Poems of Letitia Elizabeth Landon (L. E. L.) in The Amulet, 1835/The Festa of Madonna Dei Fiori

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2441968Poems in The Amulet 1835 — The Festa of Madonna Dei FioriLetitia Elizabeth Landon


Painted by T. Uwins A. R. A.Engraved by S. Sangster


BY L. E. L.

They gathered in that holy place,
    A young and lovely band,
With banners wrought with sacred signs,
    And flowers in each hand.

It was a summer festival
    Worthy a summer sky,
That brought the fragrant and the fair
    Upon that shrine to die.

Many a little foot had been
    Amid the early dew,
While fresh the odour to each leaf,
    Fresh colour to each hue.

And many a little brow had watched
    For weeks some favourite flower,
Proud and impatient of its growth
    For this auspicious hour.

And many a little heart had linked
    Its deepest, dearest prayer,
And the fulfilment of its hope
    With the sweet offerings there.

One bore a banner, where was wrought
    The Virgin and her Son—
Her younger sister and herself
    The broidery begun.

But she who held the banner now
    Went on her way alone;
No sister shared the sacred task:—
    Her sister's task was done!

As yet the grass was scarcely grown
    Upon that bright young head;
As yet the tears were warm that fell
    Above the early dead.

Poor child! how pale and sorrowful
    She takes her silent way!
A prayer for the departed one
    Is on her lips to-day.

But foremost come two fairy ones
    With dark eyes filled with light,
The very roses that they bear
    Can scarcely be more bright.

The youngest bears a single plant,
    One that herself has nursed;
A far exotic from the South,
    The fairest and the first.

And they have tender hopes and fears
    To claim the votive vow;
And parents, for whose precious sake
    Their prayers are ready now.

Blest be their lovely pilgrimage,
    Although they seek a shrine
Hallowed by a believing faith
    Not unto us divine!

No banners in our humbler church
    Are waved, no flowers are strown;
The sacrifice we offer up
    Must in the heart be shown.

And that is much if truly given:
    Our vanity and pride,
Our empty hopes, our fair deceits,
    Must there be all denied.

Those children, with an earnest faith,
    Are offering early flowers;
Methinks their simple truth and love
    Might teach and strengthen ours.