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- ArticleOctober 2003
Autocalibration Algorithm for Ultrasonic Location Systems
As mobile and wearable technology has evolved, an increasingneed for indoor positioning has arisen. In particular,the use of ultrasonics provides a cheap way to fulfil thisneed. However, current ultrasonic location systems have tobe calibrated manually ...
- ArticleOctober 2003
Unsupervised, Dynamic Identification of Physiological and Activity Context in Wearable Computing
Context-aware computing describes the situationwhere a wearable / mobile computer is aware of itsuser's state and surroundings and modifies its behaviorbased on this information. We designed, implemented andevaluated a wearable system which can ...
- ArticleOctober 2003
Bioimpedance Measurement System for Smart Clothing
Bioimpedance of a human body produces a great dealof information about the changes of the body duringdifferent kinds of activities. According to the measuredimpedance for example the amount of water in the bodycan be derived. This kind of information ...
- ArticleOctober 2003
Runtime Support for a Dynamically Composable and Adaptive Wearable System
We present a versatile personal system comprisingwearable and portable devices communicating via short-rangeradio. The system can be composed in an ad-hocfashion, by bringing individual devices in proximity witheach other. As a consequence it is ...
- ArticleOctober 2003
SoundButton: Design of a Low Power Wearable Audio Classification System
The paper deals with the design of a sound recognitionsystem focused on an ultra low power hardware implementationin a button like miniature form factor. We present theresults of the first design phase focused on selection andexperimental evaluation of ...
- ArticleOctober 2003
Kinetic Energy Powered Computing—an Experimental Feasibility Study
Kinetic energy is an attractive energy source for lowpower wearable systems. Several kinetic energy micro generatorshave already been modeled and fabricated. However,they have not been evaluated in the context of typicalwearable computing scenarios. ...
- ArticleOctober 2003
First Steps Towards Handheld Augmented Reality
In this paper we describe the first stand-alone AugmentedReality (AR) system with self-tracking running on anunmodified personal digital assistant (PDA) with acommercial camera. The project exploits the readyavailability of consumer devices with a ...
- ArticleOctober 2003
A Wearable Augmented Reality System Using Positioning Infrastructures and a Pedometer
This paper describes a wearable augmented reality systemusing positioning infrastructures and a pedometer. Torealize augmented reality systems, the position and orientationof user's viewpoint should be obtained in real time. Theproposed system measures ...
- ArticleOctober 2003
Authoring 3D Hypermedia for Wearable Augmented and Virtual Reality
Most existing authoring systems for wearable augmentedand virtual reality experiences concentrate oncreating separate media objects and embedding themwithin the user's surroundings. In contrast, designingnarrative multimedia experiences for such ...
- ArticleOctober 2003
The Memory Glasses: Subliminal vs. Overt Memory Support with Imperfect Information
Wearables are frequently designed to support users engagedin complex "real world" activities, ranging from foodinspection to ground combat. Unfortunately, wearablesalso have the potential to interfere with the very tasks theyare designed to support, ...
- ArticleOctober 2003
Layered Annotations of Digital Images for Data Collection in the Field
This paper presents the development and initial usertrial of a wearable computer for collecting andannotating images for field-working applications. Theapplication is based upon the need for fieldarchaeologists to collect accurate records of finds,...
- ArticleOctober 2003
A Wearable Networked MP3 Player and "Turntable" for Collaborative Scratching
We present a new type of wearable musical instrumentcalled the DJammer. The DJammer brings turntable likecreative functionality to the MP3 world while offering acollaborative platform for sharing the creative processover the network. It not only ...
- ArticleOctober 2003
Sonic City: Prototyping a Wearable Experience
Sonic City is a project exploring mobile interactionand wearable technology for everyday music creation.Awearable system has been developed that createselectronic music in real-time based on sensing bodily andenvironmental factors - thus, a personal ...
- ArticleOctober 2003
Context-Aware Notification for Wearable Computing
In this paper we propose to use context information obtainedfrom body-worn sensors to mediate notifications fora wearable computer. In particular we introduce a modelwhich uses two axes, namely personal and social interruptabilityof the user in order to ...
- ArticleOctober 2003
Shoes as a Platform for Vision
We explore the use of a shoe-mounted camera as a sensorysystem for wearable computing. We demonstrate toolsuseful for gait analysis, obstacle detection, and contextrecognition. Using only visual information, we detect periodsof stability and motion ...
- ArticleOctober 2003
Sensing and Modeling Human Networks using the Sociometer
Knowledge of how people interact is important in manydisciplines, e.g. organizational behavior, social networkanalysis, information diffusion and knowledge managementapplications. We are developing methods to automaticallyand unobtrusively learn the ...