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Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford

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Edward de Vere
Earl of Oxford
Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, unknown artist after lost original, 1575, National Portrait Gallery, London
Born12 April 1550
Castle Hedingham in Essex
Died24 June 1604 (aged 54)
Brooke House in Hackney

Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford (12 April 1550–24 June 1604) was an Elizabethan courtier, playwright, lyric poet, sportsman and patron of the arts, who wrote the plays attributed to "William Shakespeare," a pseudonym used by De Vere to conceal his identity. The pseudonym became attached to a illiterate merchant from Stratford whose name was spelled various ways but is probably best represented by "William Shaksper." The evidence for De Vere as author of the "Shakespearean" plays is overwhelming, but most commentators and establishment academics support the traditional Stratfordian view, despite growing scholarship that discredits it.

He was born, heir to the second oldest continuously inherited earldom in England,[1] to John de Vere, the 16th Earl of Oxford and the former Margery Golding, probably at Castle Hedingham in Essex. As a royal ward raised by Secretary of State Sir William Cecil, Oxford enjoyed a broad education, including mastery of several languages. He travelled widely throughout Europe, and participated in military campaigns, both in the Northern Rebellion (1569–1570) and at Flanders in the Anglo-Spanish War (1585), although in what capacity is unknown.

De Vere was noted for his theatrical and literary patronage. Between 1564 and 1599, some 28 books were dedicated to him, including works by Edmund Spenser, Arthur Golding, and John Lyly.[2] His theatrical activities included owning the lease on the first Blackfriars Theatre, producing grand entertainments at Hampton Court—he was known particularly for his comedies[3][4]—and sponsoring at least two acting companies and a company of musicians.

Early life

Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, born 12 April 1550,[5] was the only son of John de Vere, 16th Earl of Oxford and his second wife, Margery Golding (d.1568). He had a younger sister, Mary (d.1624), born about 1554,[6] and an older half-sister, Katherine (1538-1600), the daughter of his father's first marriage to Dorothy Neville (d.1548).[7] Baptised Edward, a name unique in the de Vere family, perhaps as a compliment to the then king Edward VI,[8] de Vere was styled Viscount Bulbeck, and raised in the Reformed Faith. Although the 16th Earl's support for Queen Mary was instrumental in her accession to the throne, he was given no preferment during her reign.[9] He was a sportsman and hunter of note, and among his son's earliest accomplishments were mastery of riding, shooting and hawking. The 16th Earl's circle included his brothers-in-law, the poets Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, and Edmund Sheffield, 1st Baron Sheffield, and the translator, Arthur Golding. He was one of the small number of noblemen who retained a company of actors.[10]

Oxford's earliest tutor was Thomas Fowle, a former fellow of St John's College, Cambridge, to whom the 16th Earl granted an annuity on 4 May 1558 'for service in teaching Edward Vere, my son, Viscount Bulbeck, done & to be done'.[11] In November of that year, Oxford matriculated as an impubes or fellow-commoner of Queen's College, Cambridge.[12] His name disappears from the college registers in March 1559, and he did not receive a BA with his classmates in Lent 1562.[13] Oxford was also tutored by Sir Thomas Smith and resided for a time in Smith's household. The evidence as to when Oxford resided with Smith is unclear, however, and Smith was not among those granted annuities by the 16th Earl.[14]


On the death of his father on 3 August 1562, the twelve-year-old Oxford became the 17th Earl of Oxford and Lord Great Chamberlain of England. Because the 16th Earl held land from the Crown by knight service, Oxford became a royal ward and was placed in the household of Sir William Cecil, Secretary of State and Master of the Court of Wards.[15] Under Cecil's supervision Oxford studied French, Latin, writing, drawing, cosmography, dancing, riding and shooting[16] The first of Oxford's extant letters, dated 23 August 1563, is in French.[17] During his first year at Cecil House Oxford was tutored by Laurence Nowell, one of the founding fathers of Anglo-Saxon studies.[18].

In 1563 the legitimacy of the marriage of Oxford’s parents was challenged in the ecclesiastical courts by a petition to Archbishop Matthew Parker filed by Oxford’s half-sister, Katherine, then the wife of Edward (1532?-1575), 3rd Lord Windsor. On 28 June 1563 Oxford’s maternal uncle Arthur Golding replied on behalf of Oxford and his sister, Mary, requesting the Archbishop to stay the petition on the ground that legal proceedings against a ward of the Queen could not be maintained in any other court without prior licence from the Court of Wards and Liveries.[19] At some time before October in the same year,[20] Oxford's mother, Margery, Countess of Oxford, remarried. Her second husband was the Queen's Gentleman Pensioner, Charles Tyrrell.[21]

In May 1564 Arthur Golding published his Th’ Abridgement of the Histories of Trogus Pompeius. Though originally intending it for the 16th Earl, he dedicated it to his young nephew, attributing to him an interest in ancient history and contemporary events.[22] The dedication reads in part:

It is not unknown to others, and I have had experience thereof myself, how earnest a desire Your Honor hath naturally graffed in you to read, peruse, and communicate with others, as well as the histories of ancient times and things done long ago, as also the present estate of things in our days, and that not without a certain pregnancy of wit and ripeness of understanding. [23]

On 10 August 1564 Oxford was among 17 noblemen, knights and esquires in the Queen's entourage who were awarded the honorary degree of Master of Arts by the University of Cambridge. On 6 September 1566 Oxford and others accompanying the Queen were granted honorary M.A. degrees by the University of Oxford.[24][25] On 1 February 1567 he was admitted to Gray's Inn.[26]

On 23 July 1567 Oxford killed Thomas Brincknell, an under-cook in the Cecil household, while practising fencing with Edward Baynham, a Westminster tailor, in the backyard of Cecil House in the Strand. At the coroner's inquest held the following day, the 17 jurymen found that Brincknell was drunk, and had caused his own death. Sir William Cecil later recorded the event in a note in his retrospective diary:

Thomas Bryncknell, an under Cook, was hurt by the Erle of Oxford at Cecill-house, wherof he dyed, and by a Verdict found felo de se, with running upon a Poynt of a Fence Sword of the said Erle.[27]

Cecil also later wrote that 'I did my best to haue the Iury fynd the death of a poor man whom he killed in my houss to be found se defendendo'.[28]

By an indenture of 1 July 1562 the 16th Earl had contracted with Henry Hastings, 3rd Earl of Huntingdon for a marriage for Oxford with one of Huntingdon's sisters. The indenture provided that when he reached the age of 18 in 1568 Oxford could choose to marry either Elizabeth or Mary Hastings. However after the death of the 16th Earl the indenture lapsed. Elizabeth Hastings later married Edward Somerset, while Mary Hastings died unmarried. In the same year Oxford's mother died on 2 December 1568. She is said to have been buried at Earls Colne.[29]

On 24 November 1569 Oxford wrote to Sir William Cecil mentioning that he had recovered from an illness, and asking that Cecil in 1569 for a foreign military posting, saying that he had always wanted to "see the wars and services in strange and foreign parts". A Catholic rebellion, the Revolt of the Northern Earls, had broken out that year, and after a delay (despite an interview with Oxford, Queen Elizabeth was hesitant to grant him leave), Cecil obtained a position for de Vere under the Earl of Sussex in the Scottish campaigns the following spring, although in what capacity is unknown.[30][31]

Records of books purchased for Oxford when he was 19 attest to his continued interest in history, as well as literature and philosophy. Among them were editions of Chaucer, Plutarch (in French), two books in Italian, and folio editions of Cicero and Plato (probably in Latin).[32] In the same year Thomas Underdown dedicated his translation of the Æthiopian History of Heliodorus to Oxford, praising his 'haughty courage', 'great skill' and 'sufficiency of learning'.[33]

Over 1570, Oxford according to several reports, became interested in occultism, and studied magic and conjuring, having made the acquaintance of John Dee that winter.[34][35]

In 1570 Oxford's stepfather, Charles Tyrrell, was buried at Kingston-upon-Thames. In his will he bequeathed 'unto the Earl of Oxford one great horse that his lordship gave me'.[36]

Coming of Age

In April 1571 Oxford took his seat in the House of Lords.[37] The year saw him participating in the tilt, tourney and barrier before the Queen in May,[38][39] and attending the French envoy, Paul de Foix, who had come to discuss the queen's projected marriage to the duc d'Anjou. He began to publish his poetry in this period, and with Edward Dyer, figured as one of the first courtiers to introduce vernacular verse to the Queen's court.[40]

[41] In 1571, the most eligible bachelor in England, he declared an interest in Cecil's eldest daughter, Anne, aged 14, and received the queen's consent to a marriage. She had been pledged to Philip Sidney in August 1569, and others had apparently sought her hand. Cecil, who had risen to Baron Burghley by February, was displeased with the arrangement, apparently having entertained the idea of her marrying the earl of Rutland instead. But Oxford's rank trumped all else.[42] The wedding was deferred until Anne's maturity and celebrated in the presence of the Queen, together with the marriage of Lady Elizabeth Hastings and Lord Herbert, on 19 December 1571, tying two young English nobles into Protestant families, as England's Catholic enemies noted.[43] Burghley gave Oxford a marriage settlement of £800 worth of land and a cash gift of £3,000, an amount equal to Oxford's livery fees and probably intended for such use, but the money vanished without trace.[44]

Oxford's marriage produced five children, a son and daughter who died young, and three daughters who survived infancy. The Earl's daughters all married into the peerage. Elizabeth, to whom the Queen stood godmother at her christening,[45] married William Stanley, 6th Earl of Derby. Bridget married Francis Norris, 1st Earl of Berkshire. Susan married Philip Herbert, 4th Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, one of the “incomparable paire of brethren” to whom William Shakespeare's First Folio would be dedicated.

After coming of age on 12 April 1571, Oxford began the lengthy process of suing his livery, and was licenced to enter on his lands a year later on 30 May 1572.[46] He was heir to an annual income assessed at approximately £2200, although he was not entitled to the revenues from the estates comprising his mother's jointure until after her death in 1568 nor to the revenues from certain estates set aside to pay his father's debts until 1583.[47] In July, the Queen demanded a payment of £3,000 for his wardship and marriage and a further £4,000 for 'suing his livery'. Oxford signed an obligation to pay double the sum if he failed to pay the £7,000 when it fell due.[48]

By May 1572 Oxford was described by Gilbert Talbot as one of the Queen's foremost favourites,[49] and she called him her Turk.[50] Her high regard lasted until revelations of his liaison with one of her maids of honour came to light in March 1581.[50]

Both abroad and in England Oxford was suspected of entertaining Roman Catholic sympathies, of being partial to Mary, Queen of Scots, and perhaps intent on a military mission.[51] After obtaining royal permission, he left England, probably in early February 1575, to undertake a tour of France, Germany and Italy.[52] Dr Dale wrote to Lord Burghley in March 1575 mentioning that a Flemish painter had made Oxford's device well; very proper, witty, and significant.[53]

On his return across the English Channel in April 1576, Oxford's ship was hijacked by pirates, who stripped him naked, apparently with the intention of murdering him, until they were made aware of his noble status, upon which he was allowed to go free, albeit without most of his possessions.[54]

Elizabeth, his daughter, was born 2 July 1575, evidently being conceived at Hampton Court the previous October.[55] Oxford learned of the event late September 1575, and he expressed joy about the news in two letters to his wife.[56] While returning home, however, he heard about speculation that the child was not his, and on his return to England in April 1576 he refused to speak to his wife's family[57] and repudiated his daughter Elizabeth.[58] Oxford complained that her father's handling of the birth date had made Ann "the fable of the world", and he refused to live with her from 1576 until 1581. {{citation}}: Empty citation (help)

In 1577 Oxford invested £25 in the second of Martin Frobisher’s expeditions in search of the Northwest Passage, and in 1578 he invested £3000 in the third expedition. The ‘gold’ ore found by Frobisher turned out to be worthless, and Oxford lost his entire investment.[59]

In 1581 Oxford fathered an illegitimate son by Anne Vavasour, Sir Edward Vere.[60] and for this offence was imprisoned in the Tower of London for several months, and later placed under house arrest and banished from court. Around this time, after a five year separation, Oxford had reconciled with his wife, Anne Cecil.[61] However his affair with Anne Vavasour led to a fray in the streets of London in March 1582 with her uncle, Sir Thomas Knyvet, a courtier in favour with the Queen. Both men were 'hurt', Oxford 'more dangerously,' and Oxford's man 'Gerret' was slain.[62][63] His pardon was engineered by Sir Walter Raleigh, and he returned to court after two years of disgrace in June of 1583,[64] though he never regained his position as a courtier of the first magnitude.[50]

According to Fulke Greville, in late August 1579 Oxford appeared on a tennis court where Sir Philip Sidney was playing and ordered him to leave. Oxford, when challenged, called Sidney a "puppy" before the French marriage-commissioners negotiating the Duke of Anjou's suit to marry the Queen. Sidney strode off and issued what became perhaps the most famous challenge to a duel in Elizabethan England.[65][66][67]

Oxford had many friends among a close circle of Catholic courtiers[68] and, in December 1580, Oxford accused three of them, Lord Henry Howard, Charles Arundel, and Francis Southwell, of engaging in a treasonous pro-Catholic conspiracy, and denounced them to the Queen, asking mercy for his own Catholicism, which he repudiated.[69] Though these charged were initially dismissed, both Howard and Arundel, who had sought asylum with the Spanish ambassador, gave themselves up to the authorities, and in turn accused Oxford of many crimes, among them of plots to murder Sir Philip Sidney and the Earl of Leicester.[70][71]

Later years

Portrait of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, by Marcus Gheeraedts

By the early 1580s Oxford had sold of most of his inherited lands, alienating his major source of income. Castle Hedingham itself, the seat of his earldom, was sold in 1592.[72] In 1586 he petitioned the Queen for an annuity to restore his damaged finances,[73] and was granted a crown pension, payable in four installments over each year, of £1,000.[74] In 1585, Oxford was posted to serve at Flanders with Sir John Norreys, Sidney and Leicester, his erstwhile rivals, but appears to have quit his post and returned to England.[75] He volunteered to serve against the Spanish Armada in 1588, but refused his post as commander of the port town of Harwich.[76] His first wife Anne Cecil died in 1588 at the age of 32. By 1592 Oxford had sold off virtually every estate in his possession, and on December 27, 1591, married Elizabeth Trentham, one of the Queen's Maids of Honour,[77] trading, in the eyes of one biographer, his title for the money of an heiress.[78] On the 24th, of February 1593 the marriage produced his heir, Henry, Lord Vere, later the 18th Earl of Oxford.[79][80]

According to the Earl of Lincoln, Oxford suggested, as Elizabeth lay dying, that moves should be made to support Lord Hastings as heir to the throne.[81][82] If true, nothing came of the proposal. After his accession to the throne, King James granted, on on 18 July 1603, Oxford's decades-long suit to be restored to the offices of steward of Waltham Forest and keeper of the King's house and park at Havering, augmenting his annual income by £20.[83] On 2 August 1603 the King reconfirmed Oxford's annuity of £1000.[84] Less than a year later, Oxford died on 24 June 1604 of unknown causes at Brooke House in Hackney, and was buried on 6 July at the Church of St John-at-Hackney.[85]

Cultural life. Patronage, Literature and the Theatre


In 1571 Oxford wrote a Latin preface to Bartholomew Clerke's translation of Baldassare Castiglione's Courtier (1571) into that language (De Curiali sive Aulico:1571)

Stephen May calls him “a nobleman with extraordinary intellectual interests and commitments” whose biography exhibits a "lifelong devotion to learning.”[86] The focus of his patronage was mainly literary, though it also extended to the astrologer and alchemist Nicholas Hill.[87] 13 of the books presented to him were either original or translated works of world literature. In addition to Spenser and Golding, writers dedicating works to him include Thomas Watson, Robert Greene, John Lyly, Anthony Munday, and Thomas Churchyard, the latter having been employed by de Vere for various periods of time. Among works patronized by Oxford are John Lyly's second Euphues novel, Euphues and His England (1580); Thomas Watson's Hekatompathia (1582); John Soowthern's Pandora(1584), and Robert Greene's Gwydonius. The Carde of Fancie (1584). Angel Day dedicated his English Secretarie, (1586), the first epistolary manual for writing model letters in English,[88] to Oxford, as did Munday with both his Palmerin. The Mirrour of Nobilitie (1588) and Primaleon, The First Booke (1595). The composers William Byrd and John Farmer, dedicated books to him: the latter, in his The First Set of English Madrigals (1599) noted both Oxford's love of music and his musical expertise.[89] Oxford employed both Lyly and Munday as secretaries.

Poetry and comedy writing

Oxford was praised as a poet, playwright and patron of the arts in his own lifetime. Edmund Spenser, for example, lauded him in an epistolary sonnet to his Faerie Queene. Francis Meres in his Palladis Tamia (1598) listed Oxford as a playwright, describing him as among "the best for comedy". In 1589 the author of the anonymously published Arte of English Poesie (1589), usually identified as George Puttenham, wrote:

"And in her Maiesties time that now is are sprong vp an other crew of Courtly makers Noble men and Gentlemen of her Maiesties owne seruauntes, who haue written excellently well as it would appeare if their doings could be found out and made publicke with the rest, of which number is first that noble Gentleman Edward Earle of Oxford(,) Thomas Lord of Bukhurst, when he was young, Henry Lord Paget, Sir Philip Sydney, Sir Walter Rawleigh, Master Edward Dyar, Maister Fulke Greuille, Gascon, Britton, Turberuille, and a great many other learned Gentlemen . But of them all particularly this is myne opinion, that Chaucer, with Gower, Lidgate and Harding for their antiquitie ought to have the first place. .”[90]

Though Bernard M. Ward attributed 24 poems to Oxford in his 1928 edition of Sundrie Flowres, modern criticism now ascribes to his hand sixteen canonical poems.[91] Another four that have mixed attribution may possibly be his. These mostly date to his heyday as a young courtier in the 1570s, and there is small reason to suppose he composed poetry later than the 1580s.[92] Oxford uses 10 different stanza forms in these 16 poems, but he favoured the long-line couplets, iambic heptameters or "fourteeners" that dominated verse in mid-sixteenth century, rather than the hexameters of Shakespeare's age.[93]

Among the courtier poets of the 1570s who drew inspiration from post-classical continental authors from Petrarch to the Pléiade, who cultivated a new vernacular representation of the poet's immediate experiences, Oxford has replaced Edward Dyer for the distinction of being the premier Elizabethan courtier poet for love lyrics. In the commendatory verses prefacing his friend Thomas Bedingfield's translation of Jerome Cardan's De consolatione libri tres, (Cardanus' Comfort),[94] a self-consciously poetic temper is visible. But his greatest innovation occurs in the 8 poems published under his name three years later in The Paradise of Dainty Devices, which 'created a dramatic break with everything known to have been written at the Elizabethan court up to that time.'[95] Several stand out in the anthology as the only genuine love songs, and were intended to be sung. In the range of his themes, and diversity of his analyses of the lover's state of mind, Oxford stands out, as an innovator, from his contemporary English poets of this period.[96]

Oxford as a Patron of Players

Oxford was a theatrical patron, like many of his fellow nobles. The practice of keeping companies developed when a statute was passed in 1572 aimed against potential uprisings involving the many bands of liveried servants and retainers kept by nobles, and which once formed the core of their private armies. Actors in the service of a peer fell victim to the law, and appealed to the Earl of Leicester, Robert Dudley for protection, and a royal patent was secured allowing them to conduct their profession under aristocratic patronage. To retain a troupe of players was a mark of status.[97] Oxford, like the Earl of Derby, was also described as a playwright,[98] and Francis Meres judged him one of 'the best for Comedy among vs'.[90] In 1580, the players of Leicester's brother Ambrose, Earl of Warwick shifted their allegiance to Oxford. These toured the provinces, and records refer to 'the Earl of Oxenford's lads', and a company consisting of 9 boys and a man. In 1583, in a poaching operation that also pillaged actors from Leicester's Men and Sussex's Men, Oxford lost one of his adult players, Lawrence Dutton, to the newly created Queen's Men company.[99][100]

Oxford took over the lease of Blackfriars playhouse, the only indoor playhouse used by a boy's company, and transferred it to his secretary Lyly, and over the next 4 years, under Oxford's sponsorship, choristers from two troupes, the Queen's Children of the Chapel and the Children of Paul's played there,[101] only the latter are certain to have been under Oxford's patronage. They performed Lyly's comedy Sapho and Phao at Court over the 1583–1584 holiday season, after which Lyly sold the lease to Lord Hunsdon.[102] This is the last we hear of Oxford's boy company, and the episode was the high watermark of Oxford's theatrical patronage.[103] He did form an apparently new adult company in 1585, active until 1590. Three notices exist of a troupe of Oxford's players exist for the years 1600–1602, the last regarding a notice that his company had joined with the Earl of Worcester's to play at the Boar's Head Inn.[103][104]

Poems by Oxford

Shakespearean authorship question

In 1920 J. Thomas Looney, an English schoolteacher, proposed de Vere as a candidate for the authorship of Shakespeare's works. His theory, based on perceived analogies between de Vere's life and poetics and both the stories and style of Shakespeare's plays and sonnets, gradually replaced Francis Bacon's ascendency in the field. All but a few scholars reject all alternative candidates for authorship,[105] and Elizabethan specialists have mainly ignored the suggestion. Alan Nelson, one of de Vere's recent biographers, concludes that the claim is without merit,[2] but Mark Anderson, in a more recent biographer, marshals strong evidence in favor of de Vere.


  1. ^ May 2007, p. 61
  2. ^ a b Nelson 2004
  3. ^ Ward 1928, pp. 274–275
  4. ^ Nelson 2003, pp. 386–387
  5. ^ G.E.C. 1945, p. 250
  6. ^ Nelson 2003, p. 23
  7. ^ Ward 1928, p. 7
  8. ^ Ward 1928, p. 9
  9. ^ Loades 1989, pp. 181, 184
  10. ^ Ward 1928, pp. 9–10
  11. ^ Nelson 2003, p. 447
  12. ^ G.E.C. 1945, p. 250
  13. ^ Nelson 2003, p. 25
  14. ^ Pearson 2005, pp. 14, 222
  15. ^ Pearson 2005, p. 14
  16. ^ Ward 1928, p. 20
  17. ^ Ward 1928, p. 21
  18. ^ Ward 1928, pp. 20–21
  19. ^ Nelson 2003, pp. 40–41
  20. ^ Nelson 2003, p. 41
  21. ^ G.E.C. 1945, pp. 249–250
  22. ^ Nelson 2003, p. 43
  23. ^ Ward 1928, pp. 23–24
  24. ^ G.E.C. 1945, p. 250
  25. ^ Nelson 2003, pp. 42–45
  26. ^ Ward 1928, p. 27
  27. ^ Nelson 2003, p. 47
  28. ^ Nelson 2003, p. 48
  29. ^ Nelson 2003, p. 49
  30. ^ Ward 1928, pp. 39–41, 48
  31. ^ Nelson 2003, pp. 52–53
  32. ^ Ward 1928, pp. 31–3
  33. ^ Ward 1928, p. 31
  34. ^ Ward 1928, pp. 49–50
  35. ^ Nelson 2003, pp. 58–60
  36. ^ Nelson 2003, pp. 49–50
  37. ^ G.E.C. 1945, p. 250
  38. ^ Ward 1928, pp. 56–61
  39. ^ Nelson 2003, pp. 68–70
  40. ^ May 2007, pp. 61–62
  41. ^ Nelson 2003, p. 49
  42. ^ Nelson 2003, pp. 71–72
  43. ^ Pearson 2005, pp. 28–29
  44. ^ Pearson 2005, pp. 28, 38
  45. ^ Nelson 2003, pp. 127–128
  46. ^ PRO 2006, p. 450
  47. ^ Paul 2006, pp. 95–96
  48. ^ Nelson 2003, p. 71
  49. ^ Pearson 2005, pp. 31, n.53:135, 150 n.5. Letter of May 11, 1572:'The Queen's Majesty delighteth more in his personnage and his valiantness than any other'.
  50. ^ a b c May 1991, p. 269
  51. ^ Nelson 2003, pp. 119–120
  52. ^ Nelson 2003, pp. 117–121
  53. ^ Calendar of State Papers Foreign, Elizabeth, Volume 11: 1575-1577 (1880), no. 61, Dale to Burghley, Paris, 26 March 1575.
  54. ^ Nelson 2003, p. 135
  55. ^ Nelson 2003, p. 117
  56. ^ Ward 1928, pp. 107–8, 113
  57. ^ Ward 1928, pp. 118
  58. ^ Pearson 2005, p. 106
  59. ^ Nelson 2003, pp. 186–188
  60. ^ Nelson 2003, pp. 214–216
  61. ^ Ward 1928, pp. 226–227, 232–233
  62. ^ Ward 1928, pp. 227–230
  63. ^ Nelson 2003, pp. 280–286. Oxford in a late letter to Lord Burghley(25 March 1595) mentions his lameness. Whether this is related to a wound suffered on this occasion, or from a knee injury on a Venetian galley during his Italian tour,Nelson 2003, p. 128, is not known
  64. ^ Ward 1928, p. 233
  65. ^ Peltonen 2003, p. 80
  66. ^ Nelson 2003, pp. 194–201
  67. ^ Ward 1928, pp. 164–177
  68. ^ Peck 1978, p. 427
  69. ^ Nelson 2003, p. 249
  70. ^ Ward 1928, pp. 207–214
  71. ^ Nelson 2003, pp. 250–255
  72. ^ Pearson 2005, p. 211
  73. ^ Nelson 2003, p. 300
  74. ^ Pearson 2005, p. 52
  75. ^ Nelson 2003, p. 297
  76. ^ Nelson 2003, pp. 317–319
  77. ^ Nelson 2003, pp. 336–337
  78. ^ Pearson 2005, p. 88
  79. ^ Nelson 2003, p. 343
  80. ^ Ward 1928, p. 313
  81. ^ Nelson 2003, pp. 409–417
  82. ^ Pearson 2005, pp. 148–149
  83. ^ Pearson 2005, p. 98 n.170
  84. ^ Nelson 2003, p. 423
  85. ^ Nelson 2003, pp. 425, 431. Two parish registers confirm his burial at Hackney, though his cousin Percival Golding much later misplaced the site as Westminster Abbey.
  86. ^ May 1980, pp. 5, 8
  87. ^ Nelson 2003, p. 62
  88. ^ Beebee 1999, p. 32
  89. ^ Nelson 2003, pp. 381–382
  90. ^ a b Nelson 2003, p. 386
  91. ^ Nelson 2004, pp. 157, 387
  92. ^ May 1991, p. 270
  93. ^ May 2004, p. 301
  94. ^ Ward 1928
  95. ^ May 1991, pp. 52–53
  96. ^ May 1991, pp. 53–54
  97. ^ Matus 1994, pp. 221–223
  98. ^ Matus 1994, p. 221:'the earl of Derby was "busy penning comedies for the common players".' (June 30, 1599)
  99. ^ Nelson 2003, pp. 239, 245
  100. ^ Matus 1994, p. 223
  101. ^ Shapiro 2009, p. 132
  102. ^ Matus 1994, pp. 223–224
  103. ^ a b Matus 1994, p. 225
  104. ^ Chambers 2009, p. 225
  105. ^ Schoenbaum 1991, pp. 430–437


Political offices
Preceded by Lord Great Chamberlain
Succeeded by
Peerage of England
Preceded by Earl of Oxford
Succeeded by
