15 Latest Blog Trends & Predictions for 2024 – A Look Into What’s Next Ahead

The latest blog trends are still closely tied to how search engines direct readers to find useful content. In short, content creators and business bloggers have to develop an editorial plan and integrate SEO into that plan. Nothing new there … except: now, you have plenty of analytics tools to make data-driven decisions to target and retarget readers, while the internet itself is pummeled with useless content at best and fake news at worst.

The goal is to optimize content to be both useful and visible with the aid of blog software. Of course, be honest with your intent as Google and Facebook go into witch-hunting for fake sites.

To make sure you are ahead of the curve when it comes to blogging, we have compiled some of the key trends in the industry. From the rise of interactive posts to the changing media consumption preferences of readers, this article should give you an idea of what you should expect in 2021 and beyond. This way, you can create better content for your readers and take your site to the next level.

key blog trends

Blogs are deeply embedded in the day-to-day routines of internet users. So much so that 77% of them read blogs daily (TechJury, 2020). After all, these are where they get information on topics they are interested in. In some cases, these serve as platforms where like-minded people can discuss what’s what in niche industries.

From a business perspective, blogs play an essential role in content strategy. With this, brands can proactively engage their target audience with substantial content. More importantly, it allows them to have a voice in their industry.

However, as the media landscape evolves and consumer expectations change, so does the blogging process. In fact, one trend that is currently reshaping the industry is how brands now deeply analyze their own blog posts. They take data, extract insights, and share them with their prospects and customers. One example of which is HubSpot’s effort to declassify their own data and make it public through a useful post. In a particular blog post, the company shared what practices make its own blog successful (HubSpot).

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What Makes a Blog Successful in 2019?

Most important qualities of blogs rated 0-10 by bloggers

What Makes a Blog Successful in 2019?
Quality of Content: 8.8

Quality of Content

What Makes a Blog Successful in 2019?
Eye-catching Headlines & Intros: 8.5

Eye-catching Headlines & Intros

What Makes a Blog Successful in 2019?
SEO: 7.6


What Makes a Blog Successful in 2019?
Email Subscribers: 7.2

Email Subscribers

What Makes a Blog Successful in 2019?
Good Blog Name & URL: 6.3

Good Blog Name & URL

What Makes a Blog Successful in 2019?
Social Media Shares & Follows: 6.0

Social Media Shares & Follows

Source: GrowthBadger

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Successful bloggers that make over $50,000 have placed their focus on their quality of content, eye-catching headlines & intros, SEO, email subscribers, and blog design plus performance, among others. All of these make their blogs both visible and useful to their target audience. In the next sections, we’ll discuss different trends that help bloggers, businesses, or otherwise, rock at what they do.

1. Improved Content Experience

Content is no longer just about text and graphic blocks. These days, bloggers have to be mindful of the content experience, too. But what is content experience? To illustrate, here is a scenario: you click a link on an article and are led to a page full of ads and pop-up ads. Rather than getting straight to the task, you have to close the pop-up ads first. Then, you have to do a lot of scrolling because there are more ads than content on a page.

That would be a frustrating experience for anybody. This highlights the need for providing an impeccable content experience as much as great content. After all, it is impossible to use content to drive ROI if visitors to your website keep leaving after a few seconds.

Of course, it is undeniable that you would need visitors to continue interacting with your website, especially with the call-to-action buttons. To raise your chances of getting that click, you can place CTAs strategically over the page while ensuring a smooth content experience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Content experience makes visitors stay on the website.
  • Place call-to-action buttons strategically over the page.
  • Remember to offer good content with a great content experience.

2. Multimedia and Multi-Platform

Audiences are no longer satisfied with just text articles; they want highly-visual content and even interactive media to go along with their media consumption. Moreover, the easiest way to do so is by having different types of content, including promotional ones across different platforms. A blogger may create videos or vlogs to supplement their articles. They can even make presentations to make their blog articles more engaging.

Beyond that, they need to promote their blog. To accomplish this, they have to utilize other platforms such as social media. In this way, they can meet their audience in other touchpoints as well as attract followers in different spaces. This also gives bloggers and businesses the ability to switch between touchpoints without losing the context of relationships and conversations. Plus, it gives them maximum reach.

Crossing platforms, in principle, is the same as omnichannel marketing. You can think of it as omnichannel content marketing. Bloggers and content creators will move on to other types of media to create unique interconnected experiences for their audiences. From WordPress, one could add YouTube or even Patreon. Twitch influencers can start writing articles complete with game tutorials.

Also, if you monetize your content, this is a perfect strategy for you. You don’t only expand your content types but also your reach. Moreover, you get to increase your revenue channels as well.

Key Takeaways:

  • An omnichannel approach to content marketing has been adopted by successful businesses. We expect smaller businesses and individual content creators to do the same in the foreseeable future.
  • Content creators are now expanding their content types. Moreover, they do this by crossing platforms.
  • This approach enables content creators to expand reach, their content types, and their revenue channels as well.

3. Data-Driven Blogging

Clickworker defines data-driven content as an analytic strategy that uses data obtained from a customer profile or buyer persona (clickworker). Data is gathered from customer profile information. Then, content marketers use these to create effective campaigns.

Simply put, you create a model of what type of content your target audience needs. Then, you create content based on these models. Subsequently, after you publish said content, you get feedback data act accordingly. Crudely, this is what data-driven blogging or content creation means.

Also, you want to hit the right website KPIs. These are special metrics that tell you that your blog is doing whatever you want it to do. Therefore, data-driven decision-making is important. You want to be rational and a bit scientific when pursuing such goals. You don’t want to just go by feel.

Blogging and Analytics

If you are a business blogger, keep in mind that businesses that blog 20 times per month generate 5x more traffic (HubSpot, 2020) than those that blog fewer than 4x per month. Also, with more blog posts, you get more data. You get to reverse engineer them and find out what made some posts successful and others not so successful. Thus, a good analytics platform could help you make more data-driven decisions.

Today, bloggers can’t afford to ignore website analytics and metrics. The four most important analytics categories are:

  1. Website Search Analytics Metrics
  2. Social Media Analytics Metrics
  3. Display Advertising Analytics Metrics
  4. Email Analytics Metrics

If you want more comprehensive knowledge about these, read this article about website analytics metrics that will help your site be more successful. These metrics will help guide you in diagnosing how your website is doing and what you can do.

Moreover, business bloggers and even personal bloggers have been all up into the analytics trend. Furthermore, data analytics software market data suggest that the market will reach $57 million in 2023. We can say that more business and individual bloggers will likely subscribe to such services in the near future.

Also, you can try out web-based content marketing tools to help optimize your efforts.

Key Takeaways:

  • More bloggers (business or personal) are taking on a data-driven content marketing approach.
  • There are many website KPIs and metrics available in analytics platforms to help you reach your blogging goals.
  • Successful business bloggers use web-based solutions like content marketing platforms to help optimize and tailor their content to their target audience’s preferences.

4. Highly Visual Content

Successful blogs don’t just rely on texts anymore. This is a trend that will likely continue in the future. Also, there is a good rationale for this sans our allegedly shrinking attention span (BBC).

When creating useful content for readers, you want your content to be as easily digestible as possible. Thus, augmenting text with beautiful visuals can help get your points across. This tactic helps readers understand complex topics better. For example, when you write a step-by-step guide, it’s better to enhance it with pictures like screenshots.

However, highly-visual content does not stop at pictures. You can add videos, interactive media like polls, or even app-like widgets. One cool example is a widget by Gapminder that gets users to play with data using different chart types (Gapminder). This is perfect for audiences with interests in social science and economics.

Experts expect more blogs and websites to create more content like this in the future. These help you increase dwell time and deliver useful content to your audience. Also, if you create shareable snippets, audiences are more likely to share them on social media networks. This is arguably one of the most important blogging trends in today’s internet landscape.

To get a more comprehensive report about visual content, you can check out our list of relevant visual content marketing statistics.

Gapminder visual widget

This widget by GAPMINDER allows users to interact with visual content by toggling data.

Key Takeaways:

  • Blogs are now using highly-visual content to increase KPIs like dwell time. Also, graphics help in delivering digestible, useful information to target audiences.
  • Highly-visual content doesn’t just stop at pictures. You can add videos and even interactive media.
  • These types of content are very shareable. Thus, you don’t just get dwell time, but your content will also likely get social shares as well.

5. Visual Search

When visual search capabilities came, many found it to be quite neat. You just point your camera at a thing. Then, you’d get search results about it, be it a product or some type of new plant that you don’t know anything about.

Moreover, Millennials from the UK and the US are now used to having visual searches as a part of the digital shopping experience (Yoast, 2019). In fact, around 62% of them are comfortable with searching via image. Furthermore, around 58% are receptive to shoppable content like click to purchase. This goes for images, videos, blogs, and user-generated social media content.

What does this mean for your blog? Well, if you can optimize your site for visual search, you can directly sell within your articles. This is great news for business bloggers and performance partners (affiliate marketers).

To help you optimize your site for visual search (WebFX), here are some tips you can follow:

  1. Have many images for a single product at different angles.
  2. Use high-res photos.
  3. Do keyword research and use more detailed long-tail keywords instead of a single one.
  4. Use your long-tail keywords in your image titles and descriptions.
  5. Add alternative text or alt tags, include additional information to put your image into context.
  6. Optimize image size and file types by matching which type of devices your audience uses. Also, compress high-res photos to ensure both load time and image quality are not affected.

Key Takeaways:

  • Younger and older Millennials in both the UK and US are comfortable with visual search for the eCommerce experience.
  • Millennials in the UK and US are comfortable with click-to-purchase shoppable content.
  • Optimize your site for visual search to get more traffic redirected to your site and products.

6. Voice Search

Thanks to the rise of smart speakers, many people are now surfing the web using voice commands. According to recent voice search data, smart speaker shipment is doing well globally, with shipment poised to reach 409.4 million in 2025 (Loup Ventures, 2019). Thus, you should optimize your blog for voice search so search engines can easily connect you to your target audiences.

The bottom line here is SEO. You won’t get new people to your site if your site is not optimized for search engines to process (well, mostly Google). Of course, using a cloud-based and on-premise search marketing platform can help you with it. However, you must consider voice search is a relatively new trend. Also, its technology is quite new and still developing as well.

Thus, you need to put in the necessary effort to optimize your site for voice search (Neil Patel, 2021) with simple tricks such as:

  • Claiming your Google My Business listing.
  • Using microdata by adding contact information, address, and other relevant product/company details.
  • Optimizing your site for customer mobile experience.
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Top Reasons for Using Voice Assistants in the US

Top Reasons for Using Voice Assistants in the US
To control other devices monthly: 40

To control other devices monthly

Top Reasons for Using Voice Assistants in the US
To check news and weather daily: 35

To check news and weather daily

Top Reasons for Using Voice Assistants in the US
To play music daily: 33

To play music daily

Top Reasons for Using Voice Assistants in the US
To look up information on search engines: 32

To look up information on search engines

Top Reasons for Using Voice Assistants in the US
To send texts or emails daily: 31

To send texts or emails daily

Top Reasons for Using Voice Assistants in the US
To ask for quick questions daily: 29

To ask for quick questions daily

Top Reasons for Using Voice Assistants in the US
To check traffic or to navigate daily: 19

To check traffic or to navigate daily

Top Reasons for Using Voice Assistants in the US
To control other devices daily: 16

To control other devices daily


Source: PWC

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Key Takeaways:

  • Voice search is on the rise thanks to ease-of-use and consumers’ adoption of smart speakers.
  • You can optimize your site for voice search by adding key details for local search and even product details.
  • There are search marketing platforms available for you to use to round out your SEO efforts from keywords to voice search.

7. Relevant and Useful Content

No one is going to read what you wrote if they don’t find value in it. Readers will think it’s a waste of time and effort for them to dive into an article without feeling a connection or no prospect of extracting useful knowledge. Thus, we must always remember that the terms ‘relevance’ and ‘useful’ do not refer to the preferences of publishers. They refer to the preferences of the audience.

Today, content relevance has different timescales. Some articles are called “evergreen” as their relevance lasts longer. On the other hand, some content is just “in” in such a way that they’ll be forgotten tomorrow or next month. The same goes for usefulness. Thus, different content can solve different time-sensitive problems for your audience.

Things to Consider When Developing Content

  • Is my content timely? If so, what current events can I include in my content? If not, will its relevance be maintained months or years from now? How do I make it so?
  • What problems do my target audiences have? What potential issues will they face?
  • How do I help them solve those problems by creating content?
  • When is the best time to publish my content on my site?
  • What other media can I use to let them know my content could help them?
  • What can I do to gather feedback? I need to know if it was useful or not useful. Also, I need to know why it was useful or not.

Ask yourself these questions whenever you are in a content marketing campaign for your blog or website. They’ll help guide you to optimize how you create value for your target audience.

That said, yes, content is still king. As mentioned, the blog trends here will (and will always be) how sites deliver useful content to their target audiences. That includes all the steps from choosing topics, writing, preparing other media, SEO, and promotions. Everything is content from your meta-description to your interactive media, from your tweets to your alt tags.

As they (Marshall McLuhan and people who believe in him) say, “The medium is the message.” There is really something to this. Thus, don’t just stick to text with your helpful content.

Key Takeaways:

  • Your content needs to be relevant and useful to your audience. No one will read or watch your content if they don’t find it useful to start with (without even reading it).
  • Successful blogs go for both “current” and “evergreen” content. Relevance timescales vary. Some information lasts “forever.” On the other, some information has short lifespan.
  • When you think about it, everything is content from your meta-description to your tweets promoting your webpage or article. Thus, be sure to make everything conducive to provide value for your customers.

8. More Affiliate Marketing

Bloggers have become influencers. It all started from cranking out text-based articles to producing their own videos and podcasts. Even business bloggers or corporate content marketers have taken this route. However, if you’re an individual or an “interest influencer,” it is hard to make money when the only thing you can sell is your content.

Good content creators get revenue by the sheer number of ad views and clicks. The best ones leverage the current state of the ecommerce industry to augment their income. They do this by keeping up to date with ecommerce statistics.

Many independent publishers understand this. Thus, they have taken the route of affiliate marketing to help them sustain their passion projects. Furthermore, we expect this trend to just keep rising in the future. Why? More companies are likely to have their own affiliate programs either with giant ecommerce sites or on their own.

There are many reasons. One, more sellers are going online. eCommerce is getting more and more popular. Additionally, according to our list of Amazon trends, experts predict that more sellers will join Amazon in the next few years. Third, it has one of the biggest affiliate programs. Many bloggers have set up accounts for Amazon products already. Lastly, there are also many affiliate network sites out there for different types of products that bloggers can fit within their set of topics.

Also, Millennials and Gen Zers want to start their own business. The younger ones are ecommerce natives. Expect that they’d stumble into affiliate marketing programs and utilize them to expand their avenues for sales.

affiliate marketing content

Key Takeaways:

  • More sellers are going online. Firms have been making their way into ecommerce. Thus, we expect more affiliate marketing programs to come.
  • Also, more sellers are going into Amazon. The marketplace boasts of having one of the biggest affiliate programs around. Put two and two together; it’s likely that more products are going to be open for affiliate marketing.
  • With bloggers becoming influencers, affiliate marketing seems to be the best way to go to monetize their content other than ads.

Most Popular Blog Software

  1. Wix. An easy-to-use blog software that offers a comprehensive blogger toolkit. Wix helps individuals and small businesses create, manage, and grow their blogs without a struggle.
  2. Blogger. A powerful blog publishing service built to help users create and maintain their websites. Blogger provides all the design tools and blog management functionality that users need to manage their blogs successfully.
  3. Medium. A renowned publishing platform designed to help freelancers and small businesses share their insights and stories. Medium can create digital spaces where people can share unique ideas and view other writers’ viewpoints.
  4. WordPress. Arguably the most popular open-source blogging and content management system. WordPress leverages thousands of widgets, plugins, and themes to help users create, manage, and grow their blogs.
  5. Weebly. A cloud-based website builder designed to help individuals and small businesses create compelling websites and online stores. Weebly provides a drag-and-drop website building tool and integrates with multiple third-party apps to aid blog creation and management.

9. The Rise of Performance Partnerships

Performance marketing is not that different from affiliate marketing. In fact, affiliate marketing is a part of performance marketing. However, there are other aspects of performance marketing that are trending today. One of those is the rise of performance partnerships. This is something that many experts want to advocate.

Firstly, performance marketing is all about paying for output. This content marketing strategy relies on CPA or cost per action (Acceleration Partners). Meaning, the partner brings about a certain behavior from your target audience, and you pay them in real-time when that happens.

Thus, this is perfect for bloggers and influencers of all sizes. What this means is that many will seek partnerships with brands and vice versa. Again, this is just like affiliate marketing. However, there are other catches. Content creators must work with brands as partners.

A Note on Real Performance Partnerships

Here are a few things to keep in mind when building real performance partnerships:

  1. Create a transparent relationship.
  2. Have an ongoing relationship with feedback loops.
  3. Centralize tracking and reporting.

Also, many brands manage to do performance marketing without affiliate programs. There are many partnership-based SaaS (Software as a Service) platforms with CSR (customer success representatives). Moreover, these SaaS platforms treat their clients as partners towards success. Thus, they may take over some traditional jobs usually outsourced to old-school affiliate marketers and content creators.

For brands, working on a mix of the two is a good idea moving forward. For content creators, they should think of ways to approach brand promotion with a partnership outlook.

Key Takeaways:

  • Performance partnerships are poised to trend in the coming years. Many brands feel that there are transparency issues with old-school affiliate marketing. Thus, they are looking for real partners that they can grow with them together.
  • Brands have been working with SaaS platforms that have customer success representatives. This is considered by top performance marketers to be a kind of performance partnership on its own. Maybe, this will replace some jobs/projects traditionally outsourced to old-school affiliate marketing.
  • Content creators and bloggers may need to approach their relationship with brands as a partnership. Many successful “content creation” or media offerings came from partnerships. The Vans Warped Tour lasted for almost 25 years. It all started from a partnership that grew the business of all partners involved.

10. Fake News

While there are efforts to reduce the number of fake news floating around (Chicago Booth Review), it is likely that this will never end. Misinformation is a great tool for parties or individuals that have questionable motives. Whether it is to drum a politician up or take a business down, fake news and rumors are the best tools of the trade–not that we’re promoting it. After all, fake news has been historically bad for business.

For instance, fake news websites targeting the US public were found to be registered in the small city of Veles in Macedonia. Also, teenagers run the show. They were so good at it that they plagiarized and faked their way into earning thousands of euros a day in advertising. Their work changed mindsets and may even have influenced the 2016 US elections. However, this is not our focus here.

The main point we want to make in this section is fake news affects the economy. If it affects politics, it’ll affect public policies, including economic policies. Moreover, if it affects public opinion like in health-related products, many related businesses can also get impacted by the backlash. And, if fake news continues to trend, businesses need to combat it.

Business Combatting Fake News

According to research, the presence of fake news negatively affects perceptions towards brands advertised on the same webpage (ScienceDirect). However, this does not happen when legit business ads are placed in a highly-reliable source. Fake news websites run on advertising. Also, marketers may post ads unknowingly on them. Thanks to “smart” algorithms out there, you can now cut off fake news from your blogs.

Yes, even Google’s programmatic advertising sends ads to untrustworthy sites. For example, ads for well-known brands like Audi and Sprint were once placed in fake news sites. So, businesses need to be careful in placing ads on such websites. Thus, in the coming years, we expect businesses to handle this better. They don’t want their good reputation tarnished by overlooking ad placements. Also, bloggers should expect more crackdowns in the future.

New search and ranking algorithm updates will come up. Thus, we also expect more trustworthy sites and blogs to get a hit in performance and listing.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are efforts to keep fake news content to a minimum. Also, search and ranking algorithm changes may affect listings and performance of legitimate sites and blogs wrongfully identified.
  • Legit brands that engage in programmatic advertising get their ads placed on untrustworthy sites by “smart” algorithms.
  • Consumers generate negative perceptions of brands that advertise on fake news sites. Moreover, this also happens with sites and influencers audiences feel negative about.

11. Long-Form Content

According to Neil Patel, long-form evergreen content can boost the competitive edge of content creators and bloggers (Neil Patel, 2020). Firstly, long-form articles stand out online as most blogs only have about 500 words per article. Secondly, it generates leads for a longer time. Think organic traffic and backlinks. Third, it helps position the content creator as an authority in the industry. Lastly, you can repurpose content for a marketing campaign through updates and the like. We will not get into the details of this, though.

However, what we’d like to point out is that bloggers today still favor long-form content for the reasons mentioned. Now, there are some exceptions to the rule. Short videos and even some short-form articles are quite evergreen as well. But these types of content don’t cater to audiences who want in-depth analysis. And yes, in-depth analysis is still in vogue in many content niches.

Thus, many content creators continue to produce such. Think podcasts, how-to articles, tutorials, and other educational articles. So, if you believe that this trend will remain relevant in the next few years, you better crank up in-depth long-form content that will stand the test of time.

Key Takeaways:

  • Long-form content can help you get long-term organic traffic and backlinks.
  • Also, long-form content doesn’t just stop with articles. Many video contents get evergreen status precisely because they are in-depth. Think how-tos and tutorials.
  • Longer posts and videos allow you to share in-depth analyses. Thus, they help position you or your site as an authority in your industry.

12. Guest Posts on Other Blogs

Bloggers often do guests post on other blogs. This is to cross-promote non-competing sites and share audiences. Guest posts allow them to expand their reach and associate themselves with a trustworthy content provider for another niche. Moreover, brands write guest posts, too.

One example is the Salesforce team. Marc Benioff, the co-CEO himself, has guest posted in the past to share expertise (TechCrunch). The same goes for their coders and other expert staff. Thus, they do extend not only their reach but also improve their authority and reputation in certain niches.

Many research institutes and companies do this. They share their expertise and advertise it indirectly by providing expertly-crafted helpful content for free. This is one of the most important blog trends for marketing out there today.

So, if you are a business, you should do this too. Find people in your company with expertise and with great writing skills to provide free useful content on other non-competing sites. Also, don’t forget that you can do this on podcasts and even on video content, as well. Interviews and co-writing articles would also do the job.

Key Takeaways:

  • Bloggers have been guest posting to increase their reach by sharing audiences.
  • Guest posting is not limited to blog articles. You can also appear in podcasts, co-write other articles, and collaborate on video content.
  • This is one of the most common content marketing trends among successful brands because of the benefits it yields. Thus, we’ll likely see more businesses applying this in the near future.

13. SaaS Adoption

Content creators are likely to outsource their operations to more SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) solutions (Technavio). From 2019 to 2023, experts see it growing at a CAGR of 9%, with the market reaching $60.36 billion by the end of the period. It is highly likely that this will be the case as SaaS gets democratized in view of the increase of supply for relatively low prices.

We’ve compiled a lot of SaaS statistics, and our experts think that we are going to see more SaaS adoption among bloggers as well. Why? Many content creators treat their touchpoints as businesses anyway. Thus, they need digital tools to automate and optimize some of their processes. Moreover, they need many types of support, from marketing to CRM.

However, experts expect site owners and content creators to mostly adopt solutions for content marketing and the like. In this way, they get access to a comprehensive set of features like project management, CRM-like features, and even ad placement and analytics.

So, if you are a blogger or a starting site owner, you better think about adopting SaaS solutions. Big businesses are doing it. Affiliate marketers use them. Also, competitors such as influencers have them as well. Don’t get caught lagging on this trend.

SaaS free trials

Key Takeaways:

  • SaaS adoption is projected to increase in the next few years. Also, experts predict big businesses, SMBs, influencers, and even bloggers to increase their SaaS subscription and use.
  • One of the most important platforms for content creators is a content marketing solution. More comprehensive ones include features such as project management, task assignments, CRM-like abilities, and even analytics.
  • SaaS, today, is being democratized. There are many more suppliers that offer powerful computing abilities for less. Expect individual bloggers to use such tools or subscribe to such services.

14. Email Marketing

Email marketing is still alive. It is one of the best ways to turn and convert leads. Businesses subscribe to this idea. Moreover, bloggers have been on this trend as well. It is a high-return approach. Thus, we expect more blogs and content creators to use email marketing platforms more in the future.

To wit, one of the best examples of this is the marketing platform HubSpot. It has a comprehensive set of tools that allow you to promote your content across different channels fitted in its easy-to-use dashboard.

Email marketing solutions with features like HubSpot’s allow you to send newsletters and promotional materials. According to Harsh Agrawal, you can be surer about people who read their emails than people who check your every post on social media. Thus, email marketing is a good way to get a captive audience.

Keep in mind, however, that click-through rates (CTR) are a different thing. After all, many of us subscribe to blogs and sites that we like, but that’s not an assurance that we’ll click on their emails. So, it is important that you apply email marketing best practices for your campaigns (HubSpot, 2019).

This way, you can be sure that your target audience will click on your email every time you update them via newsletters or send them promotional materials. If you are monetizing your site or if you’re engaging in affiliate marketing, then this is a good approach to take.

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Top 5 Email Marketing Trends of 2019

Top 5 Email Marketing Trends of 2019
Focusing on personalization and dynamic content: 40.7%

Focusing on personalization and dynamic content

Top 5 Email Marketing Trends of 2019
Creating interactive email experiences: 32%

Creating interactive email experiences

Top 5 Email Marketing Trends of 2019
Using AI and machine learning systems to determine more email content: 28.6%

Using AI and machine learning systems to determine more email content

Top 5 Email Marketing Trends of 2019
Using more live content (e.g. countdown clocks, live weather data, etc.): 27.8%

Using more live content (e.g. countdown clocks, live weather data, etc.)

Top 5 Email Marketing Trends of 2019
Simplifying email designs for easier creation and consumption: 27%

Simplifying email designs for easier creation and consumption


Source: Litmus

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Key Takeaways:

  • Email marketing allows you to send updates and promotions to a captured audience.
  • Sending updates through newsletters and other promotional materials is not as intrusive because your audience subscribed to your blog themselves.
  • Email marketing solutions help you automate and track your email marketing campaigns. You should try them out and take advantage of free trials.

15. More Social Media Marketing

We don’t need to discuss how a good social media presence benefits businesses, influencers, and content creators. However, we should emphasize that the average internet user has eight social media accounts (GlobalWebIndex). The average user moves from one social media site to the other. Often, they link to different social media posts and personal content that they have.

Also, we recently made a report on social media marketing statistics. From the data there, you can infer that social media use is not slowing down. Moreover, people share their liked content like blog posts, articles, videos, and whatnot with each other on social media. Marketers understand this. Also, bloggers and content creators do too. We expect more creative social media engagement from sites and blogs in the near future to increase traffic and engagement.

Thus, we predict that more businesses and individual content creators are going to subscribe to social media marketing platforms. These platforms include features such as post scheduling and analytics.

Top Businesses Benefits of Social Media Marketing

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Source: Social Media Examiner (2019)

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Key Takeaways:

  • Social media is a great tool to promote content. Also, many businesses and individual content creators know this.
  • Social media use is rising, and it is where most target audiences are.
  • Great social media marketing strategies can increase traffic and engagement. They redirect traffic to your blog.
  • Many businesses and bloggers are highly likely to subscribe to social media marketing solutions. These allow them to automate key processes and provide data-driven insights.

How do you keep up with trends?

So, how do you keep up with blogging trends? One way to go is to keep up with blogging and digital marketing gurus such as Neil Patel, among others. Many give out not only trends but tips that you can leverage for blogging success. In addition, you can check out our compilation of blog statistics to help you see the bigger picture. With this, you’ll get an idea of how blogging is on a different scale from those of industries and markets.

Additionally, many different influencers put up videos online to share their blogging experiences. Individual content creators or aspiring bloggers can make use of these free, honest, and inspiring materials.

Lastly, many firms put out interesting studies based on actual business blogging statistics. Hopefully, with this information, you can draw inspiration for your own blogging campaigns.

Key Insights

  • Content Experience Matters: Providing a seamless content experience is as important as the content itself. Avoiding intrusive ads and pop-ups enhances visitor engagement and satisfaction.
  • Multimedia and Multi-Platform Strategies: Successful blogs use a variety of content types and promote them across multiple platforms to maximize reach and engagement.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Utilizing analytics tools to understand audience preferences and behaviors allows for more targeted and effective content creation.
  • Highly Visual Content: Incorporating images, videos, and interactive elements can increase user engagement and help convey complex information more effectively.
  • Voice and Visual Search Optimization: Optimizing content for voice and visual search can attract more traffic and enhance user experience.
  • Relevance and Usefulness: Content must be relevant and useful to the audience, with a balance between evergreen content and timely posts.
  • Affiliate Marketing Growth: Bloggers increasingly use affiliate marketing to monetize their content, taking advantage of the growing e-commerce market.
  • Performance Partnerships: These partnerships emphasize transparency and mutual growth, enhancing the effectiveness of affiliate marketing strategies.
  • Combating Fake News: Ensuring content credibility and avoiding association with fake news sites can protect a blog’s reputation and audience trust.
  • Long-Form Content: In-depth articles and videos that provide comprehensive information are favored for their ability to attract organic traffic and establish authority.
  • Guest Posting: Writing guest posts on other blogs helps expand reach and build authority in different niches.
  • SaaS Adoption: Bloggers are increasingly using SaaS solutions to automate and optimize their processes, from content marketing to analytics.
  • Email Marketing: Sending newsletters and promotional materials via email remains a highly effective way to engage a captive audience.
  • Social Media Marketing: Utilizing social media platforms to promote content and engage with the audience is crucial for driving traffic and engagement.


  1. Why is content experience important? Content experience is crucial because it affects how long visitors stay on your website and interact with your content. A seamless experience without intrusive ads and pop-ups keeps visitors engaged and increases the chances of conversion.
  2. How can multimedia content benefit my blog? Multimedia content, including images, videos, and interactive elements, can make your blog more engaging and help convey complex information more effectively. It also caters to different audience preferences, increasing overall reach and engagement.
  3. What is data-driven blogging? Data-driven blogging involves using analytics tools to gather insights about your audience’s preferences and behaviors. This information helps create targeted and effective content that resonates with your readers and meets your blogging goals.
  4. How can I optimize my blog for voice and visual search? To optimize for voice search, include conversational keywords and ensure your content is mobile-friendly. For visual search, use high-quality images with descriptive filenames, alt text, and detailed captions to improve search engine indexing.
  5. What type of content is considered relevant and useful? Relevant and useful content addresses the needs and interests of your target audience. It can be evergreen, providing long-term value, or timely, addressing current events or trends. The key is to solve problems or provide valuable information.
  6. How does affiliate marketing work for bloggers? Bloggers can earn commissions by promoting products or services through affiliate links. When readers click on these links and make a purchase, the blogger receives a percentage of the sale, providing a way to monetize their content.
  7. What are performance partnerships? Performance partnerships involve collaborations between brands and content creators, focusing on mutual growth and transparency. These partnerships often use performance-based payment models, rewarding creators for driving specific actions or behaviors.
  8. How can I avoid fake news on my blog? To avoid fake news, ensure that all content is well-researched and credible. Avoid associating with or advertising on untrustworthy sites. Regularly review and update your content to maintain accuracy and trustworthiness.
  9. Why is long-form content beneficial? Long-form content provides comprehensive information, attracting organic traffic and establishing the author as an authority in the field. It also generates more leads over time and can be repurposed for various marketing campaigns.
  10. What is the benefit of guest posting on other blogs? Guest posting allows you to reach a broader audience, build authority, and create backlinks to your site, which can improve your search engine ranking and drive more traffic to your blog.
  11. How can SaaS solutions help bloggers? SaaS solutions can automate and optimize various blogging processes, such as content marketing, analytics, and project management. These tools help bloggers save time, improve efficiency, and make data-driven decisions.
  12. Why is email marketing effective for bloggers? Email marketing allows bloggers to send updates and promotional materials directly to a captured audience. Subscribers are more likely to engage with email content, making it an effective way to nurture leads and drive traffic.
  13. How important is social media marketing for blogs? Social media marketing is essential for promoting blog content, engaging with the audience, and driving traffic to the blog. Using social media platforms effectively can increase visibility and foster a loyal community around your content.


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James Anthony

By James Anthony

A senior FinancesOnline writer on SaaS and B2B topics, James Anthony passion is keeping abreast of the industry’s cutting-edge practices (other than writing personal blog posts on why Firefly needs to be renewed). He has written extensively on these two subjects, being a firm believer in SaaS to PaaS migration and how this inevitable transition would impact economies of scale. With reviews and analyses spanning a breadth of topics from software to learning models, James is one of FinancesOnline’s most creative resources on and off the office.

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