Metagenomics is a rapidly emerging field of research for studying microbial communities. To evaluate methods presently used to process metagenomic sequences, we constructed three simulated data sets of varying complexity by combining sequencing reads randomly selected from 113 isolate genomes. These data sets were designed to model real metagenomes in terms of complexity and phylogenetic composition. We assembled sampled reads using three commonly used genome assemblers (Phrap, Arachne and JAZZ), and predicted genes using two popular gene-finding pipelines (fgenesb and CRITICA/GLIMMER). The phylogenetic origins of the assembled contigs were predicted using one sequence similarity–based (blast hit distribution) and two sequence composition–based (PhyloPythia, oligonucleotide frequencies) binning methods. We explored the effects of the simulated community structure and method combinations on the fidelity of each processing step by comparison to the corresponding isolate genomes. The simulated data sets are available online to facilitate standardized benchmarking of tools for metagenomic analysis.
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We thank A. Lykidis and I. Anderson from the Genome Biology Program at DOE-JGI for their feedback and comments on this manuscript. This work was performed under the auspices of the US Department of Energy's Office of Science, Biological and Environmental Research Program, and the University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract number W-7405-Eng-48, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory under contract number DE-AC02-05CH11231 and Los Alamos National Laboratory under contract number W-7405-ENG-36.
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Authors and Affiliations
K.M. and N.I. performed the analysis, K.B., H.S. and E.G. performed assemblies with Phrap, JAZZ and Arachne respectively, A.C.M. performed binning with PhyloPythia, A.S. performed gene predictions with fgenesb and developed and performed binning with BLAST distr, F.K. developed and performed binning with kmer, M.L. performed gene prediction with the GLIMMER/CRITICA pipeline, A.L., I.G., P.R. and I.R. supported the project, P.H. and N.C.K. supported the project and contributed conceptually. K.M., P.H. and N.C.K. wrote the manuscript.
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Supplementary information
Supplementary Fig. 1
Enlarged versions of panels in Figure 1b,c. (PDF 1337 kb)
Supplementary Fig. 2
Relative abundance of Alpha and Gamma proteobacteria as derived from binning results for the simLC and simMC data sets. (PDF 118 kb)
Supplementary Table 1
Organisms used for the simulated data sets. (PDF 79 kb)
Supplementary Table 2
Binning summary for contigs larger than 8 Kb and larger than 10 reads. (PDF 54 kb)
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Mavromatis, K., Ivanova, N., Barry, K. et al. Use of simulated data sets to evaluate the fidelity of metagenomic processing methods. Nat Methods 4, 495–500 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1038/nmeth1043
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/nmeth1043
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