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Meatoplasty is a surgery involving enlargement and other surgical reconfiguration of a meatus.


There are two types of meatoplasty 1. external auditory meatoplasty 2. urethral meatoplasty


Procedure in which crescent of conchal cartilage is excised to widen the meatus.


1. Open mastoidoepitympanonectomy 2. Tympanpoplasty 3. Canalplasty 4. Removal of exotosis 5. Sagging auricle 6. Lateral stenosis of external ear canal


Performed as an outpatient procedure under local anethesia. There are four techniques of meatoplasty : 1. Komers flap 2. Siebenmanns flap 3. Mawsons flap 4. Bhatia et al’s flap 5. M-meatoplasty 6. V-meatoplasty


1. Retract the tragus to improve exposure. 2. Skin markings are done to make incision. 3. First line is placed at the entrance to the external auditory meatus. 4. V shape line is drawn in the centre of first skin marking. 5. Make skin incision over the lines which forms three triangular skin flaps. 6. Elevate the skin flap and suture it. 7. Remove the obstructing cartilaginous part and underlying soft tissue. 8. Make incision in posterior canal wall,to create two intrameatal skin flap. 9. Suture are given at pointed ends of two intrameatal skin flap and both sides of base of central triangle skin flap. 10. To widen the entrance of ear canal,make suture at the beginning of the intrameatal skin incision and the apex of the middle triangular skin flap. 11. Terracotril ointment which contains steroid sand antiseptic agent is placed in the external ear canal for five days. 12. Sutures are removed after two weeks.


1. Infection 2. It may cause pain,inflammation and tightness of area 3. Bleeding discharge 4. Allergic reaction 5. Change in shape and appearance of ear 6. Deterioration of hearing due to packing of ear


[1] [2] [3] [4] textbook of disease of ear,nose and throat by P L Dhingra page 409