Talk:Colonization of Titan
About that merge...
This article has grown several times over since it was first proposed for deletion. To compare with its current state, here is its entire contents at the time it was proposed for deletion and the merge vote begun:
*** Begin old article: ***
No solid plans or studies have been made regarding manned missions to Titan, or colonization of that world, at least not outside of science fiction. One exception is a chapter in Entering Space: Creating a Spacefaring Civilization (1999) by Robert Zubrin, who speculates how humans could cope in and exploit the Titanian environment. The relative lack of solid research is probably not surprising given our limited understanding of Titan. It seems that the surface of Titan is very young and active, and contains large amounts of water ice and perhaps oceans and canals of liquid organic compounds. It should be able to support a base, but more information regarding Titan's surface and the activities on it is necessary. The thick atmosphere and the weather are also factors to consider.
*** End old article ***
I've changed my mind since the vote and decided there's enough material for this article to stand on its own. It has more supporting references than anywhere else in the outer solar system. - Reaverdrop 02:10, 16 May 2006 (UTC)
It seems very unusual for editors to simply ignore the outcome of an AFD debate in which consensus was very clear. I don't see why it shouldn't be merged and redirected as mandated by the discussion. Worldtraveller 00:58, 17 May 2006 (UTC)
- The AfD discussion revolved around the short article, quoted above, which simply duplicated material in the Colonization of the outer solar system article. Many editors, including myself, suggested a merge was in order *unless* the article was substantially expanded with well sourced material. That has since happened and a merge no longer seems appropriate. --agr 02:27, 17 May 2006 (UTC)
I like how the first line in the entire article has a "Citation Needed".... That needs to be fixed somehow SpookyPig 13:35, 15 March 2007 (UTC)