United States - English / 1JPY = 0.0068USD
United States - English / 1JPY = 0.0068USD

Earning DOKODEMO Points

DOKODEMO Points are earned when you purchase items on DOKODEMO.

Pending Points are issued after an order is placed. These Points become Active Points after the order is dispatched.

*Some Limited-Time Points may not be earned from purchasing items.

Pending Points

Points that are scheduled to be awarded are called Pending Points.
Even though they are awarded after an order is placed, they cannot be utilized until the order is dispatched.

Active Points

Points that can be applied as payment are called Active Points.
Please utilize them before they expire; Point details are provided on your Point History Page.

Please Note:

  • DOKODEMO Points are awarded regardless of your payment method.
  • The number of Points earned is based on the price of an item. If the price of an item changes before shipment, you will still receive the number of Points based on the price at the time your order was placed.
  • If there is any fraud or abuse in earning/using DOKODEMO Points, any DOKODEMO Points in your account may be forfeited.
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