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- research-articleJuly 1996
Natural niching for evolving cooperative classifiers
An evolutionary classifier, such as a learning classifier system (LCS) or a genetic programming boolean concept learner, must maintain a population of diverse rules that together solve a problem (e.g., classify examples). To maintain "cooperative ...
- research-articleJuly 1996
Classifier system renaissance: new analogies, new directions
Learning classifier systems (LCSs) have existed for nearly twenty years (Holland & Reitman, 1978). Research efforts in reinforcement learning (RL), evolutionary computation (EC), and neural networks have enhanced the original LCS paradigm. New thoughts ...
- research-articleJuly 1996
Three-dimensional shape optimization utilizing a learning classifier system
A methodology to perform generalized zeroth-order two- and three-dimensional shape optimization utilizing a learning classifier system is presented and applied. Specifically, the methodology has the objective of determining the optimal boundary to ...
- research-articleJuly 1996
Discovering patterns in spatial data using evolutionary programming
The problem of unsupervised learning of patterns in spatial data is addressed using evolutionary programming. Hyperbox clusters of two-dimensional data are evolved in light of a minimum description length (MDL) principle. A series of experiments of ...
- research-articleJuly 1996
An extraction method of a car license plate using a distributed genetic algorithm
Extracting a license plate is an important stage in the automatic car identification. It is very difficult because car images are usually degraded and processing the images is computationally intensive.
- research-articleJuly 1996
The use of genetic algorithms in the optimization of competitive neural networks which resolve the stuck vectors problem
We show that for variable rates of mutation and crossover that depend on the global fitness of the population, and selection of reproduction pair that is asymmetric, solutions to problems with stringent constraints are found.
- research-articleJuly 1996
Recognition and reconstruction of visibility graphs using a genetic algorithm
Recognizing and reconstructing simple polygons from their combinatorial visibility graphs remains one of the open problems in computational geometry. Although much work has been completed on restricted versions of the problem, very little is known about ...
- research-articleJuly 1996
Evolving strategies using the nearest-neighbor rule and a genetic algorithm
We propose a method for evolving strategies based on the nearest-neighbor rule. A strategy corresponds to an action selection function which chooses an action depending on the current state of a (reactive) control problem to be solved. Given a set I of ...
- research-articleJuly 1996
A genetic algorithm for the construction of small and highly testable OKFDD-circuits
A Genetic Algorithm (GA) is applied to derive circuits that combine area efficiency and testability. These circuits are obtained from Ordered Kronecker Functional Decision Diagrams (OKFDDs). In "Becker and Drechsler (1995)" a heuristic approach has been ...
- research-articleJuly 1996
Optimizing local area networks using genetic algorithms
This paper describes a genetic algorithm approach to the real-time optimization of a class of Local Area Network (LAN) topologies under measured traffic patterns. This approach consists of two parts: 1) a genetic algorithm approach to optimizing LAN ...
- research-articleJuly 1996
Testing software using order-based genetic algorithms
A major strength of GAs is the ability to search large problem spaces, given a suitable fitness function. The feasibility of exploiting this strength of GAs to find software errors was explored by focusing on software APIs and commands that have ...
- research-articleJuly 1996
On sensor evolution in robotics
In recent years, evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have been successfully used in the design of artificial neural networks for a variety of applications. The suitability of EAs for this design task stems from their ability to adaptively search large spaces ...
- research-articleJuly 1996
Genetic algorithms with analytical solution
We study a class of genetic algorithms (GA) based on a population of chromosomes with mutation and crossover, as well as fitness. The chromosomes in these algorithms also have another property we call "activity" (which determines how fast a chromosome ...
- research-articleJuly 1996
The logic grammars based genetic programming system
Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) and Genetic Programming (GP) are two approaches in program induction. However, they are restricted in the computer languages in which programs can be induced. Generic Genetic Programming (GGP) is a novel, powerful, and ...
- research-articleJuly 1996
Detection of patterns in radiographs using ANN designed and trained with GA
This system explores the union between the hip joint and a prosthesis inserted in the femur. The objective is to make an early detection of the existence of any gapping between prosthesis and bone. To do this, we use an ANN built with a GA, that ...
- research-articleJuly 1996
Recurrences with fixed base cases in genetic programming
A new approach to how to evolve integer recurrences using Genetic Programming (GP) is taken where the recurrences fix their base cases in accordance with the set of test cases instead of evolving them. A number of experiments indicate that this approach ...
- research-articleJuly 1996
Functional languages on linear chromosomes
Ayala & Kiger (1984) document a biological phenomenon in which co-adapted genes migrate and naturally cluster together into structures called supergenes. We have begun research into the implications of the supergene effect on the efficiency of ...
- research-articleJuly 1996
GP-COM: a distributed, component-based genetic programming system in C++
A genetic programming (GP) system is presented that mirrors the conceptual structure of the genetic programming cycle, maximising flexibility and re-use of code. This reduces the effort required to apply GP to a new problem domain.
- research-articleJuly 1996
Genetic programming classification of magnetic resonance data
Genetic programming (GP) is used to classify human brain tumours based on 1H Magnetic Resonance spectra. Good classification was achieved by GP (compared to a neural network). GP classification used simple combinations of variables, corresponding to a ...
- research-articleJuly 1996
Easy inverse kinematics using genetic programming
This paper describes a method for inverse kinematics which uses genetic programming. This method is able to automate low-level motion control, yet still give animators control over the visual qualities of their work. The main advantage of this method is ...