Docker Scout release notes

This page contains information about the new features, improvements, known issues, and bug fixes in Docker Scout releases. These release notes cover the Docker Scout platform, including the Dashboard. For CLI release notes, refer to Docker Scout CLI release notes.

Take a look at the Docker Public Roadmap for what's coming next.

Q3 2024

New features and enhancements released in the third quarter of 2024.


In this release, we've changed how custom policies work. Before, custom policies were created by copying an out-of-the-box policy. Now, you can customize policies either by editing the default policy from a policy type which acts as a template. The default policies in Docker Scout are also implemented based on these types.

For more information, refer to policy types.


This release changes how health scores are calculated in Docker Scout. The health score calculation now considers optional and custom policies that you have configured for your organization.

This means that if you have enabled, disabled, or customized any of the default policies, Docker Scout will now take those policies into account when calculating the health score for your organization's images.

If you haven't yet enabled Docker Scout for your organization, the health score calculation will be based on the out-of-the-box policies.


This release changes the out-of-the-box policies to align with the policy configurations used to evaluate Docker Scout health scores.

The default out-of-the-box policies are now:

  • No high-profile vulnerabilities
  • No fixable critical or high vulnerabilities
  • Approved Base Images
  • Default non-root user
  • Supply chain attestations
  • Up-to-Date Base Images
  • No AGPL v3 licenses

The configurations for these policies are now the same as the configurations used to calculate health scores. Previously, the out-of-the-box policies had different configurations than the health score policies.

Q2 2024

New features and enhancements released in the second quarter of 2024.


This release introduces initial support for Exceptions in the Docker Scout Dashboard. Exceptions let you suppress vulnerabilities found in your images (false positives), using VEX documents. Attach VEX documents to images as attestations, or embed them on image filesystems, and Docker Scout will automatically detect and incorporate the VEX statements into the image analysis results.

The new Exceptions page lists all exceptions affecting images in your organization. You can also go to the image view in the Docker Scout Dashboard to see all exceptions that apply to a given image.

For more information, see Manage vulnerability exceptions.


New HTTP endpoint that lets you scrape data from Docker Scout with Prometheus, to create your own vulnerability and policy dashboards with Grafana. For more information, see Docker Scout metrics exporter.

Q1 2024

New features and enhancements released in the first quarter of 2024.


The No high-profile vulnerabilities policy now reports the xz backdoor vulnerability CVE-2024-3094. Any images in your Docker organization containing the version of xz/liblzma with the backdoor will be non-compliant with the No high-profile vulnerabilities policy.


The No fixable critical or high vulnerabilities policy now supports a Fixable vulnerabilities only configuration option, which lets you decide whether or not to only flag vulnerabilities with an available fix version.


The All critical vulnerabilities policy has been removed. The No fixable critical or high vulnerabilities policy provides similar functionality, and will be updated in the future to allow for more extensive customization, making the now-removed All critical vulnerabilities policy redundant.


Azure Container Registry integration graduated from Early Access to General Availability.

For more information and setup instructions, see Integrate Azure Container Registry.


New Approved Base Images policy, which lets you restrict which base images you allow in your builds. You define the allowed base images using a pattern. Base images whose image reference don't match the specified patterns cause the policy to fail.


New Default non-root user policy, which flags images that would run as the root superuser with full system administration privileges by default. Specifying a non-root default user for your images can help strengthen your runtime security.


Beta launch of a new GitHub app for integrating Docker Scout with your source code management, and a remediation feature for helping you improve policy compliance.

Remediation is a new capability for Docker Scout to provide contextual, recommended actions based on policy evaluation results on how you can improve compliance.

The GitHub integration enhances the remediation feature. With the integration enabled, Docker Scout is able to connect analysis results to the source. This additional context about how your images are built is used to generate better, more precise recommendations.

For more information about the types of recommendations that Docker Scout can provide to help you improve policy compliance, see Remediation.

For more information about how to authorize the Docker Scout GitHub app on your source repositories, see Integrate Docker Scout with GitHub.

Q4 2023

New features and enhancements released in the fourth quarter of 2023.


Azure Container Registry integration graduated from Beta to Early Access.

For more information and setup instructions, see Integrate Azure Container Registry.


New SonarQube integration and related policy. SonarQube is an open-source platform for continuous inspection of code quality. This integration lets you add SonarQube's quality gates as a policy evaluation in Docker Scout. Enable the integration, push your images, and see the SonarQube quality gate conditions surfaced in the new SonarQube quality gates passed policy.


Beta release of a new Azure Container Registry (ACR) integration, which lets Docker Scout pull and analyze images in ACR repositories automatically.

To learn more about the integration and how to get started, see Integrate Azure Container Registry.


New configurable policies feature, which enables you to tweak the out-of-the-box policies according to your preferences, or disable them entirely if they don't quite match your needs. Some examples of how you can adapt policies for your organization include:

  • Change the severity-thresholds that vulnerability-related policies use
  • Customize the list of "high-profile vulnerabilities"
  • Add or remove software licenses to flag as "copyleft"

For more information, see Configurable policies.


New Supply chain attestations policy for helping you track whether your images are built with SBOM and provenance attestations. Adding attestations to images is a good first step in improving your supply chain conduct, and is often a prerequisite for doing more.


New No high-profile vulnerabilities policy, which ensures your artifacts are free from a curated list of vulnerabilities widely recognized to be risky.


This marks the General Availability (GA) release of Docker Scout.

The following new features are included in this release:

Policy evaluation

Policy Evaluation is an early access feature that helps you ensure software integrity and track how your artifacts are doing over time. This release ships with four out-of-the-box policies, enabled by default for all organizations.

Policy overview in Dashboard
  • Base images not up-to-date evaluates whether the base images are out of date, and require updating. Up-to-date base images help you ensure that your environments are reliable and secure.
  • Critical and high vulnerabilities with fixes reports if there are vulnerabilities with critical or high severity in your images, and where there's a fix version available that you can upgrade to.
  • All critical vulnerabilities looks out for any vulnerabilities of critical severity found in your images.
  • Packages with AGPLv3, GPLv3 license helps you catch possibly unwanted copyleft licenses used in your images.

You can view and evaluate policy status for images using the Docker Scout Dashboard and the docker scout policy CLI command. For more information, refer to the Policy Evaluation documentation.

Amazon ECR integration

The new Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) integration enables image analysis for images hosted in ECR repositories.

You set up the integration using a pre-configured CloudFormation stack template that bootstraps the necessary AWS resources in your account. Docker Scout automatically analyzes images that you push to your registry, storing only the metadata about the image contents, and not the container images themselves.

The integration offers a straightforward process for adding additional repositories, activating Docker Scout for specific repositories, and removing the integration if needed. To learn more, refer to the Amazon ECR integration documentation.

Sysdig integration

The new Sysdig integration gives you real-time security insights for your Kubernetes runtime environments.

Enabling this integration helps you address and prioritize risks for images used to run your production workloads. It also helps reduce monitoring noise, by automatically excluding vulnerabilities in programs that are never loaded into memory, using VEX documents.

For more information and getting started, see Sysdig integration documentation.

JFrog Artifactory integration

The new JFrog Artifactory integration enables automatic image analysis on Artifactory registries.

Animation of how to integrate Artifactory

The integration involves deploying a Docker Scout Artifactory agent that polls for new images, performs analysis, and uploads results to Docker Scout, all while preserving the integrity of image data. Learn more in the Artifactory integration documentation

Known limitations

  • Image analysis only works for Linux images
  • Docker Scout can't process images larger than 12GB in compressed size
  • Creating an image SBOM (part of image analysis) has a timeout limit of 4 minutes