MAS and Certificate Programs
The Master of Applied Science (MAS) degree and related certificates are fully online, part-time programs designed for working professionals. Programs focus on emergent industry sectors in public health and healthcare that have a need for highly skilled professionals. By building on the strengths of the School, they provide unmatched opportunities for advanced training and focus on both local and global health issues. Students are prepared to create innovative solutions through multidisciplinary approaches that apply the latest scientific knowledge. All MAS programs will culminate in a final Integrative Activity. The goal of this activity is for students to synthesize knowledge and skills obtained through coursework in a final project that demonstrates mastery of program competencies, as applied to real-world public health and healthcare questions. Students can complete their degree program in as little as two years but are allowed up to four years.
The MAS post-baccalaureate certificates are designed to combine the academic excellence of Johns Hopkins with the flexibility of a fully online, part-time program. Students can complete a certificate in as little as one year but have up to three years if needed.
Online Student Experience
What to Expect
Faculty record course lectures in the School’s state-of-the-art recording suite. Each lecture goes through a comprehensive production process involving audio editing, technical writing, medical illustration, and quality assurance. Students are able to download videos, along with audio-only (MP3) and slide-only (PDF) versions, and text transcripts for offline review. This gives a lot of flexibility for students to choose the format that works best for their learning style.
Students, faculty, and teaching assistants interact with one another using a variety of asynchronous tools, including discussion forums, collaborative peer assessments, online document editing, and email. Real-time communication occurs during online office hours and/or LiveTalk sessions via Zoom web conferencing.
Preparing Students for Online Learning
Introduction to Online Learning is a free, mandatory prerequisite for all online courses. It is open to prospective students and designed to give a thorough view of what the online experience on CoursePlus will be like. It also prepares students and faculty for success on the first day of class since everyone is already acclimated to the technology. Introduction to Online Learning will allow students to:
- Ensure all tools and applications are properly installed
- Troubleshoot any component that may not work properly
- Experience the online tools for peer-to-peer and instructor communication
- Become familiar with the coursework structure and learning management system
The course takes between 1-4 hours to complete, depending on the student's skills working online. LiveTalks are online, synchronous learning events that occur in online classes offered via CoursePlus. There is one, optional LiveTalk during each offering of Introduction to Online Learning. The optional session lasts for one hour. In order to complete the requirements for this course, you may either attend the live, optional LiveTalk session or watch the recording of the session once it is posted. Everything is done online. You will not be in a classroom in Baltimore. For details on the course, including assignments and requirements for completion, please see the Syllabus page.
Ready to test-drive online courses at BSPH? Register for this course. Students can take this free course at any point before or during the application process!
Master of Applied Science (MAS) degree programs
- Master of Applied Science in Community-Based Primary Health Care Programs in Global Health
- Master of Applied Science in Humanitarian Health
- Master of Applied Science in Patient Safety and Healthcare Quality
- Master of Applied Science in Population Health Management
- Master of Applied Science in Spatial Analysis for Public Health
Please note: The MAS programs in Community-Based Primary Health Care Programs in Global Health, Global Health Planning and Management, and Humanitarian Health are not open to new students in AY24-25. Current students should follow the program requirements in place at the time of their admission. See program sections for additional information or reach out to the MAS Program Office at [email protected].
- Certificate in Global Health Practice (continuing students only, not open to new students in AY24-25)
- Certificate in Population Health Management
- Certificate in Spatial Analysis for Public Health
The Bloomberg School of Public Health is comprised of over 650 full-time faculty including professors, scientists, lecturers, instructors, and researchers. These renowned experts in the field are shaping public health through teaching, research, and application. Faculty contribute to the MAS degree and certificate programs via course development, teaching, and advising students. Below are a few of the experts students will learn from.
Matthew Austin, PhD
Associate Professor
Email: [email protected]
David Baker, DrPH, MBA
Associate Professor - Adjunct and Program Co-Director, MAS and Certificate programs in Population Health Management
Email: [email protected]
Mark Bittle, DrPH, MBA
Bloomberg Centennial Teaching Professor, and Program Director, MAS and Certificate programs in Population Health Management
Email: [email protected]
William Brieger, DrPH, MPH
Professor and Program Director, MAS and Certificate programs in Global Health
Email: [email protected]
Gilbert Burnham, MD, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Email: [email protected]
Aruna Chandran, MD, MPH
Research Professor
Email: [email protected]
Cheryl Connors, MS
Email: [email protected]
Frank Curriero, PhD
Professor and Program Director, MAS and Certificate programs in Spatial Analysis for Public Health
Email: [email protected]
Shannon Doocy, PhD
Email: [email protected]
Paula Kent, DrPH, MSN, MBA
Email: [email protected]
Julia Kim, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor
Email: [email protected]
Peter Pronovost, MD, PhD
Professor Adjunct
Email: [email protected]
W. Courtland Robinson, PhD
Associate Professor and Program Co-Director, MAS and Certificate programs in Humanitarian Health
Email: [email protected]
Michael Rosen, PhD, MA
Assistant Professor
Email: [email protected]
Tim Shields, MA
Senior Scientist and Program Co-Director, MAS and Certificate programs in Spatial Analysis for Public Health
Email: [email protected]
Paul Spiegel, MD, MPH
Distinguished Professor of the Practice, and Program Co-Director, MAS and Certificate programs in Humanitarian Health
Email: [email protected]
Elizabeth F. Topper, PhD, MEd, MPH
Research Professor and Director, Master of Applied Science (MAS) Programs
Email: [email protected]
Albert Wu, MD, MPH
Professor and Program Director, MAS in Patient Safety and Healthcare Quality
Email: [email protected]