Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Action movie
Production company Studіya «Ch»Kіnostudіya іmenі Oleksandra Dovghenka
Directors Hrihorіy Kohan
Screenwriter Mikola OhanesovHrihorіy Kohan
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksandr Chorniy
Production Designer Hennadіy MahonіnV'yacheslav Yershov
Composers Anatolіy Aleksanyan
Sound Directors Halina Kalashnikova
Film editor Lyudmila Ulicyka
Сostume designer Valentina Horlany
Makeup artists Alla ChuryaTetyana Tatarenko
Executive Producers Vіktor Ciba
Leading actors Lyubov PolіschukAnatolіy KotenievAnatolіy KuznecovStepan OleksenkoOleh ShavarsykiyAnatolіy Luk'yanenkoVіtalіy BorisyukYevhen SmirnovYuriy MazhugaValerіy NakonechniyOleksandr BistrushkіnM. KravchukOleksandr MilyutinHeorhіy MelysykiyYekaterina Krupennikova
Supporting Actors Boris AleksandrovOleksіy AsafatDavid BabayevAnatolіy BіliyV'yacheslav VoronіnOleksandr HebdovsykiyV. HrischenkoOleksіy DronnіkovMihaylo ІhnatovNіna Kolchina-BunyO. KononіrOleksandr KostilevSlava KravchukMargarita KrinitsynaAndrіy MorozV. MarochkіnaDmitro NalivaychukValerіy PanarіnAnatolіy PashnіnYe. RadchenkoV. RudovOleh SirotenkoViktor StepanenkoOleksandr SuhenkoM. FіlatovaOleksandr Chernyavsykiy
Another party of drugs arrives in Istanbul with expensive carpets from Istanbul. Drug workers are closely monitored by Interpol employees, whose goal is to uncover the entire chain of criminal business. But soon it becomes clear that the official information gets to criminals. Some of the police officers are involved in the drug business ...
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