Luettelo televisiosarjan Mūmin jaksoista
Tämä on luettelo Mūmin-animaatiosarjan jaksoista. Mūmin (Muumi) on japanilainen animaatiosarja vuodelta 1969. Sarja perustuu löyhästi Tove Janssonin kirjoihin.
Luettelo Mumin-jaksoista
muokkaa# | Alkuperäinen nimi | Englanninkielinen nimi |
1 | " シルクハットのひみつ" | Secret of Silk Hat |
2 | "悪魔のハートをねらえ" | Aim at the heart of the devil |
3 | "雨だ!あらしだ!!洪水だ!!!" | It is Rains! It is Storm!! It is Flood!!! |
4 | "ふしぎの泉はどこにある?" | Where is Wonderful Spring? |
5 | "パパの思い出のライフル" | Rifle of the memory of papa |
6 | "かえってきたノンノン" | Nonnon who comes back |
7 | "さよならガオガオ" | Good-bye, Gao-Gao |
8 | "ノンノンがあぶない" | Nonnon is in danger |
9 | "ムーミン谷の列車大強盗" | Train Great Robber of Moomin Valley |
10 | "ふしぎなこびと" | Mysterious Midget |
11 | "消えたコレクション" | Collection Which Disappeared |
12 | "ムーミン谷のクリスマス" | Christmas of Moomin Valley |
13 | "パパは売れっ子作家" | Papa is a popular writer |
14 | "ムーミン谷最後の日" | The Last Day in Moomin Valley |
15 | "帆を上げろ!ムーミン号" | Put up the sail! Moomin ship |
16 | "謎のグノース博士" | Dr. Gnos of mystery |
17 | "ベビーはどこに" | Where is a baby? |
18 | "乞食になりたい" (再放送で「金持ちはもうやだ」に変更される) | I want to become a beggar (it is changed in "I already got tired of the rich person" at the time of rebroadcast) |
19 | "月着陸OK! " | Landfall on the moon, O.K.! |
20 | "スキーでハッスル! " | Hustle on Skis! |
21 | "ふしぎな家なき子" | Strange Child without Home |
22 | "山男だよヤッホー! " | I’m Mountaineer, Yoo-hoo! |
23 | "チビのミー大作戦" | The big operation plan of Little Mee |
24 | "おさびし山のガンマン" | Gunman of Deserted Mountain |
25 | "おめでとうスノーク" | Congratulations, Snork |
26 | "ノンノンこっちむいて" | Nonnon, Please turn around to me |
27 | "顔をなくしたニンニ" | Ninny who lost a face |
28 | "小さな大冒険" | Small, great adventure |
29 | "ひこう鬼現わる" | Flying Demon(=The Hobgoblin) appears |
30 | "天国からの贈りもの" | Present from Heaven |
31 | "ごめんねスティンキー" | I'm sorry, Stinky |
32 | "森のゆうれい屋敷" | Haunted House in the forest |
33 | "おくびょうな豆泥棒" | Cowardly Beans Thief |
34 | "金の馬銀の馬" | Golden Horse, Silver Horse |
35 | "夏祭りのオーロラ" | Aurora of Summer Festival |
36 | "ムーミンパパのノート" | Notebook of Moomin papa |
37 | "小さなみにくいペット" | Small, Ugly Pet |
38 | "人魚さんこんにちわ" | Miss Mermaid, Hello |
39 | "家にいるのは誰だ" | Who is in the house |
40 | "ニョロニョロのひみつ" | Secret of Nyoro-Nyoro(=Hattifattener) |
41 | "マメルクをつかまえろ" | Catch Mamelk |
42 | "大きな大きなプレゼント" | Big, Big Present |
43 | "あらしの怪獣島" | Stormy Monster Island |
44 | "海の星はどこに" | Where is the marine star? |
45 | "悪魔の島がやってきた" | Devilish Island has come |
46 | "真夏の雪を探せ!" | Look for Snow of Midsummer! |
47 | "なくしたペンダント" | Lost Pendant |
48 | "歩いてきた山びこ" | Echo Which Has Walked |
49 | "ピアノなんか大嫌い" | I hate pianos |
50 | "眠りの輪をぬけだせ" | Slip out the ring of sleep |
51 | "秋はおセンチに" | To be sentimental in autumn |
52 | "月夜に踊る人形" | Doll which dances in a moonlight night |
53 | "凧が知っていた" | Kite knew |
54 | "さようなら渡り鳥" | Good-bye, migratory bird |
55 | "鳩は飛ばない" | Dove doesn’t fly |
56 | "ムーミン谷のカーニバル" | Carnival of Moomin Valley |
57 | "お婆ちゃんのひみつ" | Secret of the old woman |
58 | "ノンノンがいなくなる? " | Is Nonnon gone? |
59 | "手品にはタネがある" | There is a trick in Magic |
60 | "ひとりぼっちの冬" | Lonely Winter |
61 | "消えた雪うさぎ" | Snow Rabbit which disappeared |
62 | "氷姫のいたずら" | Mischief of Ice Princess |
63 | "一日だけのお姫様" | Princess only during one day |
64 | "影なんか恐くない" | Who's Afraid of Shadow? |
65 | "おやすみムーミン" | Good Night, Moomin |
- Masaaki Osumi (jaksot 1–26)
- Rintaro (jaksot 27–65)