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List of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1807

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This is a complete list of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom for the year 1807.

Note that the first parliament of the United Kingdom was held in 1801; parliaments between 1707 and 1800 were either parliaments of Great Britain or of Ireland). For acts passed up until 1707, see the list of acts of the Parliament of England and the list of acts of the Parliament of Scotland. For acts passed from 1707 to 1800, see the list of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain. See also the list of acts of the Parliament of Ireland.

For acts of the devolved parliaments and assemblies in the United Kingdom, see the list of acts of the Scottish Parliament, the list of acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly, and the list of acts and measures of Senedd Cymru; see also the list of acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland.

The number shown after each act's title is its chapter number. Acts passed before 1963 are cited using this number, preceded by the year(s) of the reign during which the relevant parliamentary session was held; thus the Union with Ireland Act 1800 is cited as "39 & 40 Geo. 3 c. 67", meaning the 67th act passed during the session that started in the 39th year of the reign of George III and which finished in the 40th year of that reign. Note that the modern convention is to use Arabic numerals in citations (thus "41 Geo. 3" rather than "41 Geo. III"). Acts of the last session of the Parliament of Great Britain and the first session of the Parliament of the United Kingdom are both cited as "41 Geo. 3". Acts passed from 1963 onwards are simply cited by calendar year and chapter number.

All modern acts have a short title, e.g. "the Local Government Act 2003". Some earlier acts also have a short title given to them by later acts, such as by the Short Titles Act 1896.

47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1


The first session of the 3rd Parliament of the United Kingdom, which met from 15 December 1806 until 27 April 1807.

Public general acts

Short titleCitationRoyal assent
Long title
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 1
6 January 1807
An Act to revive and make perpetual and to amend an Act made in the Forty-second Year of His present Majesty,[a] for the further Regulation of the Trials of controverted Elections or Returns of Members to serve in Parliament, and for expediting the Proceedings relating thereto.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 2
16 January 1807
An Act for raising the Sum of Ten millions five hundred thousand Pounds, by Loans or Exchequer Bills, for the Service of Great Britain for the Year One thousand eight hundred and seven.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 3
22 January 1807
An Act for continuing and granting to His Majesty certain Duties upon Malt in Great Britain for the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and seven.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 4
22 January 1807
An Act for continuing and granting to His Majesty a Duty on Pensions, Offices, and Personal Estates, in England; and certain Duties on Sugar, Malt, Tobacco, and Snuff, in Great Britain, for the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and seven.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 5
19 February 1807
An Act to indemnify such Persons in the United Kingdom as have omitted to qualify themselves for Offices and Employments; and for extending the Times limited for those Purposes respectively, until the Twenty-fifth Day of December One thousand eight hundred and seven, and to permit such Persons in Great Britain as have omitted to make and file Affidavits of the Execution of Indentures of Clerks to Attornies and Solicitors, to make and file the same on or before the First Day of Michaelmas Term One thousand eight hundred and seven.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 6
19 February 1807
An Act to continue, during the present War, and until One Year after the Termination thereof by the Ratification of a Definitive Treaty of Peace, an Act made in the Forty-fourth Year of His present Majesty, for empowering His Majesty to accept the Services of such Parts of His Militia Forces in Ireland, as might voluntarily offer themselves to be employed in Great Britain.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 7
19 February 1807
An Act to declare that certain Provisions of an Act of the last Session of the last Parliament, intituled, "An Act to permit the free Interchange of every Species of Grain between Great Britain and Ireland,"[b] shall extend to Grain the Produce of those Countries only.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861 (24 & 25 Vict. c. 101))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 8
19 February 1807
An Act to continue for the Term of Seven Years certain Acts of the Parliament of Ireland, for preventing the Importation of Arms, Gunpowder, and Ammunition, and the making, removing, selling, and keeping of Gunpowder, Arms, and Ammunition, without Licence.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 9
19 February 1807
An Act for allowing the Exportation annually of a limited Quantity of Worsted Yarn to Canada.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 10
19 February 1807
An Act for raising the Sum of One Million by Treasury Bills for the service of Ireland for the Year One thousand eight hundred and seven.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 11
19 February 1807
An Act to authorize His Majesty until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and eight, to make Regulations respecting the Trade and Commerce to and from the Cape of Good Hope.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 12
19 February 1807
An Act to abolish certain Offices in the Customs in Ireland; and to abolish or regulate certain other Offices therein.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861 (24 & 25 Vict. c. 101))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 13
19 February 1807
An Act for investing certain Commissioners appointed for the Examination of Accounts and Expenditure relating to the Office of Barrack Master General, with certain Powers and Authorities necessary for the Examination of such Accounts and Expenditure.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 14
19 February 1807
An Act to amend several Acts, for regulating the Trial of Controverted Elections or Returns of Members to serve in Parliament, so far as the same relate to Ireland.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 15
19 February 1807
An Act to continue for the Term of Seven Years, certain Acts for the better Prevention and Punishment of Attempts to seduce Persons serving in His Majesty's Forces by Sea or Land from their Duty and Allegiance to His Majesty, or to incite them to Mutiny or Disobedience.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 16
17 March 1807
An Act to amend several Acts for the Sale of His Majesty's Quit Rents, Crown and other Rents, and of certain Lands forfeited and undisposed of in Ireland.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 17
17 March 1807
An Act to secure the Collection of the Duties on Auctions in Ireland; and to prevent Frauds therein.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 18
17 March 1807
An Act to grant to His Majesty certain Inland Duties of Excise and Taxes in Ireland, and to allow certain Drawbacks in respect thereof; in lieu of former Duties of Excise, Taxes, and Drawbacks.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 19
17 March 1807
An Act to provide more effectually for regulating the Drawbacks and Bounties on the Exportation of Sugar from Ireland; and for allowing British Plantation Sugar to be Warehoused in Ireland; until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and eight.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861 (24 & 25 Vict. c. 101))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 20
17 March 1807
An Act to suspend until the First Day of May One thousand eight hundred and seven, the Payment of all Drawbacks on Spirits made or distilled in Great Britain or Ireland, and exported from either Country to the other respectively.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 21
17 March 1807
An Act to provide for regulating and securing the Collection of certain Rates and Taxes in Ireland, in respect of Dwelling Houses, Fire Hearths, Windows, Male Servants, Horses, Dogs, and Carriages.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 22
17 March 1807
An Act to allow for Two Years, from and after the passing of this Act, an additional Bounty on Double Refined Sugar, and to extend former Bounties on other Refined Sugar to such as shall be pounded, crashed, or broken; and to allow for One Year certain Bounties on British Plantation Raw Sugar exported.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 23
17 March 1807
An Act for repealing so much of an Act, made in the Ninth Year of Her late Majesty Queen Anne,[c] as vests in The South Sea Company or Corporation, by the said Act erected, the sole and exclusive Privilege of carrying on Trade and Traffic to and from any Part whatsoever of South America, or in the South Seas, which now are, or may at any Time hereafter be in the Possession of His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 24
17 March 1807
An Act for allowing until the First Day of August One thousand eight hundred and eight, the Importation of certain Fish from Newfoundland and the Coast of Labrador, and for granting a Bounty thereon.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 25
17 March 1807
An Act to allow Turkey Tobacco to be imported into Great Britain, in small Packages.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 26
17 March 1807
An Act for extending to German Yarn the Provisions of an Act made in the last Session of the last Parliament[d] for permitting Prussian Yarn to be imported in Foreign Ships on Payment of the like Duties as if imported in British Ships.
Excise Act 1807 (repealed)
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 27
17 March 1807
An Act for granting to His Majesty, until Twelve Months after the Ratification of a Definitive Treaty of Peace, certain additional Duties of Excise on Brandy in Great Britain.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 28
17 March 1807
An Act for raising the Sum of Fourteen Millions Two hundred thousand Pounds by way of Annuities.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1870 (33 & 34 Vict. c. 69))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 29
23 March 1807
An Act for further continuing, until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and eight, certain Bounties and Drawbacks on the Exportation of Sugar from Great Britain; and for suspending the Countervailing Duties and Bounties on Sugar when the Duties imposed by an Act of the last Session of Parliament[e] shall be suspended.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 30
23 March 1807
An Act to continue until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and ten, an Act of the Forty-fourth Year of His present Majesty,[f] for permitting the Exportation of Salt from the Port of Nassau in the Island of New Providence, the Port of Exuma, and the Port of Crooked Island in the Bahama Islands, in Ships belonging to the Inhabitants of the United States of America, and coming in Ballast.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 31
23 March 1807
An Act to repeal Part of the Duty on the Importation of unmanufactured Tobacco into Ireland.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
Mutiny Act 1807 (repealed)
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 32
23 March 1807
An Act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion; and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 33
23 March 1807
An Act for the Regulation of His Majesty's Royal Marine Forces while on Shore.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 34
23 March 1807
An Act for continuing until the First Day of August One thousand eight hundred and eight, an Act of the Forty-fifth Year of His present Majesty,[g] for allowing, under certain Restrictions, the bringing a limited Quantity of Coals, Culm, or Cinders, to London and Westminster, by Inland Navigation.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 35
25 March 1807
An Act to secure the Payment of the Duties on Licences granted to Persons in Ireland dealing in Exciseable Commodities.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 36
25 March 1807
An Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861 (24 & 25 Vict. c. 101))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 37
25 March 1807
An Act to continue, until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and fourteen, and amend an Act, made in the Thirty-ninth and Fortieth Year of His present Majesty,[h] for the more effectual Prevention of Depredations on the River Thames and its Vicinity; and to amend an Act made in the Second Year of His present Majesty, to prevent the committing of Thefts and Frauds by Persons navigating Bum Boats, and other Boats, upon the River Thames.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 38
9 April 1807
An Act to amend several Acts for regulating and securing the Collection of the Duties on Paper, made in Ireland; and to make perpetual so much of an Act made in the Forty-Fifth Year of His present Majesty,[i] as relates to Paper Hangings printed or stained in Ireland.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861 (24 & 25 Vict. c. 101))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 39
9 April 1807
An Act to rectify a Mistake in an Act made in the last Session of Parliament,[j] for enabling His Majesty to fettle Annuities on certain Branches of the Royal Family.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 40
25 April 1807
An Act to grant to His Majesty, until the Twenty-ninth Day of September One thousand eight hundred and eight, a Duty upon Malt made in Ireland, and upon Spirits made or distilled in Ireland, and to allow certain Drawbacks on the Exportation thereof.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861 (24 & 25 Vict. c. 101))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 41
25 April 1807
An Act to continue until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and eight, and from thence until the End of the then next Session of Parliament, an Act made in the Forty-fourth Year of His present Majesty's Reign,[k] for appointing Commissioners to enquire into the Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites, and Emoluments received in several Publick Offices in Ireland; to examine into any Abuses which may exist in the same, and into the Mode of receiving, collecting, issuing, and accounting for Publick Money in Ireland.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 42
25 April 1807
An Act to continue for Twenty-one Years, so much of certain Acts of the Parliament of Ireland, as relate to the lighting, cleansing, and watching of Cities and Towns for the lighting, cleansing, and watching of which no particular Provision is made by any Act of Parliament.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 43
25 April 1807
An Act to declare that the Provisions of an Act made in the Parliament of Ireland in the Thirty-third Year of King Henry the Eighth,[l] relating to Servants Wages, shall extend to all Counties of Cities and Counties of Towns in Ireland.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 44
25 April 1807
An Act to amend an Act made in the last Session of Parliament,[m] for regulating and providing for the Relief of the Poor and the Management of Infirmaries and Hospitals in Ireland.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 45
25 April 1807
An Act to continue an Act made in the Parliament of Ireland, in the Thirty-first Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Second,[n] for the better supplying the City of Dublin with Coals, and for the better Encouragement of the Collieries of Ireland.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 46
25 April 1807
An Act for raising the Sum of One Million five hundred thousand Pounds by way of Annuities, for the Service of Ireland.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1870 (33 & 34 Vict. c. 69))
Prize Act 1807 (repealed)
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 47
25 April 1807
An Act to authorize the Payment of Prize Money arising from Captures made by Ships of his Sicilian Majesty in Conjunction with British Ships, to the Sicilian Envoy, for the Use of the Officers and Men of such Ships; and also the Payment of Money arising out of Proceeds of Prizes or Captures made by any other Ships or Vessels belonging to Foreign States, in Conjunction with His Majesty's Ships.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861 (24 & 25 Vict. c. 101))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 48
25 April 1807
An Act to repeal so much of certain Acts as relates to the Regulations or Conditions under which Coffee, Cocoa Nuts, Sugar and Rice, (not being the Produce of the East Indies), are allowed to be secured in Warehouses, without Payment of Duty; and to authorize the Collectors and Comptrollers of the Customs in His Majesty's Colonies and Plantations in America, and the West Indies, to administer certain Oaths.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 49
25 April 1807
An Act for permitting the Exportation of Fullers Earth, Fulling Clay, and Tobacco Pipe Clay, to any Place in Possession of His Majesty.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 50
25 April 1807
An Act to repeal the several Duties under the Care of the Commissioners for managing the Stamp Duties in Ireland, and to grant new and additional Duties in lieu thereof; and to amend the Laws relating to the Stamp Duties in Ireland.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861 (24 & 25 Vict. c. 101))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 51
25 April 1807
An Act to extend the Provisions of an Act made in the last Session of Parliament, for abolishing Fees received by certain Officers and other Persons employed in the Service of the Customs in the Port of London, and for regulating the Attendance of Officers and others so employed, to the Out-Ports; and to appropriate the Fees of certain abolished and vacant Offices in the Customs to The Superannuation Fund.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 52
25 April 1807
An Act for enabling His Majesty to grant the Palace, called The King's House with the Appurtenances, situate in Greenwich Park, in the County of Kent, to the Commissioners for the Government of The Royal Naval Asylum, and for enabling the said Commissioners to appoint a Chaplain to officiate therein.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 53
25 April 1807
An Act to suspend for Twelve Months so much of an Act of the Second Year of King James the First, intituled, "An Act concerning Tanners, Curriers, Shoemakers, and other Artificers, occupying the cutting of Leather,"[o] as prohibits the regrating and ingrossing of Oaken Bark.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 54
25 April 1807
An Act for increasing the Rates of Subsistence to be paid to Innkeepers and others on quartering Soldiers.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 55
25 April 1807
An Act for charging the Sum of Twelve Millions, Part of the Loan of Twelve Millions two hundred thousand Pounds, raised for the Service of Great Britain for the Year One thousand eight hundred and seven, upon the Duties of Customs and Excise granted to His Majesty during the Continuance of the present War, and for certain Periods after the Ratification of a Definitive Treaty of Peace, and for providing a Sinking Fund for the Redemption of the Stocks or Funds thereby created.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861 (24 & 25 Vict. c. 101))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 56
25 April 1807
An Act for the further regulating the Office of Treasurer of His Majesty's Navy.
  1. ^ (42 Geo. 3. c. 84)
  2. ^ (46 Geo. 3. c. 97)
  3. ^ Stamps Act 1710 (9 Ann. c. 21)
  4. ^ (46 Geo. 3. c. 74)
  5. ^ (46 Geo. 3. c. 42)
  6. ^ (44 Geo. 3. c. 101)
  7. ^ (46 Geo. 3. c. 128)
  8. ^ Depredations on the Thames Act 1800 (39 & 40 Geo. 3. c. 87)
  9. ^ (45 Geo. 3. c. 106)
  10. ^ (46 Geo. 3. c. 145)
  11. ^ (44 Geo. 3. c. 106)
  12. ^ Servants' Wages Act 1542 (33 Hen. 8. c. 3 (I))
  13. ^ (46 Geo. 3. c. 95)
  14. ^ Collieries Act 1757 (31 Geo. 2. c. 14 (I)))
  15. ^ Leather Act 1603 (2 Ja. 1. c. 22)

Local acts

Short titleCitationRoyal assent
Long title
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. i
19 February 1807
An Act for extending the Term, and altering the Powers, of an Act made in the Forty-firth Year of His present Majesty, intituled, "An Act for enable Robert Bowyer of Pall Mall, in the City of Westminster, Esquire, to dispose of his Collection of Paintings, Drawings, and Engravings, together with several Copies of certain Books therein mentioned, by way of Chance."[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. ii
17 March 1807

(Repealed by Bideford Roads Act 1824 (c.cxv))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. iii
17 March 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. iv
17 March 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. v
17 March 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. vi
17 March 1807

(Repealed by Road from Upottery to Ilminster Act 1828 (c.xlviii))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. vii
17 March 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. viii
23 March 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. ix
23 March 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. x
23 March 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xi
23 March 1807

(Repealed by Fife Turnpike Roads Act 1829 (c.lxxxiv))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xii
23 March 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xiii
23 March 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xiv
23 March 1807

(Repealed by County Courts Act 1846 (9 & 10 Vict. c. 95))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xv
23 March 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xvi
23 March 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xvii
23 March 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xviii
23 March 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xix
23 March 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xx
23 March 1807
An Act for inclosing Lands in the Liberty or Township of Basford, in the Parish of Cheddleton, in the County of Stafford.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xxi
23 March 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xxii
23 March 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xxiii
23 March 1807

(Repealed by Selkirk Roads Act 1828 (c.cix))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xxiv
25 April 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xxv
25 April 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xxvi
25 April 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xxvii
25 April 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xxviii
25 April 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xxix
25 April 1807
An Act to amend and render more effectual Three Acts, made in the Eleventh,[b] Fifteenth,[c] and Thirty-seventh[d] Years of His present Majesty, for the Regulation and Improvement of the Fisheries of the River Tweed.
(Repealed by River Tweed Fisheries Act 1830 (c.liv))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xxx
25 April 1807
An Act to enable The Globe Insurance Company to sue in the Name of their Treasurer, and to inrol Annuities.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xxxi
25 April 1807
An Act to enable The Albion Fire and Life Insurance Company to sue in the Name of their Secretary, and to inroll Annuities.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xxxii
25 April 1807
An Act to enable The London Life Association to sue in the Name of their President, and to enroll Annuities.
(Repealed by London Life Association Act 1894 (c.xiv))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xxxiii
25 April 1807
An Act to enable The Pelican Life Insurance Company to sue in the Name of their Secretary, and to inroll Annuities.
(Repealed by Pelican Life Insurance Company's Act 1891 (c.lxxx))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xxxiv
25 April 1807
An Act to enable The Provident Institution to sue in the Name of their managing Director, and to inroll Annuities.
(Repealed by Provident Life Office Act 1889 (c.cxliii))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xxxv
25 April 1807

(Repealed by County Courts Act 1846 (9 & 10 Vict. c. 95))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xxxvi
25 April 1807

(Repealed by County Courts Act 1846 (9 & 10 Vict. c. 95))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xxxvii
25 April 1807

(Repealed by County Courts Act 1846 (9 & 10 Vict. c. 95))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xxxviii
25 April 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xxxix
25 April 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xl
25 April 1807
An Act for enabling certain Persons therein named to carry into Execution a Partition lately made under a Decree of His Majesty's High Court of Chancery, of the Moyser Estate, in the County of York, and the County of the City of York, on the Part of the Reverend Richard Gee, Robert Whyte Esquire, and Thomas Metcalfe Esquire.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xli
25 April 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xlii
25 April 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. xliii
27 April 1807
An Act for inclosing and draining Lands, within the Parishes of Repps with Bastwick, and Eccles next the Sea, in the County of Norfolk.
  1. ^ Bowyer's Lottery Act 1805 (45 Geo. 3. c. xxiv)
  2. ^ (11 Geo. 3. c. ?)
  3. ^ (15 Geo. 3. c. ?)
  4. ^ (37 Geo. 3. c. ?)

Private acts

Short titleCitationRoyal assent
Long title
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 1
15 December 1806[a]
An Act for naturalizing Tebaldo Monzani.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 2
15 December 1806[a]
An Act for naturalizing Jean Jaques Schenck.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 3
15 December 1806[a]
An Act to relieve Francis Lord De Dunstanville from certain Disabilities and Penalties in consequence of his having sat in the House of Peers during a Debate therein without being duly qualified by taking the Oaths and making the Declaration prescribed by Law and subscribing the same respectively.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 4
15 December 1806[a]
An Act for inclosing a certain Tract of Commonable Land, in the Parish of Cossington, in the County of Somerset.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 5
15 December 1806[a]
An Act for inclosing Lands in the Parish of Downhatherley, in the County of Gloucester.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 6
15 December 1806[a]
An Act for naturalizing Aimé Lallernand.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 7
15 December 1806[a]
An Act for naturalizing John Vanden Kerckhove.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 8
15 December 1806[a]
An Act for naturalizing Frederick Duerr.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 9
15 December 1806[a]
An Act for naturalizing John Lewis Fleming.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 10
15 December 1806[a]
An Act for naturalizing David Constantine Zacharias.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 11
15 December 1806[a]
An Act for naturalizing John James Overbeck.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 12
15 December 1806[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 13
15 December 1806[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 14
15 December 1806[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 15
15 December 1806[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 16
15 December 1806[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 17
15 December 1806[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 18
15 December 1806[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 19
15 December 1806[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 20
15 December 1806[a]
An Act for inclosing Lands in the Parish of Hopemansel, in the County of Hereford.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 21
15 December 1806[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 22
15 December 1806[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 23
15 December 1806[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 24
15 December 1806[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 25
15 December 1806[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 26
15 December 1806[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 28
15 December 1806[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 29
15 December 1806[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 29
15 December 1806[a]
An Act for naturalizing Francis William Fagell.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 30
15 December 1806[a]
An Act for inclosing Lands in the Parish of Newport Pagnell, in the County of Buckingham.
  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad Start of session


  • "47° Geo. III Sess. 1". The Statutes at Large. Vol. 47 George III. 1807. Sess. 1 & 2. London. 1807. pp. 1–243 – via Google Books.
  • "Sess. 1806–7". Journal of the House of Commons. Vol. 62. London: His Majesty's Stationery Office. pp. 3–366 – via Google Books.
  • Chronological Table of and Index to the Statutes. Vol. 1: To the End of the Session 59 Vict. Sess. 2 (1895) (13th ed.). London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office. 1896. pp. 185–186 – via Google Books.

47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2


The first session of the 4th Parliament of the United Kingdom, which met from 22 June 1807 until 14 August 1807.

Public general acts

Short titleCitationRoyal assent
Long title
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 1
7 July 1807
An Act to continue until the Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and eight, several Acts for granting certain Rates and Duties, and for allowing certain Drawbacks and Bounties on Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, imported into and exported from Ireland.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 2
17 July 1807
An Act to revive and continue, until the Expiration of Six Weeks after the Commencement of the next Session of Parliament, Three Acts passed in the Thirty-seventh,[a] Forty-fifth,[b] and Forty-sixth[c] Years of His Majesty's Reign, for carrying into Execution the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation,[d] between His Majesty and the United States of America; and for empowering His Majesty to suspend, before the First Day of March One thousand eight hundred and eight, the Provisions of the said Acts for such Period as His Majesty may deem expedient.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 3
17 July 1807
An Act to indemnify Persons who have advised or acted under an Order of Council for making Regulations with respect to the Navigation and Commerce between His Majesty's Subjects and the Subjects of the United States of America.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 4
17 July 1807
An Act to enable His Majesty to grant a certain Annuity to Major General Sir John Stuart, Knight of the most Honourable Order of the Bath, in Consideration of the eminent Services which he has rendered to His Majesty and the Publick.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 5
17 July 1807
An Act for empowering the Commissioners of Kilmainham Hospital to make Rules and Regulations for the Payment of Pensions to Soldiers on the Establishment of that Hospital.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 6
17 July 1807
An Act for raising the Sum of Three Millions by Loans or Exchequer Bills, for the Service of Great Britain for the Year One thousand eight hundred and seven.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 7
17 July 1807
An Act for raising the Sum of One Million five hundred thousand Pounds, by Loans or Exchequer Bills for the Service of Great Britain for the Year One thousand eight hundred and seven.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 8
17 July 1807
An Act concerning Common Recoveries suffered in Copyhold or Customary Courts by Attorney.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 9
25 July 1807
An Act for granting to His Majesty a Sum of Money to be raised by Lotteries.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 10
25 July 1807
An Act for encouraging the Export of salted Beef and Pork from Ireland.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861 (24 & 25 Vict. c. 101))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 11
25 July 1807
An Act to provide for the Recovery of Penalties under certain Acts, made in the Forty-seventh Year of His present Majesty, for securing the Rates and Duties in Ireland in respect of Dwelling Houses, Fire Hearths, Windows, Male Servants, Horses, Dogs, and Carriages; and on Licences to Persons dealing in Exciseable Commodities; and on Paper and Paper Hangings; and to alter the Condition of certain Bonds to be given by Brewers in Ireland.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861 (24 & 25 Vict. c. 101))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 12
25 July 1807
An Act to make further Regulations with respect to Licences for the Sale of Spirituous and other Liquors by Retail in Ireland.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 13
1 August 1807
An Act to suppress Insurrections, and prevent the Disturbance of the Public Peace in Ireland.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 14
1 August 1807
An Act to repeal certain Duties of Excise, and also certain Stamp Duties in Ireland, and to grant certain new Stamp Duties in lieu thereof; and to amend the Laws relating to the Stamp Duties in Ireland.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861 (24 & 25 Vict. c. 101))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 15
1 August 1807
An Act to provide for the regulating and securing the Collection of the Duty on Gold and Silver Plate wrought or manufactured in Ireland.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 16
1 August 1807
An Act to grant to His Majesty until the Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and eight certain Duties on the Importation, and to allow Drawbacks on the Exportation of certain Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, into and from Ireland.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861 (24 & 25 Vict. c. 101))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 17
1 August 1807
An Act to amend an Act made in the Forty-sixth Year of His present Majesty,[e] for the regulating and securing the Collection of the Duties on Spirits distilled in Ireland.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 18
1 August 1807
An Act to provide for the Decrease and Suspension, in certain Cases, of Part of the Countervailing Duties on British Refined Sugar imported into Ireland.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 19
1 August 1807
An Act to continue, until the Twenty-ninth Day of September One thousand eight hundred and eight, and to amend, Two Acts made in the Parliament of Ireland,[f][g] to regulate the Trade of Rectifying Spirits.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861 (24 & 25 Vict. c. 101))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 20
1 August 1807
An Act to enable His Majesty to appoint the Chancellor of the Exchequer, for the Time being in Ireland, One of the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Treasurer in England, without Salary.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861 (24 & 25 Vict. c. 101))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 21
1 August 1807
An Act to continue until the Twenty-ninth Day of September One thousand eight hundred and seventeen, an Act, passed in Ireland in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Years of His present Majesty,[h] respecting certain Annuities.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 22
1 August 1807
An Act to continue until the Twenty-ninth Day of September One thousand eight hundred and seventeen, an Act, passed in Ireland in the Thirty-sixth Year of His present Majesty,[i] for the Improvement and Extension of the Fisheries on the Coasts of Ireland.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 23
1 August 1807
An Act to amend an Act, passed in the Forty-third Year of His present Majesty,[j] for granting to His Majesty the Sum of Fifty thousand Pounds for building Glebe Houses in Ireland.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861 (24 & 25 Vict. c. 101))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 24
1 August 1807
An Act to explain and amend an Act, passed in the Thirty-ninth and Fortieth Year of His present Majesty,[k] concerning the Disposition of certain Real and Personal Property of His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, and also of the Real and Personal Property of Her Majesty, and of the Queen Consort for the Time being.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 25
1 August 1807
An Act for the more convenient Payment of Half Pay and Pensions, and other Allowances to Officers and Widows of Officers, and to Persons upon the Compassionate List.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 26
1 August 1807
An Act for defraying until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and eight, the Charge of the Pay and Cloathing of the Militia of Ireland; for holding Courts Martial on Serjeant Majors, Serjeants, Corporals, and Drummers, for Offences committed during the Time such Militia shall not be embodied; and for making Allowances in certain Cases to Subaltern Officers of the said Militia during Peace.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 27
1 August 1807
An Act to authorize His Majesty to permit the Importation of Naval Stores from any Place in Ships belonging to States in Amity with His Majesty, and navigated in any Manner whatever.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 28
1 August 1807
An Act to enable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury to issue Exchequer Bills, on the Credit of such Aids or Supplies as have been or shall be granted by Parliament for the Service of Great Britain, for the Year One thousand eight hundred and seven.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 29
1 August 1807
An Act for defraying the Charge of the Pay and Clothing of the Militia in Great Britain for the Year One thousand eight hundred and seven.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 30
1 August 1807
An Act to amend several Laws of Excise in Great Britain relating to the Duties on Salt, Sope, Paper, Coffee, Cocoa Nuts, Spirits, and Glass, and for restoring Seizures in certain Cases.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861 (24 & 25 Vict. c. 101))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 31
1 August 1807
An Act for defraying the Charge of the Pay and Clothing of the Militia in Great Britain for the Year One thousand eight hundred and seven.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 32
1 August 1807
An Act for making Allowances in certain Cases to Subaltern Officers of the Militia in Great Britain, while disembodied.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 33
1 August 1807
An Act to continue until the First Day of June One thousand eight hundred and eight, an Act of the Forty-fifth Year of His present Majesty,[l] for appointing Commissioners to enquire into the Public Expenditure, and the Conduct of the Public Business in the Military Departments therein mentioned.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 34
1 August 1807
An Act to make the Port of Amsterdam, in the Island of Curaçoa, a free Port.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 35
1 August 1807
An Act to indemnify such Persons in the United Kingdom as have omitted to qualify themselves for Offices and Employments; and for extending the Times limited for those Purposes respectively, until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and eight; and to permit such Persons in Great Britain as have omitted to make and file Affidavits of the Execution of Indentures of Clerks to Attornies and Solicitors, to make and file the same on or before the First Day of Hilary Term One thousand eight hundred and eight.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 36
8 August 1807
An Act to enable the Trustees of the British Museum to exchange, sell or dispose of such parts of the Collections, and under such Restrictions, as are therein specified.
(Repealed by British Museum Act 1963)
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 37
8 August 1807
An Act to revive and continue, until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and eight, an Act of the Forty-sixth Year of His present Majesty,[m] for altering and amending several Laws relating to the Duties of Excise upon Malt.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
Trade Act 1807 (repealed)
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 38
8 August 1807
An Act for permitting, until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and nine, and from thence to the End of the then next Session of Parliament, the Importation of certain enumerated Articles into the British Colonies on the Continent of North America, from the United States of America, and the Exportation of other enumerated Articles from the same Colonies, to the said States.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 39
8 August 1807
An Act for more effectually charging Publick Accountants with Interest upon Balances; and for other Purposes relating to the passing of Publick Accounts.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 40
8 August 1807
An Act to alter the Practice of Courts of Equity in Suits in which Members of Parliament are Defendants.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 41
8 August 1807
An Act to enable the East India Company to raise Money upon Bond instead of increasing their Capital Stock.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1873 (36 & 37 Vict. c. 91))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 42
8 August 1807
An Act to continue until the First Day of June One thousand eight hundred and ten, and from thence to the End of the then next Session of Parliament, and amend an Act of the Forty-second Year of His present Majesty,[n] for more effectual Administration of the Office of a Justice of the Peace in such Parts of the Counties of Middlesex and Surrey as lie in and near the Metropolis; and for the more effectual Prevention of Felonies.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 43
8 August 1807
An Act to revive and continue, until the End of the next Session of Parliament, an Act of the Forty-sixth Year of His present Majesty,[o] for suspending Proceedings in Actions and other Proceedings relating to the Woollen Manufacture.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 44
8 August 1807
An Act for transferring to His Majesty, certain Possessions and Rights vested in the Sierra Leone Company, and for shortening the Duration of the said Company; and for preventing any dealing or trafficking in the buying or felling of Slaves within the Colony of Sierra Leone.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 45
8 August 1807
An Act to enable His Majesty to grant to Her Majesty the Queen a Capital Messuage called Frogmore, and divers Lands and Hereditaments in the Parishes of New Windsor and Old Windsor, in the County of Berks, and a Piece of Land in Wyrothsbury, in the County of Bucks, for a Term of Ninety-nine Years, if Her Majesty and the Princesses, Her Five younger Daughters, or any of them, shall so long live, for and in lieu of Her Majesty's present Terms and Interest therein; and also to make Exchanges.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 46
8 August 1807
An Act to repeal certain Provisions of an Act, passed in the Forty-sixth Year of His present Majesty,[p] for inquiring into the State of Windsor Forest, in the County of Berks, and for ascertaining the Boundaries of the said Forest, and of the Lands of the Crown within the same; and to amend the said Act.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 47
8 August 1807
An Act to grant certain Duties on Callicoes, Muslins, Cotton Yarn, and Cotton Twist, of the Manufacture of Great Britain or Ireland respectively, on their Importation into either Country from the other, according to the Regulations contained in the Acts for the Union of Great Britain and Ireland.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 48
8 August 1807
An Act to continue until the Twenty-ninth Day of September One thousand eight hundred and eight, several Acts for the better Collection and Security of the Revenues of Customs and Excise in Ireland, and for preventing Frauds therein.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 49
8 August 1807
An Act for allowing a Drawback on certain Linens exported from Great Britain to the West Indies.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 50
8 August 1807
An Act to amend an Act made in the Parliament of Ireland in the Fifth Year of his present Majesty’s Reign, for erecting and establishing Publick Infirmaries or Hospitals in Ireland.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 51
8 August 1807
An Act to revive and continue until the Twenty-fifth Day March One thousand eight hundred and eight, an Act of Thirty-ninth Year of His present Majesty,[q] for the more effectual Encouragement of the British Fisheries.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 52
8 August 1807
An Act to repeal so much of an Act of the last Session of Parliament,[r] as relates to the Payment of Duty on Coffee and Cocoa Nuts when exported from the Warehouse in which the same shall have been secured.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 53
8 August 1807
An Act to enable His Majesty's Postmaster General to open and return Letters directed to Hamburgh or other Places Abroad, and which have been or shall have been returned or not sent.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861 (24 & 25 Vict. c. 101))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 54
13 August 1807
An Act to prevent improper Persons from having Arms in Ireland.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 55
13 August 1807
An Act for allowing a certain Proportion of the Militia in Ireland, voluntarily to enlist into His Majesty's Regular Forces.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 56
13 August 1807
An Act for increasing the Militia of Ireland, under certain Limitations and Restrictions.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861 (24 & 25 Vict. c. 101))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 57
13 August 1807
An Act for allowing a certain Proportion of the Militia in Britain voluntarily to enlist into His Majesty's Regular Forces.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 58
13 August 1807
An Act for encouraging the Exportation of Salt from Ireland.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 59
13 August 1807
An Act to amend an Act of the Forty-sixth Year of His Majesty, for the better Regulation of the Office of Receiver General of the Post Office in England.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 60
13 August 1807
An Act to give further Time for purchasing the Legal Quays and Warehouses, in the Port of London.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 61
13 August 1807
An Act to repeal certain Duties on Foreign Goods, Wares, and Merchandize exported from Great Britain to Ireland.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 62
13 August 1807
An Act to suspend, until the First Day of May One thousand eight hundred and eight, the Payment of all Drawbacks on Spirits made or distilled in Great Britain or Ireland, and exported from either Country to the other respectively.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 63
13 August 1807
An Act for repealing the Duties and Drawback payable on Silks and for granting other Duties and another Drawback in lieu thereof.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861 (24 & 25 Vict. c. 101))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 64
13 August 1807
An Act to allow the Bounty now payable on British Callicoes and Cottons exported to Gibraltar to be paid on the same when exported to Malta.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 65
13 August 1807
An Act to exempt Sales of West India Produce, by the West India Dock Company, for Payment of Duties and Charges, from the Auction Duty.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861 (24 & 25 Vict. c. 101))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 66
13 August 1807
An Act to make more effectual Provision for the Prevention of Smuggling.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 67
13 August 1807
An Act to permit until the End of the next Session of Parliament, the Importation of Swedish Herrings into Great Britain.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 68
13 August 1807
An Act for the better Government of the Settlements of Fort Saint George and Bombay; for the Regulation of Publick Banks; and for amending so much of an Act, passed in the Thirty-third Year of His present Majesty,[s] as relates to the Periods at which the Civil Servants of the East India Company may be employed in their Service Abroad.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 69
13 August 1807
An Act for discharging from the Claims of the Crown certain Real and Personal Estates belonging to General De Lancey, late Barrack Master General, and vested in Trustees for Sale.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 70
13 August 1807
An Act for maintaining and preserving a Military Canal and Road, made from Shorncliff in the County of Kent, to Cliff End in the County of Sussex, and for regulating the taking of Rates and Tolls thereon.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 71
14 August 1807
An Act for the speedily completing the Militia of Great Britain, and increasing the same, under certain Limitations and Restrictions.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 72
14 August 1807
An Act for raising the Sum of Five hundred thousand Pounds by Treasury Bills for the Service of Ireland for the Year One thousand eight hundred and seven.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 73
14 August 1807
An Act for enabling His Majesty to raise the Sum of Four millions five hundred thousand Pounds for the Service of Great Britain.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 74
14 August 1807
An Act for more effectually securing the Payment of the Debts of Traders.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 75
14 August 1807
An Act for suspending the Operation of an Act of the Thirty-sixth Year of His present Majesty,[t] for the further Support and Maintenance of Curates within the Church of England, and for other Purposes in the said Act mentioned, so far as relates to the Avoidance of Benefices by the Incumbents thereof having accepted augmented Curacies.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 76
14 August 1807
An Act for granting to His Majesty a certain Sum of Money out of the Consolidated Fund of Great Britain, and for applying certain Monies therein mentioned for the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and seven, and for further appropriating the Supplies granted in this Session of Parliament.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2) (35 & 36 Vict. c. 97))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 77
14 August 1807
An Act for confirming Articles of Agreement for an Exchange of Lands between His Majesty and David Jebb Esquire, in the Parish of Egham in the County of Surrey.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 78
14 August 1807
An Act for vesting the capital Messuage, with the Appurtenances situate in William Street, in the City of Dublin, now or lately inhabited by the Right Honourable Lord Powerscourt, in His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, and for applying the Purchase Money in Manner therein mentioned.
  1. ^ Treaty with United States Act 1797 (37 Geo. 3. c. 97)
  2. ^ Treaty of Commerce, etc., with America Act 1805 (45 Geo. 3. c. 35)
  3. ^ (46 Geo. 3. c. 16)
  4. ^ The 'Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation' was the Jay Treaty.
  5. ^ (46 Geo. 3. c. 88)
  6. ^ Rectifying of Spirits Act 1798 (38 Geo. 3. c. 52 (I))
  7. ^ Rectifying of Spirits Act 1799 (39 Geo. 3. c. 58 (I))
  8. ^ Annuities (No. 2) Act 1773 (13 & 14 Geo. 3. c. 7 (I))
  9. ^ Sea Fisheries Act 1796 (36 Geo. 3. c. 52 (I))
  10. ^ (43 Geo. 3. c. 153)
  11. ^ (39 & 40 Geo. 3. c. 88)
  12. ^ Inquiry into Military Departments Act 1805 (45 Geo. 3. c. 47)
  13. ^ (46 Geo. 3. c. 139)
  14. ^ (42 Geo. 3. c. 76)
  15. ^ (46 Geo. 3. c. 83)
  16. ^ (46 Geo. 3. c. 143)
  17. ^ (39 Geo. 3. c. 100)
  18. ^ Bonding of Coffee, etc. Act 1807 (47 Geo. 3 Sess. 1. c. 48)
  19. ^ East India Company Act 1793 (33 Geo. 3. c. 52)
  20. ^ Curates, etc. Act 1796 (36 Geo. 3. c. 83)

Local acts

Short titleCitationRoyal assent
Long title
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. i
25 July 1807
An Act for the more speedy and easy Recovery of Small Debts in the Borough and Parish of Boston and the Hundreds of Skirkbeck and Kirton (except the Parishes of Gosberton and Surfleet) in the County of Lincoln.
(Repealed by County Courts Act 1846 (9 & 10 Vict. c. 95))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. ii
25 July 1807
An Act for constructing a Pier and Harbour at or near the Town of Folkestone in the County of Kent.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. iii
25 July 1807
An Act for enlarging the Powers of an Act, of the Thirty-ninth Year of His present Majesty,[a] for amending Two Acts, of the Twenty-eighth[b] and Thirty-eighth[c] Years of His present Majesty, for enlarging and improving the Harbour of Leith, for making certain new Streets and Roads, and widening others adjacent to and connected with the said Harbour 25th July 1807
(Repealed by Leith Harbour and Docks Act 1875 (38 & 39 Vict. c. clx))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. iv
25 July 1807
An Act for creating a County Hall, and other Offices, for the County of Perth.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. v
25 July 1807
An Act to enable the London Dock Company to purchase certain Water Works in the Parishes of Stratford, Westham, Bow, Bromley, Mile End, and Stepney, and other Parishes adjacent; and to amend the several Acts for making Wet Docks and other Works for the Accommodation of Shipping, Commerce, and Revenue, within the Port of London.
(Repealed by London Docks Act 1828 (c.cxvi))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. vi
25 July 1807
An Act for amending and enlarging the Powers of an Act, passed in the Twenty-eighth Year of His present Majesty,[d] for taking down and rebuilding the Gaol of the Castle of Chester, the Prothonotary's Office, the Exchequer Record Rooms, and other Offices and Buildings adjoining or near to the said Gaol.
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 2008)
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. vii
25 July 1807

(Repealed by County Courts Act 1846 (9 & 10 Vict. c. 95))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. viii
25 July 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. ix
25 July 1807
An Act for amending several Acts, for making and maintaining a Navigable Canal from the Coventry Canal Navigation, to the City of Oxford.
(Repealed by Oxford Canal Navigation Act 1829 (c.xlviii))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. x
25 July 1807
An Act or making and maintaining a Road from Birmingham, in the County of Warwick, to join the Lichfield Turnpike Road, in the Parish of Shenstone, in the County of Stafford, and for making a Branch of Road to communicate therewith.
(Repealed by Birmingham and Watford Gap Road Act 1826 (c.xxii))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xi
25 July 1807

(Repealed by Dumbarton Roads and Bridges Act 1828 (c.lxxxii))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xii
25 July 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xiii
25 July 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xiv
25 July 1807

(Repealed by Beverley and Kexby Bridge Road Act 1828 (c.lxxviii))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xv
25 July 1807
An Act for amending and keeping in Repair the Road from Brampton to Longtown, in the County of Cumberland, and for erecting a Bridge over the River Line upon the said Road.
(Repealed by Road from Brampton to Longtown Act 1829 (c.lxxxii))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xvi
25 July 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xvii
25 July 1807

(Repealed by Road from Frodsham Act 1827 (c.lxii))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xviii
25 July 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xix
25 July 1807

(Repealed by Road from Loughborough Act 1827 (c.lxxiv))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xx
25 July 1807
An Act for repairing, and keeping in Repair, several Roads in the County of Perth.
(Repealed by Roads and Bridges in Perth Act 1811 (c.cxcviii))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xxi
25 July 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xxii
25 July 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xxiii
25 July 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xxiv
25 July 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xxv
25 July 1807
An Act for inclosing Lands in the Manors and Township of Hunton, in the North Riding of the County of York.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xxvi
25 July 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xxvii
25 July 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xxviii
25 July 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xxix
1 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xxx
1 August 1807
An Act for the better Relief of the Poor of the Parish of Christchurch, in the County of Middlesex.
(Repealed by London Government (Borough of Stepney) Order in Council 1901 (SR&O 1901/276))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xxxi
1 August 1807

(Repealed by Thames Conservancy Act 1894 (57 & 58 Vict. c. clxxxvii))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xxxii
1 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xxxiii
1 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xxxiv
1 August 1807

(Repealed by County of Kent Act 1981 (c. xviii))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xxxv
1 August 1807
An Act to enable the Reverend Alban Thomas Jones Gwynne, his Heirs and Assigns, to repair and enlarge, or rebuild the Quay or Pier within the Harbour or Port of Aberayron, in the County of Cardigan, and to improve the said Harbour, and to regulate the Moorings of Ships and Vessels therein.
(Repealed by Aberayron Harbour Order 1956 (SI 1956/2114))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xxxvi
1 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xxxvii
1 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xxxviii
1 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xxxix
1 August 1807

(Repealed by County Courts Act 1846 (9 & 10 Vict. c. 95))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xl
1 August 1807
An Act for the more easy and speedy Recovery of Small Debts within the Town of Gravesend and the Hundreds of Toltingtrough, Dartford, Wilmington, and Axtane, in the County of Kent.
(Repealed by County Courts Act 1846 (9 & 10 Vict. c. 95))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xli
1 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xlii
1 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xliii
1 August 1807
An Act for building a Bridge over the River Thames, from the Parish of Sutton Courtney, in the County of Berks, to the Parish of Culham, in the County of Oxford.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xliv
1 August 1807
An Act to enable His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, to grant Letters Patent for establishing a Theatre or Play-house, under certain Restrictions, in the Town of Birmingham, in the County of Warwick.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xlv
1 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xlvi
1 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xlvii
1 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xlviii
1 August 1807

(Repealed by Road from Great Grimsby Haven Act 1828 (c.lxviii))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xlix
1 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. l
1 August 1807
An Act to amend, and render more effectual, so much of an Act of the Thirty-third Year of His late Majesty,[e] for draining certain Fen Lands in the Isle of Ely, and Counties of Suffolk and Norfolk, near Mildenhall River, and empowering the Conservators of Bedford Level to sell certain Fen Lands, as relates to the Lands in the Second District described in the said Act.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. li
1 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lii
1 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. liii
1 August 1807

(Repealed by Penryn and Redruth Roads Act 1827 (c.xviii))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. liv
1 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lv
1 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lvi
1 August 1807
An Act for continuing the Term, and altering and enlarging Powers of Two Acts, of the Fifth[f] and Twenty-sixth[g] Years of present Majesty, so far as the same relate to the Road leading the River at Swathling, through Botley, to the Turnpike Road Sherril Heath, in the County of Southampton.
(Repealed by Swathling, Botley and Sherril Heath Road Act 1829 (c.lxxxi))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lvii
1 August 1807
An Act for vesting several Manors and Hereditaments in the Counties of Lincoln, Suffolk, and Essex, Parts of the Settled Estates of the Right Honourable Frederick William Earl of Bristol in Trustees, upon Trust to sell, and for laying out the Monies arising from such Sales in the Purchase of more convenient Estates, and for other Purposes therein mentioned.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lviii
1 August 1807
An Act for vesting Part of the Settled Estates of the Right Honourable Philip Earl of Chesterfield, in Trustees, in Trust to be sold, and for laying out the Monies arising from such Sales in the Purchase of other Estates, to be settled to the same Uses.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lix
1 August 1807
An Act to enable Henrietta West Spinster, and James West Esquire, and their Lessee for the Time being, to grant Building Leases of certain Lands (devised by the Will of Sarah West deceased) in the Parish of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsey, in the County of Surrey.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lx
1 August 1807
An Act for vesting certain Estates of Mary Foster and George Edward Graham Esquire, and Mary his Wife, in King's Lynn and South Lynn, in the County of Norfolk, in Trustees, upon Trust to sell the same and to stand possessed of the Monies arising from the Sale thereof, upon the Trusts therein mentioned.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxi
1 August 1807
An Act for settling the Right of Patronage or Presentation of or to a Chapel, to be called Shireoaks Chapel, in the Parish of Worksop, in the County of Nottingham.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxii
1 August 1807
An Act for inclosing Lands in the Parishes of Rhûddlan, Saint Asaph, Diserth, and Cwm in the County of Flint.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxiii
1 August 1807
An Act for inclosing the Lands of Thorpe in the County of Surrey.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxiv
1 August 1807
An Act for inclosing Lands in the Townships of Wheston and Tideswell, and in the Manor of Tideswell, in the County of Derby.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxv
1 August 1807
An Act for inclosing Lands in the Manor and Township of Bramham, in the West Riding of the County of York.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxvi
1 August 1807
An Act for inclosing Lands in the Parish of Shipdham, in the County of Norfolk.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxvii
8 August 1807
An Act to amend Three Acts of the Eighteenth,[h] Thirty-ninth,[i] and Forty-fourth[j] Years of His present Majesty for erecting a Court House, for the holding of Sessions of the Peace in the City of Westminster.
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 2008)
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxviii
8 August 1807
An Act for repealing the several Acts for regulating the Vend and Delivery of Coals within the Cities of London and Westminster and Liberties thereof, and in certain Parts of the Counties of Middlesex, Surry, Kent, and Essex; and for making better Provision for the same.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxix
8 August 1807
An Act for enlarging the Term and altering the Powers of several Acts for the Maintenance and Repair of the Harbour of Dover, in the County of Kent.
(Repealed by Dover Harbour Act 1828 (c.xxxi))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxx
8 August 1807
An Act to revive and continue for Seven Years, and from thence to the End of the then next Session of Parliament, so much of several Acts passed as relate to the better regulating of Pilots for conducting Ships and Vessels from Dover, Deal, and the Isle of Thanet, up the Rivers of Thames and Medway.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxxi
8 August 1807
An Act for the Improvement of the Harbour of Ynys Congor, situated on the Coast of Efionedd in the County of Carnarvon.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxxii
8 August 1807
An Act for better supplying with Water the Inhabitants of the Parishes of Stratford Bow, otherwise Stratford le Bow, Saint John Hackney, Saint Mary Islington, Saint Matthew Bethnell Green, and several other Parishes, Hamlets, Townships, and Places adjacent or near thereunto, in the Counties of Middlesex and Essex.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxxiii
8 August 1807
An Act to alter, amend, and render more effectual, an Act, passed in the Nineteenth Year of His present Majesty,[k] for the better Relief and Employment of the Poor of the several Parishes with the Hundred of Cosford, except the Parish of Hadleigh, and also the Parish of Polstead, within the Hundred of Babergh, in the County of Suffolk.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxxiv
8 August 1807
An Act for improving, and rendering more commodious, such Part of the County and County of the City of Dublin, as is situate on the South Side of the River Anna Liffey and West of His Majesty's Castle of Dublin and for the Appointment of an Inspector of the Presentments and other Accounts of the County of the City aforesaid.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxxv
8 August 1807
An Act for paving, cleansing, lighting, and watching the Parish of Saint Michael in the Liberties of the City of Limerick, and adjoining the said City, and for preventing and removing the Nuisances therein.
(Repealed by Limerick Improvement Act 1853 (c.cxiv))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxxvi
8 August 1807
An Act for taking down the present Church, and providing a new Church and Church-yard, in the Parish of Wallsend, in the County of Northumberland, and for rendering valid certain Marriages solemnized in the said Parish while the present Church has been in a State of Decay.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxxvii
8 August 1807
An Act for erecting a Chapel on certain extra parochial Land called Standard Hill, near the Town of Nottingham.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxxviii
8 August 1807
An Act for the more speedy and easy Recovery of Small Debts in the Soakes of Bolingbrooke and Horncastle and other Places in the County of Lincoln.
(Repealed by County Courts Act 1846 (9 & 10 Vict. c. 95))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxxix
8 August 1807
An Act for the more easy and speedy Recovery of Small Debts in the Town and Borough of Ipswich, in the County of Suffolk.
(Repealed by County Courts Act 1846 (9 & 10 Vict. c. 95))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxxx
8 August 1807
An Act to enable the Company of Proprietors of the Grand Surrey Canal to complete the same.
(Repealed by Grand Surrey Docks and Canal Act 1855 (c.xxiv))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxxxi
8 August 1807
An Act to alter amend explain and enlarge the Powers of the Acts passed for making and maintaining the Rochdale Canal Navigation.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxxxii
8 August 1807
An Act to authorize the Trustees of the River Weaver Navigation to open a more convenient Communication between the said River near Frodsham Bridge and the River Mersey, near Weston Point, in the Township of Weston in the County of Chester, and to amend Two Acts[l][m] relative to the said River.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxxxiii
8 August 1807
An Act for repealing several Acts, of the Thirty-third Year of King George the Second,[e] and the Thirteenth[n] and Thirty-seventh[o] Years of His present Majesty, for draining certain Fen Lands in the Isle of Ely, and Counties of Suffolk and Norfolk, near Mildenhall River, so far as relates to the several Lands in the First District therein described, and for making better Provision for draining and preserving the said Lands.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxxxiv
8 August 1807
An Act to regulate and improve the Cattle Market, to provide a Market House, and establish a Market for the Sale of Butcher's Meat and other Articles, and to make other Improvements, within the City of Chichester, in the County of Sussex.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxxxv
8 August 1807
An Act for raising and securing a Fund for the Relief of Widows Children of Burgh and Parochial School-masters in Scotland.
(Repealed by Schoolmasters' Widows' and Children's Relief Fund (Scotland) Act 1843 (6 & 7 Vict. c. xxv))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxxxvi
8 August 1807
An Act to explain an Act, of the Forty-seventh Year of His present Majesty,[p] for enabling the Albion Fire and Life Insurance Company to sue in the Name of their Secretary, and to inrol Annuities.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxxxvii
8 August 1807
An Act to explain an Act, of the Forty-seventh Year of His present Majesty,[q] for enabling the Globe Insurance Company to sue in the Name of their Treasurer, and to inrol Annuities.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxxxviii
8 August 1807
An Act to explain an Act, of the Forty-seventh Year of His present Majesty,[r] for enabling the Pelican Life Insurance Company to sue in the Name of their Secretary, and to inrol Annuities.
(Repealed by Pelican Life Insurance Company's Act 1891 (c.lxxx))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. lxxxix
8 August 1807
An Act to continue and amend Two Acts, of the Fifth[s] and Twenty-sixth[t] Years of His present Majesty, for repairing several Roads leading from Llandilo to Lampeter, and other Places in the County of Carmarthen.
(Repealed by Roads in Carmarthen Act 1828 (c.lxxxi))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xc
8 August 1807
An Act for continuing the Term, and altering and enlarging the Powers of Two Acts of the Fourth[u] and Twenty-fifth[v] Years of His present Majesty, for repairing and widening the Road from Whitby to Middleton, in the County of York.
(Repealed by Whitby and Middleton Road Act 1827 (c.liii))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xci
8 August 1807

(Repealed by Banbury and Lutterworth Road Act 1828 (c.lxxxvi))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xcii
8 August 1807

(Repealed by Bilston Turnpike Roads Act 1829 (c.lxxvi))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xciii
8 August 1807

(Repealed by Birstall and Huddersfield Roads Act 1828 (c.lxxxiii))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xciv
8 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xcv
8 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xcvi
8 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xcvii
8 August 1807

(Repealed by Great Torrington Roads Act 1824 (c.lxxxi))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xcviii
8 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. xcix
8 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. c
8 August 1807
An Act for effecting the Sale of certain Real Estates, late of Henry Champneys Esquire, deceased, devised by his Will, or purchased in pursuance thereof, and for laying out the Money arising from the Sale thereof, under the Directions of the High Court of Chancery, in the Purchase of other Estates to be settled to the same Uses as the Estates so sold.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. ci
8 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cii
8 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. ciii
8 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. civ
8 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cv
8 August 1807
An Act for inclosing Lands in the Township of Ossett, in the Parish of Dewsbury in the West Riding of the County of York.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cvi
8 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cvii
8 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cviii
8 August 1807
An Act to enable His Majesty to release to the Devisees in Fee, in Trust of the Estates of Sir Charles Davers Baronet, deceased, an Annuity or Yearly Sum of Eight hundred Pounds, given by the Will of Mary Davers Spinster, to Francis Alexander Frederick de la Rochefoucauld de Liancourt, an Alien, and the Arrears thereof
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cix
13 August 1807
An Act for the more effectual Improvement of the City of Dublin, and the Environs thereof.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cx
13 August 1807
An Act for deepening, enlarging, maintaining, and improving the Harbour of Peterhead, in the County of Aberdeen.
(Repealed by Peterhead Harbour Act 1827 (c.xxxiv))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cxi
13 August 1807
An Act for paving, cleansing, lighting, and watching the Town and Parish of Woolwich, in the County of Kent, and removing and preventing Nuisances therein, for the better Relief and Employment of the Poor, for providing an additional Burial Ground, and for regulating the Market of the said Town and Parish.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cxii
13 August 1807
Act to amend an Act, of the Forty-second Year of His present Majesty,[w] for building a new Gaol for the County of Galway, and other Purposes relating thereto; and for providing a new Sessions House for the said County.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cxiii
13 August 1807
An Act to enable the Company of Proprietors of the Lancaster Canal Navigation to vary the Course of the said Canal, and to make Railways or Roads, and to amend and render more effectual Two Acts relating to the said Navigation.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cxiv
13 August 1807
An Act for separating the Chapelries and Chapels of Newcastle-under-Lyme, Burslem, Whitmore, Bucknall and Bagnall, and Norton in the Moors, from the Rectory and Parish Church of Stoke-upon-Trent, in the County of Stafford, and for making them Five distinct Rectories and Parish Churches; and for enabling the Rector of the said Parish Church of Stoke-upon-Trent for the Time being to grant Building Leases of certain Glebe Lands belonging to the said Rectory.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cxv
13 August 1807
An Act for enlarging the Powers of an Act, of the Twenty-sixth Year of His present Majesty,[x] for making and keeping in Repair certain Roads in the Parishes of Lambeth, Newington, Saint George Southwark, Bermondsey, and Christ Church, in the County of Surrey, and for watching and lighting the said Roads.
(Repealed by Surrey New Roads Act 1822 (c.cxii))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cxvi
13 August 1807
An Act to continue the Term and enlarge the Powers of an Act[y] for repairing the Roads from Horsham to the Top of Beeding Hill, and from Steyning to the Top of Steyning Hill in the County of Sussex; and for making a Road from the said Roads in the Parish of Beeding, by Beeding Chalk Pit, to the North East Corner of the Sheep Field, in the Parish of Kingstone by Sea in the said County.
(Repealed by Roads from Horsham Act 1828 (c.lxx))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cxvii
13 August 1807
An Act for improving the Navigation of a certain Part of the River Adur; and for the better draining the Low Lands lying in the Levels above Beeding Bridge. and below Mock Bridge and Bines Bridge. all in the County of Sussex.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cxviii
13 August 1807
An Act for repealing an Act, made in the Thirty-eighth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, "An Act for vesting certain Freehold and Copyhold Estates, devised by the Will of the late Arthur Jones Esquire, deceased, in the Counties of Kent, Nottingham, Carmarthen, Cardigan, and Middlesex, and in the Cities and Liberties of London and Westminster, in Trustees, to be sold, and for laying out the Monies to arise by such sale, together with the Sum of Fifty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three Pounds Three Shillings and Four-pence, Three Pounds per Centum Consolidated Bank Annuities, standing in the Name of the Accomptant General of the High Court of Chancery, in Trust in a certain Cause in the said Court, Macnamara versus Jones, being the clear Residue of the Personal Estate of the said Testator Arthur Jones, in the Purchase of other Lands and Hereditaments to be settled to the same Uses, and for enabling the said Trustees to grant Leases of the Estates so to be purchased, and also to cut Timber growing thereupon, subject to Restrictions,"[z] so far as the Trusts thereof have not been performed and caried into Execution.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cxix
13 August 1807
An Act for vesting in the Right Honourable Robert Spencer, commonly called Lord Robert Spencer, in Fee Simple; Part of his Settled Estates in the County of Sussex, in Exchange for another of the said Lord Robert Spencer, in the same County, and for settling such last-mentioned Estate to the like Uses as the said Part his Settled Estates stood settled.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cxx
13 August 1807
An Act to enable the surviving Trustee named in the last Will and Testament of the late Right Honourable Henry Earl of Ely, deceased, to sell the Mansion House of the said late Earl, in Ely Place, in the City of Dublin, with the Appurtenances and the Furniture to the said House belonging, and the Glasses and Pictures therein; and to lay out the Monies to arise by such Sale in the Purchase of Lands and Hereditaments in Ireland, and to settle such Lands so to be purchased to the same Uses, and subject to the same Limitations, as are in the said Will declared and expressed with respect to the said Mansion House, with the Appurtenances.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cxxi
13 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cxxii
13 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cxxiii
13 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cxxiv
13 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cxxv
13 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cxxvi
13 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cxxvii
13 August 1807
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cxxviii
13 August 1807
An Act for vesting certain Estates belonging to the See of Canterbury in Trustees for Sale, and for applying the Purchase Monies, together with other Monies, in the Manner therein mentioned, and for enabling the Archbishop of Canterbury to grant Building and Repairing Leases, and for other Purposes.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cxxix
14 August 1807
An Act for enabling the Proprietors of the Navigation of the River Avon, in the Counties of Somerset and Gloucester, from the City of Bath to or near Hanham's Mills, to make and maintain an Horse Towing-path, for the Purpose of towing and haling with Horses or otherwise, Boats, Lighters, and other Vessels, up and down the said River.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cxxx
14 August 1807
An Act for draining embarking and improving Lands in the Parish of Ottringham in Holderness, in the East Riding of the County of York.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cxxxi
14 August 1807
An Act for prolonging the Term of certain Letters Patent assigned to Henry Fourdrinier and Sealy Fourdrinier, for the Invention of making Paper by means of Machinery.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cxxxii
14 August 1807
An Act for making better Provision for the Support and Maintenance of the Rector for the Time being of the Parish of Saint George the Martyr, Southwark, in the County of Surrey.
(Repealed by St. George the Martyr, Southwark Act 1893 (c.xiv))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cxxxiii
14 August 1807
An Act for more effectually repairing the Road from the City of York to Kexby Bridge, and from Grimston to the upper End of Stone Dale, in the County of York.
(Repealed by Roads from York and from Grimston Act 1827 (c.xcix))
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. cxxxiv
14 August 1807
An Act for inclosing Lands in the Parish of Brandon, in the County of Suffolk.

Private acts

Short titleCitationRoyal assent
Long title
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 1
22 June 1807[a]
An Act for enclosing Lands in the Parish of Warnbrook, in the County of Dorset.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 2
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 3
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 4
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 5
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 6
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 7
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 8
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 9
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 10
22 June 1807[a]
An Act for inclosing Lands in the Parish of Alderton, in the County of Gloucester.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 11
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 12
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 13
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 14
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 15
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 16
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 17
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 18
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 19
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 20
22 June 1807[a]
An Act for inclosing Lands in the Manor and Township of Burton, in the Parish of Burton, in the County Palatine of Chester.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 21
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 22
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 23
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 24
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 25
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 26
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 27
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 28
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 29
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 30
22 June 1807[a]
An Act for vesting certain Estates at Ealing, in the County of Middlesex (devised by the Will of the Right Honourable Elizabeth Lady Kinnaird), in Trustees, upon Trust to sell the same, and for applying Part of the Purchase Monies in Discharge of an Incumbrance thereupon, and for laying out the Residue of the Monies in the Purchase of other Estates to be settled to the same Uses.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 31
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 32
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 33
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 34
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 35
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 36
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 37
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 38
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 39
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 40
22 June 1807[a]
An Act for inclosing Lands in the Parish of Torpenhow, in the County of Cumberland.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 41
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 42
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 43
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 44
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 45
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 46
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 47
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 48
22 June 1807[a]
An Act for vesting certain Estates, in the Parish of Chaldon Herring, in the County of Dorset, entailed by the Settlement made on the Marriage of the Honourable Lionel Damer deceased, with Williamza his Wife, and the Will of John Damer Esquire, deceased, in Trustees to be sold, and for investing the Monies arising therefrom in the Purchase of other Estates to be settled to the same Uses.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 49
22 June 1807[a]
An Act for vesting in an additional Trustee certain Trust Estates comprised in, and settled by an Act made in the Thirty-third Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Second, intituled, "An Act for settling certain Manors, Capital Messuages, Lands, and Hereditaments, in the County of Hertford, comprized in a Settlement made by William Strode Esquire, deceased, and for purchasing with the Money arising by such Sale other Lands and Hereditaments, to be settled to the like Uses,"[b] upon the subsisting Trusts of the said Act.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 50
22 June 1807[a]
An Act for enabling the Trustees, under the Will of John Meyrick Esquire, deceased, to sell a capital Messuage and Lands at Fulham, in the County of Middlesex, and for other Purposes therein mentioned.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 51
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 52
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 53
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 54
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 55
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 56
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 57
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 58
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 59
22 June 1807[a]
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 60
22 June 1807[a]
An Act for inclosing Lands in the Parish of Saint Andrew the Less, otherwise called Barnwell, in the Town of Cambridge, in the County of Cambridge, and certain Lands in the Parishes of Saint Andrew the Great, Saint Mary the Great, and Saint Mary the Less, or some or one of them, in the said Town of Cambridge, lying intermixed with the Lands in the said Parish of Saint Andrew the Less, otherwise called Barnwell.
47 Geo. 3 Sess. 2. c. 61
22 June 1807[a]
An Act to dissolve the Marriage of John Ellis with Maria Palmer, his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again; and for other Purposes therein mentioned.
  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi Start of session
  2. ^ William Strode's Estate Act 1759 (33 Geo. 2 c. 64)



See also



  1. ^ a b The citation of this act by this short title was authorised by the Short Titles Act 1896, section 1 and the first schedule. Due to the repeal of those provisions it is now authorised by section 19(2) of the Interpretation Act 1978.
  2. ^ Short title assigned by the Statute Law Revision Act 1948
  3. ^ The citation of this act by this short title was authorised by section 1 of the East London Waterworks Act 1852 (15 & 16 Vict. c. vii).
  4. ^ The citation of this act by this short title was authorised by section 1 of the East London Waterworks (No. 2) Act 1852 (15 & 16 Vict. clxiv).
  5. ^ The citation of this act by this short title was authorised by section 1 of the East London Waterworks Act 1853 (16 & 17 Vict. c. clxvi).