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<!-- Definition and symptoms -->
'''Obstetrical bleeding''' is [[bleeding]] in [[pregnancy]] that occurs [[Antepartum bleeding|before]], during, or [[Postpartum bleeding|after childbirth]].<ref name=Wal2009>{{cite journal |last1=Walfish |first1=M. |last2=Neuman |first2=A. |last3=Wlody |first3=D. |title=Maternal haemorrhage |journal=British Journal of Anaesthesia |date=December 2009 |volume=103 |pages=i47–i56 |doi=10.1093/bja/aep303}}</ref> Bleeding before childbirth is that which occurs after 24 weeks of pregnancy.<ref name=Wal2009/> Bleeding may be vaginal or less commonly into the abdominal cavity. TypicallyBleeding bleedingwhich isoccurs relatedbefore to24 theweeks pregnancyis itself,known but some forms of bleeding are caused by other events.as [[Earlyearly pregnancy bleeding]] is that which occurs before 20 weeks.
<!-- Cause -->
Causes of bleeding before childbirth include [[cervicitis]], [[placenta previa]], and [[placental abruption]].<ref name=Wal2009/>
<!-- Epidemiology -->