Jens Christensen (bishop)
and again in letters, articles, reports and lectures. From 1950–60 he worked steadily on a correspondence course comprising 37 lectures. There were students in several countries. We now find the lectures in the book ‘The Practical Approach to Muslims’, edited by a mission society in North Africa.1 The book has also been printed in German as ‘Christuszeugnis für Muslime’. The Danish title is ‘Konfrontation. Islam og Kristendom’. To help young preachers, Jens published his sermons for each Sunday in a church year. In 1955 he prepared the Constitution for the Lutheran Church in Pakistan (PLC), and in 1959 ‘The Book of Common Worship of the Pakistani Lutheran Church’, with the Creeds and the Augsburg Confession, was published. He was consecrated Bishop of the PLC in 1955.
Jens Christensen was a soldier in the Church Militant, and at the frontline. He was loyal to the last in spite of much illness and many trials. He was an inspiring leader and a good friend of many different people, who enjoyed the cheerful hospitality of his and Margrethes’ home. He was only 67 when he died in 1966. At his side was his faithful wife and secretary Margrethe who, until her own death in 1983, very actively supported and promoted his work.