We have listed a number of Knowledgebase articles for your perusal in the following categories. Please check to see if any of these articles address your problem prior to opening a support ticket.
The DC Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU), in partnership with the District Department of Energy & Environment (DOEE) and the DC Green Bank, is offering enhanced technical and financial assistance to owners and managers of qualifying affordable multifamily buildings that do not meet the District’s Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS).
The District’s energy benchmarking law requires all buildings >25,000 ft² to annually track their energy and water efficiency and report the results to DOEE by April 1. Reports are submitted through ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager and publicly disclosed on our building performance map. Reports must be verified every three years by a third-party beginning in 2024.
The Building Energy Performance Standard (BEPS) Program was set forth in Title III of the Clean Energy DC Omnibus Act of 2018. The BEPS was created to help meet the energy and climate goals of the Sustainable DC plan — to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption by 50% by 2032.
Click for more information on the BEPS including helpful resources and frequently asked questions.
DOEE is pleased to announce the release of the Building Owner Portal. This web-based application platform for building owners to view the compliance status of any submitted reports, previous compliance data, and correspondence with DOEE related to the Benchmarking and BEPS Programs. The Building Owner Portal is now open to all Building Owners/Reporters for the District's Benchmarking and BEPS Programs.
The BEPS Compliance and Enforcement Guidebook for Compliance Cycle 1 provides assistance to building owners in understanding the requirements, compliance methods, and enforcement of the BEPS Program for buildings that do not meet the BEPS.
DOEE's building energy performance programs are created by laws of the District of Columbia. The requirements for building owners are laid out in adopted regulations (also known as rulemaking). DOEE publishes both final and draft rules in the DC Register. All relevant laws and regulations have been aggregated in one place for convenience.