What is Mobile Marketing Software?

Mobile marketing software is used by marketers to promote their products by delivering engaging content to smartphones and other mobile devices. Currently, SMS messaging is a popular method of mobile marketing. Because of their effectiveness and potential, many companies are focusing on shifting their marketing strategies to the mobile world. These businesses are striving to make engaging content available on mobile devices to attract customers and gain good return on investment that will validate their marketing strategies.Show more Top mobile marketing apps offer GPS messaging, 2D barcodes, and location-based service or LBS, and enable marketers to execute augmented reality mobile campaigns. Key features of this software include content distribution, mobile advertising, confirmations, alerts, and notifications. Start by checking our leader SplitMetrics, and other recommended solutions in this category.Show less

How was this ranking made?

To create this list of best Mobile Marketing Software we have checked 229 leading apps currently available on the market, studying their features, ease-of-use, client support, available integrations as well as mobile support with our exclusive SmartScoreTM rating system. This list has been developed by Louie Andre, our SaaS expert dedicated to the Mobile Marketing Software category.

List of Top 12 Mobile Marketing Software

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1. SplitMetrics

Our score: 8.7 User satisfaction: N/A

A web-based mobile marketing software solution for Apple Search Ads. It provides users with management tools, such as automated CPA bidding, advanced reporting, and real-time data. It is an official Apple Search Ads Partner with seamless integrations with MMPs.

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2. Mobile Text Alerts

Our score: 8.6 User satisfaction: 94%

An affordable and easy business SMS service that lets online enterprises reach customers in seconds. Designed for small and medium-sized businesses, it allows them to communicate with their clients through messaging.

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3. SharpSpring from Constant Contact

Our score: 9.2 User satisfaction: 98%

A software solution that makes marketing automation powerful yet affordable for businesses, small and mid-sized. Features include modules for dynamic forms, lead engagement, behavior-based email automation, and many more. It is also known among users for its powerful and insightful analytics.

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4. ActiveTrail

Our score: 9.1 User satisfaction: 100%

A comprehensive marketing automation software for marketers who are still navigating the complexity of automated email and SMS marketing campaigns. ActiveTrail offers modern tools for multichannel marketing including A/B testing, pixel tracker, survey tools, and more. It also provides customizable landing pages and templates for email and SMS campaigns.

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5. Maropost Marketing Cloud

Our score: 9.0 User satisfaction: 95%

Maropost is a marketing automation tool that enhances multi-channel customer engagements through unified audience data. It allows you to map out a customer's journey through a campaign with its journey builder, customizable forms, and drag-and-drop interface. The platform's reporting accounts for the entire marketing process in real-time.

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6. Textedly

Our score: 9.0 User satisfaction: 100%

A scalable SMS application designed to boost your marketing campaigns by establishing offline connections with your target audience. Textedly features a combination of attractive interface and advanced tools that include mass text messaging and scheduling, single send scheduling, outgoing and inbound multimedia messaging, in-app calendar, and more.

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7. Trumpia

Our score: 8.9 User satisfaction: 94%

Trumpia is an omnichannel mobile marketing software designed to help users in almost every industry to connect with customers through SMS. It includes automation features, smart targeting, and enterprise tools. It also integrates with multiple software and ecommerce platform such as Shopify.

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8. Messente

Our score: 8.8 User satisfaction: 94%

A mobile marketing software that lets you reach out to your clients and prospects through 800 mobile networks from over 190 countries. It offers adaptive routing for faster and reliable delivery of messages, all while applying top security features to protect confidentiality and privacy.

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9. PushEngage

Our score: 8.9 User satisfaction: 100%

PushEngage is created to help the sales and marketing teams segment and send push messages automatically in both mobile and web. It uses criteria such as location, URL history, etc. to group the target audience and creates personalized notifications for them.

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10. Zoho Campaigns

Our score: 8.6 User satisfaction: 99%

This is an email marketing solution for creating, delivering, and tracking email campaigns to help increase loyal customers. It offers a wide array of robust automation-based features such as autoresponders, workflows, follow-up emails, and trigger-based emails. It also supports extensive integration with popular third-party apps.

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11. Listrak

Our score: 8.5 User satisfaction: N/A

A data hub that gives retailers 360° shopper insights that power sophisticated, relationship-building, omnichannel campaigns that they deliver every day.

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12. Oxygenta

Our score: 8.0 User satisfaction: N/A

Oxygenta is a leading integrated email marketing automation solution built for marketers and agencies.

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Mobile Marketing Software Guide

Table of contents

Mobile marketing tools offer an inexpensive and fast method to reach out to prospects and customers via the ubiquitous mobile phone. You can use mobile marketing software for a number of online tasks such as recruiting new customers, informing them about an upgrade, advertising a new service or product, promoting special deals, etc. This buyer’s guide aims to help you when looking for the best Mobile Marketing Software for your needs among the many programs available in the market.

Get to know each product with free trial

A good course of action is to sign up for at least a few free trial plans or demo from popular providers of mobile marketing tools. With that method you will have the opportunity to test the important elements and you will get a good comparison of the capabilities of the different platforms. The best thing to do when looking for the best Mobile Marketing software for enterprises or SMBs is to connect with the providers of services that currently have the highest SmartScore rankings and Customer Satisfaction Rating in our  mobile marketing software reviews, such as Listrak reviews and Publitrac, and consult them for a demo version of their product. 

Targeted Businesses

Let’s take a look on mobile marketing software tools as a desirable addition to your work line, which can be more than helpful in the era of handheld devices. It will be a big arrival and the same as every arrival it will require you to solve few critical dilemmas in advance. Mobile marketing software is welcome in almost any company, but works the best in one of the following scenarios:

  • Small Businesses automating mobile marketing for the first time. Small companies want to generate a higher return on investment, which is why they are the ones that can recognize the success of such software the most. These systems simplify their targeting and converting strategies, and streamline mobile campaigns to reach customers at a fraction of what they’re currently investing.
  • Medium Businesses looking to improve efficiency. Medium companies are in a constant development process, and they need to improve lead management by nurturing buyers to a sales-ready position from wherever buyers are accessing their products. They need mobile marketing software to take advantage of automated mobile campaigns, and to let agents focus on more attention-demanding aspects.
  • Large Businesses in need of mobile marketing analytics. Large companies have long surpasses initial traditional marketing automation, and are looking to upgrade their software with powerful mobile analytic features. Accurate analytics will accelerate and improve lead management, allow them to track ROI and optimize their fractional attribution models.

What are Examples of Mobile Marketing Software?

  • Listrak: An online digital marketing automation solution for small business and large companies that integrates social elements with mobile marketing in highly personalized campaigns for high-volume and omnichannel retailers.
  • Publitrac: An easy mobile marketing app for multichannel campaigns, with an amazing capacity to automate nurturing campaigns and to convert prospects into visible leads.
  • Textedly. A text message marketing solution that helps businesses in getting in touch with their target audience through their mobile devices.

Types of Mobile Marketing Software

Mobile marketing apps can be categorized in many ways and vary from free and basic tool suites to ultra costly and accurate programs. Features can also act as categorization criteria, as certain programs do nothing but distribute emails, while others are more robust and they allow marketers to create and run campaigns on mobile devices, automate all marketing-related tasks, track and compare customer behavior and conversion rates, and even do some custom branding there. Deployment is also an important factor based on which there are:

  • Software-as-a-service (SaaS) mobile marketing systems. These are usually paid per month, and are hosted on the vendor’s server. The business owner is not responsible for installation, updating, and maintenance.
  • Cloud-hosted mobile marketing systems. Most of these offer free basic plans, and qualify as the most affordable ones due to their universal access and the fact that the client doesn’t need to update them or to pay for maintenance.

Key Features of Mobile Marketing Software

These are the main features you should look for when purchasing a mobile marketing app:

  • Volume: Bulk text messaging is an important feature of mobile marketing. Select a vendor that enables you to send messages on large scale within a short period time. You should be able to send thousands of messages in a few seconds, and personalize them too as required. The messages should be compatible with popular platforms such as Android, iPhone/iPad, and tablet.
  • Two-Way Messaging: This feature is important as you can interact with your prospects and customers effectively as they would be able to respond to your messages. You can use two-way text marketing to conduct meaningful conversations and build rewarding business relationships with your customers. You can showcase your company’s accessibility and customer service caliber, while receiving feedback and orders from your customers. You may need to hire more agents for the tasks, but the gains are immense in terms of community engagement. Some vendors offer support to sustain the increased traffic and to ensure interactive mobile marketing campaigns deliver the best possible results and experiences for both customers and companies.
  • Proximity Features: The software should enable you to collect and use customer data effectively. Real-time analytics and insights can help you to target advertisements to specific customers, and optimize the place and time they receive them. This strategy is termed “proximity marketing”, and it allows companies to target people living in local neighborhoods as well as those planning to visit the area. Location-based advertising is widely used in industries such as entertainment, restaurant, and retail. Therefore, proximity features are an important functionality to have in your mobile marketing software if your company belongs to any of these industries.
  • Promotions and Coupons: Eye-catching messages and ads are important for mobile marketing, and you can also use coupons and promotions to attract customers. This strategy is used by both local businesses as well as large online retailers. The software helps to integrate text-2-win contests and coupons in your messages. You can also use push notifications to alert customers about promotions and engage them using text-2-vote polls to boost your brand image.
  • In-App Advertising: In-app and in-game advertising help you integrate a range of ad types. Standard and full-page ads are only a part of mobile marketing. Increasingly, ads are being added to enhance the mobile experience as well as in-game value. Many software vendors offer in-app marketing features to help companies use this effective mobile marketing strategy.
  • Multi-Channel Marketing. Some apps are dedicated to a few channels such as SMS and emails which are good at their own rights. However, there’s also merit in looking into platforms that can send the same message through different channels including print, digital, and social media.

Benefits of Mobile Marketing Software

Our in-depth comparisons indicate that these are the main benefits companies experience when using a good mobile marketing system:

  • They can design and deliver ad campaigns to mobile devices without having to compromise the responsiveness of their desktop websites. In fact, the ultimate purpose of the mobile marketing industry was to tap into new, mobile-based advertising forms to take their promotional strategies on a whole new and natural level. Besides, mobile marketing apps come packed with tools that track the ROI of mobile campaigns, such as SMS surveys, digital surveys, loyalty programs, and so on.
  • Reach a larger audience through bulk SMS. Bulk SMS templates provided by most mobile marketing software vendors allow users to target larger audiences they believe could be interested in their product, relying strongly on the fact that users nowadays are less likely to skip the promoted content once it becomes available on their mobile devices.
  • Integrate ads into mobile browsers, games, and apps. Together with the fact that it allows you to create amazingly effective mobile campaigns that drive genuine results, a good marketing app is also supposed to target audience with push notifications, and to try and integrate ads on different delivery channel. The tools will help you advertise your products in popular mobile locations, such as preferred browsers, most used apps, games, etc.
  • Engage mobile users using targeted promotions and coupons. The same as in the case of traditional marketing automation, mobile marketing software can (and will!) engage larger audiences with targeted promotions and coupons, just that this time those will be sent to their mobile devices or displayed in locations where they can hardly be missed.
  • Boost traffic to your website from mobile users. Think of targeting mobile audiences with your campaigns as increasing the number of prospective leads with an entirely new category of eventual buyers. This way, you will not only keep current users on your side, but attract new ones who were not even familiar with your performance and campaigns until now.
  • Use two-way texting to engage and build relationships. Marketing campaigns are not just about reaching larger audiences, but connecting with them in a highly personalized and effective manner. Mobile marketing apps allow you to build firm customer relationships with two-way SMS messaging as a great way to entertain your audience. Explained simpler, this means that you will enable contacts to reply to your offer and to interact with you, and you will make your brand more trustworthy once the customer knows there is someone behind the wheel who is ready to help.
  • Reduce turnaround times and boost coupon-to-customer conversion rates. Bulk SMSs and the innovative voice SMS marketing reduces the message processing time and the server load, and offers a variety of real-time gauges to let you know how well things are going.

Mobile marketing software is one of the newer breeds of business systems that is heavily influenced by circulating trends. Therefore, those who use this type of solution must be careful in observing trends such as these:

  • The boom of mobile gaming. Gaming isn’t for hardcore gamers anymore, especially with the advent of mobile gaming. Mobile games are a billion-dollar industry with major players comprised of your average person. What this means for mobile marketing software is that they must now cater to such change by introducing new ways to target these mobile gamers with ads that are specifically crafted for them.
  • Increased spending on location-based targeting. Smartphones have greatly improved the effectiveness of location-based ads. Since mobile devices typically give off the general location of its users, ads can be targeted at them with laser-like precision. For instance, local businesses can promote their products and services to people within their vicinity.
  • Growth of m-commerce. While not new in particular, m-commerce trends are steadily rising as new devices, technologies, and software are innovating their mobile services. Ecommerce integration with social media platforms, for example, shapes the future where more consumers are expected to shop through their phones.

Potential Issues

There are some concerns when using mobile marketing software that stems from the challenges faced by marketers when targeting smartphones, tablets, etc. for their advertisements. These include:

  • Harder to accurately measure results. With such diversity in ways you can target users, sometimes you can’t be sure which campaigns are yielding results and which ones need adjustments. For this matter, looking for a mobile marketing app that can track progress, customers, and purchases is a good solution.
  • It’s hard to time your ads. Most mobile marketing solutions can track the customer journey and are ready to show them your ads anytime. However, being inconsiderate of the timing will simply hurt your cause. Since most of these apps will give you control over when to show your ads, you must strike a balance between showing at important times without being overwhelming. For example, you can use the data from your unsubscribes and the like to help you decide which time isn’t the best.
  • Too many channel choices. In mobile advertising, you have different channels in which to do your promotion. These include news feeds, email, push notifications, and in-app messages. Most mobile marketing software will provide caps on each of these services and you’ll have to purchase more after you run out. That’s why getting more information, whether be it through research or your data, helps choose which channel to go about and in which time.

List of Mobile Marketing Software Companies

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Mobile Marketing Software

Things to consider when you invest in a SaaS

The first and most important thing is to ensure the app is perfect for your organization’s needs. Do not worry about the delivery method and pricing model and concentrate on getting the appropriate software. Second, you should invest some time to do proper groundwork on the background of the vendor and the functionality of the product. Otherwise, you may end up paying a high price if the system proves to be a bad fit.

Another important point is you should always read the contract and understand the terms and conditions. SaaS contracts are known for clever phrasing, so make sure you know what you are getting into. Do not get sapped into an evergreen contract. Be sure about the renewal terms as well as the notice time needed to cancel the renewal.

You will be surprised to learn the gains you can get by negotiating intelligently. SaaS software is a competitive market and vendors will be willing to provide you a price reduction to earn your business and continue it. Make use of this opportunity to save some money.
Realize that the teaser rate is presented only for a short period. Learn about the total fee you need to shell out after the initial discount ends. Also, compute the long-term cost to know what you are getting into.

Frequently asked questions about Mobile Marketing Software

What is the best mobile marketing software?

The best mobile marketing software is Textedly, a text message marketing app that has an attractive and user-friendly interface. This tool helps businesses in reaching out to their target audience by using text messages for promotional and marketing purposes. Since most of their subscribers have their phones with them most of the time, this helps companies to instantly reach them. One of its highlight features that are not common in a text-based marketing solution is that your subscribers can actually text back.

The system doesn’t also limit the number of contacts you can send messages to. This makes it ideal for quickly growing businesses since they won’t have to change their subscription whenever they hit new user milestones. Furthermore, you won’t have to cramp your message to accommodate the 160-character limit that many phones impose. This is favorable to your subscribers since it will keep you from flooding them with messages that are sent in parts.

What are the benefits of mobile marketing software?

Mobile marketing software helps craft and execute campaigns specifically for mobile users. Some of its benefits include:

  • Bulk SMS. With mobile marketing software, you can easily send your promoted content to many targeted users in just one click.
  • Targeted Promos and Coupons. By sending coupons and promos to targeted mobile users, they have a better chance of being seen and engaged.
  • Two-Way Texting. Mobile phones are the primary means of communication for most people and giving them a chance to reply to your promo is a good way of engaging them.
  • Reach a Larger Audience. The main purpose of mobile marketing tools is to tap the massive market of mobile users.
  • Integrate Ads into Mobile Games and Apps. Many mobile apps and games offer ad placement integration, which greatly increases the visibility of your promoted content.
  • Boost Website Traffic. If your ads work and they redirect to your site, you can increase its traffic, which is an effective way of attracting new users.
What are the features of mobile marketing software?

Mobile marketing tools typically focus on different channels in which you send your message. Some specialize in them while others offer multi-channel campaigns. Regardless, they still share features that make up their core functionalities such as:

  • In-app Advertising. Be it games or other apps, mobile marketing software provides ways for you to integrate different types of ads to their content.
  • Promos and Coupons. Promos such as text-to-win contests and discount packages can attract the attention of mobile users and have a higher chance of turning them into potential customers.
  • Proximity Features. This is one of the best ways of leveraging customer data and can be used to optimize the targeting process of ads to specific customers.
  • Mass Texting. This is a very important feature as it allows you to send a large volume of messages within a short period of time.
What is the easiest mobile marketing software to use?

Here’s a list of some mobile marketing software that won’t require high expertise to effectively create and send campaigns.

  • Textedly. This is an excellent text marketing tool that is easy to set up and use. There’s no complex installation process and the features are available upon purchase. Plus, it can go beyond the typical 160-charter limit of phones so you won’t have to plan on how to break down your messages.
  • Iterable. While not exclusively a mobile marketing tool, it still gets the job done and easily at that. Selecting among SMS, email, and push notifications is a seamless experience and offers trigger-based campaigns to automate some process.
  • Avochato. It provides several features that make it easy to create campaigns, send messages, and monitor user activity. There’s also a dashboard for better collaboration among teams.
What is a good free mobile marketing software?

Here are some mobile marketing solutions that offer free plans for small players and those who want to test the system first:

  • PushEngage. It has a free package with enough offerings for small businesses. PushEngage supports up to 2,500 active subscribers, up to 15,000 clicks, 120 notifications per month, HTTPS support, hosted PushEngage subdomain, and other basic functions at no cost.
  • InsideView. This software’s free offering lets you get the general insights and data of other companies, be it competitors or prospective partners. You can also add up to 10 contact and companies to your watch list.
  • Feedify. With its free package, you can manage up to 10 campaigns and unlimited pageviews and push subscribers. You also get email support, after-sales feedback, responsive templates, and others.
Louie Andre

By Louie Andre

B2B & SaaS market analyst and senior writer for FinancesOnline. He is most interested in project management solutions, believing all businesses are a work in progress. From pitch deck to exit strategy, he is no stranger to project business hiccups and essentials. He has been involved in a few internet startups including a digital route planner for a triple A affiliate. His advice to vendors and users alike? "Think of benefits, not features."


Why is FinancesOnline free? Why is FinancesOnline free?

FinancesOnline is available for free for all business professionals interested in an efficient way to find top-notch SaaS solutions. We are able to keep our service free of charge thanks to cooperation with some of the vendors, who are willing to pay us for traffic and sales opportunities provided by our website. Please note, that FinancesOnline lists all vendors, we’re not limited only to the ones that pay us, and all software providers have an equal opportunity to get featured in our rankings and comparisons, win awards, gather user reviews, all in our effort to give you reliable advice that will enable you to make well-informed purchase decisions.
