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{{Infobox Bible translation|title=Sixtine Vulgate|image=Frontispiece of the Sixtine Vulgate 3.png|other_names=Sistine Vulgate <br>
{{Infobox Latin: Bible|image=FrontispieceVulgata of the Sixtine Vulgate 3.pngSixtina|altimage_alt_text=Frontispiece of the Sixtine Vulgate|image_caption=Frontispiece of the Sixtine Vulgate|language=[[Latin]]|complete_bible_published=1590|textual_basis=[[Vulgate]]|Followed byreligious_affiliation=[[Sixto-ClementineCatholic VulgateChurch]]|Preceded by=|genesis_1:1-3=In principio creavit Deus caelumcælum, et terram. Terra autem erat inanis et vacua, et tenebraetenebræ erant super faciem abyssi: et Spiritus Domini ferebatur super aquas. Dixitque Deus: Fiat lux. Et facta est lux.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title= Vulgata Sistina (VulgS)|website=}}</ref>|john_3:16=Sic enim Deus dilexit mundum, ut Filium suum unigenitum daret: ut omnis, qui credit in eum, non pereat, sed habeat vitam aeternam.|religious_affiliationlanguage=[[CatholicLate ChurchLatin]]|wikisource=la:Vulgata Sixtina}}{{Bible-related|TM}}
The '''Sixtine Vulgate''' or '''Sistine Vulgate''' ({{Lang-la|'''Vulgata Sixtina'''}}) is the edition of the [[Vulgate]]—a 4th-century Latin translation of the Bible that was written largely by [[Jerome]]—which was published in 1590, prepared by a commission on the orders of [[Pope Sixtus V]] and edited by himself. It was the first edition of the Vulgate authorised by a pope. Its official recognition was short-lived; the edition was replaced in 1592 by the [[Sixto-Clementine Vulgate]].
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=== Publication ===
[[File:Vulgata Sixtina - title page.jpg|alt=|thumb|Title page of the Sixtine Vulgate|256x256px]]
In May (or April<ref name=":9" />) 1590 the completed work was issued{{Sfnp|Metzger|1977|p=348|loc=}} in one volume, in a [[Folio|folio edition]], containing three distinct parts,{{Efn|The title page bears the indication "three distinct volumes/sections" (''tribus [[wiktionary:tomus|tomis]] distincta'')<ref name=":32"/>|name=|group=}} with the [[page numbering]] continuous throughout the entire volume.<ref name=":3" /><ref name=":32" /><ref>{{Cite bookweb <!-- Citation bot no -->|url=|title=Biblia sacra vulgatae editionis ad concilii Tridentini praescriptum emendata et a Sixto V.P.M. recognata et approbata.|website=The Morgan Library & Museum|date=14 September 1590 |access-date=15 March 2020| type= library holding record}}</ref> The Sixtine Vulgate was mostly free of [[typographical error]]s.<ref name=":5" /><ref name=":32" /> Regardless, even after the printed edition was issued, Sixtus continued to tinker with the text, revising it either by hand or by pasting strips of paper on the text.<ref name=":0">Le Bachalet, Xavier-Marie, ''Bellarmin et la Bible Sixto-Clémentine : Étude et documents inédits'', Paris: Gabriel Beauchesne & Cie, 1911 (in French). The majority of this work is reproduced [ at the bottom of this article]{{Unreliable source?|date=February 2024}} ("Annexe 1 – Etude du Révérend Père Le Bachelet (1911)").</ref>
This edition is known as the ''Vulgata Sixtina,''{{Sfnp|Gerace|2016|p=225}} ''Sixtine Vulgate'', or ''Sistine Vulgate''.<ref name=":12">{{Cite book|chapter-url=|title=The Latin New Testament: A Guide to Its Early History, Texts, and Manuscripts|last=Houghton|first=H. A. G.|date=2016|publisher=[[Oxford University Press]]|isbn=9780198744733|pages=132|language=en|chapter=Editions and Resources}}</ref> The full title of the Sixtine Vulgate is: ''Biblia sacra Vulgatae Editionis ad Concilii Tridentini praescriptum emendata et a Sixto V P. M. recognita et approbata''.<ref name=":6">{{Cite book|title=Novum Testamentum Graece|title-link=Novum Testamentum Graece|publisher=[[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]]|others=Chapters: "III. Der kritische Apparat", section 'Die lateinischen Übersetzungen'; and "III. The Critical Apparatus", section 'Latin Versions'|year=2012|editor-last=Aland|editor-first=Kurt|editor-link=Kurt Aland|edition=28th|location=Stuttgart|pages=25, 69|editor-last2=Nestle|editor-first2=Eberhard|editor-link2=Eberhard Nestle}}</ref><ref name="Delville">{{Cite book|chapter-url=|title=Biblia|last=Delville|first=Jean-Pierre|date=2008|publisher=Presses Paris Sorbonne|isbn=9782840505372|editor-last=Gomez-Géraud|editor-first=Marie-Christine|pages=80|language=fr|chapter=L'évolution des Vulgates et la composition de nouvelles versions latines de la Bible au XVIe siècle|author-link=Jean-Pierre Delville}}</ref>
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=== Death of Sixtus V ===
On 27 August 1590 Sixtus V died. After his death, many alleged that the text of the Sixtine Vulgate was "too error-ridden for general use".<ref>{{Cite book|url=|url-access=registration|title=The reformation of the Bible, the Bible of the Reformation|last=Pelikan|first=Jaroslav Jan|date=1996|publisher=[[Yale University Press]]|others=Dallas: Bridwell Library; Internet Archive|location=New Haven|page=[ 98]|chapter=Catalog of Exhibition [Item 1.14]|isbn=9780300066678 |author-link=Jaroslav Pelikan}}</ref> On 5 September of the same year, the [[College of Cardinals]] stopped all further sales of the Sixtine Vulgate and bought and destroyed as many copies as possible{{Efn|"However, this work [the Sixtine Vulgate] was not appreciated by the Congregation of the Cardinals and a week [''sic'', 9 days] after the death of Pope Sixtus V (27 August 1590) they ordered, first, the suspension of the selling of this edition and the destruction of the printed copies shortly thereafter."{{Sfnp|Gerace|2016|p=225}}|name=|group=}} by burning them; the reason invoked for this action was printing inaccuracies in Sixtus V's edition of the Vulgate. [[Bruce M. Metzger|Metzger]] believes that the inaccuracies may have been a pretext and that the attack against this edition had been instigated by the [[Jesuits]], "whom Sixtus had offended [[Disputationes de Controversiis#Almost in the Index|by putting one of Bellarmine's books on the 'Index']],{{Efn|"Bellarmine's intellectual efforts gained him a more central position within the [[Roman Curia]] but he also encountered dangerous setbacks. In 1587 he became a member of the [[Congregation of the Index]] and in 1598 became one of the ''consultores'' of the [[Inquisition]]. Meanwhile, the implications of the doctrine of ''potestas indirecta'' angered Pope Sixtus V, who often opposed the Society of Jesus because he thought the Society's doctrines diminished the authority of the bishop of Rome. In 1589–90 Sixtus moved to put Volume 1 of [[Disputationes de Controversiis|''Controversiae'']] on the Index of Prohibited Books while Bellarmine was in France on a diplomatic mission. However, the Congregation of the Index and, later, the Society of Jesus resisted this. In 1590 Sixtus died, and with him the project of the Sistine Index also died."<ref name=Temporal>{{Cite web|url=|title=On Temporal and Spiritual Authority|last=Bellarmine|first=Robert|year=2012|editor-last=Tutino|editor-first=Stefania|website=Online Library of Liberty|publisher=[[Liberty Fund]]|location=Indianapolis|access-date=2019-10-01}}</ref>|name=|group=}} and took this method of revenging themselves".{{Sfnp|Metzger|1977|pp=348–349}} [[Henri Quentin|Quentin]] suggests that this decision was due to the fact that the [[heretics]] could have used against the Catholic Church the passages of the Bible which Sixtus V had either removed or modified. Bellarmine did not take part in the ban on the Sixtine Vulgate as he was in Paris when Sixtus published the Sixtine Vulgate, and only came back in Rome in November 1590.{{Sfnp|Quentin|1922|pp=190–191|loc="Chapitre septième – Les éditions Sixtine et Clémentine (1590–1592)" [Chapter seven – The Sixtine and Clementine editions (1590–1592)]}}
After Sixtus V's death, [[Robert Bellarmine]] wrote a letter in 1602 to Clement VIII trying to dissuade him from resolving the question of the ''[[Congregatio de Auxiliis|auxiliis divinae gratiae]]'' by himself. In his letter Bellarmine wrote concerning the Sixtine Vulgate: "Your Holiness also knows in what danger Sixtus V put himself and put the whole Church, by trying to correct the Bible according to his own judgment: and for me I really do not know if there has ever been greater danger".<ref>Le Bachalet, Xavier-Marie, ''Bellarmin et la Bible Sixto-Clémentine : Étude et documents inédits'', Paris: Gabriel Beauchesne & Cie, 1911 (in French). The majority of this work is reproduced [ at the bottom of this article] ("ANNEXE 1 – Etude du Révérend Père Le Bachelet (1911)").<br />"Votre Sainteté sait encore dans quel danger Sixte-Quint, de sainte mémoire, se mit lui-même et mit toute l'Eglise, en voulant corriger la Bible d'après son propre jugement, et pour moi je ne sais vraiment pas s'il y eut jamais plus grand danger." <!--"de sainte mémoire" ("of holy memory") is only found here, it is not present in the sources giving the Latin version, nor in the article Le Bachelet later wrote on the DTC (DTC article:></ref><ref>{{Cite book|last=van Ess|first=Leander|url=|title=Pragmatisch-kritische Geschichte der Vulgata im Allgemeinen, und zunächst in Beziehung auf das Trientische Decret. Oder: Ist der Katholik gesetzlich an die Vulgata gebunden?|date=1824|publisher=Ludwig Friedrich Fues|location=Tübingen|pages=290–291|language=de|trans-title=Pragmatico-critical history of the Vulgate in general, and initially in relation to the Decree of Trent. Or: Are Catholics bound by law to the Vulgate?|chapter=𝔊𝔢ſ𝔠𝔥𝔦𝔠𝔥𝔱𝔢 𝔡𝔢𝔯 𝔖𝔦𝔵𝔱𝔦𝔫ſ𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔫 𝔅𝔲𝔩𝔤𝔞𝔱𝔞. §. 22.|trans-chapter=History of the Sixtine Vulgate § 22|quote="Novit beatitudo vestra cui se totamque ecclesiam discrimini commiserit Sixtus V. dum juxta propriae doctrinae sensus sacrorum bibliorum emendationem aggressus est; nec satis scio an gravius unquam periculum occurrerit"}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book|last=Le Blanc|first=Augustino|chapter-url=,+cui+se+totamque+ecclesiam+discrimini+commiserit+sixtus+V.&pg=RA4-PA5|title=Historiae Congregationum De Auxiliis Divinae Gratiae, Sub Summis Pontificibus Clemente VIII. Et Paulo V. Libri Quatuor: Quibus ... confutantur recentiores hujus Historiae Depravatores, maximè verò Autor Libelli Gallicè inscripti, Remonstrance à M. l'Archevêque de Reims, sur son Ordonnnance du 15. Juillet 1697. ...|date=1700|publisher=Denique|location=Leuven|pages=326|language=la|chapter=De auxilis lib. II. Cap. XXVI.|quote=Novit Beatitudo Vestra, cui se totamque eccleſiam discrimini commiſerit Sixtus V. dum juxta propriæ doctrinæ ſenſus, ſacrorum Bibliorum emendationem aggreſſus eſt: nec fatiſcio an gravius unquam periculum occurerit.}}</ref>
=== Recall of the Sixtine Vulgate ===
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After [[Pope Clement VIII|Clement VIII]] had recalled all the copies of the Sixtine Vulgate in 1592,<ref name=":3" /><ref name=":32"/> in November of that year he published a new official version of the Vulgate known as the [[Clementine Vulgate]],{{Sfnp|Metzger|1977|p=349}}<ref name=":8">{{Cite book|url=|url-access=registration|title=The reformation of the Bible, the Bible of the Reformation|last=Pelikan|first=Jaroslav Jan|date=1996|publisher=[[Yale University Press]]|others=Dallas : Bridwell Library ; Internet Archive|location=New Haven|pages=[ 14], 98|chapter=1 : Sacred Philology ; Catalog of Exhibition [Item 1.14]|isbn=9780300066678 |author-link=Jaroslav Pelikan}}</ref> also called the Sixto-Clementine Vulgate.<ref name=":8" />{{Sfnp|Gerace|2016|p=225}} Faced with about six thousand corrections on matters of detail, and a hundred that were important, and wishing to save the honour of Sixtus V, Bellarmine undertook the writing of the preface of this edition. He ascribed all the imperfections of Sixtus' Vulgate to [[Printing press|press]] errors.<ref>{{cite book|last=Bungener|first=Félix|url=|title=History of the Council of Trent|publisher=[[Harper (publisher)|Harper and Brothers]]|year=1855|edition=2nd|location=New York|page=[ 92]}}</ref>{{Efn|1=See also Bellarmine's testimony in his autobiography:
In 1591, [[Gregory XIV]] wondered what to do about the Bible published by Sixtus V, where so many things had been wrongly corrected. There was no lack of serious men who were in favor of a public condemnation. But, in the presence of the [[Sovereign Pontiff]], I demonstrated that this edition should not be prohibited, but only corrected in such a way that, in order to save the honor of Sixtus V, it be republished amended: this would be accomplished by making disappear as soon as possible the unfortunate modifications, and by reprinting under the name of this Pontiff this new version with a preface where it would be explained that, in the first edition, because of the haste that had been brought, some errors were made through the fault either of printers or of other people. This is how I returned good for evil to Pope Sixtus. Sixtus, indeed, because of my thesis on the direct power of the Pope, had put my [[Disputationes de Controversiis|''Controversies'']] on the [[Index of Prohibited Books]] until after correction; but as soon as he died, the [[Sacred Congregation of Rites]] ordered my name to be removed from the Index. My advice pleased Pope Gregory. He created a Congregation to quickly revise the Sistine version and to bring it closer to the vulgates in circulation, in particular [[Leuven Vulgate|that of Leuven]]. [...] After the death of Gregory (XIV) and [[Innocent V|Innocent (V)]], [[Clement VIII]] edited this revised Bible, under the name of Sixtus (V), with the Preface of which I am the author.
{{Cite book|chapter-url=|title=Autobiografia (1613)|last=Bellarmino|first=Roberto Francesco Romolo|date=1999|publisher=Morcelliana|others=Internet Archive|isbn=88-372-1732-3|editor-last=Giustiniani|editor-first=Pasquale|location=Brescia|pages=[ 59–60]|language=it|translator-last=Galeota|translator-first=Gustavo|chapter=Memorie autobiografiche (1613)|chapter-url-access=registration}}<br>(in original Latin: [ ''Vita ven. Roberti cardinalis Bellarmini''], pp. 30–31); (in French [ here], pp. 106–107)|name=|group=}} According to Quentin, "a slight possibility remains that Sixtus V, who we know worked until the last day of his life to purge his Bible of the printing mistakes it contained, had let slip a few words which were heard by his [[wiktionary:familiar#Noun|familiars]], one of whom was Angelo Rocca, giving the impression that he was planning a new edition".{{Sfnp|Quentin|1922|loc=Chapitre septième – Les éditions Sixtine et Clémentine (1590–1592) [Chapter seven – The Sixtine and Clementine editions (1590–1592)]|pp=200–201}}
Scrivener notes that to avoid the appearance of a conflict between the two popes, the Clementine Bible was published under the name of Sixtus, with a preface by Bellarmine. This preface asserted that Sixtus had intended to publish a new edition due to errors that had occurred in the printing of the first, but had been prevented from doing this by his death, and that now, in accordance with his desire, the work was completed by his successor.<ref name=":3" />
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*Notice on the website of the Morgan Library and Museum: [ here]
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