The Dating Guy
The Dating Guy is a cartoon comedy show created in 2009 that currently airs on Teletoon's night period, Teletoon at Night weekdays at 11:30pm and twice Sunday.
It was directed by Joseph Sherman, (who also directed Frozen Butterflies) with writing done by Chloe & Frank Van Keeken, AM & Max Reid, Jeremy Diamond and Mark Steinberg.
It centers around a Torontonian named Mark (voiced by Philippe Martin IV) and his friends Woody (Widemir Normil), Sam (Éveline Gélinas) and VJ (Olivier Visentin).
There have been 26 30 minute episodes in it. They are two 13-episode seasons produced on at nearly a weekly basis during October-December in two consecutive years. The first 13 episodes aired in 2009, the 2nd set in 2010. Besides airing on Teletoon, the episodes are also available for free viewing on the series web site. The titles are as follows:
- Bonnie & Mark Mark hits it off with Bonnie right before she robs a bank; Sam is impressed by a street illusionist. Sept 17 (2009)
- Beaver Fever Mark's new girlfriend invites him and the gang to her parents' cottage for the weekend; VJ and Woody target the women. Sept 24
- Boner Donor Mark is promised great sex in return for a kidney; Sam impersonates a doctor. Oct 1
- A Taste of Wang V.J. falls for Lily; Mark lies about knowing a famous singer to impress Jeannie. Oct 8
- Statute of Limitations An artist emasculates Mark by sculpting him with a reduced manhood; Woody tattoos his face to impress a woman Oct 15
- Yummy Dummy Mark takes a liking to a ventriloquist's dummy; Woody's prowess is threatened. Oct 22
- Really Bad Lieutenant Woody and V.J. are abandoned at a reenactment pioneer village; Mark and Sam date police officers. Oct 29
- Captain Petard Mark steals a boat to impress a mistaken gold-digger; Woody starts a Monday night pillow fighting league. Nov 5
- There's Something About Amelia Mark dates a were-wolf who wants acceptance; Sam tries dating a single father. Nov 12
- Cherry Sundae An adult star takes a liking to Mark; V.J.'s privates become the model for sex toys. Nov 19
- Woodyplicity When V.J. totals Mark's car, he tries to win a new one; Woody pretends he has a twin. Dec 3
- Wind Tunnel A local weathergirl loses her job after a night with Mark; V.J. turns a golf-putting device into a sex toy. Dec 10
- He's Here and He's Queer Mark claims to be homosexual to avoid Wanda; Anderson asks Sam to marry her. Dec 17
- 24ish Woody and Mark are on a deadline to hook up with Swedish flight attendants; Oct 6 (2010)
- Perfect 10 Killer Sam goes undercover to catch a serial killer; Mark buys man-shoes. Oct 13
- Incredible Shrinking Woody Woody and Anderson are shrunk and used as sex toys; Sam and Mark compete on a Japanese game show. Oct 20
- AssPocalypse Now Bottom augmentation; V.J. gets a gut-reduction; Mark needs to retrieve one-of-a-kind jeans. Oct 27
- Leprechaun Interrupted Mark, V.J. and Woody kidnap a leprechaun with a hot daughter; Sam gets herself committed. Nov 3
- Gross Encounters of the Virgin Kind V.J. is convinced that he's had relations with aliens; Sam convinces her ugly boyfriend to get plastic surgery. Nov 10
- VJ and the Holy Boner V.J. searches for the "Holy Grail of Porn"; Mark meets up with a former flame. Nov 17
- Spontaneous Skidmark Being in love forces Woody to make decisions; V.J. gets his first car. Nov 24
- Spanking the Monkey When Sam's ex departs, he leaves a monkey in her care; V.J. an d Woody grow a pot monster. Dec 1
- Brother From Another Tanning Booth Woody and Mark swap races; after a weekend with Sam, a boy band goes to waste. Dec 8
- Too Fast Too Dexler Woody attempts to teach Mark how to be a man; while glued together, Sam and V.J. date conjoined twins. Dec 15
- Weekend at Booyah's Mark's boss falls for Sam; Woody is treated like a piece of meat. Dec 22
- 20,000 VJ's Under the Sea Mark works on an ad campaign for an eccentric billionaire, who takes the gang on a submarine. Dec 29