What is Online Community Platforms?

Online community platforms can be used by a company’s employees as well as departments to work together on various tasks and assignments. The system can help to keep all users updated on the latest developments and ensure schedules are on track.Show more You can manage all your important work materials from a single secure location and provide easy access to others. The app also helps team members to communicate effectively and you can identify project challenges early and resolve them quickly. We also like that teams based in diverse locations can use online community software for smooth communication and collaboration without bothering about geographical distances. This feature makes the app an essential one for companies employing workers in multiple locations. To help you find the right solution for your needs we have reviewed the top apps in this category and you can especially consider the leader less

How was this ranking made?

To create this list of best Online Community Platforms we have checked 65 various solutions currently available on the market, contrasting their features, ease of implementation, customer service, possible integrations with other systems as well as mobile support with our exclusive SmartScoreTM rating algorithm. This list has been developed by Jenny Chang, our software expert dedicated to the Online Community Platforms category.

List of Top 12 Online Community Platforms

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Our score: 9.8 User satisfaction: 99%

An industry-leading collaboration app for on-site and remote work teams. This leverages tools such as Kanban boards, Gantt charts, and workflow automations to help teams handle any type of project. It also seamlessly integrates with third-party apps to ensure easier adoption and extend its capabilities.

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2. Wrike

Our score: 9.7 User satisfaction: 99%

A collaboration software with user-friendly navigation and flexible project views for easier project management. It gives you a bird's eye view of your projects to get a better feel of the progress of your efforts. Moreover, its powerful reporting and analytics tools also help you generate accurate reports with actionable insights.

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3. Zimbra

Our score: 8.8 User satisfaction: 99%

A software platform that lets you share files and folders securely and communicate with team members. It provides social tools that let users create blogs, microblogs, wikis, and forums. Zimbra also streamlines content creation and editing, with support for media galleries, video embedding, and tagging.

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4. Vanilla Forums

Our score: 8.7 User satisfaction: 99%

A cloud-based online community tool that enables businesses to create engaging and interactive online forums for their customers and potential clients. Sporting an easy-to-use interface, Vanilla Forums ensures businesses will find a way to boost customer service and enhance audience loyalty to increase their sales.

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5. eXo Platform

Our score: 8.6 User satisfaction: N/A

An open-source social networking solution built as a collaboration tool. It features an intuitive UI and a social-media friendly design that lets you view and comment on posts, share docs, create groups, and more. With its tools uniquely integrated around a social layer, eXo generates spontaneous engagement among its users.

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6. Workplace by Facebook

Our score: 8.5 User satisfaction: 92%

A private social network for businesses that leverages the interface of the most widely-used social media worldwide. With this, employees can create and join work and project groups, post announcements, share files and data, and organize corporate events.

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7. Zoho Discussions

Our score: 8.4 User satisfaction: 99%

Zoho Discussions is a tool that helps you to set up your own customer support communities where problems are solved and ideas exchanged. It uses SSO technology for user convenience, 15-language support, extensive rebranding capabilities, and a robust feature set that any modern online community requires.

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8. Magentrix

Our score: 8.3 User satisfaction: N/A

Magentrix is an intuitive social networking platform where you can share resources, communicate, and collaborate. It has onboard CRM capabilities by integrating with Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics CRM and supports e-learning and custom intranet portal functions.

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9. Zoho Connect

Our score: 8.3 User satisfaction: 97%

A social networking software that allows people to connect and share ideas with colleagues. Users can post messages, leave comments, share files, and conduct real-time discussions. It functions as a private social network where members can communicate, collaborate, and exchange ideas with co-workers.

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10. IBM Connections

Our score: 8.2 User satisfaction: 99%

IBM Connections is a collaborative software that facilitates refined business interactions. As a hub for sharing ideas, it allows registered users to access corporate information. It encourages users to contribute to conversations and makes sure that a team's knowledge base is highly accessible and well-organized.

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11. Tribe

Our score: 8.0 User satisfaction: N/A

A flexible community engine that renders traditional online forums obsolete.

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12. PeerBoard

Our score: 8.2 User satisfaction: 96%

PeerBoard is a plug-and-play forum platform, enabling users to embed a forum or community into their website with ease.

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Online Community Platforms Guide

Table of contents

For good or bad, social media is already dictating communication and exchange of information, and it is not going away at any point in the near future. Some of you may think their business doesn’t need to shake hands with social networks since they’re only doing retail, but they’d be neglecting one very important circumstance: social networking adds a whole new dimension to the ‘Like it? Buy it!’ process, one where customers discuss, bargain, rate, review, tip each other, and share expectations. That takes us to the very first point of the article: for good, or bad, your online business is socially exposed.

What Is an Online Community Platform?

Best online community platforms are in fact customer portals where people can discuss your products, namely: rate them, review them, share them, and participate in events. Having one obviously fosters the sense of community, reinforces customer loyalty, and has a considerably positive impact on trust.

When thinking of gathering customers under one roof, the first thing that pops in our minds is to use an established social provider (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.). The idea is fairly reasonable, knowing that such platforms could run cost-free and unsupervised, but why would anyone then opt for an alternative community platform? Most of the time, it will be because to complement their channels with exclusive and branded communication experiences, and strengthening the relationship with loyal customers.

Choosing solid online community platforms for enterprises or SMBs can improve the communal experience of current customers and random visitors, and may end up popularizing your brand on social networks even more than running groups and pages on them. Let’s check how.

The unexpected facts

The way we have put it so far, running your own community platform sounds like a reasonable solution, but the thing with reasonable solutions is that they are never easy to make. Translated to social communication terms, this means that you have to know your audience quite well, to count on already established relationships, to develop an appropriate resource strategy, and only then pay attention to the social technology that can make it happen. Thereof, let us dismiss some common myths and misconceptions that can hinder your choice:

Online communities are not all about social networking

Yes, you will have a place to ‘receive guests and strengthen friendships’, but you’ll be doing that with a purpose. The idea behind every successful online community is to provide useful content to customers and to trigger discussions that can help.

The question ‘why’ refers to your customers, not to you

When asked why they need an online community of their own, most business owners would say that they want to boost sales and engage customers, but the #1 driver for enhancing social communication is to add value for customers and to make them want to return.

Launching the community won’t be enough, you have to maintain it

‘You build it, and they will come’ is the worst possible approach towards your online community: you need to plan your content in advance and to develop a growth strategy managed by a person who will actually monitor the work of the platform and will be there to provide information.

It is not ‘just another expense’

Online communities are obviously not for free, but they require significantly less expenses for planning, management, and implementation than traditional advertising.

It empowers measurable ROI

You may be told that keeping customers engaged is an abstract strategy and that it doesn’t produce tangible results, but that’s a huge misconception. The community’s impact can be measured and compared to your business objectives—it suffices to plan it in advance and to consider the metrics that need to be followed/adjusted.

Get to Know Each Product with Free Trial

You can start your search for the best platform to build online community by signing up for the free trials or demo offered by leading online community platforms providers to do a comparison of the different features. Here is a list of the apps that have received the highest SmartScore rankings and Customer Satisfaction Rating in our online community platforms reviews that can help you discover the best online community platforms for your business: eXo Platform reviews, Magentrix,  Cliqtalk, Jive, Zoho Connect, and PlushForums.

Targeted Businesses

  • B2B companies use online community software platforms to get closer to their customers.
  • Small and medium-sized businesses use the solution to help customers get more value from their services and products.
  • Large enterprises like IBM, SAP, LexisNexis, and Palladium Group make use of the system to gain a competitive edge.

What Are Examples of Online Community Platforms?

  • eXo Platform: eXo Platform is designed as a social application and integrated with social tools to make work-related processes fast and easy.
  • Jive: Jive is a social collaboration platform for both small businesses and large organizations, linking their team members, upper management employees, and others.
  • Magentrix: Magentrix is designed to help businesses collaborate with their communities without the need for long setup times or complex coding.
  • Zoho Connect: Zoho Connect functions as a company’s private social network where employees can collaborate and convert concepts into reality.
  • PlushForums: PlushForums is a cloud-based forum platform that offers useful features to make conversations more engaging, vibrant, and productive.

Types of Online Community Platforms

There are five main types of online community platforms:

  • Public blogs are used to grow reach and awareness
  • Public social networks are used to build relationship and boost awareness
  • Public owned online communities are utilized to reduce support expenses and generate leads
  • Private online communities are used for customer retention and to boost sales
  • Hybrid online communities can be used to improve lead generation, customer retention, and sales.

Key Features of Online Community Platforms

How to choose the right online community platform: Have in mind that your platform will directly affect the quality of your users’ engagement experience, and it will become the core of your retaining strategy. Therefore, it is imperative to look for one whose format is somehow familiar, and to create a welcoming first experience that would motivate customers to return.

As you can notice, the process is not exactly easy, and requires plenty of targeted research.  Before you are sold on a particular platform, do educated comparisons and make sure you choose:

  • A product that fits your strategy: Recommendations from experienced users are good, but conduct your own research first. Set a list of expectations and priorities, and narrow the choice to few reliable providers that can respond to the specific needs of your industry. Look for an unlimited scenario to involve maximum number of users, and avoid advanced features that are of no use to you.
  • A product for your audience: Choosing the right platform is not about what you need, but about what customers would expect from it. Therefore, if the audience is interested in email discussions or Q&A sections, make sure you can offer those in some form.
  • A functional product: There is no such thing as two identical online communities, and the reason is specific sets of features are meant to serve the needs of chosen industries and sectors. Still, all of them are supposed to have a certain degree of basic functionality without which customer engagement wouldn’t even be possible. For instance, there should be an interactive forum, ratings, reviews, crowd-sourcing space, a Q & A section, a publicly available knowledge base, blogs, contests, gamification, grouping, report analytics, and so on.
  • An integrated product: The fact that you have your own community shouldn’t stop you from engaging and reporting on social networks. Your presence in out-of-community conversations may bring value to your business, so consider integrating with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and so on. Mobile SDK and integrations with data management systems are also welcomed.
  • A mobile-responsive product: We all know how customers are nowadays, and that they need to be engaged on the move more than at home or in the office. Therefore, give them a platform they can access via mobile devices, enabling them to perform practically every operation or to follow every discussion on the go. Alerts and notifications are an even better idea.
  • A regularly updated product: Once again: a community platform is not something you launch and forget about, but a ‘living’ segment of your business that needs to be maintained. Failing to respond to functionality concerns may put an end to customers’ engagement, so make sure you’re following trends and keeping up with your audience’s expectations.
  • An affordable product: Depending on deployment expectations, you can choose to host your online community yourself, or to use it as a SaaS application. The later will obviously cost more, but it is only because they diminish implementation and maintenance costs from the very beginning. The vendor’s reputation, the features, and the size of your business will be decisive for the price, but expect to pay a sum between $200 and $5,000 per month.

Benefits of Online Community Platforms

Quick and reliable results: Together with the fact that you get your product’s performance rated on dot, you will rate ad hoc projects with lengthy frameworks long before an actual report has been generated. The more members you’ve engaged, the faster your question would be answered (needless to say, it will be answered by genuine users, instead of random spammers gaining momentum on social networks).

Lower expenses: Implementing community tools and hiring people to maintain them is an investment at stake, but you have to consider the fact that it can be used for multiple other projects and purposes.

Familiarizing with customers: The way to benefit the most from your online community is to create and explore demographic profiles, and develop your product in accordance with the data you’ve obtained. You will be dealing with loyal customers and random visitors, which can give you an insight on many critical valuables, and will help you target audience the right way.

Instant connection with customers: Your customer is your most important resource, especially if he’s a brand loyalist who likes your work and wants to share his satisfaction. Even if a customer is less eager to popularize your brand, you can extract valuable information from his feedback, and build a long-lasting relationship of trust and commitment.

Data, Data, and More Data!

Depending on the size and purpose of your online community, it can be your worthy ‘why and because’ resource. The surveys, discussions, and stand-alone open-end questions may not exactly produce quantitative data, but they can certainly reveal the competitive advantages and downsides of your product.

  • Moderation automation. Community management involves a lot of repetitive tasks, like pruning discussions, moderating posts, cleaning up members, and more. This is why many online communities are also using chatbots, famously used for customer support, to help community managers perform their administrative functions efficiently.
  • Ideation. Ideation means discussions among groups of people to come up with innovative ways of doing things or at least new ideas. This empowers online communities to be more than just places to discuss or talk to people but more as collaborative spaces, where the organization can even crowdsource ideas from their userbase.
  • Multichannel to omnichannel. A lot of organizations with web presence use multiple tools to reach out to customers—social networks, email, instant messaging, and so on. These are confusing and risk communicating vastly different, even conflicting, messages to consumers. Instead, these platforms will converge into one solution to serve all customers in many channels all at once, such as an online community.

Potential Issues in Online Communities

  • Unclear goals or no compelling reason. Successful online communities have a reason people frequent them. If your business doesn’t have a reason for the online community to be there and you’ve only put it in just because, no one will go there and discuss with other users. Develop a value proposition for a space where customers can discuss their experiences with your products before you make an online community.
  • No sense of exclusivity. Part of the allure of joining an online community is the sense of exclusivity it brings, of “belonging.” If yours is too open, it defeats the purpose of being part of an exclusive group. Therefore, it’s a good idea to give your members an incentive to be part of the online community by making some content and discussions available to them only.
  • It’s all about you. Customers are repeat customers only if the brand or the organization reflects their life story or their lifestyle. If the community is too much about you or your organization, it will turn them off. The idea is to make the community feel that it’s about them and it serves their needs.

List of Online Community Platforms Companies

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Things to consider when you invest in a SaaS

Infrastructure plays a big role in a SaaS system. If there is an outage, you would not be able to access the platform. So, you should pay good attention to the software’s infrastructure when evaluating SaaS providers.

Many enterprises fail to ask their shortlisted SaaS vendors questions about disaster recovery, service level agreements (SLAs), and security. These are crucial infrastructure elements that need careful consideration when analyzing a provider.

SaaS is straightforward to subscribe to. All you need to do is go the website and purchase a suitable plan for the required number of users. For this reason, many companies pay attention only to the rate of the package and not to infrastructure considerations. They may also think that careful evaluation is not essential since it is so easy to get started quickly.

But you need to be equipped for situations as such as the SaaS vendor going out of business or their website going down. You need to have contingency processes in place to tackle these situations to make sure they do not have a harmful impact on your organization. It is simple to subscribe to a SaaS solution, but think about the impact on your enterprise if the program is withdrawn by the vendor.

Frequently asked questions about Online Community Platforms

What is the best online community platforms?

The best online community platform is Wrike. It’s a collaboration software foremost, which offers user-friendly navigation and flexible capabilities with its add-ons. It gives you tools to moderate and manage an entire team a la online community, with shareable dashboards, talk and discuss with your team, prioritize tasks, and monitor the overall status of a project and your goals.

What are the benefits of online community platforms?
  • Engage with real customers. Your customer is your most important resource, especially if they’re a brand loyalist who likes your work and wants to share their satisfaction. Even if a customer is less eager to popularize your brand, you can extract valuable information from their feedback and build a long-lasting relationship of trust and commitment.
  • Customer profiling. The way to benefit the most from your online community is to create and explore demographic profiles and develop your product in accordance with the data you’ve obtained. You will be dealing with loyal customers and random visitors, which can give you an insight into many critical valuables and help you target audience the right way.
  • Save money. Implementing community tools and hiring people to maintain them is an investment. Still, this is still a much lower expense than performing PR stunts and long-lived, recurring marketing campaigns. Let your customers who discuss you pass it on to others who can be enticed to register with your online community.
What are the features of online community platforms?
  • UI and UX. Online community platforms should have a clean UI that results in engaging user experience. The main focus is to make the user stay and enjoy their time using your online community and sharing ideas, so buttons should be clear, navigation should be crisp, and layout natural and intuitive.
  • Multi-channel capability. Customers should be able to access it anywhere, anytime. Apart from ensuring 100% uptime as much as possible, your online community should also integrate with social media networks and share information with these sites. It should be mobile-responsive as well and should sync seamlessly between devices.
  • Administrative tools. Your community managers should have access to powerful moderation and administrative tools so they can clean up once in a while. They can also think up of ways to incentivize and engage your customers with the resources that they have.
What is the easiest online community platform to use?
  • Vanilla Forums. This is a cloud-based software that lets you design user-friendly online communities. It offers a range of features to this end, such as flexible branding, gamification, and ideation.
  • Workplace by Facebook. It uses most of Facebook’s tools and functions, meant as a private social network for businesses. Here, users can join groups, organize events, and discuss ideas, just as you would on Facebook but in a B2B setting.
  • Disciple. Disciple is a no-coding website and application builder that lets you design your online community from scratch. It can be used on any device, whether desktop or mobile, and can be accessed on a single dashboard called the Disciple Console.
What is a good free online community platform?
  • Wrike. Wrike is a single hub for all your project management, collaboration, and discussion needs for your team. It uses social networking-like functions and collaborative language, including @ mentions, to keep your team apprised of the organization’s goals and progress.
  • Zoho Connect. An enterprise social networking software that lets you design a social media-like application where people can share and discuss ideas with their friends and colleagues. You can use Zoho Connect to build a network where users can disseminate information, comment, share files, and collaborate.
  • BuddyPress. A community plugin for WordPress that enables website administrators to build online communities. It has features designed to manage these communities, including profiles, conversations, and dashboards.
Jenny Chang

By Jenny Chang

Jenny Chang is a senior writer specializing in SaaS and B2B software solutions. Her decision to focus on these two industries was spurred by their explosive growth in the last decade, much of it she attributes to the emergence of disruptive technologies and the quick adoption by businesses that were quick to recognize their values to their organizations. She has covered all the major developments in SaaS and B2B software solutions, from the introduction of massive ERPs to small business platforms to help startups on their way to success.


Why is FinancesOnline free? Why is FinancesOnline free?

FinancesOnline is available for free for all business professionals interested in an efficient way to find top-notch SaaS solutions. We are able to keep our service free of charge thanks to cooperation with some of the vendors, who are willing to pay us for traffic and sales opportunities provided by our website. Please note, that FinancesOnline lists all vendors, we’re not limited only to the ones that pay us, and all software providers have an equal opportunity to get featured in our rankings and comparisons, win awards, gather user reviews, all in our effort to give you reliable advice that will enable you to make well-informed purchase decisions.
