User:Gary/nominations viewer.js

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Gary (talk | contribs) at 07:21, 6 August 2014 (t). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.7.1


	Description: Compact nominations for [[WP:FAC]], [[WP:FAR]], [[WP:FLC]], [[WP:FLRC]], [[WP:FPC]], and [[WP:PR]].
	Documentation: [[Wikipedia:Nominations Viewer]]

	Begin settings
	NominationsViewer =
		'enabledPages': ['Wikipedia:Featured article candidates', ...],
		'nominationData': ['images', 'age', 'nominators', 'participants', 'votes'],
var NominationsViewer, NominationsViewerClass, collapseTable;

if (typeof NominationsViewer === "undefined" || NominationsViewer === null) {
  NominationsViewer = {};

if (NominationsViewer.enabledPages == null) {
  NominationsViewer.enabledPages = {
    'User:Gary/Sandbox': 'nominations',
    'Wikipedia:Featured article candidates': 'nominations',
    'Wikipedia:Featured article review': 'reviews',
    'Wikipedia:Featured list candidates': 'nominations',
    'Wikipedia:Featured list removal candidates': 'reviews',
    'Wikipedia:Featured picture candidates': 'pictures',
    'Wikipedia:Peer review': 'peer reviews'

if (NominationsViewer.nominationData == null) {
  NominationsViewer.nominationData = ['images', 'age', 'nominators', 'participants', 'votes'];

	End settings

NominationsViewerClass = (function() {
  function NominationsViewerClass() {}


  NominationsViewerClass.addNominationData = function(pageName, $parentNode, ids) {
    var $span, id, _i, _len, _results;
    _results = [];
    for (_i = 0, _len = ids.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
      id = ids[_i];
      $span = $('<span id="' + id + '-' + pageName + '"></span>');
    return _results;

  NominationsViewerClass.addOverallNominationInformation = function($h3s) {
    var $expandCollapseLink, $info;
    $expandCollapseLink = $('<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="expand-collapse-all">expand all</a>').on('click', {
      allH3Length: $h3s.length
    }, this.toggleAllNoms);
    $info = $('<span class="overall-controls"></span>').append(' (').append($expandCollapseLink).append(')');
    return $h3s.first().next().prevUntil('h2').last().prev().append($info);

  NominationsViewerClass.appendAllNominationData = function(pageName) {
    var appendNominationData;
    appendNominationData = function(callback, parameters) {
      return importScriptURI(mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?callback=' + callback + '&format=json&' + parameters);
    pageName = encodeURIComponent(pageName);
    appendNominationData('NominationsViewerClass.allRevisionsCallback', 'action=query&prop=revisions&rvdir=newer&rvlimit=500&titles=' + pageName);
    appendNominationData('NominationsViewerClass.currentRevisionCallback', 'action=query&prop=revisions&rvdir=older&rvlimit=1&rvprop=content&titles=' + pageName);
    return appendNominationData('NominationsViewerClass.firstRevisionCallback', 'action=query&prop=revisions&rvdir=newer&rvlimit=1&titles=' + pageName);

  NominationsViewerClass.appendGeneratedNominationData = function(pageName, data, id, abbrTitle, isFirstData) {
    var $abbr, $id, $newChild, character, escapedCharacters, invalidCssCharacters, _i, _len;
    if (!data) {
      return false;
    invalidCssCharacters = '~!@$%^&*()_+-=,./\';:"?><[]\{}|`#';
    escapedCharacters = '';
    for (_i = 0, _len = invalidCssCharacters.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
      character = invalidCssCharacters[_i];
      escapedCharacters += '\\' + character;
    $id = $('#' + id + '-' + pageName.replace(RegExp('([' + escapedCharacters + '])', 'g'), '\\$1'));
    $newChild = $('<span></span>');
    if (!isFirstData) {
      $newChild.append(' · ');
    $abbr = $('<abbr title="' + abbrTitle + '">' + data + '</abbr>');
    return $id.append($newChild);

  NominationsViewerClass.createData = function(pageName) {
    var $newSpan, $viewLink, matchArchiveNumber, matchArchiveNumberPrint, number, ordinalSuffix;
    $newSpan = $('<span class="nomination-data"></span>').append('<tt>(</tt>');
    matchArchiveNumber = pageName.match(/([0-9]+)$/);
    matchArchiveNumberPrint = matchArchiveNumber && matchArchiveNumber[1] > 1 ? (number = parseInt(matchArchiveNumber[1]), ordinalSuffix = (function() {
      switch (number) {
        case 2:
          return 'nd';
        case 3:
          return 'rd';
          return 'th';
    })(), ': ' + number + ordinalSuffix) : '';
    $viewLink = $('<span><a href="/https/' + pageName + '">nomination</a>' + matchArchiveNumberPrint + '</span>');
    return $newSpan.append($viewLink).append('<tt>)</tt>');

  NominationsViewerClass.createNewNode = function(oldNode, showHideLink, newSpan, index) {
    var $heading, $newNode;
    $newNode = $('<div id="nom-title-' + index + '"></div>').append(oldNode.clone(true));
    $heading = $newNode.children().first();
    $heading.prepend('<span class="nomination-order">' + (index + 1) + '.</span> ').append(' ').append(showHideLink).append(newSpan);
    return $newNode;

  NominationsViewerClass.createNomArticleName = function(pageName) {
    var nomArticleName;
    nomArticleName = pageName.replace(/_/g, ' ').split('/');
    return nomArticleName = nomArticleName[nomArticleName.length - 2];

  NominationsViewerClass.createNomination = function(_arg) {
    var $h3, NominationsViewer, editLink, index, newNode, newSpan, nomArticleName, nomDiv, pageName, showHideLink;
    $h3 = _arg.$h3, index = _arg.index, NominationsViewer = _arg.NominationsViewer;
    editLink = $h3.find('.mw-editsection-bracket').next('a');
    if (!editLink.length) {
      return true;
    pageName = editLink.attr('title').replace(/\ /g, '_');
    nomArticleName = this.createNomArticleName(pageName);
    showHideLink = this.createShowHideLink(index);
    newSpan = this.createData(pageName);
    this.hideNomination($h3, index);
    this.addNominationData(pageName, newSpan, NominationsViewer.nominationData);
    newNode = this.createNewNode($h3, showHideLink, newSpan, index);
    nomDiv = this.generateNomination(index, newNode, $h3);
    return this.appendAllNominationData(pageName);

  NominationsViewerClass.createShowHideLink = function(index) {
    return $('<span class="plus-minus-button">[<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="nom-button-' + index + '">show</a>]</span>').on('click', {
      index: index
    }, this.toggleNomClick);

  NominationsViewerClass.generateNomination = function(index, newNode, oldNode) {
    return $('<div class="nomination" id="nom-' + index + '"></div>').append(newNode.clone(true)).append($(oldNode[0].nextSibling).clone(true));

  NominationsViewerClass.hideNomination = function($h3, index) {
    var hiddenNode, nomNextSibling, nomNextSiblingTemp;
    hiddenNode = document.createElement('div');
    hiddenNode.className = 'nomination-body'; = 'nom-data-' + index; = 'none';
    nomNextSibling = $h3[0].nextSibling;
    while (nomNextSibling !== null && ['H2', 'H3'].indexOf(nomNextSibling.nodeName) === -1 && !(nomNextSibling.classList && nomNextSibling.classList.contains('printfooter'))) {
      nomNextSiblingTemp = nomNextSibling.nextSibling;
      if (nomNextSibling.nodeType !== 3) {
      nomNextSibling = nomNextSiblingTemp;
    return $h3.after(hiddenNode);

  NominationsViewerClass.init = function() {
    var $h3s, $parentNode, currentPageIsASubpage, currentPageIsEnabled, page, type, _ref;
    _ref = NominationsViewer.enabledPages;
    for (page in _ref) {
      type = _ref[page];
      if (mw.config.get('wgPageName') === page.replace(/\ /g, '_')) {
        currentPageIsEnabled = true;
      } else if (mw.config.get('wgPageName').indexOf(page.replace(/\ /g, '_')) === 0) {
        currentPageIsASubpage = true;
    if (!((currentPageIsEnabled != null) && mw.config.get('wgAction') === 'view' && window.location.href.indexOf('&oldid=') === -1 && (currentPageIsASubpage == null))) {
      return false;
    $parentNode = $('.mw-content-ltr');
    $h3s = $parentNode.find('h3');
    $h3s.each((function(_this) {
      return function(index, element) {
        return _this.createNomination({
          $h3: $(element),
          index: index,
          NominationsViewer: NominationsViewer
    return $('.collapseButton').each(function(index) {
      var $link;
      $link = $(this).children().first();
      index = $link.attr('id').substring($link.attr('id').indexOf('collapseButton') + 'collapseButton'.length, $link.attr('id').length);
      return $link.attr('href', 'javascript:void(0)').on('click', {
        index: index
      }, collapseTable);


  NominationsViewerClass.nominationsViewerCss = function() {
    return mw.util.addCSS('html { overflow-y: scroll; } #content .nomination h3 { margin-bottom: 0; padding-top: 0; } .nomination-data, .nomination-order, .overall-controls { font-size: 75%; font-weight: normal; } .nomination-order { display: inline-block; width: 25px; } .plus-minus-button { font-size: 13px; font-weight: normal; display: inline-block; width: 40px; }');

  NominationsViewerClass.toggleAllNoms = function(event) {
    var $firstChild, action, allH3Length, index, _i, _results;
    allH3Length =;
    $firstChild = $('#expand-collapse-all');
    if ($firstChild.text() === 'expand all') {
      $firstChild.text('collapse all');
      action = 'expand';
    } else if ($firstChild.text() === 'collapse all') {
      $firstChild.text('expand all');
      action = 'collapse';
    _results = [];
    for (index = _i = 0; 0 <= allH3Length ? _i < allH3Length : _i > allH3Length; index = 0 <= allH3Length ? ++_i : --_i) {
      _results.push(NominationsViewerClass.toggleNom(index, action));
    return _results;

  NominationsViewerClass.toggleNom = function(id, action) {
    var $node, $nomButton, toggleHideNom, toggleShowNom;
    if (action == null) {
      action = '';
    toggleHideNom = function($node, $nomButton) {
      return $nomButton.text('show');
    toggleShowNom = function($node, $nomButton) {
      return $nomButton.text('hide');
    $node = $('#nom-data-' + id);
    $nomButton = $('#nom-button-' + id);
    if (action === 'collapse') {
      return toggleHideNom($node, $nomButton);
    } else if (action === 'expand') {
      return toggleShowNom($node, $nomButton);
    } else if ($':visible')) {
      return toggleHideNom($node, $nomButton);
    } else if ($':hidden')) {
      return toggleShowNom($node, $nomButton);

  NominationsViewerClass.toggleNomClick = function(event) {
    var index;
    index =;
    return NominationsViewerClass.toggleNom(index);


  NominationsViewerClass.allRevisionsCallback = function(obj) {
    var count, moreThan, revision, user, userCount, users, usersArray, usersArray2, vars, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref;
    vars = this.formatJSON(obj);
    if (!vars) {
    if (this.dataIsEnabled('participants') && vars['revisions']) {
      users = {};
      userCount = 0;
      _ref = vars['revisions'];
      for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
        revision = _ref[_i];
        if (!revision['user']) {
        if (users[revision['user']]) {
        } else {
          users[revision['user']] = 1;
      if (obj['query-continue']) {
        moreThan = 'more than ';
      } else {
        moreThan = '';
      usersArray = [];
      for (user in users) {
        count = users[user];
        usersArray.push([user, parseInt(count)]);
      usersArray.sort(function(a, b) {
        if (a[1] < b[1]) {
          return 1;
        } else if (a[1] > b[1]) {
          return -1;
        } else {
          return 0;
      usersArray2 = [];
      for (_j = 0, _len1 = usersArray.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
        user = usersArray[_j];
        usersArray2.push(user[0] + ': ' + user[1]);
      return this.appendGeneratedNominationData(vars['pageName'], moreThan + userCount + ' ' + this.pluralize('participant', userCount), 'participants', 'Sorted from most to least edits&#10;Total edits: ' + vars['revisions'].length + '&#10;Format: &quot;editor: number of edits&quot;:&#10;&#10;' + usersArray2.join('&#10;'));

  NominationsViewerClass.currentRevisionCallback = function(obj) {
    var allNominators, basicPatternClose, basicPatternOpen, content, dataText, filename, images, listOfNominators, match, matches, matches1, matches2, n, nomTypeText, opposeMatches, opposePattern, opposeText, opposes, pattern1, pattern2, showOpposesForNominations, showOpposesForReviews, showSupportsAndOpposes, split, supportMatches, supportPattern, supportText, supports, toolTip, vars, voteBuffer, _i, _len, _ref, _ref1;
    vars = this.formatJSON(obj);
    if (!vars) {
    if (vars['firstRevision']) {
      content = vars['firstRevision']['*'];
    } else {
      return false;
    if (this.nomType('pictures') && this.dataIsEnabled('images')) {
      pattern1 = /\[\[(File|Image):.*?\]\]/gi;
      pattern2 = /\n(File|Image):.*\|/gi;
      matches1 = content.match(pattern1);
      matches2 = content.match(pattern2);
      if (matches1) {
        matches = matches1;
      } else if (matches2) {
        matches = matches2;
      } else {
        matches = [];
      images = [];
      for (_i = 0, _len = matches.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
        match = matches[_i];
        split = match.split('|');
        filename = $.trim(split[0].replace(/^\[\[/, ''));
      this.appendGeneratedNominationData(vars['pageName'], matches.length + ' ' + this.pluralize('image', matches.length), 'images', 'Images (in order of appearance):&#10;&#10;' + images.join('&#10;'));
    if (this.dataIsEnabled('nominators') && !this.nomType('peer reviews')) {
      nomTypeText = '';
      listOfNominators = {};
      switch (this.nomType()) {
        case 'nominations':
          nomTypeText = 'nominator';
          listOfNominators = this.findNominators(content, /Nominator(\(s\))?:.*/);
          if ($.isEmptyObject(listOfNominators)) {
            listOfNominators = this.findNominators(content, /:<small>''.*/);
        case 'reviews':
          nomTypeText = 'notification';
          listOfNominators = this.findNominators(content, /(Notified|Notifying):.*/);
        case 'pictures':
          nomTypeText = 'nominator';
          listOfNominators = this.findNominators(content, /\* '''Support as nominator''' – .*/);
      allNominators = [];
      for (n in listOfNominators) {
      this.appendGeneratedNominationData(vars['pageName'], (allNominators.length > 0 ? allNominators.length + ' ' + this.pluralize(nomTypeText, allNominators.length) : '? ' + this.pluralize(nomTypeText, 0)), 'nominators', this.pluralize(this.capitalize(nomTypeText), allNominators.length) + ' (sorted alphabetically):&#10;&#10;' + allNominators.join('&#10;'));
    if (this.dataIsEnabled('votes') && !this.nomType('peer reviews')) {
      showOpposesForNominations = false;
      showOpposesForReviews = true;
      showSupportsAndOpposes = false;
      voteBuffer = 25;
      basicPatternOpen = "'''(.{0," + voteBuffer + "})?";
      basicPatternClose = "(.{0," + voteBuffer + "})?'''";
      if (this.nomType('nominations')) {
        supportText = 'support';
        opposeText = 'oppose';
        supportPattern = new RegExp(basicPatternOpen + 'support' + basicPatternClose, 'gi');
        opposePattern = new RegExp(basicPatternOpen + 'oppose' + basicPatternClose, 'gi');
      } else if (this.nomType('reviews')) {
        supportText = 'keep';
        opposeText = 'delist';
        supportPattern = new RegExp(basicPatternOpen + 'keep' + basicPatternClose, 'gi');
        opposePattern = new RegExp(basicPatternOpen + 'delist' + basicPatternClose, 'gi');
      } else if (this.nomType('pictures')) {
        supportText = 'support';
        opposeText = 'oppose';
        basicPatternOpen = "\\*(\\s)?'''.*?";
        basicPatternClose = ".*?'''";
        supportPattern = new RegExp(basicPatternOpen + 'Support' + basicPatternClose, 'gi');
        opposePattern = new RegExp(basicPatternOpen + 'Oppose' + basicPatternClose, 'gi');
      dataText = '';
      supportMatches = (_ref = content.match(supportPattern)) != null ? _ref : [];
      opposeMatches = (_ref1 = content.match(opposePattern)) != null ? _ref1 : [];
      supports = supportMatches.length + ' ' + this.pluralize(supportText, supportMatches.length);
      opposes = ', ' + opposeMatches.length + ' ' + this.pluralize(opposeText, opposeMatches.length);
      if (((this.nomType('nominations') || this.nomType('pictures')) && showOpposesForNominations) || (this.nomType('reviews') && showOpposesForReviews)) {
        showSupportsAndOpposes = true;
      if ((showSupportsAndOpposes === false && supportMatches.length === 0) || ((supportMatches.length + opposeMatches.length) === 0)) {
      if (showSupportsAndOpposes) {
        toolTip = dataText = supports + opposes;
      } else {
        dataText = supports;
      toolTip = supports + opposes;
      return this.appendGeneratedNominationData(vars['pageName'], dataText, 'votes', toolTip);

  NominationsViewerClass.firstRevisionCallback = function(obj) {
    var difference, differenceDays, differenceMonths, differenceYears, matches, origThen, origToday, thenDate, timeAgo, timestamp, today, vars;
    vars = this.formatJSON(obj);
    if (!vars) {
    if (this.dataIsEnabled('age') && vars['firstRevision']) {
      timestamp = vars['firstRevision']['timestamp'];
      matches = timestamp.match(/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})Z/);
      origToday = new Date();
      today = new Date(origToday.getFullYear(), origToday.getMonth(), origToday.getDate());
      origThen = new Date(Date.UTC(matches[1], matches[2] - 1, matches[3], matches[4], matches[5], matches[6]));
      thenDate = new Date(origThen.getFullYear(), origThen.getMonth(), origThen.getDate());
      difference = new Date(today.valueOf() - thenDate.valueOf());
      timeAgo = '';
      if (difference.valueOf() !== 0) {
        differenceYears = difference.getYear() - 70;
        differenceMonths = difference.getMonth();
        differenceDays = difference.getDate();
        if (differenceYears > 0) {
          timeAgo = differenceYears + ' ' + this.pluralize('year', differenceYears) + ' old';
        } else if (differenceMonths > 0) {
          timeAgo = differenceMonths + ' ' + this.pluralize('month', differenceMonths) + ' old';
        } else {
          timeAgo = differenceDays + ' ' + this.pluralize('day', differenceDays) + ' old';
      } else if (difference.valueOf() === 0) {
        timeAgo = 'today';
      return this.appendGeneratedNominationData(vars['pageName'], timeAgo, 'age', 'Creation date (local time):&#10;&#10;' + origThen);


  NominationsViewerClass.capitalize = function(string) {
    return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);

  NominationsViewerClass.dataIsEnabled = function(dataName) {
    var data, _i, _len, _ref;
    _ref = NominationsViewer.nominationData;
    for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
      data = _ref[_i];
      if (dataName === data) {
        return true;
    return false;

  NominationsViewerClass.findNominators = function(content, pattern) {
    var listOfNominators, nominator, nominatorMatches, nominators, userTemplatePattern, username, _i, _j, _len, _len1;
    nominatorMatches = content.match(pattern);
    listOfNominators = {};
    if (!nominatorMatches) {
      return listOfNominators;
    nominators = nominatorMatches[0].match(/\[\[(User|Wikipedia)([ _]talk)?:.*?\]\]/gi);
    if (nominators) {
      for (_i = 0, _len = nominators.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
        nominator = nominators[_i];
        username = nominator.replace(/\[\[(User|Wikipedia)([ _]talk)?:/i, '').replace(/\|.*/, '').replace(']]', '');
        if (username.indexOf('/') !== -1) {
          username = username.substring(0, username.indexOf('/'));
    userTemplatePattern = /\{\{user.*?\|(.*?)\}\}/gi;
    nominators = nominatorMatches[0].match(userTemplatePattern);
    if (nominators) {
      for (_j = 0, _len1 = nominators.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
        nominator = nominators[_j];
        listOfNominators[nominator.replace(userTemplatePattern, "$1")]++;
    return listOfNominators;

  NominationsViewerClass.formatJSON = function(obj) {
    var page, vars;
    if (!obj['query'] || !obj['query']['pages']) {
      return false;
    vars = [];
    vars['pages'] = obj['query']['pages'];
    vars['page'] = [];
    for (page in vars['pages']) {
    if (vars['page'].length !== 1) {
      return false;
    vars['page'] = obj['query']['pages'][vars['page'][0]];
    vars['pageName'] = vars['page']['title'].replace(/\ /g, '_');
    if (!vars['page']['revisions']) {
      return false;
    vars['firstRevision'] = vars['page']['revisions'][0];
    vars['revisions'] = vars['page']['revisions'];
    return vars;

  NominationsViewerClass.nomType = function(type) {
    var pageName, pageType;
    pageName = mw.config.get('wgPageName').replace(/_/g, ' ');
    pageType = NominationsViewer.enabledPages[pageName];
    if (type != null) {
      if (type === pageType) {
        return true;
      } else {
        return false;
    } else {
      return pageType;

  NominationsViewerClass.pluralize = function(string, count, plural) {
    if (plural == null) {
      plural = string + 's';
    if (count === 1) {
      return string;
    } else {
      return plural;

  return NominationsViewerClass;


collapseTable = function(event) {
  var $button, $rows, $table, collapseCaption, expandCaption, tableIndex;
  console.log('collapseTable was activated');
  tableIndex =;
  collapseCaption = 'hide';
  expandCaption = 'show';
  console.log('tableIndex: ' + tableIndex);
  $button = $('#collapseButton' + tableIndex);
  $table = $('#collapsibleTable' + tableIndex);
  if (!($table.length && $button.length)) {
    return false;
  $rows = $table.find('> tbody > tr');
  console.log('Button: ' + $button.length + ' and Table: ' + $table.length);
  console.log('Button text: ' + $button.text());
  if ($button.text() === collapseCaption) {
    $rows.each(function(index) {
      if (index === 0) {
        return true;
      return $(this).hide();
  } else {
    $rows.each(function(index) {
      if (index === 0) {
        return true;
      return $(this).show();
  return console.log('The end');

if (typeof unsafeWindow !== "undefined" && unsafeWindow !== null) {
  unsafeWindow.NominationsViewerClass = NominationsViewerClass;

$(function() {
  if (window.location.href.indexOf('&disable=nomviewer') > -1) {
    return false;
  return NominationsViewerClass.init();