Japan's first gateway for publishing research rapidly, openly and transparently

This gateway makes it simple for Japan-based authors whose institutions are affiliated with Japan Institutional Gateway to publish any research or data they wish to share rapidly, openly and transparently. It covers all fields such as the physical, biological, medical, and social sciences, arts and humanities, in all forms, from traditional research articles to protocols, registered reports, data notes, case studies and much more. For those studying the humanities and social sciences, it is possible to publish not only in English but also in Japanese. Research articles in Japanese will include abstracts and metadata in both Japanese and English, and will be indexed in relevant bibliographic databases.


Japan Institutional Gateway is supported by the University of Tsukuba and is currently accepting expressions of interest from other Japanese teaching and research institutions to affiliate with. If you are interested in discussing affiliation, please contact us at [email protected]

“Scholarly communication is about to change drastically. In response to the Budapest Open Access Initiative in 2002, various initiatives such as OA2020 and Plan S are underway around the world. These initiatives share academia’s determination to bring scholarly communication back to the hands of the academic community, with which I fully sympathize. Japan has not yet demonstrated its leadership in open access in the world, but we aim to take the lead in exploring the future model of scholarly communication by opening Japan's first gateway in F1000Research, which implements an innovative open access model.” (Kyosuke Nagata, President of the the University of Tsukuba)


このゲートウェイにより、筑波大学およびJapan Institutional GatewayのAffiliate機関に所属する日本拠点の研究者は、迅速でオープンで透明性の高い方法であらゆる研究やデータを出版することができます。物理学、生物学、医学、社会科学、芸術、人文学など、すべての分野を対象とし、従来の研究論文からプロトコル、登録済報告書、データノート、ケーススタディなど、あらゆる種類の研究成果をカバーしています。人文学や社会科学の研究者は、英語だけでなく日本語で論文等を出版することもできます。日本語の研究論文は、日英両言語で要旨とメタデータを収録し、主要な書誌データベースに掲載されます。 


Japan Institutional Gatewayは筑波大学によってサポートされており、現在、他の日本の教育・研究機関からの提携希望を受け付けています。提携についてご興味をお持ちの場合は、[email protected] までご連絡ください。 


「今、学術情報流通は大きく変わろうとしています。2002年のBudapest Open Access Initiativeを受け、OA2020やPlan Sなど、世界各国で各種の取り組みが進んでいます。こうした動きに通底するのは、学術情報の流通を研究者コミュニティの手に取り戻すというアカデミアの決意であり、私自身もこれを支持します。日本はオープンアクセスに関して世界でリーダーシップを発揮するに至っていませんが、先進的なオープンアクセスモデルを実装するF1000Researchの中に日本初のゲートウェイを開設することにより、学術情報流通の未来像を牽引してゆく所存です。」(永田恭介、筑波大学長)

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Gateway Advisors
  • SHIGETA Yasuteru
    Executive Director, University of Tsukuba, Japan

  • USUYAMA Toshinobu
    Professor, University of Tsukuba, Japan

  • MAKIMOTO Naoki
    Professor, University of Tsukuba, Japan

  • NORO Fumiyuki
    Professor, University of Tsukuba, Japan

  • TOSHIMORI Atsushi
    Dean, Faculty of Library, Information and Media Science, University of Tsukuba, Japan

  • HIGASHINO Atsuko
    Professor, University of Tsukuba, Japan

    Assistant Professor, University of Tsukuba, Japan

  • YOKOTA Kazutaka
    Professor, Executive Director and Vice-President (Research and Information Technology), Director of Library, Japan

  • INAZU Toshiyuki
    Vice Chancellor for Natural Sciences, Tokai University, Japan

  • OHBA Tomoyuki
    Chief URA (Program-Specific Associate Professor), Saitama University, Japan

  • IKEDA Masayuki
    Executive Vice President, University of Toyama, Japan

  • SUYE Shin-ichiro
    Vice President for Research, Industry-Academia Collaboration, Social Cooperation, and Diversity, University of Fukui, Japan

  • YABUGAMI Azusa
    Senior Research Administrator, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan

  • SHIMAMURA Yukihito
    Executive Adviser to the President, Tsukuba University of Technology, Japan

  • ISHIKAWA Fuyuki
    Vice-President, Kyoto University; Director, Kyoto University Research Administration Center (KURA), Japan

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