Update CodeCommit Repository

Make changes to the website

Edit the index.html to change the background-color to green

cd ~/environment/nginx-sample/
vim index.html
  <title>Demo Application</title>
<body style="background-color: green;">
  <h1 style="color: white; text-align: center;">
    Demo application - hosted with ECS

Push the code to the CodeCommit repository

git add .
git commit -m "Changed background to green"
git push
  • The code push has triggered the pipeline execution
  • We have three stages in the pipeline
    • Source
      • Pull down the code from the git repository
      • Package the code for the build stage
    • Build
      • Build the Docker image from the code
      • Push to the ECR repository
      • Package the artifacts for the deploy stage
    • Deploy
      • Initiate the blue/green deployment for the ECS service


  • Next we will review the deployment