


An "associate" of a connected person described in rule 20.07(1), (2) or (3) who is an individual includes:

(a) his spouse; his (or his spouse's) child or step-child, natural or adopted, under the age of 18 years (each an "immediate family member");

(b) the trustees, acting in their capacity as trustees of any trust of which the individual or his immediate family member is a beneficiary or, in the case of a discretionary trust, is (to his knowledge) a discretionary object (other than a trust which is an employees' share scheme or occupational pension scheme established for a wide scope of participants and the connected persons' aggregate interests in the scheme are less than 30%) (the "trustees"); or
(c) a 30%-controlled company held, directly or indirectly, by the individual, his immediate family members and/or the trustees (individually or together), or any of its subsidiaries; or

(a) a person cohabiting with him as a spouse, or his child, step-child, parent, stepparent, brother, step-brother, sister or step-sister (each a "family member"); or

(b) a majority-controlled company held, directly or indirectly, by the family members (individually or together), or held by the family members together with the individual, his immediate family members and/or the trustees, or any of its subsidiaries.