Etiketaren izena | Aldaketa zerrenden itxura | Esanahiaren deskribapen osoa | Iturria | Aktiboa? | Etiketatutako aldaketak |
wikieditor | (hidden) | Edit made using WikiEditor (2010 wikitext editor) | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 1.768 aldaketa |
visualeditor-wikitext | 2017 wikitestu editorearekin | 2017 wikitestu editorearekin egindako aldaketa | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 1.610 aldaketa |
proofreadpage-quality3 | Proofread | Edits that changed page quality to "Proofread" | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 1.142 aldaketa |
visualeditor | Ikusizko edizioa | Edizio hau egiteko, ikusizko editorea erabili da | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 490 aldaketa |
visualeditor-switched | Ikusizko Editorea: kommutatua | Lankidea Ikusizko Editorearekin hasi eta gero wikitestu editorera aldatua. | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 218 aldaketa |
mw-new-redirect | Birbideratze berria | Birbideratze berri bat sortzen duten aldaketak edo birbidaltzeko orrialdea aldatzen dutenak | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 202 aldaketa |
massmessage-delivery | MassMessage delivery | Message delivery using Extension:MassMessage | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 162 aldaketa |
proofreadpage-quality1 | Not proofread | Edits that changed page quality to "Not proofread" | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 110 aldaketa |
discussiontools-added-comment | (hidden) | A talk page comment was added in this edit | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 109 aldaketa |
mw-reverted | Lehengoratua | Edits that were later reverted by a different edit | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 96 aldaketa |
mw-manual-revert | Manual revert | Edits that manually restore the page to an exact previous state | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 58 aldaketa |
mobile web edit | Mugikor web edizioa | Edit made from mobile website | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 31 aldaketa |
mobile edit | Mugikor edizioa | Edit made from mobile (web or app) | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 31 aldaketa |
mw-undo | Desegin | Lehendik egindako aldaketak desegiten dituzten aldaketak desegin linka erabiliz | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 27 aldaketa |
mw-replace | Ordezkatuta | Orrialde baten edukiaren %90a baino gehiagok ezabatzen duten aldaketak | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 26 aldaketa |
mw-blank | Husten | Orria zuriz jartzen duten aldaketak | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 15 aldaketa |
proofreadpage-quality4 | Validated | Edits that changed page quality to "Validated" | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 12 aldaketa |
proofreadpage-quality0 | Without text | Edits that changed page quality to "Without text" | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 10 aldaketa |
discussiontools | (hidden) | DiscissionTools erabiliz egindako aldaketa. | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 8 aldaketa |
discussiontools-newtopic | Gai berria | Erabilzaileak gai berri bat gehitu du DiscussionTools erabilita | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 7 aldaketa |
mw-changed-redirect-target | Birbideraketaren helburua aldatu da | Birbideraketa baten helburua eraldatzen duten aldaketak | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 6 aldaketa |
discussiontools-visual | (hidden) | DiscussionTools ikusizko editore moduan zegoen | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 5 aldaketa |
mw-removed-redirect | Birbideratzea ezabatu da | Existitzen den birbidaltze bati ez birbidaltzeko bihurtzen duten aldaketak | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 3 aldaketa |
discussiontools-source | (hidden) | DiscussionTools kode moduan zegoen | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 3 aldaketa |
discussiontools-source-enhanced | (hidden) | DiscussionTools modu hobetua zegoen tresna barrarekin | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 3 aldaketa |
proofreadpage-quality2 | Problematic | Edits that changed page quality to "Problematic" | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 2 aldaketa |
OAuth CID: 1805 | SWViewer [1.4] | App to monitor the recent changes of a wiki's in real-time. For more details, see | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 1 aldaketa |
mw-rollback | Desegin | Atzera itzultzeko linkaren bidez lehendik egindako aldaketak atzera botatzen dituzten aldaketak. | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 1 aldaketa |
discussiontools-reply | Erantzun | Erabiltzaileak DiscussionTools erabilita erantzun du | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 1 aldaketa |
mw-contentmodelchange | Eduki eredu aldaketa | Orri baten change the content model aldaketak | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
mw-server-side-upload | Server-side upload | Media files that were uploaded via a maintenance script | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
nuke | Nuke | Deletions performed with the Nuke extension | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
proofreadpage-editinsequence | EditInSequence | Edits made using the new EditInSequence mode | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
centralnotice | Central Notice | Edit created via the CentralNotice Admin UI | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
centralnotice translation | Central Notice Translation | Edit of CentralNotice content created via the Translate extension | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
ASCII text added | ASCII text added | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa | |
T144167 | T144167 | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa | |
emoji | Emoji | Used by global abuse filter 110. | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
OTRS permission added by non-OTRS member | OTRS permission added by non-OTRS member | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa | |
meta spam id | meta spam id | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa | |
repeated xwiki CoI abuse | repeated xwiki CoI abuse | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa | |
abusefilter-condition-limit | Baldintzaren muga gaaindituta | Edits or other events that couldn't be checked by all active abuse filters (help). | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
editcheck-references | (hidden) | EditCheck thinks a reference might have been needed | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
editcheck-references-activated | Edit Check (references) activated | EditCheck thinks a reference might have been needed, and the UI was shown | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
editcheck-newcontent | (hidden) | EditCheck thinks new content was added to the page | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
editcheck-newreference | (hidden) | A reference was added to the page | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
editcheck-reference-decline-common-knowledge | Edit Check (references) declined (common knowledge) | EditCheck reference was declined as common knowledge | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
editcheck-reference-decline-irrelevant | Edit Check (references) declined (irrelevant) | EditCheck reference was declined as irrelevant | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
editcheck-reference-decline-uncertain | Edit Check (references) declined (uncertain) | EditCheck reference was declined as being uncertain | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
editcheck-reference-decline-other | Edit Check (references) declined (other) | EditCheck reference was declined for an unlisted reason | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
visualeditor-needcheck | Ikusizko editorea: egiaztatzea | Edizio hau egiteko, ikusizko editorea erabili da. Sistemak detektatu du edizio honetan wikitestuan egindako zenbait aldaketa beharbada nahi gabe egin direla. | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
mobile app edit | Mugikor app edizioa | Edits made from mobile apps | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
android app edit | Android app edit | Edits made from mobile app for Android | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
ios app edit | iOS app edit | Edits made from mobile app for iOS | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
app-suggestededit | App suggested edit | Edits made with the Suggested Edits feature in the mobile apps | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
app-undo | App undo | Undo actions made from the mobile apps | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
app-rollback | App rollback | Rollback actions made from the mobile apps | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
app-description-add | App description add | Short descriptions added from the mobile apps | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
app-description-change | App description change | Short descriptions modified from the mobile apps | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
app-description-translate | App description translate | Short description translations added from the mobile apps | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
app-section-source | App section source | Edit made from article section source editor in the mobile apps | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
app-full-source | App full source | Edit made from article full source editor in the mobile apps | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
app-select-source | App select source | Edit made from selecting an article word in the mobile apps | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
app-talk-source | App talk source | Edit made from talk page full source editor in the mobile apps | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
app-talk-reply | App talk reply | Talk page inline reply added from the mobile apps | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
app-talk-topic | App talk topic | Talk page new topic added from the mobile apps | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
app-image-caption-add | App image caption add | Image captions added from the mobile apps | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
app-image-caption-translate | App image caption translate | Image caption translations added from the mobile apps | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
app-image-tag-add | App image tag add | Image tags added from the mobile apps | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
app-image-add-top | App image add top | Image added to the top of the article from the mobile apps | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
app-image-add-infobox | App image add infobox | Image added to the infobox from the mobile apps | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
app-ai-assist | App AI assist | Edits from the mobile apps that were machine assisted | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
advanced mobile edit | Advanced mobile edit | Edit made by user with Advanced mode | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
disambiguator-link-added | Disambiguation links | Edits that add links to disambiguation pages | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
discussiontools-edit | Iruzkina aldatu | Erabiltzaileak DiscussionTools erabilita iruzkin bat aldatu du. | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |
fileimporter-remote | Modified by FileImporter | Edits made by the FileImporter extension after successfully importing a file from this wiki. | Softwareak definitua | Bai | 0 aldaketa |