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- ArticleSeptember 2003
An Analogy-Based Approach for Predicting Design Stability of Java Classes
Predicting stability in object-oriented (OO) software, i.e., the ease with which a software item evolves while preserving its design, is a key feature for software maintenance. In fact, a well designed OO software must be able to evolve without ...
- ArticleSeptember 2003
Building UML Class Diagram Maintainability Prediction Models Based on Early Metrics
The fact that the usage of metrics in the analysis and design of object oriented (OO) software can help designers make better decisions is gaining relevance in software measurement arena. Moreover, the necessity of having early indicators of external ...
- ArticleSeptember 2003
Portfolio Management Method for Deadline Planning
We introduce a portfolio management method that uses effort estimates to build sets of feasible deadlines for software projects at the bidding stage. Effort estimates can involve considerable error, and this must be taken into account when selecting ...
- ArticleSeptember 2003
Early Web Size Measures and Effort Prediction for Web Costimation
Size measures for Web costimation proposed in the literature are invariably related to implemented Web applications. Even when targeted at measuring functionality based on function point analysis, researchers only considered the final Web application, ...
- ArticleSeptember 2003
Dealing with Missing Software Project Data
Whilst there is a general consensus that quantitative approaches are an important part of successful software project management, there has been relatively little research into many of the obstacles to data collection and analysis in the real world. One ...
- ArticleSeptember 2003
Analyzing the Cost and Benefit of Pair Programming
We use a combination of metrics to understand, model, and evaluate the impact of Pair Programming on software development. Pair Programming is a core technique in the hot process paradigm of Extreme Programming. At the expense of increased personnel ...
- ArticleSeptember 2003
Assessing the Maintainability Benefits of Design Restructuring Using Dependency Analysis
Software developers and project managers often have to assess the quality of software design. A commonly adopted hypothesis is that a good design should cost less to maintain than a poor design. In this paper, we propose a model for quantifying the ...
- ArticleSeptember 2003
Using Service Utilization Metrics to Assess the Structure of Product Line Architectures
Metrics have long been used to measure and evaluate software products and processes. Many metrics have been developed that have lead to different degrees of success. Software architecture is a discipline in which few metrics have been applied, a ...
- ArticleSeptember 2003
Learning Early Lifecycle IV&V Quality Indicators
Traditional methods of generating quality code indicators (e.g. linear regression, decision tree induction) can be demonstrated to be inappropriate for IV&V purposes. IV&V is a unique aspect of the software lifecycle, and different methods are necessary ...
- ArticleSeptember 2003
A Metrics Suite for Measuring Reusability of Software Components
In component-based software development, it is necessary to measure the reusability of components in order to realize the reuse of components effectively. There are some product metrics for measuring the reusability of Object-Oriented software. However, ...
- ArticleSeptember 2003
Defining and Validating Metrics for Navigational Models
Nowadays, several approaches for developing web applications have been proposed in the literature. Most of them extend existing object-oriented conceptual modeling methods, incorporating new constructors in order to model the navigational structure and ...
- ArticleSeptember 2003
Issues in Using Students in Empirical Studies in Software Engineering Education
Several empirical studies have been carried out with college students as subjects in the last few years. Researchers often use these studies to pilot experiments before they are carried out in industrial environments. Reports on these studies usually ...
- ArticleSeptember 2003
Metrology, Measurement and Metrics in Software Engineering
Up until recently software 'metrics' have been most often proposed as the quantitative tools of choice in software engineering, and the analysis of these had been most often discussed from the perspective referred to as measurement theory'. However, in ...
- ArticleSeptember 2003
Using Prior-Phase Effort Records for Re-estimation During Software Projects
Estimating the effort required for software process activities continues to present difficulties for software engineers, particularly given the uncertainty and subjectivity associated with the many factors that can influence effort. It is therefore ...
- ArticleSeptember 2003
An Experimental Process Metrics Support Environment and a Cross-Organizational Study on its Acceptance by Practitioners
Measurement programs are key to learning about the effectiveness of software engineering methods. However the potential impact of measurement on the practice of industrial software development has not yet been fully exploited. In this paper, social ...
- ArticleSeptember 2003
Goal-Oriented Assessment of Product-Line Domains
Software product-line engineering is a method for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of software development. Introducing such a method into an industrial software development environment is potentially of great benefit, but one cannot afford to ...
- ArticleSeptember 2003
Metrics for Managing Customer View of Software Quality
Traditional software metrics, such as code coverage, McCabe complexity, etc. address the needs of a software engineer. In contrast, managers of software development organizations face a broader set of issues. For example, an executive responsible for ...