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The declaration of independence of the islamic state Muslims believe the truth, and the only Muslim only to succumb to the rational, muslims do not accept any form of assimilation and cultural infiltration, muslims do not fear with a powerful country, nor oppress any a weak people. Muslim rational can depend on, well-documented. The world is muddy, muslims alone. Muslim is practical, too. -- - : "the fight for independence" 中文 伊斯兰国《独立宣言》 穆斯林只信真理,穆斯林只屈服于理性,穆斯林不接受任何一种形式的同化及文化渗杂,穆斯林不畏惧与任何一个强大的国家为敌,也不欺压任何一个弱小的民族。穆斯林的做法有理可依,有据可查。世人皆浑,穆斯林独清。穆斯林求真务实,独善其身。 哈里发宣誓“为独立而战”

领土要求[编辑] 根据伊斯兰国自家公布个国旗,宣称穆斯林是唯一的真理,是上天保留下来的唯一宗教,领土(包括全中东、非洲东部、中部、北部、黑海东部、南部、西部,亚洲中部和西部、欧洲伊比利半岛、印度、新疆、西藏地区,陕西)等区域。 心理学依据: 没有人会为与自已无关的人担忧,这个世界没有为别人的事,人做的事都是为自已。人做的事都是符合自身的意愿,因为人在做决断之前都是经过权衡。

战争动机: 伊斯兰圣战的动机:建立反同化,反虚伪,反腐败,反污秽,反强奸,反侵占,反奴役,反生态破坏的穆斯林联盟。 美国的战争动机:思想同化,侵占,要求服从,来获得更大的自由权。美国战士战争动机获得财富和地位,获得随意奸淫的自由权,以战争作为获得荣誉的方式。奥巴马作为一个黑人,为什么要管美国人的事,连上帝都不愿管的事,关你奥巴马什么事,哪么奥巴马发动中东战争的动机只是展示他作为美国总统在世界里的影响力,获得美国人民的认同而产生的荣誉感,这是奥巴马权欲的表现方式。

战争性质: 伊斯兰在战争中杜绝强奸,对违反纪律的士兵都是以死刑进行惩罚,穆斯林战争不是邪恶的。 美国士兵中东战场强奸,辱尸,淫乱,抢夺,这些都不是正义之师的军队纪律

联合国性质: 没有为国为民的人,只有仗势欺人的狗。所有成员国追求权力的动机,都是为追求比他人更优越的生活方式,追求更高的自由权和影响力。所有成员国发动战争的动机,都是在为自已的安全担忧。

  • Moroccans (515)
  • Turks (112)
  • Pakistanis (79)


The Muslim community has an Islamic Cultural Center which provides about 50 students with Arabic lessons. The government and the Muslim community have not yet agreed on a system which would enable the schools to give such lessons.

There is no specifically built mosque in Andorra and the government refuses to allocate land for such a project, saying there are not enough low-priced lands. In 2003 the local imam, Mohamed Raguig, petitioned Bishop Joan Martí Alanis asking for either land from the Church in order to build a mosque or for space inside a church to be used as a mosque.[1]


At around 700, the Muslims conquered the area from the Visigoths, through the Segre valley. The Muslims did not really stay in Andorra, rather using it as a shortcut to get to Toulouse, Narbonne, Carcassonne and Nîmes.

The Battle of Poitiers and the Battle of Roncesvalles marked the end of those expeditions to the other part of the Pyrenees.

According to Antoni Filter i Rossell in his history book the Manual Digest (1748), in 788, 5000 Andorrans, led by Marc Almugàver came to Charlemagne's assistance in the Vall de Carol in fighting the Muslims. After the battle, Charlemagne gave his protection to Andorra and declared them as a sovereign people.[2]

See also
