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راهنما:استفاده از پایتون در ربات‌های ویکی‌پدیا/راهنما ربات میان‌ویکی

از ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد

کد (ربات)Interwiki.py میان ویکی‌ها را بین ویکی زبانهای دیگر تبادل میکند و کمک میکند مقالاتی که میان ویکی ناقص دارند دارای میان‌ویکی شوند یا میان ویکی های اشتباه را اصلاح میکند.

شروع کار


برای مقدمات کارکردن با ربات‌ها از جمله میان‌ویکی راهنما:استفاده از پایتون در ربات‌های ویکی‌پدیا را مطالعه کنید

ربات نام صفحه را می‌پرسد تا برایش در ویکی زبان خانگی (مثلا ویکی‌پدیای فارسی) به دنبال نام می‌گردد و چک می‌کند یک یا چندین میان ویکی اگر داشته باشد به تک تک آن صفحات می‌رود و میان ویکی‌های آنها را نیز چک می‌کند سپس یکی از موارد زیر را انجام می‌دهد.

  • در صورتی که صفحه میان‌ویکی نداشت یا اگر میان‌ویکی پیدا شده با نام یکی از صفحات یکی بود ربات به آرامی متوقف می‌شود.
  • اگر ربات میان ویکی به زبان دیگر پیدا کرد که باید اضافه شود یا دریافت که میان ویکی باید عوض شود این کار را انجام می‌دهد
  • اگر بخواهد میان ویکی اشتباهی را حذف کند از شما اجازه می‌گیرد.
  • اگر ربات بیش از یک لینک برای یک زبان پیدا کرد به حالت تعاملی (interactive mode) می‌رود. در این حالت عنوان صفحات مرتبط با صفحه را نمایش می‌دهد و در مورد هر زبان که بیش از یک لینک دارد سوال می‌پرسد و می‌پرسد کدامیک باید لینک داده شود و سپس درباره زبانهای دیگر که یک لینک دارند می‌پرسد.

توجه: تمام موارد فوق با گزینه‌هایی که در زیر ذکر می‌شود قابل تغییر هستند.

شما می‌توانید به صورت مستقیم صفحه خاصی را برای میان ویکی مشخص کنید.

کارکردن با بیش از یک صفحه


Using the XML Export, the pywikipediabot-software can get more pages at once, upto 60 at a time. To use this possibility, you can use the bot on a set of pages. The most common form is getting pages in alphabetical order from Special:Allpages, using the -start option.

دستور -start


If you add the option -start, the bot will go through the pages alphabetically, starting at the word specified. If you want to start at the letter B, for example, you can use "interwiki.py -start:B". In particular, if you want to do the whole Wiki, you can use "interwiki.py -start:!"

دستور Restarting: -continue, -restore


Going through the whole wiki can, in large or even moderately large wikis, take a long time. Thus, it may well happen that you are forced to end the program before it has finished. In that case you can use "interwiki.py -continue" next time. The bot, when it crashes or is stopped (through control-c), will make a file specifying the pages it is working on. If you use the continue-option, it will continue with those pages, and after that continue alphabetically. If you want to restart a non-alphabetical run, you can use "interwiki.py -restore" instead. It will just restart the pages it was working on.

Be warned that only the last bot run that was stopped will be recoverable. The bot will save its information to a file interwiki.dump, and if another run is broken off, even if it is only on one page, it will overwrite the file.

حالت خودکار


در صورتی که بر چندین صفحه کار می‌کنید می‌توانید با افزودن دستور -autonomous به خط فرمان، به ربات اجازه دهید که از اخطارهای مشکلات و حدف‌ها بگذرد و از شما سوال نپرسد و در این حالت کلیه اخطارها را در فایل autonomous_problems.dat ذخیره می‌کند. در صورتی که می‌خواهید گزینهٔ حذف را فعال کنید، با اضافه کردن دستور -force به خط فرمان تا لینک‌های اشتباه را بدون سوال حذف کند. بهتر است لینک‌های حذف شده را بعد از اتمام کار ربات چک کنید.

پروندهٔ sax_parse_bug.dat


Sometimes there is an error message mentioning a file sax_parse_bug.dat on the screen while running interwiki.py, and then it starts retrieving some pages one-by-one instead of in a single batch. This is caused by an illegal character in one of the pages to be retrieved.

ابزار xmltest.py برای جستجوی مشکلات بکار می‌آید. مانند زیر آن را اجرا کنید

python xmltest.py sax_parse_bug.dat

This will generate a python stack trace. The last line of that stack trace will show a line number and column where the illegal character is in the file. Please check this position, and if possible, correct the wiki page associated with it.

اجرا بر اساس سال years AD


There is a special option -years that makes sure not to follow links to centuries and decennia that are common on some wikipedias (like ja:). Even then, this option should be used in combination with an exceptions file (see below) because the la: and ia: number pages are about the numbers and not about the years.

python interwiki.py -autonomous -years

This will take a while to start up while it is preparing hints for all pages named [[1]] through [[2050]]

If you stop the robot during a -years run and want to restart it later, you can tell the robot at which page to restart by using -years:XYZ where XYZ is the year where the robot stopped last time. You can also make the robot start B.C. by making XYZ a negative number.

python interwiki.py -autonomous -years:-500

اجرا بر اساس فهرست صفحات


Sometimes you have a list of pages available. Just a file of subjects, each subject on a separate line, formatted as [[xx:yyy]] comments. The -file option can be used to run the interwiki bot over such a list of subjects. An example of such a file could be an autonomous_problem.dat file that you want to treat manually:

python interwiki.py -file:autonomous_problem.dat

استفاده از هشدارها(hints)


Upto now, we have only worked on adding interwikis on pages that already have some. But the bot can also be used to add them on pages that have none yet. This is done by using hints. If for example you want to add interwikis to the page [[en:House]], and think there might be a page at [[fr:Maison]] that would be about the same subject, you can type (if your bot is set to run on English by default) "interwiki.py House -hint:fr:Maison".

If the link is to the same title, you can remove the title, and even the second :. Also, if you want to link to the same word in several languages, you can combine them with commas. So instead of "interwiki.py Albert Einstein -hint:de:Albert_Einstein -hint:fr:Albert_Einstein -hint:id:Albert_Einstein" (those underscores are necessary, otherwise the bot will disregard the 'Einstein' part of the pagename), you can write "interwiki.py Albert Einstein -hint:de,fr,id",

هشدار های خاص (Special hints)


Some special hints have been defined to do a number of languages at once. You can use them instead of the language part of a hint. Currently the following special hints exist:

  • 10: Ten of the largest projects of the family
  • 20,30,50: Idem, for twenty, thirty and fifty languages
  • all: All projects with at least ~100 articles
  • cyril: All languages in Cyrillic script

The same are defined for Wiktionary, but at the moment of writing, 30, 50 and all are the same for Wiktionary. It is intended to add more options.

پرسش هشدار(hints)


When working on multiple pages such hints in the command line are rarely useful. In that case (or if you want to decide on the hints later), you can use the options "-askhints", "-untranslated" and "-untranslatedonly". If you choose the -askhints option, for each page you will be asked for one or more hints. They can be like the hints after -hint: on the command line, but the ':' may not be omitted, and spaces are allowed. Thus, valid hints would for example be "en:John Smith", "de,nds,af:" or "50:". "-untranslated" asks for hints only if there are no interwiki links yet; "-untranslatedonly" is like -untranslated, but other pages are not worked on at all.

Instead of giving a hint, you can give an empty line. This specifies that all hints for this page have been given (or that you have no hints for it). Note that if you have given a hint, the bot will keep asking for more hints until you press enter. Another option is to input a question mark and nothing else; in that case you get shown the beginning of the text to the page. If after that you input the question mark again, it will give a larger part of the text, etcetera.

It might in these cases be useful to have the "-confirm" option added, so the bot gets interactive before making a change. This can be used to check whether the links are correct and/or as an impetus to create a backlink.

تاثیرات گزینه‌ها


If you've set without_interwiki = True in your user-config.py, you may have generated a list of pages without interwikis from a previous run of interwiki.py (you can use splitwithout.py to split the list and get lists for each individual language). In that case, you can use the -file option to work directly on those pages, instead of querying the database to find them. You can't (and don't need to) use -untranslated and -untranslatedonly with -file:.

If you give a hint to a language, even if automatically with -hint:10,20,30,..,all (and also -same which works like -hint:all), the option to -neverlink: that language won't work. If you want to ignore that language, you have to remove it from the family file or to give hints to all languages except that one explicitly.



For Wiktionary there is the special "-wiktionary" option. It works like "-hint:all", but has some extras because on Wiktionary some languages use capitalisation and others don't, and links to another word are never correct.

On non-capitalising wiktionaries, links to capitalising wiktionaries are only added for capitalised words. Also, any link found to a word that differs more than just in capitalisation, is ignored completely.

Automatic translation


For years (both AD and BC) and days of the year, the bot can automatically translate it in a large number of languages. If you do not want this automatic translation (for example because it takes long to go over such a large number of languages), it can be switched off with the "-noauto" option.

With the option "-years:" followed by a number (positive or negative), the bot goes through the years from the given year to 2050. If "-years" without any addition is given, the beginning year is taken to be the year 1.

With the option "-days" the bot goes through the days of the year; however, this bot only works correctly on nl:.

اجتناب از پیوندهای ناخواسته


If you want to run the bot, but know that for a given page, it will get to links that it should not get, you can use the -noredirect or -neverlink or -select or -ignore options.

-noredirect means that if a redirect page is found, the redirect is not followed, as is the normal behaviour, but the page is skipped.

-neverlink:xx with xx: a language code means that any links to the language xx: are ignored.

-select lets you select or deselect every single links that is being found individually, before any page is changed.

-ignore:zxx:pagetitle excludes the page named "pagetitle" in language "zxx" and its interwiki links from inclusion, even if there are interwiki links pointing to it.

کارکردن با logfile

تمام وابستگی لینک‌ها به en: missing

Each run of the interwiki.py program will write not only to the screen, but also to a file called logs/interwiki.log. You may have seen that once a subject is completed, a list of other Wikipedias interwiki links is printed preceded by 'WARNING:'. To use these lines, the interwiki.log file is more convenient than the screen.

First an explanation why this is important. Assume you have a page [[My Subject]] that links to [[fr:Mon Sujet]] and [[nl:Mijn Onderwerp]]. Assume also that neither the nl: nor the fr: page list your en: page: they only know each other. A run of interwiki.py on either fr: or nl: will not find your en: page. This can be referred to as the backlink problem: there can be an unknown language that link to the others, but as long as none of the others link back, there is no way of discovering the existance. Do we really need to add these backlinks manually? No, that is where the warnings come in. In the


WARNING: fr:[[Mon Sujet]] does not link to [[en:My Subject]]
WARNING: nl:[[Mijn Onderwerp]] does not link to [[en:My Subject]]

If the person running interwiki.py either on fr: or on nl: would have this information, that would be sufficient to get the network of links completed.

For this reason there is another option for the interwiki.py program:

python interwiki.py -warnfile:english_treelang.log

In this mode the program will read the warnfile, and start to process all of the pages that are mentioned for its home language using the "does not link to" lines as hints. Some of those are uncontroversial and can still be made automatically with the -autonomous option to reduce manual work.

This process can still take a long time. If you trust the operator that sent you the log, and the log is recent, you can also do:

python warnfile.py english_treelang.log

This will not verify any of the suggestions in the warnfile, but blindly implement them at full speed, saving the Wikipedia server a lot of efforts.

Now, instead of sending the whole interwiki.log file to everyone, there is a special program to split it up:

python splitwarning.py

This will read your interwiki.log and create files called warning_XX.log (one for each language) that are more convenient to use. If you zip these files up and make them available somewhere on the internet, you can announce this at Interwiki bot/Warnfiles.

امکانات در یک نگاه


در زیر فهرست امکاناتی که در بالا در مورد آنها بحث نشده است.

  • -array: (استفاده: "-array:nn" با nn به صورت عدد دو رقمی) با این دستور تعداد صفحاتی را که میخواهید در کامپیوتر شما بارگذاری برای محاسبه شود را مشخص کنید برای موردی که -untranslatedonly را انتخاب کرده اید ممکن است بخواهید این عدد را کم کنید عدد پیش فرض ۱۰۰ است .
  • -always:صفحه را در صورتی که یک بایت تغییر کرده باشد ذخیره میکند . پیش فرض ذخیره در صورت افزوده شدن حداقل یک اینک است
  • -askhints:پرسیدن هشدار Hints
  • -file: (استفاده: "-file:filename")

ا مشخص کردن فایل متنی که حاوی نام صفحات مورد نیاز برای میان ویکی هست میتوان برنامه را محدود به صفحات خاصی کرد و باید نام صفحات به این [[زبان ویکی مثلا en:نام صفحه]] مثل [[fa:آسمان]], یا [[نام صفحه]]. صورت نوشته شود

  • -force: پاک کردن میان ویکی اشتباه بدون پرسیدن سوال
  • -hint: دادن هشدار (hint)
  • -namespace: برای اجرای ربات در فضای نامهای دیگر میتوان از این امکان استفاده کرد مثلا برای کار کردن در فضای نام رده‌ها، -start:Category:! استفاده کنید علامت ! به معنی شروع از ابتدا ویکی هست.
  • -async: Puts the page on a queue to be saved to wiki asynchronously. This enables loading pages during saving throtteling and gives a better performance.
  • -autonomous Work in autonomous mode (see above)
  • -cleanup: When an interwiki link is to be removed, just do it, don't ask for permission. This works like -force except keeping disambiguation mismatch and namespace mismatch unchanged.
  • -confirm Always ask permission before changing a page.
  • -select Ask for each link whether it should be include before changing any page.
  • -days: Work on the days
  • -name: Old option; equivalent to "-hint:all", but capitalizes the last word when trying on eo:. Might get deprecated.

Number or name of namespace to process. Can be used multiple times. Do not use with the -start parameter (use something like -start:Category:! instead)

  • -neverlink: Do not link to a specific language (see above)
  • -noauto: Do not use automatic translation (see above)
  • -nobacklink: Do not give a list of missing links on pages linked to
  • -nobell: Give no audio sign when asking for input.
  • -noredirect: If the bot finds a page linked to is a redirect, it is skipped (normal behaviour: It follows the redirect)
  • -noshownew: Do not show new links found
  • -number: (usage"-number:nn" with nn a number) In combination with -start, checks only the first nn pages rather than the whole wiki.
  • -same: Old option; equivalent to "-hint:all"; might get deprecated
  • -showpage: When using -askhints or some such option, always show the page text, even if not prompted.
  • -skipfile: (usage "-skipfile:filename") On a run using -start, do not do the pages in the file start
  • -untranslated: Ask hints for untranslated pages (see above)
  • -untranslatedonly: Ask hints for untranslated pages (see above)
  • -warnfile: Use the logfile for pages and hints (see above)
  • -wiktionary: Special wiktionary options (see above)
  • -years: Work on the years


جستارهای وابسته
