NGOs, NPOs and foundations

Note: If your organization has been left out, please contact us with your website and information.

General information

Giving Wisely A directory of non-profit and philanthropic organizations in Israel. The site is run from the Hebrew University School of Social Work.

A directory of Israeli cultural institutions.

NPOs, NGOs and Foundations

Abraham Fund Initiatives

Adalah The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel

Adva Center Equity and social justice in Israeli society.

Ahada The United Kibbutz Movement educational and cultural institutes.

Arab Center for Alternative Planning (ACAP)

AKIM Association for the Rehabilitation of the Mentally Handicapped

Aleh - The Society of Blind and Dyslexic Students in Israel

ALUT - The Israeli Society for Autistic Children

Alzheimer's Association of Israel

AMCHA The National Israeli Center for Psychosocial Support of Holocaust Survivors and the Second Generation

Amnesty International - Israel Section

Association for Civil Rights in Israel

Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel

Association for Well-being of Israel Soldiers

Beit Issie Shapiro

Bimkom - Planners for Planning Rights

Cat Welfare Society of Israel

Avi Chai Israel

Center for Jewish-Arab Economic Development

Center for Religious Education in Israel

Common Denominator

Council for a Beautiful Israel

Dr. Falk Schlesinger Institute for Medical - Halachic Research at the Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem

Elie Wiesel Foundation

English Speaking Residents Association (ESRA)

The Essence of Life

Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME)

Givat Haviva

Greenpeace Mediterranean

Heschel Center for Environmental Learning and Leadership


The Humanitarian Fund - Kibbutz Movement

Joint Distribution Committee in Israel

Haifa Arts Foundation

Helen Bader Foundation

IDF Disabled Veterans Fund

Institute of Jewish Secular Rites

International Coalition for Missing Israeli Soldiers

IsraAID - The Israel Forum for International Humanitarian Aid

Israel Cancer Association

Israel Democracy Institute

Israeli Environmental Policy Information Center

Israel Film Fund

Israel Free Loan Association

Israeli Forum

Israel Media Watch

Israel Science Foundation

Israeli Society for Science Fiction and Fantasy

Israel Tennis Centers

Israel Union for Environmental Defense

Israel Water Association

Israel Women�s Network

Joseph S. & Caroline Gruss Life Monument Fund for Assistance to IDF Ex-Servicemen

Koret Israel Economic Development Funds (KIEDF)

Latet Israel Humanitarian Aid

Let Animals Live

Maccabi World Union

<Magen David Adom (MDA)

Malkishua Drug Rehabilitation Center

Matan - Your Way to Give

MILBAT - The Israel Center for Technology and Accessibility

Movement for Quality Government in Israel

NATAL - Israel Trauma Center for Victims of Terror and War

New Israel Fund

Nisan Young Women Leaders

Nofit Center for eating disorders

One Voice
An umbrella initiative owned by local groups supported by PeaceWorks Foundation.

Peres Center for Peace


The People�s Voice
A joint Israeli-Palestinian civil initiative

Project Mind Foundation

Sikkuy Association for the Advancement of Civic Equality in Israel

Society for Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI)

Tel Aviv Bicycle Association

SHVIL-Transparency International (TI) Israel
Shvil is the Israeli branch of the international anti-corruption NGO.

Rafael Frankel Foundation

US-Israel Educational Foundation
Founded in 1956 to administer the Fulbright Program between the US and Israel.

Yad Sarah


Fund for Academics in the Humanities and Social Sciences

World Labor Zionist Movement

ZAKA Zihui Koprbanot Ason - Identifaction of Disaster Victims

Updated by Israel's Business Arena - January 2005.

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