Best Credit Cleanup Services for Credit Restoration of 2024

In today’s credit-driven society, maintaining a healthy credit score is crucial for achieving financial goals, securing favorable interest rates on loans, and even renting an apartment. However, navigating the complexities of credit repair can be a daunting task, often leaving individuals overwhelmed and uncertain of where to turn. Fortunately, reputable credit repair companies can provide invaluable guidance and expertise to help individuals restore their creditworthiness and achieve their financial aspirations.

With the number of credit reporting complaints increasing by 336% between 2019 and 2022, it is not surprising that the number of companies providing credit cleanup services climbed as well. In this article, we provide a guide on the best credit cleanup services that can restore your good credit standing, including details on their key features and pricing.


The economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic has led to widespread financial challenges for many individuals. Job losses, income reductions, and financial instability have increased the likelihood of negative impacts on credit reports, prompting more consumers to scrutinize and dispute inaccuracies.

With increased awareness about the importance of credit scores and financial health, more consumers are actively monitoring their credit reports. However, with the complexity of the credit reporting system, errors can occur at various stages. The intricate nature of credit reporting systems can make it challenging for consumers to navigate and address issues effectively.

This selected list of the top credit repair firms is committed to guiding you through the complexities of credit restoration. Each service has been evaluated based on its reputation, effectiveness, transparency, and consumer satisfaction. This list aims to be your comprehensive reference to the top credit repair services ready to aid you on your journey to a healthier financial future, whether you want to repair past financial misfortunes or proactively raise your credit score.

Source: CFPB Consumer Complaints Database

Top Credit Cleanup Services

1. Credit Saint

Credit Saint

Credit Saint is a credit repair organization that corrects unjust or inaccurate negative information that is detrimental to your credit. It provides an easy-to-understand procedure for credit repair that generates tangible results. The Credit Saint team will assist you in securing a free credit report without negatively impacting your credit score, and you can share your personal information with confidence via a secure online portal.

Your credit report will be thoroughly inspected by a group of credit repair experts who will identify any damaging factors, and proceed to dispute the information with creditors and credit bureaus with assurance. A 90-day money-back guarantee covers the entirety of the preliminary work provided by Credit Saint, which will educate you on how to maximize your positive credit history while they dispute the errors.

Key Features

  • Challenges to the 3 credit bureaus
  • Identity theft protection
  • Early warning system for bank accounts
  • ID cover darkweb monitoring
  • Real-time account sync


Ranges from $ 79.99 to $129.00.

2. Sky Blue Credit

Sky Blue Credit

Sky Blue Credit capitalizes on every opportunity to increase clients’ credit scores through the detection of even the most nuanced disputes. This credit repair organization provides a dispute cycle of 35 days, which is ten days quicker than the average credit repair company. Sky Blue Credit employs personalized dispute and re-dispute letters with the intention of optimizing procedures. A user-friendly interface is provided by the platform. You can communicate, monitor your progress, modify your personal and billing information, upload documents, and even suspend your membership for a defined period free of charge.

Sky Blue is capable of identifying errors and has a dispute system to assist you in rectifying them. They identify the precise actions that should be taken in order to maximize credit scores. However, legitimate debt is not eligible for resolution through Sky Blue Credit. Credit repair should not be regarded as a substitute for bankruptcy or as a remedy for legitimate collection efforts. Sky Blue may not be the most suitable option if you are overwhelmed by debt collectors or unable to make your bill payments.

Key Features

  • Offers individual and couple pricing
  • 35-day dispute cycle
  • All-inclusive pricing
  • Coaches on call
  • Pause or cancel anytime


Starts at $79/month plus a $79 setup and review fee.

3. The Credit Pros

The Credit Pros

The Credit Pros is a company that repairs credit and specializes in a three-step restoration procedure. In addition to providing a 90-day money-back guarantee, they also offer a unique bundle designed to assist individuals in improving their credit scores. The Credit Pros will dispute with all three credit bureaus, without restriction, any dubious items that may appear on your credit report.

Through their partnership with National Credit Direct, The Credit Pros is able to offer a $5,000 tradeline for Experian-reported monthly purchases made on their website. This will contribute to the gradual improvement of your credit score, as positive items comprise more than one-third of it. Additionally, The Credit Pros provides a credit builder program in which payment is recorded with all three credit bureaus, thereby establishing a favorable payment history.

Key Features

  • One-on-one with a NACSO-certified specialist
  • ID theft restoration and insurance
  • Cease and desist letters to collection agencies
  • Monthly plan with unlimited dispute letters available
  • One-bureau report and scores


Ranges from $69/month to $129/month plus the first work fee, starting at $119.

4. Lexington Law

Lexington Law

The services offered by Lexington Law cover both credit building and repair. This credit cleanup company starts by identifying and addressing any unfair, inaccurate, or unverified negative items hurting your credit, including collections, late payments, charge-offs, and more. Lexington Law has a team of experienced paralegals and attorneys who are familiar with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), which is the federal law that governs credit reporting in the United States. They also have a proven track record of success, with their clients seeing an improvement in their credit scores within six months.

Lexington Law initially checks over your entire portfolio to determine which questionable negative items are wrongfully hurting your credit. Next, the company coordinates with the bureaus and your creditors to verify these negative items as accurate and fair. Challenges are submitted as needed. As you work to manage your credit wisely, Lexington Law continues to leverage the law for your credit, addressing new credit issues as they appear.

Key Features

  • Creditor Interventions
  • ID Theft Insurance
  • Junk Mail Reducer
  • Financial Transaction Alerts
  • Debt handler


Ranges from $99.95 to $139.95 per month.

5. The Credit People

The Credit People

Promising results in less than 60 days, The Credit People provides access to all three credit reports and credit scores. The Credit People can help identify the root causes of low credit scores, such as late payments, collections, or bankruptcies, and develop a personalized plan to address them. Clients can view all activities and track the progress of their credit clean-up online. The client will be the first to know of any activity involving credit improvement and monitoring.

The credit repair service provided by The Credit People is risk-free and allows you to cancel at any time and refund your last payment as well. The flat-fee pricing option, however, gives you a full six-month guarantee. While other credit report companies charge separately for services such as the provision of credit reports, The Credit People offers a pricing that includes all these services. The Credit People is best for people who have errors on their credit reports or who have a limited credit history. It may not be as effective for people with a history of late payments or collections.

Key Features

  • Coordination with all 3 credit bureaus
  • Pay as you go
  • All 3 bureaus “before and after” credit scores
  • Creditor interventions
  • Escalated disputes and validations


Standard pricing is $79, or a flat rate of $499 for six months.

6. Credit Sesame

Credit Sesame

Credit Sesame is a free personal financial management tool that helps individuals track and monitor their credit. It provides free credit monitoring, which allows you to see your credit score and report from TransUnion on a monthly basis. Credit Sesame analyzes your credit report and provides you with insights into the factors that are affecting your credit score. Credit Sesame is a good option for people who want to keep track of their credit score and report for free.

Credit Sesame offers personalized recommendations on how to improve your credit score. It provides tools to help you manage your debt, such as a debt tracker and a payment reminder tool. Credit Sesame allows you to check your score daily, see what is impacting your credit, and know when something changes. You can see a clear letter grade based on the five major factors that impact your credit score and get personalized actions that can help you improve your score and reach your goals faster. While Credit Sesame is free, it also offers a premium subscription for members who want more features.

Key Features

  • Free up-to-date TransUnion credit score
  • Free credit report summary
  • Credit monitoring
  • Data protected with 256-bit encryption
  • Credit reports from all three bureaus are included in the premium plan


Premium package starts at $15.95.

7. Experian Credit Boost


Experian Credit Boost is a free feature offered by Experian, one of the three major credit bureaus, that allows individuals to instantly boost their FICO Score by adding on-time utility, telecom, rent, insurance, and certain streaming service payments to their Experian credit report. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who have a thin or limited credit history, as it can help establish a positive payment history and improve their overall creditworthiness.

Experian Boost is available to individuals who have an Experian credit report and make eligible payments through their bank accounts. Unlike traditional credit repair methods that can take months or even years to show results, Experian Boost can instantly boost your FICO Score. To use Experian Boost, individuals need to link their bank accounts to Experian. Once linked, Experian will scan your bank transactions and identify eligible payments. These payments will then be added to your Experian credit report.

Key Features

  • Free credit report and credit score
  • Raise your credit score
  • Establish and build your credit
  • Security freeze
  • Fraud alert



8. Safeport Law


Safeport Law is a credit repair company that helps individuals improve their credit scores by disputing inaccurate or outdated information on their credit reports, negotiating with creditors, and providing education and resources to help individuals understand and manage their credit. Safeport Law’s staff is composed of experienced attorneys who have a deep understanding of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and other relevant laws.

Safeport Law reviews your credit reports from all three major credit bureaus to identify any errors or discrepancies. It will file disputes with the credit bureaus on your behalf and follow up to ensure that the errors are corrected. Safeport Law can negotiate with creditors to settle debts or reduce interest rates. This credit repair service is a good option for people who have inaccurate or outdated information on their credit report, Safeport Law can help you establish a positive credit history and identify the factors that are affecting your credit score

Key Features

  • Challenges to the three credit bureaus
  • Score analysis
  • Creditor interventions
  • Credit score tracker
  • 24/7 online progress tracking


Starts at $99.99/month, with an initial work fee of $99.


Working with a reputable credit repair company like can help you remove problematic items from your credit reports quickly and efficiently. This credit repair company works with you to review your credit reports for questionable negative items, including late payments, collections, and more.

After conducting a review, challenges and disputes your questionable negative items and works with your creditors and the credit bureaus so that your record will be fair and substantiated. After setting every item right, CreditRepair continues to watch your credit, addressing additional issues as they arise so that you can stay on track and reach your credit goals. will monitor your credit reports for any new negative items and notify you promptly. This will give you the opportunity to dispute any inaccuracies as soon as they appear.

Key Features

  • Bureau challenges and disputes
  • Works with all 3 credit bureaus
  • Creditor interventions
  • ID Theft Insurance
  • FICO score update


Starts at $49.95 per month.



Founded by a team of attorneys specializing in consumer credit and FCRA violations, has the knowledge and capacity to advocate on behalf of clients against the credit reporting agencies and credit furnishers in order to achieve the type of results that will allow clients to build a strong financial foundation and move toward a more prosperous future.

The legal staff reviews your credit reports, analyzes the information reporting in each account trade line, and puts together an action plan to address the negative issues in your credit reports and increase your credit scores. also initiates investigations with the credit reporting agencies as well as collection agencies, and other credit furnishers to remove as much derogatory information from your credit reports as possible by leveraging consumer protection laws such as the FACTA, FCRA, FDCPA, FCBA, and HIPAA medical privacy laws.

Key Features

  • Legal in-depth credit audit
  • Unlimited credit bureau challenges
  • Procedural compliance verification
  • Personal information variation challenges
  • Unlimited goodwill interventions


$49.99/month for the individual plan and $89.99 for the couples plan.

What is credit repair?

Credit repair is like giving your credit score a makeover. If your credit report has some blemishes, like late payments or errors, credit repair will help you take the steps to improve your creditworthiness. This can include disputing inaccuracies on your credit report, negotiating with creditors to remove negative information, and managing your finances more responsibly, often facilitated by advanced credit repair software.

The goal is to boost your credit score and make you more attractive to lenders. Think of it as tidying up your financial reputation.

Credit repair companies help consumers improve their credit scores by identifying, verifying, and disputing inaccurate information on their credit reports. They also provide education and counseling on how to manage credit responsibly. Credit repair companies will typically start by obtaining a copy of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus namely Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. They will then review the reports carefully to identify any errors or inaccuracies.

Once errors are identified, credit repair companies will dispute them with the credit bureaus. This involves sending a letter to the credit bureau that contains the error, as well as documentation to support your claim. Credit repair companies also negotiate with creditors on your behalf to settle debts or remove negative information from your credit report.

While credit repair companies cannot guarantee results, they can help you identify and correct errors on your credit report, leading to an improved credit score.

What makes a good credit repair company?

A good credit repair company should be transparent and effective and put the welfare of customers first at all times. Transparency is crucial. They should communicate their processes, fees, and the expected timeline for results. Look for companies that provide a detailed explanation of your rights and offer a contract outlining the services they will provide.

Effectiveness is another important factor. A reputable company will have a track record of successfully removing inaccuracies and improving the credit scores of clients. You can check reviews and testimonials to gauge their past performance. Customer service matters too. A good credit repair company should be responsive to your inquiries, keeping you informed about the progress of your case. Avoid companies that make unrealistic promises or demand payment upfront, as these are often red flags.

The list we have provided in this guide, which includes the top 5 credit repair companies, is based on a ranking of credit repair company performance which considered transparency, effectiveness, and customer satisfaction.  It is important to note that not all credit repair companies are created equal, and some may engage in questionable practices. Be wary of companies that promise instant and dramatic improvements to your credit score or ask for hefty upfront fees.

We have identified the best credit repair companies based on the following metrics:

  • Reputation and Reviews. We consulted platforms such as the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and independent review sites that can provide insights into the experiences of other clients. We also researched each company’s reputation by reading customer reviews and testimonials.
  • Legitimacy and Compliance. The legitimate credit repair companies in the list have been verified, which means they operate within the bounds of the law. These companies comply with regulations such as the Credit Repair Organizations Act (CROA), providing a written contract, refraining from charging upfront fees, and avoiding false claims.
  • Services Offered. The range and quality of services provided by each company have been evaluated. The best credit clean up services offer comprehensive solutions, including credit report analysis, dispute resolution, and educational resources to empower clients.
  • Fee Structure. Transparency of fee structure is another important metric. Reputable companies typically charge for their services after they have been provided. Companies that demand large upfront fees or make unrealistic promises should be avoided.
  • Communication and Customer Service. The responsiveness and communication practices of a company reflect its work ethic. The best credit repair services keep clients informed about the progress of their cases, respond promptly to inquiries, and provide clear updates.
  • Experience and Track Record. We have considered industry experience and whether they are effective in improving credit scores. The companies included in the list have a track record of success.
  • Security Measures. Given the sensitivity of the information involved, robust security is crucial. These companies have security measures in place to protect the personal and financial data of clients.
  • Service Guarantees. The best credit repair companies set realistic expectations and focus on providing reliable and effective solutions rather than promising immediate and dramatic results.

Source: Finmasters

How Credit Repair Companies Improve Credit Scores

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) found that 98% of the time, the big three credit-reporting agencies fail to provide relief to people who complain about errors on their credit reports. It is important to choose a reputable credit repair company and to be aware of your rights. The Credit Repair Organizations Act (CROA) sets certain guidelines for credit repair services, including transparency on fees and prohibiting false claims. Typically, credit cleanup involves the following steps:

  1. Consultation. Credit repair companies usually start with a free consultation to review your credit reports and discuss your financial situation. They will help you understand what negative items are affecting your credit score.
  2. Credit Report Analysis. The company will obtain copies of your credit reports from the major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion). They will carefully review these reports to identify any inaccuracies, errors, or outdated information.
  3. Dispute Process. If inaccuracies are found, the credit repair company will initiate the dispute process. This involves challenging the questionable items with the credit bureaus. They may use various strategies, such as sending dispute letters or using online dispute tools.
  4. Follow-Up Credit Bureaus. The credit repair company will follow up with the credit bureaus to ensure that the disputed items are being investigated. They may also follow up with your creditors to negotiate the removal of negative items.
  5. Credit Education. Reputable credit repair services often provide educational resources and advice on managing your credit more effectively. This may include tips on budgeting, debt management, and building positive credit habits.
  6. Ongoing Monitoring. Throughout the process, the credit repair company may continue to monitor your credit reports for any changes. They will update you on the credit repair progress and work with you to address any new issues that may arise.

Credit Repair vs Credit Settlement vs Credit Counseling

Credit Repair

Credit repair primarily focuses on improving your credit score by addressing inaccuracies, errors, or negative items on your credit report.
The process involves reviewing your credit reports, identifying problematic items, and initiating disputes with credit bureaus to rectify inaccuracies. They may also provide education on managing credit more effectively. The goal of credit repair is to enhance your creditworthiness and make you more appealing to lenders.

Credit Settlement

Debt settlement is geared towards negotiating with creditors to reduce the total amount of debt owed. Debt settlement companies negotiate with creditors on behalf of the debtor to reach a settlement for a lower amount than the original debt. Debtors typically make lump-sum payments or structured payments to satisfy the reduced amount. While debt settlement can help reduce the overall debt burden, it may harm your credit score, as settled accounts are often reported as “settled” or “settled for less than the full amount.”

Credit Counseling

Credit counseling aims to provide financial education, budgeting assistance, and debt management plans to help individuals regain control of their finances. Now that more Gen Zs are accessing credit products, credit counseling is crucial. Credit counseling agencies work with individuals to create a budget, analyze their financial situation, and develop a debt management plan (DMP) to repay creditors.  Credit counseling may have a neutral to positive impact on your credit score, as it involves repaying debts through a structured plan.

In a nutshell, credit repair focuses on improving your credit score, debt settlement aims to negotiate reduced debt amounts with creditors, and credit counseling provides education and debt management plans to help individuals regain financial stability. Each option has its pros and cons, and the most suitable approach depends on your specific financial goals and circumstances.

Source: Finmasters

How to Check the Legitimacy of a Credit Restoration Company

As of the second quarter of 2023, Experian reported that the average consumer debt, excluding mortgages, increased 4.7% to $23,317. Determining the legitimacy of a credit repair company requires careful research and evaluation of various factors. Here are some key steps to assess the credibility and trustworthiness of a credit repair company:

Check for Reputable Sources and Reviews.

Consult reputable sources like the Better Business Bureau (BBB), Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and state attorney general’s offices to check for any complaints or legal actions against the company. Read online reviews from past clients to gain insights into their experiences and satisfaction levels.

Verify Company Registration and Licenses.

Ensure the credit repair company is registered with the appropriate state and federal agencies. Verify that they hold the necessary licenses to operate in your state. A legitimate company will openly provide its registration and licensing information upon request.

Evaluate Transparency and Communication.

Assess the company’s transparency in their communication and services. They should clearly explain their fees, dispute process, expected timelines, and any guarantees or promises they make. Avoid companies that make exaggerated claims or pressure you into signing contracts without providing clear terms.

Review Their Credit Repair Process and Approach.

Understand the company’s methodology for identifying, verifying, and disputing errors on your credit reports. They should follow ethical practices and adhere to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) guidelines. Avoid companies that promise unrealistic results or suggest illegal or unethical methods.

Beware of Upfront Fees and Unrealistic Guarantees.

Legitimate credit repair companies typically charge monthly fees or per dispute, not upfront fees. Avoid companies that demand large upfront payments or make unrealistic guarantees of specific credit score improvements. Genuine credit repair takes time and effort, and there is no guaranteed timeframe for results.

Seek Recommendations and Professional Advice.

Consult with a trusted financial advisor or credit counselor for recommendations on reputable credit repair companies. They may have insights into specific companies and can help you make an informed decision.

Empower Yourself with Credit Knowledge.

Educate yourself about credit reporting, credit scoring factors, and responsible credit management practices. Understand your rights under the FCRA and how to monitor your credit reports independently.

Avoid Aggressive Sales Tactics and Pressure.

Be wary of companies that use aggressive sales tactics or pressure you into signing contracts without thorough explanations. A reputable company will respect your decision-making process and provide clear information upfront.

Review Contract Terms and Refund Policy.

Carefully review the company’s contract terms and conditions before signing. Understand the payment structure, refund policy, and any termination clauses. A reputable company will provide clear and transparent terms and conditions.

Seek Multiple Opinions and Compare Services.

Do not rush into a decision. Get quotes from multiple credit repair companies and compare their services, fees, and reputation. Choose a company that aligns with your needs, budget, and expectations.

Frequently Asked Questions on Credit Restoration

What is credit repair?

Credit repair is the process of identifying, verifying, and disputing inaccurate or unverifiable information on your credit reports. The goal of credit repair is to remove negative or inaccurate items from your credit reports, which can potentially improve your credit score.

How does credit repair work?

Credit repair companies typically follow a process that includes reviewing your credit reports, disputing errors, and negotiating with creditors. Credit repair companies also provide clients with education and counseling on how to manage credit responsibly. This may include information on how to budget, how to avoid late payments, and how to use credit responsibly.

How much does credit repair cost?

The cost of credit repair varies depending on the company and the severity of your credit problems. However, you can expect to pay anywhere from $70 to $140 per month for credit repair services.

How long does it take to see results?

It can take several months or even years to see results from credit repair. This is because the credit bureaus have a long process for investigating disputes.

Can I do credit repair myself?

Yes, you can do credit repair yourself. However, it can be a time-consuming and frustrating process. Credit repair companies can help you save time and frustration by doing the work for you.

Source: Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection

Explore the Ways You Can Restore Good Credit Score

In the pursuit of financial well-being, finding the best credit clean-up services for credit restoration is a pivotal step. As you navigate through the myriad of options, prioritize transparency, legitimacy, and a proven track record. The best services not only diligently work to improve your credit score but also empower you with financial knowledge for long-term success.

In this article, we have presented the best credit clean up services in USA. However, you have to keep in mind that your financial journey is unique, and choosing a reputable credit restoration service can be the key to unlocking a brighter and more secure financial future.

Nestor Gilbert

By Nestor Gilbert

Nestor Gilbert is a senior B2B and SaaS analyst and a core contributor at FinancesOnline for over 5 years. With his experience in software development and extensive knowledge of SaaS management, he writes mostly about emerging B2B technologies and their impact on the current business landscape. However, he also provides in-depth reviews on a wide range of software solutions to help businesses find suitable options for them. Through his work, he aims to help companies develop a more tech-forward approach to their operations and overcome their SaaS-related challenges.

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