiles in the desired way. All of Oracle Data Mining’s algorithms are implemented as SQL functions, which means it can mine tables, star schema and transactional data, unstructured and CLOB information, and spatial aggregations. Additionally, if integrated or configured the right way, it can also be used for social media data mining techniques.

You can also extend Oracle’s SQL developer with a Data Miner GUI. With this, your data scientists can adjust information directly in the database, using a component panel and a graphic drag-and-drop workflow. Developers can also integrate their predictive into applications in order to automate the revelation and distribution of intelligence patterns and predictions.

10. Yellowfin

Yellowfin dashboard

Yellowfin helps you revolutionize your company by making you data-driven. To that end, it delivers a complete BI stack, with its modules for analytics and for data transformation. With those two combined, you can tap actionable insights at the right time and make predictions that can help your company move forward.

And in case you need to distribute data to different business units, Yellowfin has an enterprise governance feature. Using this, you can make sure that various teams get the information they need while ensuring security.

Detailed Yellowfin Review

11. RapidMiner

RapidMiner dashboard

RapidMiner is an integrated environment dedicated to machine learning and text mining. It is one of the best-rated predictive analysis systems available on the market. The tool can be used for business intelligence, research, training and education, and application development. Created on an open-source model, RapidMiner is offered both on-premise and in private cloud infrastructures. Furthermore, it works with template-based frameworks that accelerate delivery and reduce the number of errors that are common in manual code writing.

The RapidMiner suite consists of three modules: the RapidMiner Studio dedicated to workflow and prediction design, prototyping, and validation; the RapidMiner Server used to share and operationalize the predictive models created within the Studio; and the RapidMiner Radoop that simplifies predictive analysis. Prior to the analysis, RapidMiner also prepares, optimizes, and cleans data to save you some time.

Detailed RapidMiner Review

12. Microsoft SharePoint

Microsoft SharePoint dashboard

Microsoft SharePoint has simplified intelligence ever since Microsoft entered the BI market. Until today, it is still considered as one of the smartest analytical options for corporate and non-commercial users. The application is web-based and fully integrated with all Microsoft Office products. While it may not be the most powerful analyzer you can find, SharePoint certainly is the simplest information tool beginners should consider.

SharePoint offers an array of custom development capabilities used to accelerate prototyping of web and line-of-business applications. Developers can integrate it with their data sources and corporate directories using standards like oData, oAuth, and REST. The tool is also packed with information management tools and security considerations and provides access to multiple development scenarios.

Detailed SharePoint Review

13. IBM Cognos

IBM Cognos dashboard

IBM Cognos is IBM’s business intelligence suite used for reporting and data analytics. It has several customizable components that make it applicable in all niches and industries: Cognos Connection (the web portal that gathers data and summarizes it in scoreboards and reports), the Query Studio (provides self-service queries used to format data and create diagrams that answer core business questions), the Report Studio (used to generate accurate management reports via professional or express authoring mode); the Analysis Studio (the part that processes large data sources, understand anomalies, and identify trends); the Event Studio (a notification module that keeps users in line with enterprise events); and Workspace Advanced (the user-friendly interface where you can create all types of personalized documents).

You can also extend IBM Congnos’s functionality with several add-ons, including Go!Office that provides access to metadata and diagrams; Go!Search that conducts a full-text search for content in all documents and reports; and Go!Dashboard where you can find external data sources and use those as additional reporting objects.

Detailed IBM Cognos Review

14. KNIME Analytics Platform

KNIME dashboard

KNIME Analytics Platform is an open data analysis platform you can deploy quickly, scale efficiently, and with which you can familiarize yourself in no time. In the BI world, KNIME is known as the app that made predictive intelligence accessible to inexperienced users, and one that also has a worldwide user community platform wherein everyone can share their experiences of using KNIME. The data-driven innovation system helps uncover data potential with more than 1000 modules and ready-to-use examples, and an array of integrated tools and algorithms.

KNIME blends all of your data on the same visual platform, but that’s not all the thousands of dedicated users like about it. What is really attractive to them is the arsenal of tool integrations and native nodes that extend the system’s science capacity. Commercial extensions for performance and collaboration are also available.

Detailed KNIME Analytics Platform Review

15. Dundas BI

Dundas BI dashboard

Dundas BI is another top-rated data analytics platform known by its superb integrations and fast insights. The system brings together several analytic tools to allow the unlimited transformation of industry data and the enrichment of standard reporting with appealing tables, graphs, and charts. Another thing you will appreciate about it is the gap-free protection of your documents, as well as the possibility to access data from literally any device.

Dundas does more than simply analyzing your data: it structures all pieces in a selective way to make processing easier for you and links your charts and tables to help you understand what that data means. Thanks to its relational methods, you can perform multidimensional analyses in the blink of an eye, and focus easily on matters that are critical for your business. To make matters even better, Dundas BI helps reduce corporate costs, as it generates reliable reports, and eliminates all need to use additional software.

Detailed Dundas BI Review

Make the Smart Choice When It Comes to Data Mining Software

Business intelligence is critical but what is more crucial is having the right tools not just to gather but also to process information. The 15 best data mining software systems listed above are well-regarded in the area and have aided many an organization in making the most of their information. With these, no stone is left unturned.

But if you are yet to make a selection, you can start with Zoho Analytics. The platform streamlines data gathering while unleashing a powerful AI to analyze and make sense of any volume of data.

Meanwhile, you can keep in mind these business intelligence trends while you are still deciding on an application. And if you need further information regarding the ins and outs of a data mining solution, you can read about the features and benefits of a business intelligence software.

Key Insights

  • AI-Powered Analytics: Zoho Analytics, the top data mining software, stands out for its AI-powered engine that enhances data manipulation, providing businesses with insightful trends for informed decision-making.
  • Industry Adoption: Data mining has proven beneficial across various industries, with retail and finance leading the way in leveraging this technology for substantial gains.
  • Pandemic Proof: The COVID-19 pandemic showcased the pivotal role of data mining, especially in public health responses and tracking the virus’s spread.
  • Cloud Integration: A significant trend in data mining software is the shift towards cloud deployment, with 61% of data and analytics leaders operating in the cloud, highlighting the growing reliance on cloud-based solutions.
  • Diverse Software Options: The article lists 15 top data mining software platforms, each with unique features catering to different business needs, from large enterprises to SMBs and individual users.
  • User-Friendly Interfaces: Many of the listed software systems, such as Sisense and Looker, emphasize user-friendly interfaces with drag-and-drop functionalities, making data analysis accessible even to non-technical users.
  • Compliance and Security: Tools like BigID offer comprehensive suites for data discovery, governance, privacy, and security, ensuring compliance with industry regulations.
  • Comprehensive BI Solutions: Platforms like Yellowfin and Dundas BI provide complete BI stacks, integrating analytics and data transformation to deliver actionable insights and secure data distribution.


  1. What is the best data mining software system? The best data mining software system is Zoho Analytics, known for its powerful AI-powered engine that enables businesses to mine data from various sources and generate insightful trends for informed decision-making.
  2. Why is data mining important for businesses? Data mining is crucial for businesses as it helps in discovering common patterns and correlations in large data volumes, transforming these insights into avenues for growth and improved decision-making.
  3. How did the COVID-19 pandemic highlight the importance of data mining? The pandemic underscored the importance of data mining by enabling global experts to track the spread and impact of the virus, guiding public health responses through data-driven insights.
  4. What are the benefits of using cloud-based data mining software? Cloud-based data mining software offers scalability, flexibility, and accessibility, allowing organizations to leverage powerful data analytics tools without the need for extensive on-premise infrastructure.
  5. What makes Zoho Analytics stand out among other data mining software? Zoho Analytics stands out due to its AI-powered capabilities, user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, and comprehensive features that allow any organization member to access data analytics and reports independently.
  6. How does BigID ensure compliance with industry regulations? BigID ensures compliance by offering over 70,000 data retention policies and leveraging machine learning and natural language processing to streamline data management and maintain up-to-date processes.
  7. Can non-technical users utilize data mining software effectively? Yes, many data mining software systems, such as Sisense and Looker, are designed with non-technical users in mind, offering intuitive interfaces and drag-and-drop functionalities for easy data analysis.
  8. What trends should businesses keep in mind when selecting data mining software? Businesses should consider trends like the shift to cloud-based solutions, the integration of AI and machine learning, and the emphasis on user-friendly interfaces and comprehensive security features when selecting data mining software.
  9. How can data mining software benefit small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs)? Data mining software can benefit SMBs by providing accessible and affordable tools for analyzing data, uncovering valuable insights, and driving growth through informed decision-making.
  10. What are the security features of data mining software like CXAIR Platform? CXAIR Platform offers robust security features through user role settings, ensuring that data access is controlled and that sensitive information is protected while allowing users to generate insights quickly.
Chris Miller

By Chris Miller

Chris Miller is a senior customer service analyst at FinancesOnline. For more than 5 years now, he has witnessed and written about the tremendous impact of digital technologies that have deeply disrupted the customer service industry. The onset of chatbots and other AI/ML tech, omnichannel platforms, highly personalized service, the emerging blockchain methodologies specially created a deep impact, all of which are reflected in his writing. His reviews of customer service applications serve as invaluable resources for businesses of any size and scale.

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